Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) (16 page)

BOOK: Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)
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I rested my forehead against hers. “Do you really have to ask?”

She brushed her lips against mine briefly, before she took a step back. “Well, if you want these back, you have to try on some things for me.” She held up the cars keys I had earlier shoved into my pocket.

How the hell did she do that? I glanced down at my pocket then back up at her in disbelief. “Come on, luv. Give them back.”

She bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling and winked at me. “If ya wan’ dem ya’re gonna have ta try some clothes on, Shug.” She dropped the keys in her purse, turned and walked into the store.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.
Damn, I hated trying on clothes.


I glanced down at my watch after we went into yet a
nother store. Two bloody hours and she did not show any signs of stopping. She stood by the clerk and whispered something to her. The clerk looked over to me and giggled nodding her head vigorously. Marie gave me a sly smile before she rushed over to me.

“This is the last place I swear.” She grabbed my unencumbered hand and pull
ed me toward the dressing room.

“You said that in the last store.” I placed the bags on the floor with a heavy sigh.

She pursed her lips in a pout. “Oh shush it. I swear Remi doesn’t even complain as much as you do. Now go on in there and we’ll hand some things back.”

I entered the small mirrored room and sat on the bench. She had to have had an ulterior motive behind this. A pair of jeans draped over the back of the door. I groaned and pulled them down holding them up in front of me. Yeah… no. They looked too small. I looked at the tag and noticed it said skinny jean. I draped them back over the door and told her through it. “I will not wear those. Find something else.” I sat back on the bench mumbling. “If I wanted to squeeze the boys I’d put them in a vise. There is no way I’m going to willingly wear something that would be better suited for a girl. I might be British but I’m not gay.”

“How about these?” She tossed a pair of b
lack regular fit over the door.

I pulled them down holding them up
in front of me. With a groan, I kicked off my boots and stripped out of my worn jeans. After this, I am not trying on anything else. What was the point? You go into a store knowing your size, grab the item you needed and got out. None of this trying on fifty different things just to leave empty-handed or with one thing.

I heard her squeak on the other side of the door seconds before she rushed inside with the bags in her hand
s. She closed the door behind her and leaned on it. I stood there in just my T-shirt and boxer-briefs one foot in the new jeans in the midst of putting them on. “What the hell, Marie?”

She looked up at me
as her mouth dropped open and her pupils dilated. She snapped her mouth shut and closed her eyes. “Sorry, Scott and Hunter just walked in and I didn’t want to be out there by myself.”

I placed the jeans down on the bench. “They’re out there right now?”

She nodded her head as she bit that bottom lip again. Her chest heaved with her heavy breathing. She was so beautiful just standing there. Before I could stop myself, I took a step toward her and brushed a kiss against her lips. She placed a timid hand against my chest as she sighed. I lifted her head with my hand and trembled with a deep-seated desire when the heat from her amber gaze scorched me.

I dipped my head down until my lips barely hovered above hers.
She lowered her lashes and closed the distance. I growled deep in my throat as the kiss turned hungry, passionate. My hands cupped her head as I devoured her mouth.

I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to me. She let out a soft moan placing her arms around my neck.
She shivered as my lips left her mouth and left a trail of kisses down her throat to the bare skin at her shoulder. I pulled my T-shirt off over my head and heard her gasp.

Her eyes lit up with a banked fire as she ran a shaky hand down my chest to my stomach then back up again.
Her fingertips brushed over a recent scar left by my uncle and his cigarettes. She bent her head and kissed it gingerly. My heart contracted at her tenderness.

I ran my hands through her loose hair before fisting my hand at the base of her neck and pulled her lips to mine so I could ravage her mouth again.
She moaned and ran her hands over my chest. I chuckled. “Shush, luv. You don’t want them to hear you.”




Gawd, I can’t believe he looks this good. I mean, yeah, I knew he had a rocking bod, but damn this exceeded anything I could ever dream up.
His broad shoulders tapered in a V to a washboard stomach that begged to be worshipped. Forget six-pack; he had an eight pack that rippled with every breath he took.

I ran my hands over the lean muscle of his chest, completely in awe over how good they felt. He tilted his head back in a soft groan when my fingertips flicked over his hardened nipples. With his hand still in my hair, he pressed my back against the mirrored wall. I could feel every inch of him against me.

He nibbled his way from my mouth, down my jaw, while his hand reached under my shirt. I inhaled a sharp breath as his hand closed around my breast. A shot of electricity coursed through my body causing me to tremble under his touch. I felt him smile against my collarbone as he shifted his stance brushing his erection against my thigh.

I swallowed hard as I timidly touched him. He growled deep in his throat and nipped at my shoulder as my fingertips grazed his underwear.
I can’t believe I’m about to do this.
My hand delved past the elastic. His short, crisp hairs teased my fingers as I found what I sought. It was his turn to tremble as my hand wrapped around his hard length. I met his smoky gaze and watched as he closed his eyes in unabashed pleasure. My fingers tightened around him as I started to move my hand up his length then back down tortuously slow. He slammed his hand over my shoulder and rested his head against the cool mirror. He let out a stuttered breath before he started rocking his hips against my grasp.

His low moan increased my courage.
With my other hand, I pushed down his briefs completely freeing him. I glanced down and caught my first sight of him. I bit my lip as I watched my hand move over him. He seemed so thick and he was already leaking and straining against my palm.

I looked back up at his face as a wicked grin crossed my lips.
His mouth lurched open as his breathing increased. I dropped to my knees and just as I was about to wrap my lips around him the sales clerk knocked on the door.

“I’m sorry but only one person is allowed in the dressing room at a time.”

I quickly stood up and straightened my clothing before rushing over to the door. I opened it slightly. “Sorry about that. Um… can you tell me if those guys that came in here after we did have left yet?”

She looked around the store
and nodded to me. “Yeah, they left a few minutes ago.”

“Okay, thanks.” I glanced back at Drez who still stood with his head against the mirror
, breathing heavy. I picked up the bags and rushed out of the dressing room. “Let me know if those jeans fit.”

I closed the door behind me and heard him let out a slight whimper and gr
oan of frustration.
I can’t believe I almost did that.
I walked over to the register looking over the little trinkets on the counter. What was it about him that makes me get lost in the damn moment? It’s like my brain just completely shuts off the second I breathe him in.

The dressing room door flung open, he stomped over to me handing me the jeans. “How’d they fit?”

“How the bloody hell do you think they fit?” He snarled at me running a hand through his hair.

My cheeks flushed pink before I ducked my head and whispered. “I’m sorry.”

He sighed heavily before he roughly pulled me against him. “Don’t be, pet.” He left a lingering kiss on the top of my head and picked up the bags. “Ready to leave?”

“Well did you want these jeans?” I held them up to him. He shook his head no bringing a frown to my face. So far, I have been able to get him everything mom aske
d me to except jeans and shoes. “Too bad I’m getting them and a few more like them.”

I walked over to the sales clerk and handed them over to her. He grabbed my elbow and whispered in my ear. “When we get back to the van
we need to have a serious talk about this.”

“The clothes?” I asked pretending to not understand what he meant.

He looked over at the dressing room then back at me and sighed. “No, not the clothes though I’m sure your mum asked you to get them for me. I’m talking about what just happened between us.”

“Oh that. Pssht!
Don’t worry about it. I got a little carried away that’s all. Trust me it will not happen again.” I opened my purse and handed the girl the credit card. I really don’t want to talk about that. I mean did he even realize that I was about to… about to…. I closed my eyes swallowing my sudden urge to freak. I scribbled a signature on the receipt and put the card back in my purse. I grabbed the bag and headed out of the store. “So since you know mom wanted me to do this. The last thing she asked me to get for you was a new pair of shoes. Are you game or do you want me to just tell her we couldn’t find any?”

He stared at me not saying a word as we walked toward the shoe store. He just dutifully carried the bags not uttering a single thing.
Was he mad at me? We walked in the store and went over to the tennis shoes. He quietly headed over to the size and style he liked, tried them on, and after putting his boots back on handed them to me.

When we were at the counter paying for
them, I heard someone shout my name. “Yo, Marie!”

I turned my head to the person and groaned when I saw Hunter and Scott walking over to us. “Shit.”

Drez mumbled behind me. “Too bad there’s not a dressing room for you to hide in this time.”

I turned around to look at him. He raised a very condescending eyebrow at me and grabbed the bag with his shoes walking out the door. What the?
I snatched the card off the counter and shoved it in my purse before rushing after him.

Scott yelled again running after us. His long legs quickly closed the distance between us.

I groaned, rolled my eyes and turned around to him. “You’re not going to puke on me are you?”

He laughed throwing his dark head back and slung his arm over my shoulders. “Naw, girl. Just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing?”

I shrugged his arm off me and took a step closer to Drez. “I’m fine.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” He chuckled to himself over that lame line. “Seriously though, I wanted to say sorry for ruining your evening last night.” He looked up at Drez. “I felt like I cockblocked you, brother. Though you have to admit it was good timing on my part otherwise Beau would have had your ass.”

Drez let out a chilling laugh. “
You didn’t interrupt anything, mate. I was too snockered to have done much. Ready to leave, pet?” He leaned down and purred in my ear. His voice held a slight bite to it that sent a chill up my spine.

I bit my lip pushing a lock of hair behind my ear and nodded.
What the hell was going on in that head of his? I smiled briefly at Scott and Hunter who had finally caught up to us. “Bye, Scott, Hunter.”

Drez grabbed my elbow and steered me away from them. I turned my head a
nd saw the two of them frowning after us. When we got to the van, I unlocked the doors, placed the bags in the back of the van and climbed into the passenger seat. I put the keys in the ignition then buckled up before sitting back in the seat. I was just waiting for him to get in the car before I unloaded on him.

My knees started bouncing as my agitation rose. He finally opened the door and buckled up. “So wha’ da hell is ya problem?”

He sat immobile with his hand on the ignition closing his eyes briefly before settling that flinty silver glare on me. “My problem is you, pet.”

“Excuse me?” I sputtered out. I knew he was mad at me. Damn. Why did I have to be right.

“Are you like this with every guy or is it just me? Do you get some kick out of getting a guy so worked up and then discarding him like he is a mere annoyance to you or is this your way of punishing me for helping your brothers get you to go along with this ruse. I really want to know.” He snapped at me as he waved his hand in front of him.

“What?” I was stunned
at the sudden attack. Was he calling me a whore or something? “What I do has nothing ta do wit’ my brothers.”

great you’re just a prick-teaser. Not like being around you isn’t difficult as is.” He ran his hand through his hair before narrowing his eyes at me. “How many other guys have you done this to or are doing this to? Actually, no, I don’t want to know.”

slapped him across the face leaving him just as stunned as I was feeling. My hand stung from the contact as I barked at him. “How dare ya! I have done nothin’ wit anyone but ya. Believe me I wish I hadn’t done any of dat. Unlike da girls ya might be use ta I am not a whore, slut or wha’ever. I wan’ ta wait fo’ da right guy, no’ da right here guy. Someone who I know will be dere fo’ me fo’ da rest of my life, no’ some bad boy who’d hit it and quit it. And ya are no’ dat kind of guy.” I leaned back in my seat with my eyes brimming with unshed tears and stared out the window. “Wha’ happened in dat dressing room should never have occurred. It scares me dat I didn’t have enough sense ta stop it fo’ it went dat far in da first place. Same wit’ last night.”

BOOK: Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)
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