Love After Marriage (Forever After #2) (11 page)

"You need to shower," I said through muffled kisses. I pulled back and peered up at him. "And since you're taking my lead, I think I need to join you."

"You sure it's okay? You know with the baby and all?" His gruff voice vibrated against my lips.

I pressed my softness against his hard body. "It's more than okay. With all these pregnancy hormones, you don't understand how horny I am. I'm about to combust here."

He lifted me in one swoop, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I'm not about to argue with you." A devilish glint hit his eyes. "Especially since you're pregnant."

"Yes," I said, pulling at the tips of his hair. "That's right."

* * *

he alarm clock
blazed loudly in my ears, awaking me from my deep slumber. When I shifted to hit snooze, it was already off. My eyes opened, and I took in the most handsome male in the universe—my husband.

"Hi," I pulled the covers closer to my chin and tried to dim my morning breath that could wake the dead.

He propped his head up with his hand as he stared lovingly in my direction. "Hey."

Seriously, I was married to a male model. Pieces of hair stood in disarray, but he still looked charmingly beautiful.

"How long have you been up?" I croaked out. My morning breath wafted up my nostrils. Not cool.

"I don't know. Thirty minutes or so. I couldn't sleep with all that snoring." He pulled the covers from my grasp.

I scrunched my nose. "Whatever!" Last night had been the best sleep I'd had in what seemed like ages. I knew it had to be a number of factors, including being in my own bed. But the most important factor was that Kent was right next to me.

My arms reached to the ceiling in the most satisfying stretch. Every muscle hurt from exhaustion from our sexcapade last night, another factor that contributed to my remarkable slumber.

Kent's stare didn't waver from my face.

"What are you looking at?" I pulled the covers up to my chin. "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" His voice was tinged with humor as he angled closer. "Like I want to eat you for breakfast?"

"Yeah. That too. But just stop. Sorry I'm not as beautiful as you in the morning."

He pulled the covers toward him, exposing me. In the next second, I was in his arms. "You don't see yourself too clearly, do you? You never have. I'm looking at you because I'm thinking two things." He framed my face with his hands, brushing my wild hair away from my face. "I've been thinking how much I've missed you." He pecked my lips sweetly. "And that, of all is the day we should call in sick. We have a lot of catching up to do." He bent down and kissed me harder, flicking his tongue over my lips, beckoning me to open, which I did.

He moved me to straddle him as our tongues collided together. A moan escaped me as I angled closer, wrapping my hands around his neck, my fingers threading through his silky locks. The alarm clock rang loudly in the background, yet he didn't relent. If anything, his kisses grew hungrier, which sent my body into overdrive.

"Kent...." I pulled back and shifted off of him to silence the blaring in the background. "We're going to be late.”

"No," he whined, tugging at my waist, but I didn't let up.

My self-control was shot, and if we kept at it, I doubted my ability to fight his advances.

When he reached for my waist, I jumped off the bed.

"Hey, I wasn't done with you."

"Seriously, babe, we're going to be late." I lifted my shirt and tossed it to the side. Next came my shorts, which I chucked at his head.

He let out a low laugh as his eyes darkened, desire pooling in his chestnut irises.

I smirked at him. "I think we should shower together to save time." I shimmied toward the bathroom and didn't have to turn around to know that Kent was right behind me.

Chapter 10


One hand held my coffee cup steady on my lap, while my other hand was intertwined with Kent's warm fingers as he drove us to work. I missed this, the normality of our life. Heat radiated in my chest, and I thanked the heavens above for our regular routine. Who knew I would crave our predictable daily life?

"I've been thinking," he said, eyes focused on the road.

"Oh, I know what you've been thinking." I smiled coyly at him. "Your thoughts are usually on one thing."

"That's not true." He shook our hands lightly. The seriousness in his tone had cooled off the warm fuzzy feeling. "I've been thinking that I need to talk to Jason."

The color drained from my face and my heart rate picked up in speed. Was I naïve to believe that Kent could put the unwanted kiss behind us?

"To tell him what?" My muscles tense at the thought of the kind of conversation they would have. "I really don't think that's a good idea." When the car stopped at a red light, I shifted to face him directly. "You know, I didn't initiate anything with him, right? You believe me, don't you?"

"Of course I do, which is exactly why I wanted to talk to that asshole."

"No, that's exactly the point,” I reiterated. “You believe me. I did nothing wrong, so there's no need to talk to him." My pulse quickened as the light turned green, the drive bringing us closer to the office.

The muscle in his jaw jumped as his eyes focused on the road in front of us. Anxiety rose within me because, in less than five minutes, we'd be out of the car and at Plack Industries. If I wanted to keep my personal life and work life separate, I had to stop the train wreck I foresaw. If Kent confronted Jason, there was no doubt in my mind what would happen—WWE in the office, only live. I couldn't have that.

"You have to trust me," I insisted. My eyes set firmly on his.

"I do." The tightness in his stare caused my hands to sweat profusely. One curt nod, and I knew he had already made up his mind. "I'm the one who has to talk to him. To set that jerk straight. To squash all hopes of getting you back."

When the car turned into our reserved parking spot, my pulse skyrocketed, like a beating drum to a rock song. He shifted the car into park, and I reached for his hand, gripping it hard so I had his full attention. "Please, Kent. You need to let me handle this. He shocked me last time. I had no idea that he was going to do that. I'm never going to let him get that close again. Never, ever."

"That's right because he's never going to get that close again.” The tightness in his expression frightened me. “He's fired."

My eyebrows jumped to the roof of the car as I stared at him in shock. "You know you can't do that. You'd have a lawsuit on your hands." I intertwined our fingers, bringing them to my lips. "I love you and only you, and if you love me...." Yes, I threw out the If-you-love-me card. "Then you'll let me set him straight."

He let out a jagged breath as his eyebrows pulled together. "He still has feelings for you."

"It doesn't matter. I feel nothing for him. Nothing." I emphasized my point by angling closer so he could feel the warmth of my body.

"What if he...." He opened his eyes and gave me a sad stare. "What if he convinces you?"

"Seriously? Of what? To leave you?"

"No, not that." He ran one shaky hand through his hair.

"Then what?"

"That he's a better man. For you...." His breathing labored. "A better man in general."

Suddenly, all his insecurities were laying out in front of me. It was crazy how he could be cocky and confident when it came to most things in life, but when it came to me, all his confidence was thrown out the window.

I gave my head an emphatic shake. "That's never going to happen."

His face told me he wasn't convinced.

"I'm going to only love you, forever and ever. Amen. I made vows. That day under the blue summer sky, when we exchanged our vows, I gave myself to you completely and I meant every single word. You just have to trust me."

He nodded. "I do. It's him I don't trust. I hate that you were ever with him. I hate that he was your first."

I gripped his hand tightly in mine and met his stare straight on to squash his insecurities. "It doesn't matter that he was my first love, because you—you're my forever love."

His eyes fell shut, and he blew out a breath, resting his forehead on mine. I reveled in the silence and his closeness.

"Let me talk to him, okay? Just let me handle this. Please." I needed to talk to Jason by myself and curb any more drama.

He pulled back, eyes hard. "Fine, but if he tries it again, I'm going to punch him in the face. And it won't matter where we are. Office or not, I'll give him a good beat down."

I nodded, satisfied. I’d never let it escalate to that point. "Thanks, babe."

When he bent down to kiss me, I held him against me a little longer. I only hoped he would go through with his word because I had a few things to say to Jason.

We exited the car and strolled to the office together, hand in hand. I could sense the tension in Kent's stance the closer we came to the doors. I could only imagine how I would’ve felt if the roles were reversed. Kent got looks everywhere we went, but if someone had actually made a pass and kissed him, there would have been bloodshed—Game of Thrones style.

We entered the building and, right before we split to go our separate ways, Kent’s hand flew to the middle of my back and pulled me in. He kissed me long and hard, in the middle of the office. This time I let him. He was trying to prove a point, stake his claim. For once, I allowed it.

I was the first to pull away. We were both a little breathless and a lot dazed from that unbelievable kiss.

"See you at lunch, baby," he said. With one last peck, he nodded and turned toward his office.

"Good Morning, Beth." Amy greeted me with her signature smile. Her mid-length blonde hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. Amy was in her early twenties. Tall and beautiful. she was always dressed professional. She had interned with Plack Industries since high school and in the evenings she attended evening culinary classes.

"Good Morning!" I strolled into my office and she trailed behind me, giving me a rundown of all my meetings for the day.

“So how was your weekend?” I asked after she placed a hard copy of my meeting schedule at the edge of my desk.

"Non-eventful. You received a couple of messages from Jason late Friday afternoon. He said to call him back because it was an emergency. You didn't come back to the office, so I didn't get a chance to tell you."

"It's fine. And thank you for letting me know." Anxiety rose within me as I sat in my chair. After booting up my computer, I released a long breath. My shoulders tensed as I pictured a conversation I didn't want to have.

After Jason's kiss, I had wanted nothing to do with him. Sad as it seemed, my husband and my baby were my priority. Jason and I could have remained friends before that kiss, but not anymore. Not after knowing he wanted more from me than I could give him.

I swiveled in my chair, gripping the arms in a vice. I couldn't work the whole day with all this tension in my chest.

I needed to get this over with.

I picked up the phone and dialed his number. When the call went to voicemail, the tightness in my shoulders released. It was easier talking to his voicemail than to him live. "Jason, hey, it's me. We need to talk, so when you're free I'd appreciate it if you gave me a call. Thanks." Short, brief and to the point. My voice was devoid of any emotion.

After I dropped the phone, I let out a long sigh and focused on my computer screen. My knees bounced under my desk. After a beat, I straightened in my seat and forced myself to concentrate on something other than the pending conversation I didn't want to have. So, I busied myself with work.

Hours ticked by and I, in total concentration mode, didn’t notice Jason standing at my door. My heart jumped up my throat when I glanced up from my screen. “Hey,” I blinked.

His gaze dropped to the floor, a little sheepish. "Hey."

"Do you want to take a walk?" I didn't want to have this discussion in front of an audience. There was no need to add to the gossip circle at Plack Industries. I'd already added my share to the rumor mill lately.

"Yeah, sure." He shoved his hands in the pocket of his pants, averting his eyes.

I grabbed my jacket, and he sidestepped to let me pass. "I'll be back," I called out to Amy.

When the chilly wind hit my skin, I pulled the lapels of my jacket shut. Jason shuffled besides me, dragging his feet down the street in silence. After a couple of blocks, and when Plack Industries was no longer in sight, I stopped at a bench and sat down. Having this conversation outside only reminded me of a few days ago when we had been at the restaurant. There was not going to be another repeat, and this needed to end quickly.

"Jason, about the other day..."

He cut me off mid-sentence. "Listen, Beth, I'm sorry."

I threw up my hands in the air, turning to face him. "You should be. You were totally out of line. I'm a married woman."

He clenched his jaw. "I noticed you didn't say happily married."

I reeled back at his tone. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm very happily married. Marriage isn't easy, which is something that you don't know about because you're not married." I jutted out my lip, eyes firm. "You know nothing about my relationship. Nothing at all."

He flinched as though I’d slapped him in the face, but I didn't care. My defenses were up, and he was in the wrong in so many ways.

"Don't make it seem like you know me. We knew each other in high school, when we were kids. I'm a different person now, and you know nothing about me or my marriage." I spat out the words like bullets firing from a machine gun.

I sucked in my cheeks, ready for another round of words, when a sharp pain emanated from my stomach.

"You're right, I don't know what your marriage is like. And maybe..." His muscle jumped in his jaw. "Maybe it was wishful thinking. I saw something that was clearly not there, or we wouldn't be having this conversation."

I gripped my stomach as another wave hit me. Peering down at my stomach, the most dreadful premonition came over me.

Jason went on, clearly not noticing my distress. "And I just want to say, I'm sorry. It was impulsive, and I read into signs that I wanted to believe were true."

I crumpled forward, feeling heat form behind my eyes as another, stronger cramp overtook my lower abdomen. Sweat formed at my brow, and all my instincts screamed that something was wrong.

"Beth?" He lifted his hand as though he was going to touch my shoulder, but in the next second dropped his hand to his side.

Tears prickled my eyes as another spasm spread through my stomach, stretching to my back. "Something's wrong." I pleaded with God and with Nana and with all the forces that be.
Please let my baby be okay.

Please, please, please, don't let this be happening. Not now, when I just got Kent back.

He stood automatically, his shoulders taut and concern passing his features. "Do you need to go to the doctor?"

I nodded, unable to breathe, unable to think, unable to function or do anything. I sat stoic in my spot, paralyzed with fear. "Something's wrong with Em."


"My baby."

His eyes widened with my revelation. "What?"

Warm tears trailed down my cheeks, a large contrast to the coldness spreading through my veins. "I'm pregnant." The words came out in a strangled sob.

He jerked to a standing position and rubbed his scruffy jaw. "Let’s go. I'm taking you to the hospital. Right now."

Both hands flew to my stomach as another wave of nausea hit. I sent another prayer to the heavens above as I concentrated on filling my lungs with oxygen and trying to calm my nerves.

Through choked tears, I said, "Okay, please. Let's go."

* * *


I tapped my pen against the desk as my team went through their presentation posted on the overhead projection against the wall. I loosened my tie and shifted in my seat as heat crept up my neck. The stuffy conference room felt like it was closing in and confining me as though I was in a jail cell. If I could pinpoint what was wrong with me, it would be the fact that Beth was going to be talking to Jason sometime soon. Who knew if they were speaking right now, while I was isolated in this boardroom.

It took every ounce of my self-control to not call her, not go over there and give that jerk a piece of my mind. The only reason I remained calm was because I had promised I'd let her handle it, so I was respecting her wishes.

When my cell vibrated on the desk, I quickly reached for it. And when Beth's beautiful face filled my screen, I nodded to Ted, my employee, to continue. I stood, stepped out of the boardroom, and picked up my phone.

"Hey, beautiful." What I heard next shocked me.

"Hey, it's Jason."

My jaw tightened. Why the hell did he have my wife's phone? All my insecurities pushed to the forefront. The muscles of my forearm hardened under my sleeves.

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