Read Live-In Position Online

Authors: V.S. Tice

Live-In Position (17 page)

It was a new experience to see shock and hurt fill his face, but when he didn’t respond, all I could do was sigh heavily and roll my eyes.

“Like I should really expect
to do anything where Victoria is concerned.” Disgust dripped from my words.

Pushing past Grace, she followed closely behind. I leaned against the doorway of Victoria’s room, with my arms crossed, staring her down, daring her with my eyes to come closer.

Her foot inched forward, and her mouth opened to speak.

“Keep walking,” I snarled.

Glaring at me, she didn’t say another word. Instead she stalked down the hallway, away from Victoria’s room.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the look on her face and knew she’d heard the yelling. I grabbed her into my arms and held her. She didn’t cry or say anything. I only hoped she didn’t hear the words spoken in the kitchen. Eventually, we both fell asleep on her bed.

I woke up to a pitch-black room. After tucking her in with her rag doll, I kissed her forehead and whispered an apology.

Pulling out my suitcases, I was pretty sure my outburst would also be my termination. Unable to sleep, I started throwing the contents of my dresser in the cases. Knowing there would be a knock coming on my door, I lay on the couch unable to sleep.

At some point, though I couldn’t say when, I drifted off to sleep. A loud pounding roused me on my door. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes. The knocking came again. I sighed and gave a quick look at the clock on the opposite wall – four twenty-three in the morning. Well, I guess if I’m going to have to pack up and leave, I might as well do it before Victoria wakes up.

Squaring my shoulders, I twisted the knob and took a deep breath. In front of me stood a broken man, a sight I never imagined seeing – a disheveled Dr. Bishop. I furrowed my brow, swallowed hard, and licked my dry lips to speak.

“I apologize for my –” before I could finish the first sentence, his hand encompassed the back of my neck. I flinched and closed my eyes tight.

My eyes snapped open as he stumbled into my room and pulled my face to his. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. My hands reflexively shot out in front of me, pushing against his chest.

“D...Dr. Bishop?” I whispered.

“Shhh.” I could smell liquor on his breath.

“Dr. Bishop –” His lips crashed to mine forcefully and pushed us into the room.

Momentarily I froze, until the slamming of my door snapped me out of it.

His mouth was against mine, and his hand was caressing my lower back, bringing my body closer to his.

The feel of his body made me sigh. He took the opportunity to slip his whiskey-flavored tongue into my mouth. My eyes widened, but at the same time, my body screamed out in want. I shook the feeling off and pulled my face away.

“Dr. Bishop, you shouldn’t –”

Without a word he pulled my mouth back to his, licking and sucking on my bottom lip. I struggled with the unwanted and inappropriate lust for this extremely attractive man. My calves hit the couch just as my balance sent us crashing onto the cushions, Dr. Bishop on top of me. I gasped and turned my head to prevent his advantage, but instead he started kissing down my neck.

Quick and heavy breaths fell from my mouth. Sensations soared. My body was committing mutiny and giving in. His hips pressed forward. The feel of his arousal threw me over the edge. The thud of the remote control falling off the couch pulled me from my lustful induced state. I unknotted my fingers from his hair.

“Stop…you have to stop.”

He stopped his ministrations and lifted his head from the crook of my neck. His emerald eyes met mine. They seemed so dark and needy.

“I-I’m…I apologize,” he slurred a whisper, but didn’t move from on top of me.

I shifted underneath him. He groaned, but it was a sound of pleasure. Trying to slip out from under him, he locked me into place.

“Don’t move,” he whispered into my ear and nestled into my neck. “Please, don’t move.” The words were slurred and tired.

“Okay,” I whispered. “Are you sure –?”

“I didn’t…I never realized.” I didn’t have to ask for him to explain. “Until she told me she wasn’t mine, I never realized.”

I hesitantly brought one hand up and patted his arm, trying to soothe him and be supportive. Although I have to say, it isn’t easy to do with a six foot, drunken man lying on half of your body.

“When she said it, it crushed me. I can’t imagine her not being…mine.” His voice was getting quieter and his head fell to my shoulder.

“She’s yours,” I whispered back and rubbed his arm.

“Maybe,” he mumbled against my neck.

The feel of his lips against my skin sent jolts of fire to my core. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning. I found myself praying he would just fall asleep, so I could get out of this position before he sobered up in the morning.

I removed my hand from his arm and attempted my escape when he was still and his breathing evened out. I jumped when his hand grabbed mine and wrapped it around the back of his neck, his grip tightening around me.

Lying there waiting for him to fall asleep, while his body covered mine, it was difficult to think of anything besides the pulsating feeling at his touch, the way his breath felt against my neck, his hand on my waist, and how soft his hair had been to touch. Eventually, soft snores escaped his mouth, and I squirmed to get away. Even in sleep he wouldn’t let go of me.

I sighed heavily and gave up the fight. Emotionally exhausted, I fell asleep where I was.


its way into my head and with it, a flood of memories. My eyes snapped open, and I gasped.

Dr. Bishop was still sleeping next to me on the couch, but my shifting around had stirred him slightly. His hand lightly squeezed my hip. He moved and I could feel him against my calf.
Well good morning to you too.
As far as I could tell there was nothing little about his “little guy,” as Grace had called it.

Closing my eyes, I gulped and slowly released a large breath. I chanced a glance at him. His head was just above my right breast. Excitement started to build in my stomach and slowly sent jolts of wanting aches between my thighs.

What the...?

He nestled into my body, his hand slipping up the exposed skin on my side. I bit back a moan and squirmed.

Snap out of it, Soph, he’s the Antichrist.
His hair was messy, and stray strands escaped over his forehead.
But he’s so pretty and smells so…

After mentally slapping myself from the lustful haze, I grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

“Dr, Bishop,” I nudged him. “Dr. Bishop, Victoria will be up soon. I need to get up.”

All I got was a groan as his hand left my hip for his hair. I slipped off the couch and landed on the hard floor.

“Ow!” I growled and rubbed my butt, standing.

“M-Miss Ashwood?” I grimaced before turning around. Time to face the repercussions.

“Yes, sir?” I squeaked.

“What, why, how did I–?” He sat up quickly. Groaning, he put his head in his hands. “Did I, did we–?”

“Nothing happened,” I quickly clarified.

“Thank God,” he groaned.

“Exactly what I was thinking,” I snapped in retaliation. Maybe I’m not the beanpole harpy he’s pined over for years, but really am I that disgusting?

His shoulders stiffened.

“What happened?” He resurrected his stoic demeanor.

I sighed. “You showed up drunk and passed out.”

He looked up, brow raised. A hint in his eye told me he knew I wasn’t telling him everything.

“Is that all?”

“Yep.” I looked to the clock. “You should get out of here before Victoria wakes up and comes barging in.” I walked over to the small refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. I held it out to him. “Here.”

“Thank you,” he said curtly, taking the bottle. He climbed to his feet and followed me to the door. I opened it. He walked out, pausing just outside.

“Miss Ashwood?” He didn’t look back.

“Yes, sir?”

“I apologize for my behavior last night.” He didn’t give me a chance to say anything. He just walked away and disappeared down the hallway toward his room.

Closing the door, I slid down to the floor and released a relieved breath.

Things reverted to their pre-Grace state with the exception of Dr. Bishop receiving multiple courier messages from the law office of Stryker and Tepues. I assumed it was in relation to Victoria but didn’t communicate with Dr. Bishop about it until necessary.

My music was blaring in my ears while I loaded the dryer. I had the house to myself; even Mrs. Baker was away. I was singing quietly and swaying to the song. I closed the dryer door, picked up my empty hamper and spun around to take it back up to my room.

“Shit!” I screamed and bounced back off the dryer. The hamper dropped from my hands and tipped onto its side at my feet. My fingers clenched into my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

Dr. Bishop leaned down and picked up the hamper, handing it back to me. His mouth was moving, but all I could hear was the start of the next song. Gripping the white wires, I tugged on them. A half grin spread across his lips when he realized why I hadn’t heard him enter the laundry room.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He almost sounded playful.

I nodded. “Did you need something?” I released my hand from my chest.


His eyes roamed my body. I moved the hamper to cover my barely there cotton shorts. Internally groaning, I hoped he didn’t get all ‘Thou shall not show skin.’

“Victoria has an appointment with her doctor tomorrow afternoon. She’ll need to be arranged for an early dismissal.”

I nodded and started to inch out of the room backwards.

“You’ll need to bring her to the hospital instead of his office.”

I nodded again.

“The appointment is at one.”

“Okay. I’ll have her there.”

He cleared his throat. “I will, uh, be at the hospital at that time.”

“Oh-kay...” I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with that information.

“Please see that the nurse informs me of your…her arrival.”

I nodded.

“They’ll be doing a mouth swab and drawing her blood.” For a moment his concern about the test results flashed over his face. He cleared his throat again, and the moment passed.

“Grace is supposed to arrive in the morning to provide her...samples for testing purposes, but I just wanted you to be aware of her possible presence.” He sounded like he was requesting surgical tools to be handed to him.

The next afternoon, we arrived at the hospital and walked toward the doors where Dr. Bishop was waiting. They swabbed Victoria’s mouth and placed the sample into a plastic bag. Then they rolled up her sleeve. When they began to prepare the needle, she gripped my hand tighter and squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

“It will be over soon,” I whispered into her ear. “And remember what I said after we leave?”

“My surprise?” She opened her eyes to look directly into mine. Her body relaxed.


“All finished.” A nurse was putting a Band-Aid on her arm.

Victoria’s head snapped over to look.

“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

My eyes shifted. Dr. Bishop was watching me closely. I straightened up and helped Victoria down from the table. As usual, I had a hard time shrugging off the intensity of his eyes.

“Can we go now?” Victoria was almost bouncing.

I held my hand out for her to take. She quickly grabbed it and we started to leave.

“It will take about three days for the blood work and about a week for the swab test to be returned,” I overheard.

“Huh...oh, yes, of course.” Dr. Bishop sounded caught off guard.

“Can I get a hint about where we are going?” Victoria interrupted my eavesdropping.

“Hmmm…” I tapped my chin.

“Please, please, please...” she begged.

“Okay, okay. What would you say to triple scoop ice cream sundaes?”

She stopped in her tracks. Her smile was priceless.

“Three scoops? Like one, two, three,” she counted on her fingers, “scoops?”

I nodded and laughed.

“Yes!” she yelled.

“Victoria, keep your voice down. There are patients.” We both jerked around. Dr. Bishop walked toward us.

“Sorry, Daddy,” she mumbled.

He seemed to falter at the change in her face.

“We don’t want to disturb anyone, that’s all.”

She nodded again.


I was shocked at the softness of his voice.

“Yes?” she said in a low tone.

“You were very brave today.” His tone wasn’t as soft as before, but his words were enough to make her face light up. She smiled. “Alright then.” The professional doctor persona was back. “I’ll see you both later. I will be home in an hour or so.”

“Daddy, Sophia is taking me out for ice cream.” She smiled up at me, then at him. “Since I was so good at the lab she’s –”

“I see. Well, then –”

“Want to come with us?” Victoria blurted.

“Oh, uh, Victoria, I’m sure your dad has a lot to do and –” I didn’t know what else to say.

Dr. Bishop’s face was contorted in what appeared to be anger.

“Perhaps another time,” he nodded to both of us and walked away stiffly.

The week went by quickly. Soon it was the end of May and the last week of school. Victoria’s dance recital was this weekend. As we left the dance studio after picking up her costume, she was bouncing from excitement.

“Did you like the costume? Was it really pretty? Do you think ours will be the best?”

“Calm down.” I hung the garment bag onto the hook above the rear passenger side window. “You looked fabulous, and you all will look amazing on stage together.”

She was ecstatic the entire way home.

When we walked through the door, the entire Bishop family met us. They were sitting in the room next to the foyer, looking rather grave, and I immediately worried Grace was telling the truth.

“Victoria, could you please come here?” Dr. Bishop sounded tense.

She was stuck to my side so I gently nudged her. She walked slowly toward him.

“Don’t dawdle, child,” Ilene quipped.

I imagined slamming her head onto the antique coffee table in front of her. Victoria picked up her pace. I swallowed thickly and began to make my way toward Victoria’s room to hang the costume in her closet.

“Stay,” Dr. Bishop instructed.

“Why do you need her to –?”

“Allison...” Larissa hissed.

Looking toward Victoria, Dr. Bishop pulled her directly in front of him. He held her in place with his hands on her shoulders, looking intently into her eyes. Different emotions flashed across his face. His brow furrowed, and then he released a breath, lowering his head.

“What’s wrong, Da—?”

“Collin, will you please tell us what is going on?” Allison cut off Victoria.

I imagined her with a coffee table imprint on her forehead, matching her mother’s.

“The test results are back.” His voice strained, and I could only assume the worst. Reflexively, I took a step forward.

“She’s mine.” His head came up, eyes filled with tears. “I’m her father.”

Victoria looked confused.

“Of course you’re my daddy,” she smiled.

He grinned back, and there it was – they both had the same crooked smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and they held each other for a long time. I bit my lip and wiped my eyes before anyone noticed my tears.

“Oh, Collin...” Larissa rushed to him and wrapped them both in their arms. “Of course she is. She has your temper.”

Dr. Bishop chuckled.

I was getting Victoria ready for her recital when there was a knock on her door. Dr. Bishop lingered in her doorway.

“Are you ready?” he called out.

“Almost,” I yelled from her bathroom. Finishing the last twist and pin of her bun, I wrapped the fake ivy leaves around.

“There, you look perfect,” I smiled through the mirror.

“It looks perfect!” she squealed and then hugged me.

“Okay, fairy princess, let’s get going.” I gave her a shove toward the door.

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