Read Lords of Honor Online

Authors: K. R. Richards

Lords of Honor (45 page)

Thank you, Lyon
information does
Harry pulled at his chin
We need to send someone who is not an Avalon Society Member to Madame
watch her and this
Also, we need to someone
to go
into the Limehouse District
and watch Crow’s establishment, the Jasmine Star

“I’ve got a few friends I can trust,” Newt offered
“I’ll get them on it

Thank you, Newt.”

“Anything else at all you can remember, Lyon?”
Harry asked.

“Newt told you about S
ophia and what she heard
hey selected her
for me
They hit her
was bruised
on her chest, arms and legs,
on her cheek
They were going to kill her when we were
passed out and blame me
They planned to
kill me
later after my character was ruined
and make it
appear to be
a suicide.”

“He told us
Did Sophia see Mr. Crow?”
Micah queried

“I don’t know
She was drugged
I’ll ask her for you.”

“We would appreciate that
Micah nodded
discovered recently
that her father, Nathan Hart,
accepted into the Avalon Society
ust months before his death
Can you question Sophia on his scholarly pursuits and any research he might have been working on at the time
Newt said her father spent his time
researching the treasures acquired by William Paulet
during the dissolution
that disappeared from Basing House when Cromwell sacked it in 1645
The only item she mentioned to him was the Holy Rood
, or Black Cross,
of Waltham Abbey
It would help if we knew exactly what he was looking for
, and what documentation he had, if any

Lyon nodded, “Cleve asked her the morning we left
He had compiled a great deal of research, but it
was discovered to be missing
after his death
Before his drinking and gambling began, he
r father
he was close to finding the
lack Cross. Sophia was not aware he joined the Avalon Society
I assure you my wife would tell us if she knew anything.

“Thank you, Lyon.” Micah said.

“I’m sure you are
weary after your journey
Let’s get to bed and meet again tomorrow
said after
the clock chime the midnight hour.

As Lyon started to leave th
e room, Micah
stopped him

“Lyon, I
just wanted to tell you, I’m glad you’ve made it through this and that you are getting better
Not only are you our friend and colleague, but you’re like a brother to most of us
, at least that’s how I feel
We’ll stand behind you as long as you are trying.”

“Thank you, Micah,” Lyon offered him a half smile
and went upstairs
He wanted to put this night behind him and crawl into bed where he could at least hold his sweet Sophia.

He undressed, slid into the bed, and pulled the sleeping Sophia into his arms
He kissed her temple and
then the curve of her
Only then did he feel stronger
That everything would work out fine for them both
Maybe in time, they might be truly man and wife.
Either way, Lyon grinned
to himself
at the memory of Sophia kicking at and stabbing their attackers earlier
that evening;
he’d married a feisty little hell-cat


Micah stripped and slipped into his bed
He smiled happily when he discovered his sleeping Libby was as naked as he
He spooned up against her
He t
oyed with waking her but decided not to
He knew at some point her wiggly little
him up
He buried his face in her hair and fell into blissful slumber.


bottom began arousing him
several hours later
They still lay spooned together
Micah could not help himself
He was hard as a rock
He rose up on one elbow and began to place soft kisses along Libby’s neck
He allowed his hand to cover her breast and tease her nipple
She wiggled
a bit and snuggled closer against him
Her eyes fluttered open
He increased the pressure on her nipple
His other hand slid between her legs, which she parted to allow him access
He found her wet already
He slipped in
her, “
mm, sweetheart.

it morning, Micah?”

It’s only two
But your wi
ggly bottom woke me, sweetheart
orgive me,
I could not stop myself

you feel good, Micah
Libby moved her bottom back to take him more fully
inside her

Very good
I never dreamed the marriage bed could be so wonderful.

“It shall always be so with us, my love
His lips moved down her neck
His hand stayed at her breast, caressing, teasing

They continued their slow, sweet rhythm for a long time, both content to savor the wonderful sensations of their joining
When Libby began her soft little pants, and
her body tightened, Micah thrust deeper within her
They shattered
riding the waves of
their pleasure
Micah held her close afterward.

Libby turned to face him when her breathing returned to normal
She snuggled against him
She l
ifted up to give him a sweet kiss

Micah deepened the kiss
He b
rought his arms around her, resting his hands on that firm little bottom he so
He p
ulled her against him
They kissed for long moments
After Libby yawned, Micah tucked her head beneath h
is chin
“Sleep, sweetheart
He brought the covers over them
He savored holding her in his arms long after she fell asleep
What he and Libby
as love
could not imagine being any happier


Micah sat up quickly at the sound of gunfire
coming from
He shook Libby’s shoulder
“Wake up, Libby
Get dressed!”

rose and pulled on the trousers and shirt he
snatched up from
the floor and ran into the hall, clos
the door behind him
Most of the guests
placed in this wing
it being easier
to watch over everyone
Harry, Owen, Lyon, Matthias, and Charlie exited in much the same
of dress
, s
hirts and trousers
hat’s going on down there?” Micah’s voice boomed down the stairs as he
began to

“Under attack
Sons of bitches are trying to get in!
” N
ewt’s voice
from below

passed Micah on the stairs
, his pistol in hand
He turned
stopped Micah.

“Get the ladies together in one room
One of you
stay wi
th them!” Owen looked to Harry upstairs
then to
Micah on the stairs

The gunfire continuing outside, the ladies dress
ed quickly
without benefit of their maids
All three sported
hick braid
, and donned their gowns without benefit of stays when they
stepped into the hallway to join their husbands

“I can put them in the safe room

Harry nodded
“Good idea
Do it now
ou sta
nd guard
outside the safe room.”

This is my home
I need to be downstairs,” Micah argued
as he came back up the stairs

has to stay with them
Harry looked
at Micah again

Micah realized they could not let Lyon know where the scrolls were hidden
“All right, Harry
You win
You and Lyon go downstairs
Give me some kind of signal if they get in
to the house
Harry, Lyon and Charlie headed downstairs

At least there was a safe hidden inside
room, so the scrolls were not visible inside the
priest hole

It was located in Micah’s bedchamber
A bookcase actually swung open to reveal a ten by ten foot room
It was n
room, b
ut n
ot as small a
s some priest holes
Inside there was a small
with a candelabra
and two chairs
Micah pulled another small chair in for the third lady, his wife
to sit

“Pay attention, ladies
This lever will open the door if
you should need to get out in the event of an emergency
wait for me
or Harry
open it
If something should happen to me you would hear it
If that should happen you do not make a sound
You wait, hours if necessary until it is completely quiet in this house
Only Harry and I know where to find you
You are not to come out until I open the door
, or if something happens to me
are certain it is all clear

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