Read Lord of Capra Online

Authors: Jaylee Davis

Lord of Capra (19 page)

“You’re an evil
mate,” she scolded and set about straightening her clothes and taming her hair.

“Sorry.” He really
wasn’t, but thought it was a good idea to at least try to act contrite. “Forgive
me?” He gave her his best “forgive me because I’m adorable” look.

She scowled and
pointed an accusing finger at him. “I plan to forgive you a great deal tonight.”
A faint smile crossed her lips. “And don’t give me that look.”

“What look?” His lovely
mate was being stubborn.

“The one that’s all
over your face.” She snapped and marched into the bedroom.

Great, he had her
on the run now. He’d be back in her good graces before they joined their
guests. “I only wanted to please you, Evana. You know that.”

She didn’t respond,
and he noticed she searched for something. If she found it, he hoped she didn’t
plan on launching it at his head.

“And what do you
mean about forgiving me tonight?”

Damn his curiosity.
He should’ve just said he loved her. Three little words, I love you, guaranteed
to fix any misunderstanding, especially when he truly meant them. But no, he’d
asked something that would only remind her of why she was irritated with him.




Evana found what
she searched for—a washbasin and pitcher filled with fresh water. Great. She
grabbed it and was surprised to see her mate duck and cover.

Curious, she stared
at him until he straightened before she returned her attention to the
washbasin. She poured a small amount of water into the bowl and dampened a
cloth she found next to the pitcher to clean herself. Finished, she looked back
at him. He’d kept his distance.

“Would you like to

“Sure.” He
approached cautiously.

She stepped out of
his way and let him take his turn at the basin. He really did look as if he
suffered, and her resolve to act angry with him weakened.

After he washed,
she sidled closer until she stood directly in front of him. She embraced his
stiff form and smoothed her palms over his back. She stroked between the
bunched muscles as she trailed her fingers lower until she could slip them
beneath the bottom edge of his vest. She massaged his lower back, or at least
the areas that were easy to reach. He sighed contentedly, and she caught him
glancing at her. Everywhere she touched his tight muscles relaxed.

“All I meant was
that tonight is mine. You’re mine. And I get to do whatever I want with you.

“Agreed.” A
tentative smile graced his lips. “You know I love you, right?”

“Oh, don’t be
scared. I’m not going to hurt you,” she teased and sprang back before he could
grab her.

“You little minx.”
He snarled playfully.

“Remember we have

She was about to
open the door when she stopped and listened intently. She felt Drake watching
her. Finally, she announced, “I think a few more people have just arrived.”

“More?” Drake threw
his head back and let out a frustrated groan. He unclasped his sword straps and
threw them and the weapon at the bed. He rolled his broad shoulders first, then
stretched brawny arms above his head before they fell to his side. He shuddered
like a horse that had just been freed of its saddle and rider.

He noticed her
scowling. “What now?” He flashed a brief innocent look before grinning happily.

Evana shook her
head and sighed. She wondered if Nemesis could permanently attach the sword to


* * * *


Mara had arrived to
help Suri and she’d brought Suri’s younger sister, Noreen, who’d relieved
Ronnan by taking charge of young Teal. Mara’s consort, Bracken, and their son,
Travis, had arrived, bringing meat from the hunt. Evana was relieved when Drake
headed in their direction. He appeared to move as fast as he could without
drawing on his power. Men and the hunt. She felt certain he’d make friends with
the others before the evening meal was over.

Evana offered to
help Mara prepare the meat, and when her friend tried to discourage her, she
insisted. Evana’s determination won out. Mara gave her a knife and they set
about slicing inch thick strips to put over the coals.

The hunters had
killed a medium sized antelope that lived on the vast grasslands, which was
near the edge of the settlement. Since most of the protein the natives ate came
from the sea, the meal tonight was very special. The people didn’t abuse their
resources, and although the antelope were numerous, they were never overhunted.

Bracken and Travis
were hunters, which meant they also hunted the sea and not just the land. The
ocean covered three-quarters of the planet’s surface. Wisely, the native people
took the majority of their meat from there. The settlements and townships near
the ocean bartered for grain and vegetables grown by those who lived away from
the shore.

Other valuable
commodities were the striders, the goat-like gimble and various yard fowl. The
gimble were versatile, providing milk, fine hair for thread and meat. On the
whole, Capra had an agrarian society. They bartered for goods and skilled labor
without the need for currency or credits. It was paradise as far as Evana was
concerned. She hoped her mate would eventually think of it in the same way.

She wandered her
gaze to the men more often than she should’ve, but she couldn’t help watching
Drake interact with them. They visited amicably while Travis occasionally
topped off their drinking mugs with the locally made beer. Her mate asked
questions and listening intently to every answer. Occasionally, they’d all
laugh uproariously about some comment.

“They seem to be
having a good time,” Mara commented, her voice laced with disapproval.

“Yes. They sure do,”
Evana agreed and exchanged knowing looks with her friend.

“Who brought the
beer?” Suri whispered.

“Your father. I’m
sorry, my lady.” Mara cringed.

“Mara, please. Call
me Evana. And I believe the beer was a good idea. This could be entertaining,
don’t you think?”

They laughed
quietly, trying not to draw any attention to themselves.

“I’ve never seen my
consort drunk,” Evana confided.

Mara studied the
men and shrugged. “If they keep drinking, we may be going home alone tonight.
Is there room in the stable for our men?” Suri giggled.

While the food
cooked, Evana noticed Drake held his own with Bracken, drinking one for one.
Her consort couldn’t stay drunk for very long, but neither he nor Bracken would
know that.
Poor Bracken
. She hoped Drake would continue drinking after
he ate. It’d simplify her plan since she intended to enjoy each and every inch
of him while he was at her mercy, at least until he sobered. She wouldn’t have
much time, maybe thirty minutes at the most, given his elevated metabolism.
Afterward, she’d figure out some way to keep him subdued while she had her way
with him.

A few drinks later,
the native men sang a few of the tunes that were always performed late at night
during festival times. Most were bawdy songs about drinking and coupling, two
things that went well together, according to the males of Capra, anyway. It
wasn’t long before her mate’s deep voice joined in the sing along. He actually
did quite well, learning the words and staying in tune. Evana was impressed.
She hadn’t known he could sing.

By the time the
food was ready, the men were howling with laughter as they attempted to sing a
song Drake tried to teach them. Evana caught a few words as she walked toward
them. It was something about saving a strider and riding a cowboy.

At her approach,
her mate scrambled to his feet. He swayed unsteadily as he explained. “Had to
change it some. They don’t understand horses.” Drake beamed happily, lost his
balance and collapsed on top his new friends.

A few more beers
along with the food and he’d be all hers, completely helpless for a few
minutes. It was more than enough time.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Drake recalled
staggering up the stairs to the bedchamber before falling onto the bed. What
happened next was muddled in his mind for a few moments. His next coherent
thought was realizing he couldn’t move his arms or his legs, and he experienced
the most intense wet dream of his life, except it wasn’t one.

He roused from his
drunken stupor to find his sexy mate licking and sucking his erect cock. It was
an instant orgasmic scene. He came in gushes, jetting his cum into her warm
mouth. What she didn’t swallow flowed down his still very hard dick.
Immediately after, she spread his essence over his balls and then worked some
of the juices between his butt cheeks.

Surprised, he
yelped in surprise. “What the hell?”

Evana glanced at
him, and from her firm expression, he realized with some trepidation that she
was determined to continue exploring. He checked his arms and legs to see why
he couldn’t move. Black rings, thick and shiny, circled his wrists and ankles,
keeping his extremities immobile somehow. He was spread-eagle on the bed at her

“Evana?” He growled
her name.

“Neuro restraints,
my love. You agreed to let me do whatever I wanted to you tonight. Remember?”

“Oh, fuck me!” He

“Umm. With
pleasure, my lord.” Her smile was wicked but full of promise.

“Evana, don’t…um,

Helpless, his head
fell back and he moaned in pleasure as she fisted the base of his shaft and
pumped him. Her mouth clamped around the tip of his cock and she sucked hard.
He couldn’t even begin to form words to protest when a slender finger slipped
inside his ass and gently stroked upward, probing for the trigger that would
rip the next ejaculation from him.

Once she reached
her goal, his hips jerked involuntarily as she massaged the small gland,
coaxing it to grow firm in anticipation. The exquisite pressure of his next
orgasm built. Yearning for release once again and lost to desire, he twisted on
the bed while thrusting his hips upward to push his cock deeper into her mouth.
She drove him insane with need.

She responded with
a low growl that vibrated the entire length of his shaft. She kept him pinned
to the bed while finger fucking him, using long, fast strokes. Pure ecstasy
shot through him as he exploded, climaxing in violent eruptions. Each one ripped
an involuntary roar from him.




Evana swallowed the
first shot of cum, but removed her mouth to let the remaining spurts land on
her mate’s heaving chest. She gently withdrew her finger and then left the bed
to collect a damp cloth. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He
tracked her every move. She hoped she hadn’t humiliated him beyond repair. She
washed, then approached the bed, intent on cleaning him. As she wiped his
chest, he gave her such a pleading look she almost lost her resolve. She was
tempted to release him.

“Evana, have you
forgiven me enough?”

“Not quite.” She
trailed her fingers down his chest, over his tight rippling abs and circled the
base of his rapidly growing erection. Goddess. Her mate was magnificent.

“Release me!” His
hands clenched and he growled.


He transformed
partially. Instinctively, Evana knew he wasn’t angry. Her mate was aroused. He
was so stimulated his vampire form raged for release, desperate to sink his
fangs into her. That was exactly what she hoped to avoid for a few moments
more. He’d just have to suffer through her next act before she removed the

She planned to make
love to him as a human female. No blood drinking, no fangs or other powers to
distract her, she wanted to enjoy him and the delightful sensations he created
inside her.

Evana tore off her
native garment and tossed it aside. Her action had the desired effect. Drake
stopped struggling and stared at her with undisguised lust. She held his gaze,
grabbed his ankles below the restraints and slid his legs together. She climbed
onto the bed and then stood. Immediately, a curious expression crossed his face.
She turned one eighty and straddled him, her ankles bracketing his hips. The
position gave him a clear view of her thong-clad ass.

“What are you
doing?” His voice sounded hoarse.

“Watch. Don’t talk.”

Slowly, she pushed
the tiny garment off her hips, bent over and slid it down her thighs all the
way to her knees, exposing her wet pussy before she ripped it away entirely.
His responding growl of appreciation sent a warm jolt through her. A gush of
moisture rushed to escape her sheath, and she put her hand between her legs,
stroking her clit first, then dipping a finger inside. She thrust in and out,
hoping he enjoyed the sight. His howl of sexual hunger pushed her onward.

“Do you want to see
me come, my love?” She wiggled her bottom and pulled her drenched finger out of
her pussy to flick her swollen clit.

“Yes! Dammit,
Evana. Show me!” His voice was strained and ragged with desire.

Evana spread her
legs wider and went to work in earnest. Her position allowed him to witness
every movement as she stroked and pinched the engorged nub. Moisture flowed
from her opening onto her hand, enhancing her arousal as she brought herself to
the brink. She strummed her clit and moaned in satisfaction as the orgasmic
contractions brought her to her knees just above the tip of her mate’s erect

“Evana, don’t stop.
Fuck me now!” His hips thrust upward as far as he could move in an attempt to
close the short gap between them.

Anxious to please,
Evana dropped on him, jamming his enormous erection all the way inside her weeping
channel. She buried him so deep her oversensitive nub grazed his balls. The
impact sent a follow up climax that fluttered the walls of her pussy around his
dick, caressing the entire length.

Her mate’s growl of
momentary gratification spurred her to action. Evana lifted her hips, stroked
up and down his shaft slowly at first, then gradually picked up speed. She neared
the edge of release once again before she fell forward on top his thighs and
rocked her hips back and forth in a frenzy, whipping his cock in and out of her
pussy in rapid strokes.

“Yes! You’re so
sexy, Evana. So good…”

“Oh yes. Draaake!”

Evana’s womanly howl blended with her mate’s full-throated roar at the moment
of completion.

Spent and basking
in the afterglow, she reached for the restraints on his ankles and released
them. She wanted to free his arms, but hated to break their connection. Still
hard, his cock thumped inside her with each beat of his heart. Reluctantly, she
sat up and rolled off.




Momentarily unable
to speak, he followed her movements as she released the wrist restraints. Able
to move freely again and no longer under the influence of too much alcohol,
Drake sprang into action. With supernatural speed, he grabbed her shoulders and
tossed her forward face first onto the bed, then pounced on top her before she
could counter his attack. Two moves later, he had her arms pinned and the
restraints locked securely around her wrists. His mate’s surprised gasp was
extremely satisfying at that moment.

“Did you think we
were done?” He growled near her ear as he crouched above her.

“What are you

She sounded

“I’m thinking it’s
my turn.”

“You had your turn
earlier today!”

He laughed,
surprised at how wicked it sounded. “No, as I recall you’re the one who
benefitted the most from that encounter.”

“Drake, please. I
just wanted to make love to you without our power getting in the way. Didn’t
you enjoy it?”

“Very much, Evana. It’s
only fair that I return the favor, don’t you think?” He slapped her butt to
emphasize his point.

His mate’s lovely
body stiffened. “Don’t you dare!”

He fought off a
surge of blood compulsion urging him to follow her command.

“Relax for me,” he
soothed while running one finger along the crease of her bottom.

“Stop that!”

“Yes, my lady.”
Reluctantly, he withdrew his hand, doing as she wished. Blood loyalty sucked,
especially in the bedroom. He seethed in his own frustration.

“Release me!”

His hand shot out
obediently, seeking to grab one of the wristbands. Infuriated by his lack of
control, he gritted his teeth in defiance, desperate to overcome the impulse to
obey her order. His rage seemed to help him fight off her demand. He was back
in control once more.

“No, my lady.”

She squirmed
beneath him and drew her knees up and under her hips in an effort to rise. Her
chest was still pressed to the bed since her arms were spread out wide across
the mattress. The result brought her bottom up to a most enticing angle. He
stifled a laugh that would have ended his game. Instead, he taunted her

“I see you’ve
changed your mind, my love.” He shoved his thumb into her pussy and tapped her
anal opening with one finger. “You’ve found a better position for me.”

She screamed in
frustration and straightened her legs once again. He barely had time to
retrieve his hand.

He relented a bit
and shifted his position to sit beside her. She immediately turned her face
away. He took his time to admire her curves as he caressed her bottom. He avoided
the one area she was concerned about and stroked his hand lower to the juncture
of her thighs. She clasped them together.

Well, he wasn’t
near strong enough to pry her legs apart so he decided on the next best
approach to breach her defenses. After throwing his leg across her knees so she
couldn’t kick him too easily in the back of the head, he placed light kisses
along the small of her back. At the same time, he caressed her thighs, gently
urging her to spread them apart. In no time she relaxed as she inhaled deeper
and deeper with each breath. What she couldn’t keep from him was the scent of
her arousal.

“Let me touch you,
Evana. I want to make love to you.” To put her at ease, he added, “I won’t hurt
you—ever.” As if he could.

He sensed her
hesitation before her legs completely relaxed, allowing his hand to slide
between her thighs. His fingers knew the trail to her core, and he found her
channel wet with desire. His aching cock twitched in anticipation.

He tapped a
fingertip against her clit, enticing a sensual moan from his mate. Her response
incited his lust, and he shifted above her once again, settling to his knees
between her thighs. He slipped an arm beneath her hips and lifted, positioning
her properly. The head of his cock poised at the opening of her pussy was too
much. He shoved his entire length deep into her. He pulled out completely, then
breached her again.

Evana’s cries of
rapture made him lose all control. He crouched over and thrust with long, quick
strokes while he kept one arm beneath her hips and used the other for support.
Through the sexual fog clouding his mind, he heard her howl. Her pussy clamped
around his engorged cock, so tight. He plowed through her climax, thrusting
savagely in and out until his own orgasm claimed him. Jolting bursts of cum
shot from him, bathing her slick sheath with his juices. His hips jerked with
the final contractions and then he collapsed on top her, barely catching his
weight in time.

He recovered
quickly and released the restraints from her wrists before he threw them to the
floor. Satiated, he rolled to his side and pulled her into the circle of his
arms. She turned toward him, sighing happily. He stole a quick kiss and tucked
her closer into his body.

“I love you, Evana.”

“I…love…you.” Her
lips caressed and nipped one of his lips as she spoke the words.

As he tightened his
embrace, she surprised him by sinking her fangs deep into his neck.

Drake howled. “Game

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