Read Lawked Flame Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #interracial romance paranormal romance lawke kee romance erotic romance

Lawked Flame (28 page)

BOOK: Lawked Flame
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That day, he’d pulled her aside and blasted
her. After he told her to stop behaving like an infant throwing a
tantrum, she’d stiffened in hurt. Knowing she was the cause of his
anger sent waves of remorse through her. She had barely heard his
explanations about unbreakable rules and the lot. The grip of his
anger, more than anything, had her apologizing. She wasn’t hurt
physically, but the pain she’d caused him was too much for her to
handle. After they returned to the Harven, he never mentioned it

Another thought lodged in her mind. “What if
the Geleet catch him? They might take him over like they did Rodney
and Jan. We have to warn him.” She tried to move her leg again,
bent on retrieving her cell from the bedroom, but he held her legs
fast. This manhandling was getting ridiculous. She scowled at

“First off, let me explain the Geleet
situation. Then you can decide how to handle your father.”

Since that made more sense than running off
not knowing what to say or do, she leaned back, and nodded.

He exhaled and continued stroking her leg.
Tendrils of warmth permeated her flesh from the points of his
fingers, relaxing her. That was a neat trick, she needed to
remember to ask him how to do that, she thought as her eyelids

“No being can take over someone without that
person’s permission. At some point in time, a Geleet must have
contacted your former partner and some sort of deal was struck. It
is a high level ability they rarely use. Which is probably why my
team did not initiate a deep body scan, and that is the only way to
detect that type of deception.”

“All they had to do was offer him money,”
she snorted. Lately, it’d seemed Rodney was all about the fast
dollar. Somewhere along the way he must’ve lost confidence in his
skills as a developer and launched into some wild side deals. That
was unfortunate because when she’d met him, he’d been really

“Perhaps, but in all likelihood it was never
a straight arrangement. No rational person would agree to
inhabitation of an alien lizard creature. In his zeal to secure
whatever they offered, Rodney failed to understand the fine print.
It has been decades since they have stooped to that trick.”

Brow furrowed, she gently gnawed at her
fingertip as she ticked through the points he’d made, trying to
make sense of it. “So, what you’re saying is my daddy would have to
buy whatever they’re selling. Is that right?”

He smiled. “You have an interesting way with
words, but you are right. That process takes time to accomplish, at
its core it is a legal conveyance and many things can go

“But, what if—” Her mind spun with a myriad
of deceitful offers and acceptances. The possible consequences of
those actions. Her family being accosted and duped. Trying to
imagine all the various scenarios that could happen gave her a

He shushed her rising panic. “You are
borrowing worry. Nothing has happened to your family that we are
aware of.” He sat beside her, the heat from his body chased away
the chill of her fear.

Turning, she wrapped her arms around him. He
was so good for her. “I’m so tired of being scared. There are so
many variables at work here. I’m human, so is my family. They
shouldn’t be used as pawns in this battle. Can’t you make them
leave the earthlings alone?” Her lips tilted up at the corner,
smiling at her absurd request.

He squeezed her tight, briefly. “You know I
would move this earth off its axis for you if I could, my Kee. But
there are many things beyond my control. We must handle each
situation as it comes. Do not borrow tomorrow’s problems, today.”
He kissed the tip of her nose before releasing her.

Chastened, she looked up at him and took
strength from his confidence. If he wasn’t worried, then she
wouldn’t be. “Thanks, baby, I—”

Her next words were cut off as his demanding
lips slanted over hers, his tongue seeking entry into her mouth,
kissing her deeply. He was delicious. Slowly, her eyes fluttered
close. She lost herself in the sensations swarming through her
languid body as she melted against the hard planes of his chest.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, her nipples tightened at the
friction from his torso and sent jolts of pleasure to her heated

She giggled against his mouth as he lifted
and swung her around, making a mockery of, what she’d always
considered, her heavy, plus sized frame. Leaning back, she met his
hungry stare and returned it shamelessly. She wanted him to know
she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. His brow rose at her
unspoken challenge, sending a surge of anticipation through her.
His lips curled, and within seconds they
were grinning ear to ear. She laughed, giving him her throaty
rumble as she rolled her hips against his hardness. The ache
between her legs had grown and she was more than ready to let him
take care of it.

“I want some,” she purred, absorbing the
tremor that shot through him. It pleased her to no end that he
responded to her on such a primal level when they had sex. He never
hid his feelings and wouldn’t permit her to hide hers. A quick
flick of her tongue touched his top lip, followed by her fingertip
outlining the bottom. A quick glance upward and she gave herself a
high five. His eyes had gone royal blue with an incandescent light
behind the color. It was his let’s-get-it-on indicator and she
loved when she brought him to it so quickly.

With her in his arms, he moved in the
direction of the bed. “Some? What do you mean?” His voice thickened
as it always did when she took the lead in their sexual play. Her
hand lowered between their bodies; she stared at him until he
released her slowly, allowing her to roam at will without breaking
eye contact.

Her hand grazed and then cupped his hard
cock, securing his loud moan of approval. “This, baby, I want
this.” She gave a light squeeze for good measure, released it, and
backed away. Never did she break eye contact. Instead, she inched
backward onto the mattress, her every movement and gesture inviting
him to come play. His eyes flared his approval as she lay on the
bed waiting for him.

In return, he removed his gray sweats in
ridiculously slow increments, feeding her hunger for more of him.
She watched in appreciation as his erection sprang free, slapping
above his navel as he kicked his pants aside. Damn, the man was
hung. Mentally, she fanned herself as heat pooled between her legs,
dampening her thong. The lop-sided grin he sent her should be
outlawed. It was lecherously wicked and sent a shaft of heat
spiraling through her. She tightened her thighs to ease her
mounting arousal.

Her fingers twitched with the need to rip
off her clothes. The confining garments irritated her hot flesh,
each second becoming more unbearable. But early on he’d made it
crystal clear he considered undressing her, his pleasure, and had
instructed, yes, instructed her to never do it again. She

“Khayden, please,” she whispered. Her arms
extended, needing him to come to her.

“Soon. Give me a minute to set it up so it
will be good for you.” He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed
it aside, standing gloriously naked.

She stifled a scream as he moved around the
room gathering his toys. On the one hand, she wasn’t sure how much
better sex with him could be. The man had stamina on top of stamina
and was able to coax orgasms out of her in the most unlikely
positions, doing the most unlikely things. Then there was the other
side of the coin. She never knew exactly what he planned to do with
her, except that the end result would have her begging for more.
The aroma of her arousal saturated the room as she remembered some
of his more daring exploits.

“Can I take off my—”

“No.” He walked over to the bed, dropping a
powder-blue satin mask and a long white feather onto the
nightstand. A shiver coursed through her as his fingertips stroked
her arm, then circled and flicked her tight nipples.

She gasped as bolts of pleasure shot through
her. With her pregnancy, all of her nerve endings seemed
ultra-sensitive and it seemed, to her anyway, the least thing had
her in gimme-sex mode. She wasn’t sure how all newly pregnant women
dealt with their increased libido, but her baby’s daddy leapt at
every invitation to accommodate her, and made sure she was

Taking his time, he unbuttoned her cotton
shirt, and peeled it off her. Cool air grazed her flushed skin,
lowering her skin’s temperature, but did nothing to quench the
rising fire inside.

She glanced at the satin
mask and creamed her panties. “What’re you going to do with…with
that?” She tried to point to the nightstand, but her arm dropped
around his shoulders as his teeth grazed the tip of her nipple,
sending tingles of pleasure to her pussy. She
couldn't catch
her breath. His action had been so swift, it took her by surprise.
Regardless, he was where she wanted; she held his head and pressed
her breasts against his talented mouth, desperate for the pleasure
only he could give her. Her legs jumped as h
dragged his teeth along the taut buds of her nipples, setting
body on fire as he nipped, laved and suckled,
alternating between the three.

“Ohmigod,” she hollered as he pressed both
breasts together and sucked. Sharp bursts of pleasure careened
through her body. One of her hands held the back of his head,
daring him to move. The other slapped the bed as her hips bucked,
straining for fulfillment.

God, she needed him pounding hard and deep
inside her to put out her fire. She tried to tell him what she
needed. Only to have guttural sounds rise and escape from the depth
of her belly. The heat of his palm on her exposed stomach had her
quivering in anticipation. “Please…please,” she whispered, as her
head rolled from side to side. She needed him to fill her with his
tongue, or his finger or his dick. Right now, she just needed to be
stretched and stroked.

Her desperation must’ve reached him. His
deliciously thick fingers inched downward and she froze. Her
stomach quivered again in anticipation of a single touch. The power
this man held over her body constantly astounded her. She hungered
for the simplest things. A chosen word married to a certain action
could catapult her into orgasmic bliss. A glance that held a hint
of smugness ignited the knowledge that he’d never leave her
unfulfilled, which in turn, had her creaming without him saying a
word. Beyond a doubt, she knew she was lucky.

Finally, he unsnapped her jeans, slid his
finger beneath her lace thong and played between her soaked lips.
Her legs shook as he mercilessly pinched and teased her clit,
queezed and kneaded her breasts, all the while
sucking her nipples. A shudder rocked her, she was so close. Her
body vibrated near the edge of completion. Her heart raced as her
vaginal walls throbbed. And then he inserted one of his large
fingers into her dripping wet hole. Her walls tightened in
greeting. He pulled the finger down and inserted another, curling
them inside and bringing them down, faster this time. Her hips
rolled to meet his finger thrusts. As he increased the depth and
speed of his fingers, his lips again latched onto her nipple,
tipping the balance.
Her hips bucked upwards, squeezing his
fingers with the force of her
climax as she
exploded. Her body tightened as waves of pleasure cascaded over
her. Khayden had somehow shifted his position and held her
shuddering body tight; his finger constantly stroked her through
her powerful climax.

“Baby.” She huffed, trying to catch her
voice. “That was so fucking good, I heard bells.” She chuckled at
her dry wit as the euphoria waned.

He sighed and released her. “As much as I
wish it was my magnificent skills, I must deny my mastery in this

What was he talking about? Opening one eye
at him, she squinted, confused. “Huh?”

He picked up her cell phone and handed it to
her. “You had a call.” The tightness in his jaw said more than he
ever would of his opinion of modern electronics.

She hesitated to take it, but the thought
that the call might’ve been from the Murlins snapped her out of her
languorous daze. Grabbing the device, she pressed the key to see
the list of missed calls and groaned when she saw her father had
left her a message.

“My daddy called.” From the corner of her
eye she watched all expression drain from Khayden’s face. He stood
and reached for his robe and proceeded to cover all his naked
yumminess. “What’re you doing?” She wasn’t finished with him, not
by a long shot. She sat up, waiting for either his answer or for
him to crawl back over her. Preferably the latter.

“Call your parent and I will answer a
message that just came through.” He sent her a wry smile and walked
out of the room.

“Well, at least he didn’t put his clothes
back on,” she mumbled, a little peeved he'd left her in this
condition. The first time was always an appetizer, he knew that.
They had a few more courses to make it through. She kicked off her
jeans and tossed them aside. Lying down, she rolled onto her side,
propped her face with her hand, and played her voice mail. Hearing
her dad’s laid-back voice always made her smile. Except this time
he sounded sharp, or overly alert, if there was such a thing. At
any rate, he wasn’t his normal calm self.

Sitting up, she frowned and replayed his
message again. The third time she replayed the message she was
pulling up her jeans, and then yelling for Khayden as she ran out
the room to find him. Her father had just left word that he was at
the hospital with her mother.


Chapter 21


Khayden finished buttoning his jeans and ended his
telepathic communication with Benicke as soon as he heard Alayna’s
frantic cry. Ready to act on any type of foul play, doors and
shutters clicked shut. Air vent filters hissed as steel traps were
engaged to allow precise amounts of clean purified oxygen inside.
The lighting dimmed as the windows’ film coatings were cranked up
to one hundred percent, rendering them virtually indestructible.
After shutting down his residence, he informed the house master to
secure the staff, and to stay in their rooms until further word
from him. He moved at a clipped pace toward his Kee, anxious to
discover what was the problem with her relative.

BOOK: Lawked Flame
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