Read Love Begins with Fate Online

Authors: Lindsey Owens

Love Begins with Fate (27 page)

Olivia huffed, “Just forget it.”

“Sorry.” Kelsey muttered as she walked through the cafeteria doors.

“There’s my pretty girl.” Parker beamed as he wrapped his arms around her. Kelsey smiled up at him until she heard a light ‘ahem’ from beside her.

She turned her head to Olivia and shrugged. “What the heck? I’m so lost.” Olivia scoffed.

“Oh poor Olive, I’ll fill you in.” Parker smiled. “This is my fiancée, Kelsey.”

“Huh?” Olivia pouted,
“No way.”

Kelsey nodded slightly “yep.”

Parker pulled Kelsey with him to the table “See you later Olive.” He called as Kelsey waved.

“Hey guys.” Kelsey said approaching the table.

“Finally he’s got his play toy. He’s been driving us crazy.” Tyler laughed.

“She’s not a play toy.”
Parker growled. Everyone around the table laughed as Kelsey blushed and looked down at her feet. “We’re engaged.” Parker told them.

That shut them up. The entire table filled with the
Parker’s group of friends snapped their attention over to Ryder and back to Parker. It was silent until one person finally burst out “Man! How did you pull that off?”

Kelsey looked up confused. “Huh?” She murmured. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I told them to leave you alone. Parker just didn’t listen.” Ryder shrugged. “Hey he’s my best friend. He’ll be a great brother-in-law too.” Ryder smiled softly. Hannah grinned and pressed a kiss to Ryder’s cheek.

“Such a cute couple,
” Maggie cooed. “Both of you are such great catches.”

Everyone had enjoyed making
Parker and Kelsey blush. Parker had pulled Kelsey into his lap and held her while they ate lunch. He loved this. He loved the opportunity to touch her skin, hold her hand, and kiss his girl.

When lunch had ended they reluctantly said their goodbyes but were soon reunited when it was time for gym class.

“Okay class, today I have set up for us to do a very unique set of drills. I was once in the military and I always found it fun and challenging to try out the obstacle course. When I have done this in past years the students really seemed to like it. So, I would like teams of two.” The teacher explained.

looked over at Kelsey and made his way toward her. “I’ll take Kelsey on my team.” Tyler barked out, the teacher began to right the name of the group down when Parker snapped back.

“I don’t think so, Kelsey’s on my team. Tyler
, you can go be with Steph, look at the poor girl. She’s been eyeing you all semester.” Parker rolled his eyes and then continued to Kelsey.

“No, no, no…” Reese said stepping forward and placing a hand on
Parker’s chest. “I think I’ll be her partner today if that’s alright with her…” Reese turned his attention toward Kelsey and she paled.

“Excuse me?!”
Parker growled as he pushed Reese away.

“Dude her brother said none of you can date her anyway…” Reese smirked as he continued toward Kelsey.

Kelsey backed away, the look he was giving her was downright nerve racking. She turned her eyes up to Parker. “Parker …” She said slowly.

“She’s my
fiancée!” Parker growled out, making Reese snap his attention back to Parker. “She’s not going to be on your team so back off.”

way!” Reese barked in a gruff strange laughter. Taking another step toward Kelsey he grinned at her. “Come on cupcake we’ll go talk to the coach.”

gripped Reese’s shoulder and whipped him around as his fist came up and clobbered Reese at the same time. “I said back off.” Parker snapped down to the boy who was now lying on the floor. He went to step over him toward Kelsey and Reese grabbed Parker’s feet pulling him down.

That started it. The two were rolling around and punching each other. Kelsey was screaming at them and a crowd began to gather around them. “Hey hey break it up.” The teacher called as he stepped inside the group. Ivan reached down and pulled
Parker out of the mix, who easily stepped back. But nobody had grabbed hold of Reese. So he pushed himself up and launched himself at Parker starting another fight.

“That’s enough!” The teacher barked as he pushed Reese back. “Change of plans.
Parker; you, Ivan, and half of the class go outside and we will switch off when the first group is done running the course. The other half of you take; Reese here and go inside. Brandon… you get to be in charge of the group inside, play a game or something, non violent.” The teacher shook his head and groaned. “Three more weeks of this crap, and I’ll get the summer off.”

looped an arm around Kelsey protectively and pulled her with him outside. Once outside the teacher looked at the groups. There were seven of them. “Okay kids, this is how it works. You both will be tied to each other with one hand and one foot. Then when I say go, you will go together through the course. The winner of that set will go against the next set and so on until we find a winner. The winner will be given a special treat at the end of class.”

The teacher held up a rope like thing and handed two out to each group. It was similar to a three legged race in a way.
Parker grinned down at Kelsey as he slowly looped the contraption around his foot and then Kelsey’s. She watched as he then looped the next one around his wrist and then grabbed her hand and pushed it over her hand. “Hold my hand it’ll be easier.” He said gripping on to her fingers.

Once the groups had line up two against two. The whistle blew and the two groups raced off. Kelsey and
Parker were first against Ivan and Jo. Kelsey and Parker dropped to the ground and squirmed their way beneath the makeshift covering.

They were the first
group through. Next was a wall, which had been constructed. Parker turned to Kelsey and without one word hoisted her up. She let her hand dangle down and when Parker jumped up she tried her best to pull him to the top. Ivan and Jo had now exited the crawling section but being as big as Jo was it had taken them a while.

Kelsey chuckled to herself slightly as they rolled together down the netting and on to the next section of the course. The
obstacle course was quite fun and interesting new event in the gym class. It was going to be the whole week long event for the class, which was amazing.

Kelsey and
Parker finished off strong, well ahead of Jo and Ivan. In the end Parker pulled the ankle rope off their feet and left the one around their wrists. Pulling Kelsey close he whispered “this could be a fun thing to leave on…”

Kelsey blushed and giggled as she turned away from him and watched the next team
begin. Parker undid the strap and dropped it into the box the teacher had sitting out. They sat together on the field watching as team after team ran the event until the class was finished for the day.

The next day they would compete against the next team and so on through the week. Once class was over the couple parted ways and went to change, then headed out to
Parker’s car. “Hey Kels, Parker” Ryder called as he approached them.

Kelsey turned quickly and smiled. Running up to her brother
, she flew her arms around him. “Hey Ry” She beamed. “So how are you and Hannah doing?” She grinned.

Ryder blushed and looked away. Moments later Hannah came bouncing up to them and wrapped her arms around Kelsey. “I’m so glad you two are together. You make the cutest couple… besides
Ryry and me.” She cooed as she pushed herself up on her toes and planted a kiss on Ryder’s cheek.

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his side, looking back at Kelsey cautiously. She smiled. “Well, what are you
doing tonight?” She asked. “Has dad been home?”

“Well actually, I was going to ask you to come home for dinner. Dad’s going to be home tonight and he wanted to speak with

Kelsey whimpered and looked over at
Parker. He simply shrugged and offered her a gentle assuring smile. “We’d love to.” He told them. “We’ll follow you home if that’s alright?”

Ryder nodded and turned toward the parking lot to go after his own car. He tugged Hannah along with him and together they drove off.
Parker held open the door to his own car and Kelsey climbed inside. When he got in he smiled over at her, mischievously “so what do you think he wants to talk about?”

knew the answer. Erik, Kelsey’s father, had stayed long enough to hear the news and even to congratulate the happy couple at the birthday dinner but he had to leave soon after. He didn’t really get to talk with either of them.

Kelsey playfully hit
Parker’s arm. “Don’t start.” She muttered. “I’m nervous enough.”

He pouted faking hurt “don’t hit the driver.”

“You started it, big baby.” She sighed.

“And who’s being the baby?”
Parker smirked. Kelsey was squished into the seat and had a set of big pouty lips. She wanted to see her father, but she didn’t want his talk.

She glared at him. “Don’t whine to me, when my dad begins to threaten you with his talk…” She drawled.

“Don’t worry love.” Parker reached over and patted her thigh before enclosing his hand around hers. “You’ll be fine.”





Chapter 45



When Parker and Kelsey arrived at her father’s house they went off into the kitchen to help Ryder and Hannah with dinner. Apparently, Ryder was planning a big dinner and had a lot to make before their father arrived home at six.

“Can you make the desert
Kels?” Ryder asked.

Kelsey cocked her head to the side questioningly. “What kind of dessert?” she asked slowly.

“Oh you know strawberry fluff and brownies… we’ll have whichever someone wants, you know offer a choice between a caramel brownie sundae and the fluff…” He answered her not looking back toward his sister.

“You didn’t!” She hissed.
Parker looked toward Kelsey anxiously and walked closer wrapping his arm around her trying to calm her down.

“What’s the matter love?” He whispered.

“I don’t know what you’re referring too.” Ryder shrugged nonchalantly.

“Oh you do!” She snapped as she stalked toward him. “You invited the family!” She hissed.

“I didn’t invite anyone Kels. It’s just dad and us.” Kelsey’s brows knit together and she glared at her brother. She knew and he enjoyed it.

Gawh!” Kelsey growled “Fine! I’ll make the damned fluff.” She hissed as she stomped toward the fridge. It was not a common thing for her small group; Erik, Kelsey, Ryder, Parker, and Hannah, to have two desserts. It was even more uncommon for them to have the yummy strawberry fluff which she was now scrounging through the fridge for ingredients too.

Her father wouldn’t eat it and neither would Ryder. She on the other hand loved it so they never bought the stuff for her to make it unless there was company coming… family company. “Who is all
coming?” She questioned sternly.

“He just said it was just us,
Kels.” Parker told her gently.

“Don’t side with him.” Kelsey growled. “I know what is going down. Ryder knows I know too… He knows I wouldn’t agree to come if they were all invited.”

Parker shut his mouth and continued his work at chopping up onions for Ryder. He didn’t want to interfere with sibling issues if he didn’t have to. Ryder sighed knowing his game was over, “You’re no fun you know that? Grandpa and Grandma on dad’s side, uncles, aunts and cousins,” He shrugged. “I was just told to get you here. They are bringing some food as well, so we don’t have to make so much. Probably twenty people or so…” Ryder finished.

It was yes a school night but that never really mattered much to the family. They got
together whenever everyone could since Erik and his twin brother Ben both worked a lot. “They wanted to meet your fiancé and see if he’s worthy of the family I guess.”

stiffened and looked back at Ryder then down at himself. He hadn’t planned on meeting one whole side of Kelsey’s family right after school. He would have gone home and changed first. “Don’t worry you look just fine.” Kelsey said softly. She seemed more worried about finishing up her dessert at the moment than what Parker was concerned with. She had finally dumped all the ingredients into the bowl and was whipping it together as they spoke.

Once she was finished she moved on to the brownies. “When I get this in the oven can I trust you two to take it out right away when the buzzer goes off?” She questioned as she glared at Ryder and Hannah. Ryder had been known to ignore her oven desserts and ruin them.

“On it,” Hannah smiled. “Go on…”

“Thanks.” Kelsey nodded and grabbed hold of
Parker’s hand and tugged him away from the counter. He had moved on to cutting the next item that Ryder had offered him and protested long enough to put down his knife.

“Where are we going?” He said as he trotted up to Kelsey’s side avoiding being dragged.

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