Living in Darkness (Bloodbreeders) (20 page)

“I have just left Senor Huerta,” Yvette said slowly. “You almost killed
the poor man.”

“I wish I would have killed that pig,” I retorted.

“Gag her before I rip out her tongue myself,” she ordered waving her
hand at Enrique.

“With pleasure, my lady,” Enrique replied smiling devilishly.

I could tell by the evil smile that crossed his face that he was ready
to do whatever he could to cause me more discomfort. He picked up a thick piece
of leather and some sort of cloth
off of
the small
table to my left. He forcibly jammed the cloth into my mouth, and then bound it
in place with the leather strap, tight enough that I thought it alone was going
to crush my face.

“I would have put you to death, if I didn’t know you were worth so
much,” Yvette said, continuing with her little speech. “I have already received
very large offers for you, but I can’t have you trying to kill our clients.
I don’t think that would be very good for business
do you
? We do so well because our slaves are very
submissive, and always do as they are told. I can see you are much like your
maker, and need more incentive than the others.” She looked to Annabel. “I
think she needs to learn what happens when a slave tries to escape. When you’re
done, I think a few months in the hole will change her disposition for the
better.” She gave me one final stare, then turned and left.

Annabel walked to the end of the table on which I was restrained, and
cocked her head to one side, gazing down at me as if in deep thought. Finally
she said, “Enrique, bring me the block. I’m about to teach this one a lesson
she won’t soon forget.”

Enrique left the room as he was told, and soon returned with a large
piece of wood. It reminded me of a railroad plank, only shorter. Annabel spread
my legs and wedged the board between them, just above the ankles. She then
looped a long piece of rope over each of my feet. She made a smaller loop in
the middle of the rope, and inserted a stick about the size of a rolling pin
through the smaller loop. From the angle at which I was lying, I couldn’t
really tell what she was doing. I could only see the objects she was using

“Now tell me when this starts to hurt,” she said using a lull in her
voice that sickening. Then, she and Enrique started laughing.

“Go prepare her new room,” Annabel added after the laughter died down.
“I just know she’s going to love it.”

“In a minute,” he said. “I want to see this little bitch squirm.”

“You will do as you are told...” Her head whipped toward him. “I have
had enough insubordination for one night.”

“Fine, but she has some pain coming from me," sighing heavily, he finally
consented, “I’ll see to it one way or another.” Then he slammed the door on his
way out.

Annabel looked up, turning as if she was going to go after him, but
glanced back at me and thought better of it.

“I will deal with him later,” she said under her breath. She cleared
her throat, and then asked no one in particular, “Now where was I?” She took
the small stick in her hand and began twisting it. As she did, I could feel my
feet being pulled closer to one another. It wasn’t until then that I began
getting the idea, and once again I started to struggle.

“Oh, you think this much is bad? Just wait, we have barely begun this
game,” she said, continuing to twist the rope.

I could feel my legs bending further and further, each twist deforming
my legs a little more. I was well past the point of being terrified, but there
was little I could do. My chest rose and fell in record time, as the pain
slowly crept its way in. I thought for a minute that I would pass out from
sheer terror, but no such luck. I could feel the ligaments in my feet start to
give way, as they were pushed close to the breaking point. My muscles screamed
as they were pulled out of proportion, and just when I thought they were going
to tear, I felt, as well as heard, the echoing snap
of my left ankle.

I tried to scream, but couldn’t, because the gag was still firmly in
place. I tried to thrash my head back and forth, moving little with the
increasing pain. Waves of heat began shooting up my left leg as Annabel
continued to twist the rope.

“One down, one to go! How do you like it so far?” she asked
enthusiastically. She twisted and twisted, and as she did, the left foot which
was already broken, was being pulled farther inward. The jagged edges of the
broken bone ripped little by little through my flesh, blood running from the
wound, while I lay gripped in a silent scream. As the rope became saturated
with blood, it began to slip. Annabel looked at it with concern, and gave the
rope one final hard twist. The right ankle snapped, just as the rope slid off
the left. I felt my stomach churn, heat rising up the back of my throat. My
body heaved as I started to vomit, and since my stomach was empty, all that
seeped out around the gag was thick, blood-colored foam.

“See, now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Annabel asked as she unhooked
the rope from the remaining foot. “I just hope you have it in you to reset the
bones. If not, don’t worry, we’ll take care of it for you when you come out of
the hole.” Then she patted my leg with mocking comfort.

The pain had wiped my mind of all thoughts, stolen my will to fight
back, and left me in such a state of shock, that my mind started filing away
the pain in the deepest depths of my subconscious. Annabel strolled to the
other side of the room, sat down in the chair that was against the wall, and
began to hum a tune. She once again looked down, and began fiddling with her
fingernails, with an obviously pleased expression adorning her face. I rolled
my eyes back gasping for air, drawing what I could through my nose. My body was
jerking uncontrollably as I tried to mentally fight through the pain. I hated
giving them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I was Samuel Crocker’s child,
and just as stubborn as any male Crocker born, with a temper to match my
fathers. When Enrique returned, Annabel stood and began to walk out of the

“I have other matters to attend to. Finish this up, and put her in the

“It would be an honor, my lady,” he obeyed with a bow, but glared back
at me.

Annabel closed the door behind her, and Enrique began to undo the
straps that held me down. When he was done, he reached up to remove the gag
from my mouth, and then stopped. He looked down at my gown, which was pulled
closed, and redirected his hand. He pulled open the top part of my gown with a
flick of his wrist. I reached up to cover my exposed breasts, but he backhanded
me so hard across the face that my upper body rocked over the side of the
table, and would have slid off if he hadn't yanked me back by the back of my

“You’ll wish you’d have let the old man play when I am through with
you,” he sneered.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. After everything I had just
gone through upstairs, and then Annabel, I still had to put up with this
bullshit. Enrique grabbed my breast forcibly, and squeezed it hard. Instinctively,
I reached up, and using the only defense I had available, clawed my nails down
the soft tissue of his face. He screamed and pulled back. He touched his face
lightly, and looked at his fingers. The sight of his own blood infuriated him.

“You want to play who can hurt the other, fine.”

He went to the foot of the table, grabbed me by my broken ankles and
yanked me off the table. I could feel, and hear, the broken bones pop and grind
as they were being smashed together by the force of his hands. He put power
behind my quick descent with the hard stone floor, on which I landed flat on my
back. My head recoiled hard, bursting bright, white, squirming lines in my
eyes, along with a fine ringing in my ears. It hurt, but it was nothing
compared to the pain that was crawling up my legs, and still I couldn’t release
my agony in the way of screaming.

Enrique got to his knees, and began to undo his pants. Using my arms, I
tried to crawl away, but it was no use. He saw me and pulled me back holding my

“Where do you think you’re going, you’re going to be my little whore
tonight,” he said, pushing me by the shoulder to where he was kneeling, right between
my mangled legs.

I shook my head violently, my hands scrambling for any hold I could get
to pull myself away from him. Using only my eyes, I begged him to stop, tears
flowing so bad I could no longer make out his face. The door to the room
opened, and in stepped the only two people I trusted in this place, Garvin and

“Enrique,” Garvin exclaimed. “If the Mistress finds out what you are
doing, she will be very angry.”

“This bitch has got to learn what happens when she disobeys me.”
Enrique said never taking his eyes
off of

I looked back, begging them with the leather strap so tight I could
only grunt out sound, while he pulled at his pants. I looked at

“The Mistress said it is her purity that brings in the top price,”
said softly.

Enrique sat back with a loud sigh,
up without speaking and backhanded
so hard that
she slammed into the wall that was a few feet behind her.

“Keep your mouth shut, you gutter whore. I am the boss down here. Neither
of you are any better than this waste of a slave,” Enrique growled, motioning
to me.

“We have to help her, Garvin,”
whispered as Garvin helped her to her feet. “We can’t let him do this.”

“I know,” he whispered back, and then he turned to Enrique. “
right. What will the Mistress do to you if you go
through with this? You will forfeit her most valuable asset.”

Enrique ran his hands through his hair, and sighed again. He nodded his
head, and turned as if to walk out of the room. I curled up on my side, not
only because I was relieved, but to cover myself as well.

“You've made a wise choice,” Garvin said, but the words had barely left
his mouth when a chair came crashing into his chest, knocking him to the wall
and right into unconsciousness.

“I do what I want down here,” Enrique spat. “I say what goes, not you.”
He walked back over to me. “This is one thing I refuse to give up.”

He used his foot to push me to my back, and then stood between my legs,
spreading them further apart as he got to his knees. I knew there was nothing I
could do, so I closed my eyes in hopes that this ordeal would just be done


Chapter 16


As I braced myself for the worst, Enrique’s body fell over on top of me
in a thud. He was out cold. I pushed his face away from mine, and was shocked
by what I saw. It wasn't Garvin who acted as my savior, as I had suspected, nor
was it
. Looming over the unconscious Enrique
was Annabel, holding the large block that not too long ago was being used for
my torture.

“You two get him off of her, and then chain him to the wall before he
wakes,” she instructed Garvin and
. She walked
closer so that she could look directly down at me.

“If the Mistress didn’t want you pure, I would have sat back and
watched the show,” she said in a cruel cold tone. “Know this, he will be
punished for what he has done, but do not, for one minute think it’s because I
give a damn about what happens to you. You are little more than the decayed
bodies that share your future domain to me.”

Garvin and
secured Enrique to the wall
as they were told. When they were finished, Annabel ordered them to place me in
what she kept referring to as
the hole
I didn’t have a clue what the hole was, and truly I didn’t much care either.
I just wanted to get out of this room and away
from everything that was associated with it. They lifted me effortlessly off
the floor, securing me under the arms. I could tell they were being as gentle
as possible, but there was nothing that could be done about the jarring pain I
felt with each step they took. Daggers of pain shot from my feet up into my
brain with every jar, every minute movement. When we were safely out of sight
of the room, they eased me to the ground.

“I am going to remove the gag,” Garvin told me. “But you must stay
silent, do you understand?”

I nodded, and leaned forward the best I could. He reached around my
neck and began to work on the knots tied in the back. It took a few minutes,
but finally I felt the leather snap and the pressure on my face reduced. As
soon as he lifted the leather away from my raw flesh, I pulled the wadded cloth
from my mouth and gasped for air, hissing as I took it in. After taking several
deep breaths, I looked up at them.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked. “He could have killed you back

“We will have to reset your feet. This is something you can’t do on
your own,”
said, avoiding my eyes.

“You didn’t answer my question,” I said, glancing back and forth
between the two. “Aren’t you afraid of what will happen?”

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