Read Live-In Position Online

Authors: V.S. Tice

Live-In Position (36 page)

I heard him enter my room. Quickly dropping everything onto my bedroom floor, I stripped out of the dress, went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me before he could reach me. He made a few attempts at the doorknob before he got the hint.

I showered away the makeup and the hair product, and tried to shower away the anger and hurt. Everything rinsed away except for the hurt. I tried to mentally talk myself out of it as I toweled off, but I wasn’t doing a very good job. I exited the bathroom with my towel tied tightly around me.

I expected Dr. Bishop to be sitting there, ready to pounce on me, but he had left. With a breath of relief, I got into some comfortable pajamas and headed to check on Victoria. When I got to her room, I found her half asleep on her bed with soaking wet hair. I grabbed the towel she’d dropped on the floor and tried to dry her hair better.

Once Victoria was settled, I left her room and closed the door behind me. Dr. Bishop was standing in the hallway with a deep scowl on his face. I was too tired, angry, and hurt to deal with him.

“Are you going to continue to ignore me?” The intensity of his eyes was familiar and no longer threatening to me.

“What do you want?” I shook my head and closed my eyes as I spoke.

“Did you…are you…who was he?”

My eyes flew open.

“Lucas is a friend I met through Miranda. He was Benji’s best man. What you saw was a hug between friends and nothing else.”

“The one that sent you the gifts? And I’m supposed to believe he doesn’t want more with you? Or you with him for that matter?” The harshness increased as he spoke.

“He did, once, but I effectively told him that we were just friends,” I ground out through my teeth. “As for what I want, I thought we already talked about that. Maybe I was wrong.” I walked away from him toward my room.

“Where are you going?” The anger in his voice morphed into pleading.

“To bed.” I didn’t stop walking, and he didn’t say another word.

When I got to my bedroom, I hesitated at the door. Then I made my decision. I closed the door and locked it before climbing into bed. Once I slipped between the soft sheets, the tears welled up in my eyes and spilled over my cheeks as I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the alarm clock alerted me that it was time to get up. With a loud groan, I stretched and heaved myself up off the bed. Once vertical, everything came crashing back into memory. I crunched up my face and headed to my bathroom.

I took a large breath before opening my bedroom door. I think a part of me wanted to find Dr. Bishop curled up in a ball on the floor but what I got was an empty living space. Unexpected relief washed over me as I headed to Victoria’s room.

I got Victoria up. We packed her day bag and then went to the kitchen for breakfast. She decided on eggs and toast, so I quickly put that together for her. She was halfway through eating when I heard the front door. I peeked out, but no one was there so I returned to the kitchen. Just as Victoria finished her breakfast, Dr. Bishop entered the kitchen. I winced a little at his appearance.

He was still wearing a heavy scowl, but on top of all of that scowling was a disheveled appearance. I’d never seen him so mussed up. His hair looked more tousled than usual, and he had on jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. There were dark bags under his eyes, topping off the rough, newly grown whiskers along his jaw. I opened my mouth as he reached for coffee but quickly shut it when he cursed from burning his finger on the pot.

“Are you ready?” he croaked with his eyes facing the cabinet above the coffee pot.

“Yes, Daddy.” Victoria’s voice was low, and she glanced at me with a look of sadness. She could tell that something was the wrong. I tried to reassure her with a smile, but she just slipped off of the barstool and walked off to get her bag. I began cleaning up the dishes.

“Will you be home?” His voice sounded distant and tired.

I was surprised that he was even speaking to me. He kept his eyes focused on the coffee mug in his hands, making every effort to avoid looking at me.

“Yes,” I answered tartly. I hadn’t meant to sound so harsh.

There was a tap on the counter as he set down his mug. He turned and walked out of the kitchen. I couldn’t help but follow his every move as he left.

After cleaning the kitchen, I decided to work on my book. I was thinking about the fact that it was just about ready to be sent out to the publishing houses when I was hit with a heavy floral scent. My brow furrowed in confusion as I stepped into my living room. The wrinkles faded at the sight in front of me.

There were four large flower bouquets in my room – roses, lilies, gerbera daisies, and peonies. My eyes scanned each of them three times before I stepped closer to the roses and inhaled deeply. It was with that whiff that I noticed the white card. I swiftly grabbed it from the clear plastic holder but hesitated nervously before opening it. With the slip of one finger, I had it open and I pulled out the little card. My eyes landed on the physician-like scrawl.

Miss Ashwood, I did not know your favorite so I chose the four that most remind me of you.

Roses are a symbol of


The note ended and I hurried to the bouquet of daises.

Daisies represent innocence, but for me, they also are the most free-spirited of flowers.

A large smile spread across my face and I rushed to the bouquet of lilies.

The Stargazer lily

represents ambition.

I bit my lip and turned to the last bouquet that was waiting for me – the peonies.

The peony represents


I was a little unsure of what to make of the last one. I walked over to my couch and sat down as I reread the little note cards. Then I saw the single sunflower lying on the coffee table in front of me. There was a small ribbon and note card attached. I picked up the flower and placed it on my lap. After removing the card, I opened it.

The sunflower represents adoration.

My chest constricted and caused my breathing to catch in my throat. I began to feel guilty for being so distant with him last night. I was mentally yelling at myself for not talking things through with him the night before when I heard the front door. One more look down at the cards and I was on my feet and out my door.

Dr. Bishop was at the bottom of the steps when I reached the fourth step up from the first floor. He looked at me with apprehension when I stopped.

“I, uh, I wanted to say I’m sorry.” It was silent for a brief moment.

“What are you sorry for?” He sounded tired. “I was the jealous fool.”

I grinned, realizing how flattering it was that he admitted to being jealous.

“Thank you for the flowers.” I took a step toward him.

“I’m sorry for my behavior last night. I—”

I didn’t give him a chance to finish speaking. I jumped the remaining steps between us, wrapped my arms around his neck, and crushed my lips to his.

The tension in his body dissipated the longer we kissed. His arms were around my waist and squeezing me against his body. I deepened the kiss and heard him moan around my lips. As my hands started to fist into his hair, he surprised me by bending down and lifting me over his shoulder.

“Oh! Put me down!” I squealed.

“Soon enough,” he responded and moved with determination up the stairs.

“Let me walk,” I squirmed. He slapped my behind. “Ahh!” I squeaked out.

“Behave yourself,” he commanded, walking us into his bedroom and kicking the door closed.

He placed me onto my feet and immediately launched himself at me. We both fell back onto the bed. He stifled my laughter with his mouth.

Collin slid his hand from my hip to my thigh and then in between my thighs, pushing them apart.

I pulled away from his lips for oxygen and heard him gasp for air before claiming my neck with his mouth. My hands found the hem of his sweatshirt and I began to pull it up his body.

Suddenly, he pushed up onto his knees and yanked his sweatshirt and t-shirt off in one clean motion. He tossed it on the floor and immediately yanked my t-shirt up my body. I leaned up on my elbows and it only took one second for me to be shirt and bra-free.

“I don’t like it when you shut me out.” He stared down at me with blazing intensity. His eyes were on my face, but his fingers were gliding over my skin.

“I’m sorry,” I sighed and shivered from his touch.

A small smirk played on his lips as his fingers made another pass over me. I shivered again, goose bumps prickled my skin.

“I apologize as well.” He leaned over my body. The green blaze in his eyes was lustful and adoring. I bit my lip when I thought of the sunflower’s meaning.

Collin’s lips crashed down to mine. He kissed me hard, almost roughly. In fact, every movement following his apology was rougher than normal. Not once did he hurt me, but it was as if he were working through his emotions during our physical contact.

My arms and legs were wrapped around his sweaty body. I began rubbing soothingly across his back.

“Stay with me,” he mumbled against my shoulder.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered.

“Ever?” He lifted his head and looked at me.

“I—” I didn’t know how to answer.

“Please?” I felt like I was looking into the face of a child. He dropped his head back to my shoulder. “Please, Sophia.” It wasn’t a question this time, it was a plea.

Not knowing what words would be appropriate; I tightened my legs and arms around him. I only hoped it was enough. His grip tightened in return. We lay like that for a long time.

When we finally did move, he shifted us so that we were on our sides facing each other. My left leg thrown over his hip, my left hand on his side, and my cheek pressed against his chest. His arms were still snugly around me and he was fast asleep. I inhaled his scent as I thought about his plea.

Was he afraid I would up and leave him like Grace did?

I had to wonder if the reason he was with me was because I was bound to him through a contract, making it harder, yet not impossible, for me to leave.

Was I just a safe chance to take?

The moment the thought sat in my mind, Collin tightened his hold on me and pulled me with him as he rolled to his back. I shook off the thought and fell asleep.

The ring of Collin’s cell phone pulled us both from our comfortable naked slumber. I rolled away from him and yanked at his comforter until it was loose enough to pull over me. He groaned in protest of my movement but sat up and went for his phone.

“Hello?” he grumbled.

“Yes?” His voice sounded confused. “What?” he exclaimed. “Yes, I’ll be right there.”

I sat up and looked at him. Collin rushed around the room slipping his clothes on. All of a sudden he looked at me. Fear, anger, and desperation were clear in his eyes.

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