Read King of Clubs Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #Romance, #Scientific/Technical/Professional, #Erotic

King of Clubs (20 page)

BOOK: King of Clubs
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“Taste yourself,” he murmured, bringing his fingers to her mouth.

Awai parted her lips and tasted the cream from between her thighs as she lightly sucked his fingers. When he slipped them from her lips she tilted her head up and back so that she could see his eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight.

Ty brought his mouth to Awai’s and slipped his tongue into her depths, tasting her lips, her cream, her woman’s flavor. Joy seared his veins, burned at his soul that this woman belonged to him, and him alone.

He withdrew from the kiss and for a moment gazed into her beautiful eyes. Her lips were parted, swollen, and wet from his kiss. “You are so lovely,” he murmured as he reached around her and found the fastenings at her waist. He took his time, and in a slow, easy movement he released the bonds so that her robe fell open, completely exposing her to his gaze.

In the cabin window he studied her reflection, the creaminess of her skin, the glitter of the nipple charms dangling from her breasts, the light catching the star charm at her navel. Her dark hair flowed around her shoulders in contrast to her fair skin and her quim glistened with moisture.

Ty repressed a roar and the desire to thrust into his mate
. Instead he purred, a low rumble that rose up within his throat and reverberated throughout his being. “My woman,” he murmured as he pushed the robe slowly from her shoulders and arms. He paused partway down so that her hands were bound behind her back and her breasts thrust forward.

He lowered his mouth to her ear and felt her shiver when he whispered, “Do you enjoy being at my mercy, tigress?”

“Yes.” Awai flicked her tongue against her lower lip. “I love it when you take control of me.”

Ty brought his hand to her throat and caressed the diamond and ebony collar. It glittered in the window’s reflection, the candlelight causing it to sparkle like sunlight on water. “You look so beautiful with my sign of ownership. Do you enjoy being owned by me?”

“More than anything.” Her throat moved as she swallowed. “I am yours in every way.”

His smile was so sensual that Awai’s knees nearly buckled. He pushed her robe the rest of the way down her arms and let it drop in a swirl of silk around her feet. Taking her by the shoulders, Ty turned her to face him. She tilted her head up to look into his eyes and saw the love and caring he felt for her. This was not about him owning her, it was about them owning each other, and she knew he felt the same way. But he also knew how much it turned her on when he controlled her, when he dominated her.

It no longer amazed her that she was willing to give up all control to Ty. He was the only man she could ever have given herself to completely.

She reached up and touched the gold earring glinting at his ear and slid her fingers over his stubble roughened cheek to his lips. His long blond hair fell long and loose about his massive shoulders and his muscles rippled as he brought his hands below her ribcage to span her small waist. She braced her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as he explored her body with his gaze and his hands.

In the next moment he roughly cupped her naked buttocks and pressed himself against her. She felt his need, felt the fine rein of control that kept him from releasing the beast that wanted to ravage her. A part of her wanted him to lose control, to take her hard and fast, but another part wanted this slow seduction.

“Let me undress you,” she whispered as she brought her hands between them and to the belt around his breeches.

He rumbled, his expression fierce and filled with desire as she slowly unbuckled the club at his belt and unfastened his leather breeches. But instead of pulling out his cock, she knelt on the floor before him and unlaced one of his knee-high boots. After she unlaced the second boot he kicked them away, but she remained on her knees. She grasped his breeches and eased them down over his hips. His cock sprang free, swollen with need and lust for her.

“Hurry, woman,” he growled, but she heard the love in his voice.

She didn’t hurry. Instead she took her time, running her tongue along the insides of his thighs and lightly biting the skin on his knees as she pushed his breeches down to his feet. She didn’t have time to tease him any further because he stepped out of his breeches and caught a handful of her hair and tilted her head back to look at him.

His eyes glowed with sensual fire. “Do you wish punishment, sweet wench?”

Awai smiled and wrapped her small hand around his large cock. “Please,” she murmured before slipping her lips over the head of his erection.

Ty gave another growl and clenched his hand tighter in her hair. Awai loved the way it felt when he controlled her movements, the feel of his skin over his rigid length, the taste of his come that leaked into her mouth as she sucked his cock. She loved the wiry blond curls at the base of his shaft, loved the smell of him, the way his very presence surrounded her.

Just as she felt him stiffen, he shouted, “Enough!” and dragged her up against his muscled body and kissed her long and hard.

“I must taste you,” he said in a deep rumble.

Ty’s back was to the window, and as he kissed his way down her body she saw the brilliant aurora filling the night sky. His tongue flicked across one nipple to the valley of her breasts and to the other nipple as she watched the fall of glittering light outside the yacht’s window.

He worked lower, flicking his tongue against her shooting star charm before nipping at her mound. The small erotic bite caused her to gasp and more moisture to flow down her leg. Through heavy-lidded eyes she continued to watch the aurora’s light show and marveled at how it danced in tune with the sensations flowing throughout her body.

In moments he reached her slit and ordered, “Widen your thighs.” She obeyed and he grasped her thighs within his large grasp. He sucked her clit so hard her knees gave out and she had to grasp his shoulders to remain standing.

Ty made a deep purring sound while he licked her folds. He thrust three fingers inside her core as he continued to drive in and out of her while licking her clit.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to come,” she said in a choked whisper.

“Do not climax,” he ordered as he looked up at her and continued thrusting his fingers in and out of her. Teasing lights glittered in his blue eyes and she did everything she could to hold back.

With a soft laugh, Ty slipped his fingers from inside her and stood. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the enormous bed.

He gently laid her on the bed and stared down at her. Cherry blossoms felt soft beneath her, touching her shoulders, her back, her rounded bottom, and releasing their sweet perfume.

“You make my life complete, tigress,” he murmured as he ran his finger down the bridge of her nose to the tip.

She held her arms out to him. “Come to me, my King.”

Ty smiled, that incredibly sexual smile that made her stomach curl and her pussy ache. With the grace of a tiger, he eased onto the bed beside her and brought her so that they were face to face.

Awai reached out and traced the club on his solid abs. “You are amazing,” she said. “I can’t believe this is all happening. That I have someone as special and perfect as you.”

“I am far from perfect,” he said gently, catching her hand with his. “But I do know that the most important, the most wondrous, thing I have ever done in my life is find you.”

He gently pushed her on her back and she widened her legs for her mate. Ty eased between her thighs and brought his cock to her core. In a quick thrust he buried his full hard length inside her.

Awai gasped, her eyes wide as she looked up at Ty. She couldn’t get over how well they fit together.

Ty took her hands and linked them with his. She kept her gaze focused on his as he slowly moved in and out of her in an easy rhythm. Candlelight illuminated his features, the fine cut of his mouth and the strong line of his jaw. His hair slipped over his shoulders and brushed against her chest with every thrust he made inside her channel.

They kept their eyes locked and their hands linked as they drove one another higher and higher toward completion. Awai felt colors and light swirl within her, like the aurora outside the stateroom window. Her abdomen clenched and her heart pounded. She didn’t want to come until Ty did, and it took all her strength to hold back her climax.

Ty gritted his teeth, his look fierce yet loving all at once. She sensed his body tightening as he drew near his own climax.

“Come with me, tigress!” he ordered.

Awai cried out as her orgasm burst within her. Shades of crimson and gold filled her vision, blending to pink to orange, to green, then blue and silver. A rainbow of sensation filling her body, filling her mind, filling her soul.

Ty roared, a mighty bellow that seemed to shake the very structure around them. A roar that could certainly be heard from one end of the yacht to the other, from the lake to the village.

While his cock was still pulsating within her core, he rolled over on his side. Awai’s head was still spinning, but the world gradually came into focus when her eyes settled on Ty’s handsome face. Sweat beaded his forehead, dripped down the side of his face. His chest rose and fell, his sweaty body rubbing against hers with every breath he took. The smell of his come and the scent of her juices mingled with the sweet perfume of cherry blossoms.

Awai placed her hand on his chest, felt his heart beating beneath her fingers. “I can’t wait to spend every one of my days with you, Ty. I love you so much.”

Ty stroked her hair out of her eyes and smiled. “I feel the same, tigress. You are my woman, my mate, my very life. My darling Queen of Clubs.”



John Steele’s head swam from the six vodka martinis he’d been drinking and his vision blurred. He stumbled over the threshold of his Los Angeles penthouse and glared at his wide-eyed bride of two months. The little slut was only nineteen and had been a good little fuck for a while, but he was sick and tired of her. He’d started slapping her around a couple of weeks ago, but she was due for a good beating to keep her in line.

“John?” Monique had a pensive look to her face as she moved across the living room toward him. She still had a bruise on the side of her face where he’d slapped her two days ago. “What’s wrong?”

The blue-eyed brunette looked too much like that whore Awai who had left him, and he’d had enough of Monique’s whining. It was time he taught her a real lesson.

When she was close enough, he grabbed her by the collar of her silk blouse and dragged her toward him. “You little bitch.”

Genuine fear flashed across her features and she tried to tear herself away. “Stop it!”

John laughed and she yanked back hard enough that her blouse tore. She screamed as she tripped over a footstool, landing on her back. Her blouse gaped open, and he clutched a shred of the fabric in his fist.

“Whore!” He bent and grabbed one of her wrists, and yanked her to her feet. She screamed again as he raised his fist, ready to slam it into her jaw.

Blinding white light seared his vision.

“What the fuck?” John turned toward the door. His fist was still raised and Monique still screamed and struggled to get away from him.

Something long and black lashed out at him. It wrapped around his raised fist and jerked him hard, down onto the floor so that he was on his hands and knees.

Monique had escaped John’s grasp just before he hit the floor. A black snake-like whip unwound from his wrist. He scrambled to his feet, terror causing blood to roar in his ears.

The whip cracked again. This time it wrapped around his legs and yanked his feet out from under him.

His back slammed against the floor and pain seared his spine. He screamed and fought the hold of the whip.

And then a booted foot was on his chest.

John’s gaze shot up to see Awai decked out in a leather cat suit, a whip curled in her hand, and she was staring down at him with a smirk on her face.

“You fucking bitch,” he shouted. He started to grab her ankle when the low rumble of a jungle beast caused him to freeze.

Awai moved her foot as an enormous white and black striped tiger rose up within John’s line of sight, and he was paralyzed with fear.

His body trembled and he tried to scramble away but the tiger pinned him to the floor with one massive paw against his chest.

“Still enjoy beating up women?” Awai asked in a deadly cold voice.

“Get your fucking pet off me,” John said in a half-terrified, half-vicious tone.

“I don’t think so.” Awai squatted down beside him and smiled. “You won’t be hurting any woman, ever again. Not ever,

The tiger roared and John wet his pants, warm piss soaking his trousers. John screamed as the beast grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the blinding white light.

About the author:


Cheyenne McCray is a thirty-something wild thing at heart, with a passion for sensual romance and a happily-ever-after...but always with a twist. A University of Arizona alumnus, Chey has been writing ever since she can remember, back to her kindergarten days when she penned her first poem. She always knew that one day she would write novels, and with her love of fantasy and romance, combined with her passionate nature, erotic romance is a perfect genre for her. In addition to her adult work, Chey is also published in young adult literary fiction under another name. Chey enjoys spending time with her husband and three sons, traveling, working out at the health club, playing racquetball, and of course writing, writing, writing.

Cheyenne welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.

Also by Cheyenne McCray:


Seraphine Chronicles 1: Forbidden

Seraphine Chronicles 2: Bewitched

Seraphine Chronicles 3: Spellbound

Seraphine Chronicles 4: Untamed

Wild 2: Wildcat

Wild 3: Wildcard

Wild 4: Wild Borders

BOOK: King of Clubs
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