Read Lords of Honor Online

Authors: K. R. Richards

Lords of Honor (70 page)

Owen sighed and continued, “
This morning, Grace and I
pieced together that her father wanted her to marry Lord Marston
We wrote to one another while I was gone, but neither one of us received the other’s letters
We believe her father kept them from us
was something
very important
Grace needed
to tell me
in her letters
. She was with child
She carried m
y child, Libby
Alice is mine
y daughter
I did not know of this until today
When I returned from Italy, I thought
betrayed, and because
never received answers to her letters she thought I had forsaken her
I wanted you to hear this from me, Pet, and not someone else
at a later time

Libby rose and went to Owen
Smiling brightly, she raised up on her toes
kiss his cheek
“I am an aunt
And you are a father, Owen!”

Owen smiled back at her
“Yes, Pet
But let’s keep it to ourselves for awhile
I, uh, I intend to ask for Grace’s hand – but not until I have Alice back
I do not wish to break Grace’s heart twice if something should happen in London
n any case
, I feel
she is unable to make any decision until her daughter is back where she belongs.”

“So you don’t want me to tell the ladies.”


“Owen, may I tell Micah
I do not want to keep anything from my husband

“Of course you
may t
ell your husband, p
He is
family now
, Libby
with me and
ee Grace.”
Owen smiled.


“Lady Marston
, h
ow good to see you.” Libby
said happily
as she entered the parlour
Lady Marston sat
with Rowena and Sophia.

“Congratulations on your marriage, Lady Wincanton.” Grace tried not to stare at the long, jagged scar on Libby’s cheek
moved her gaze to
Libby’s happy
smiling eyes instead

“Owen t
old me Alice
was taken
I am so sorry
ou must be beside yourself with worry.” Libby reached out to her
and took her hands in hers
“Owen says he will get her back
We must believe he will
Libby squeezed Grace’s hand

“I have to believe he will.”

“Owen told me you will be staying with us, and traveling to London with us, Lady Marston
I am happy you will be joining
our party

“Please, call me Grace, Libby
We have known one another all our lives.”

“Of course, Grace.”

e four ladies sat down to tea, while Owen sought out Harry

hapter Sixteen

to dinner,
stopped in to see Libby and Micah
grew tired
and asked to
her room
Already in her nightgown, s
he lay in bed with Micah.

I’m j
ust checking on you
If you need anything tonight just
call out
Matthias is in the hallway during dinner
We’re going over some things in the library after the ladies retire
I’ll probably be back up late
I’m certain you will be asleep when I return so I will not disturb you
I’ll leave you two to your privacy
Your dinner will be up soon, I’m certain.”

“Goodnight, Owen.”

“Goodnight, p


The second Owen closed the door behind him, Micah gathered Libby in his arms
He wait
for this moment
the entire
He kissed
his wife
something he longed to do for days
He was
careful not to hurt her
His hands moved to her bottom
He pulled Libby closer against hi
s hardening cock
His fingers
up her nightgown until it was above her waist.

Dinner will be here soon, Micah,

Libby giggled.

“I’ll hurry, sweetheart
We’ll take our time later
, after dinner
I’ve dreamed about this for days
I’ve missed this so much, Libby.

“But how can you do this without tearing your stitches
, Micah
?” she asked
with concern

I can
Turn around so your back is toward my chest
That’s it
Give me that wiggly little
He grabbed her hips,
her against
his hard length
He s
miled as she giggled.

Micah massaged her until he was certain she was ready for him
She was already wet
He made her wetter
He entered her, groaning as he did
God he missed making love to Libby
She was so hot
So wet
He was sore, so he moved slowly at first
His fingers moved down
Libby’s belly
and lower
to her sensitive nub
moved with him, pushing her hips back when he thrust to take him more deeply
Not wanting to be interrupted
by their
being delivered
they finished
, he quickened his pace
He came quickly
, and brought his wife over the edge with him

“Did you hurt yourself
Libby turned back to face her husband
She placed a sweet kiss to his lips.

I don’t think so
But I am sore
Micah gathered her in his arms once again
“Sorry that was so quick, sweetheart
I’ve missed making love to you
After dinner we’ll take our time
I think maybe you’ll have to be on top
He brushed
eathery kisses against her lips
slanted his mouth over hers to
kiss her more deeply.

“I’ve missed it too
, Micah.”

A knock sounded on the door

“Perfect timing
There’s dinner
Micah kissed her temple
He called
“Come in.”


It was midnight when Owen made his way to Micah’s chamber
where he would sleep
would leave
with Gabriel
for London
the next morning
e noted light
coming from
beneath the door of Grace’s room
Lady Glaston put her
in a room close
to Owen so he could be near in case the Brown Coats attacked again
Owen decided to pass by
He stopped and turned
when he heard what sounded like a sob beyond her door.

He knocked
“Grace, are you well?”

The door clicked open
“I-I, the nights are the hardest
for me, Owen
Alice doesn’t like the dark and I wonder…” Grace choked on another sob
“I hope she is not frightened
She doesn’t even have her dolly she slept with.”
She held a rag doll in one hand

“Grace.” Owen breathed as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him
He reached out
squeezed her arm
“I know it’s hard, Grace
You’ve got to believe we’ll get her back
He looked into her eyes
Warm, liquid brown

“I-I want to, Owen
You’re the only hope I have…
Tears rolled
her cheeks
“I couldn’t bear it, Owen, if anything happened to Alice
I couldn’t go on living without my baby.”

Grace covered her face with her hands
She m
oaned softly

Owen reached out,
and quickly
enfolded her in
the circle of
his arms
Grace clutched at his lapels
Her shoulders shook as she gave in to her fear
She c
ried harder
Owen stroked her back
for long minutes
, sweet
I’m leaving tomorrow morning for London
Gabriel is coming with me
We’re going to start
for Alice.
Remember I explained to you about Gabriel’s gift
at dinner
He wants to try to contact Alice through you early tomorrow morning before we leave
We are hoping to find Alice and get her
back before
next Tuesday

“I’ll go with you, Owen.” Grace looked up into Owen’s dark blue eyes
She swiped at her tear-stained cheek with the back of her hand.

, Grace
Owen kissed her forehead
“You’ll leave Wednesday with Micah and Libby and the others
It will be safer for you in a larger group
They might follow Gabriel and me
They could try to take us out before we reach London, to prevent us from arriving early
They have to know I will try to get my daughter

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