Read Kiljorn Commander Online

Authors: K. D. Jones

Kiljorn Commander (8 page)

“Does this bother you?” He looked down into her adorable face. She had little freckles that dotted across her nose, over her cheeks, and down her neck. They were probably all over her body. He had never noticed that before. He wanted to trace them with his tongue.

“No…just give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready for ya.”

“Rest, little one, we have all night.” He wanted to say they had the rest of their lives but he didn’t want to scare her. He just got her and he had no intentions whatsoever of ever letting her go.

“All night, huh? I’ll definitely need a nap.” She snuggled closer and moaned when he moved within her slowly.


Lola sat outside in the garden watching the sun set. She had come out there to be alone while LarIS was working. He promised to join her as soon as he could.

She was feeling lonely now that Lizzie was gone. The two of them had grown close over the months since first traveling to Katiera. Lola had hoped to convince her friend to move to the Colonial Planet with her. But that was not going to happen now. Not if the Kiljorn Commander had any say in it.

Her friend had her hands full with that one. He would be very controlling. Add into the mix, his very flirty half-brother—it spelled trouble. She was grateful she found her mate, or he found her was more like it. LarIS was everything to her.

She sighed looking up in the sky. Maybe she would head back inside and take a nap. She was more tired these days.

Just as she stood and turned to head through the main garden doors, a bright light temporarily blinded her, which was accompanied by a loud booming sound and a blast of hot wind that knocked her on her back.

'LarIS?' Her last thoughts were of her mate as she fell into darkness.


Chapter Nine


“Report!” TylOR stomped into the command center agitated that he was pulled from Elizabeth’s arms prematurely. He wanted to love her for hours more. It had turned out that he and Lizzie only had time to make love twice more before he was suddenly called to the command center. He'd told Lizzie to stay in his bed and he’d be back within the hour. But it looked as if those plans were taking a turn for the worse.

“Sir, I have Leader LarIS on secure communications,” TenON said.

“Put him on.” TylOR watched as Leader LarIS’s image appeared on the large viewing screen. He had a worried look on his face.

“Leader LarIS. What can I do for you?”

“Are we secure?”


“There has been an incident at the Colonial Prime Building. A bomb was set off.”

Oh Kitana!
“Is anyone hurt?”

“There were two deaths and twenty injured,” LarIS told him.

“My sister and her family?” He felt his heart clench. His love for them was becoming more clear to him.

“They had already left to return to their home before the bomb went off.”

He felt a deep relief. “Prima Lola?” He knew that Elizabeth would be devastated if something happened to her friend, Lola.

LarIS shook his head. “She was outside in the garden when the bomb went off. She was thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious. But she is doing well. I was on my way out to her and was thrown from the building myself. I have only a few bruises.”

“Do you have any idea who planted it?”

“We narrowed down our suspicions. We believe that it must be someone onboard the transports. The timing of it seems to indicate that.”

“Can you…you know?” TylOR tapped his forehead silently indicating that LarIS should use his telepathic ability.

“I have been using my abilities for those here. Unfortunately, both your transport and AshOR’s transport are too far out of range now for me to use it. That is the second reason that I believe it is someone onboard the transports. The bomb was set on a timer and went off the moment both transports were out of range.”

This was not how he expected to be spending his evening. He was supposed to be convincing Elizabeth to officially mate him. Now he had to report this sabotage to Prime Leader KadEN and the rest of the trip he would be searching out the culprits. Just what he didn’t need.


A knock on the door woke Lizzie from her sleep. She smiled thinking about TylOR and all the naughty things he did to her. The man was insatiable. The knocking on the door made her jump from the bed and scramble into some clothes.

She opened the door to find a lieutenant she wasn’t familiar with standing on the other side. She blushed knowing he knew why she was in TylOR’s sleeping quarters.

“TylOR…Commander TylOR went to the command center,” she told him.

“Yes. I was sent by Commander TylOR. He wanted me to let you know he has important business that will delay him. He did not want you to wait on him.”

She bit her lip. “Okay. I guess I can head back to my own quarters.”

“I will wait for you.” He moved to the side of the door in the hallway.

“You don’t have to wait for me. I think I can remember how to get back.”

“Commander TylOR has ordered that you are to be guarded.”

“Guarded? I don’t really think I need to be guarded.” Lizzie saw the serious expression on the man’s face.

“I have my orders.” He looked a little insulted that she would question him.

“Okay then. I’ll be just a minute.”

Lizzie went to get her shoes. She had already thrown her clothes on. She lifted TylOR’s pillow and inhaled his masculine scent. She missed him already. She turned back to the open door and went outside. The guard stood at attention.

“I’m Dr. Elizabeth Connell, people call me Lizzie. What’s your name?”

“Lieutenant DugER.”

“I appreciate your taking the time to guard me. I just hate causin' trouble.” Lizzie walked beside the guard

“You are no trouble. It is an honor to guard the Commander’s mate.”

Lizzie stumbled over her feet. “What? I’m not…his mate.”

“Of course you are. He has scent marked you.” He noticed her face turn an alarming shade of red. Earth females were so different than Kiljorn females. “Did I say something wrong? Your face is a red color. Do you need to go to the Medic Wing?”

Lizzie saw his serious expression and almost laughed at him. Men were helpless when it came to women’s emotions. “I’m okay. You can tell he scent marked me?”

“Yes, it is very strong.”

Lizzie didn’t ask him anything else. It was something that she needed to discuss with TylOR. She knew what it meant that he scent marked her. But normally the Katieran, Kiljorn, and Colonial's males would ask the female first before releasing his seed and marking her. She knew they had been beyond words while making love. Lizzie had felt his warm seed shooting inside her so she would have remembered if he had asked her first. And why wouldn’t he have told her that he had marked her?

She really needed to talk to him. But the questions would have to wait. Something must be seriously wrong if he assigned her a guard.


TylOR was tired, hungry, and frustrated. He had his second in command, TenON, make a list of all Kiljorns who had access to the Colonial Prime Building. There were fifty in all. Twenty of them were on AshOR’s transport and thirty were on his transport. He went with his security liaisons to interrogate them, person to person. Fifteen hours, fifteen people interrogated, he still had not found one person out of place. They still had fifteen more to interrogate. He was leaving TenON to do the last fifteen interviews.

They were going to be arriving in a couple of hours into the Kiljorn solar system and he wanted to check on Elizabeth. She must be furious with him for leaving her on her own and not checking in with her. They had things they needed to discuss.

He headed to his quarters. He frowned when he didn’t see one of the guards he assigned to Elizabeth outside his quarters. He opened the door and entered. She wasn’t there. He looked at his clock, it was too early for the next meal. Where was she?

He hit his comm link, “Lieutenant DugER, report your location.”

“Sir, I am standing guard outside of Miss Connell’s sleeping quarters.”

“I am on my way.” TylOR left his quarters moving with long strides. He had this overwhelming need to get to his mate. He knew she was safe and being guarded, but this feeling he had was like…like he was going into protective mode. The only time this would happen is if it involved a true bond mate. A bond mate was a blessing from the Goddess KatieRI, one he would treasure.

The guard outside of Elizabeth’s door stood at full attention as TylOR approached. “Commander TylOR, there have been no problems.”

“Very good. You are dismissed for the next few hours. I will need you and Lieutenant LoEK to resume guarding my mate when we reach the Kiljorn Solar System.”

“Yes, sir.” The lieutenant turned and left. TylOR didn’t bother knocking, he used his commander’s override access to enter Elizabeth’s quarters.


TylOR entered her sleeping quarters and found her sleeping in nothing but her underclothing. The sheet had been kicked off her baring her smooth legs. He could not resist temptation. He had to touch her again.

He stripped his uniform off. Then he bent down and crawled up the bed slowly. Taking in her scent. A scent he changed when he marked her. He growled in pleasure at knowing other males will stay away now that he marked her as his. But she might not like it. He just needed time to convince her otherwise.

He knew she wasn’t fully awake but her body responded to his touch. As he climbed over her body he pushed the silky fabric up her lovely legs. He frowned at finding her mound covered with another material.
Why do the Earth females wear underclothing? It gets in the way.
He lowered his head and inhaled her sweet scent.
Oh Goddess help him.
She tore away all his self-control.

Lizzie moaned and stretched her body upwards toward the large hands kneading her breasts. What a lovely dream. She hoped she didn’t wake up anytime soon. Especially since there was a hot mouth suckling her nipple.

“Oh yes,” she moaned with pleasure. She pictured TylOR above her. His large naked body hovering over her, not pressing down too hard. The friction between their bodies lightly touching sent goose bumps all over her body.

He rolled her nipple around with his tongue. Then he took her peak between his teeth and tugged. It brought a slight twinge of pain and pleasure shooting straight down to her pussy. It was enough to wake Elizabeth fully.


He growled around the nipple in his mouth as he ripped her panties from her body. He did not understand these underclothes the Earth females wore. It seemed cumbersome to him. He wanted easier access to her body.

“Mine,” he growled.

He released her nipple with reluctance and trailed kisses up her chest to her neck. He took time to nibble her there. She was sensitive there and moaned at his soft bites. His fingers rubbed her mound eliciting her juices. His thumb teasing her clit. It filled him with pride and lust to know he could make her react this strongly by his mere touch.

“Please.” Lizzie lifted her hips trying to get his fingers to penetrate her.

“Did you miss my touch?” He kept nibbling her soft lips.

“Yes,” she whispered against him. Then she moaned as he took her with three of his fingers pumping in and out. “Oh God.”

TylOR felt the pressure and tingling in his pelvis and spine. He wasn’t going to last long. He needed to get inside of her. He removed his fingers and smiled when she protested.

“No! Don’t stop!”

“I do not plan to stop,” he growled as he rose over her. He centered himself then plunged deeply into her welcoming depths.

Lizzie wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tight. He pumped in and out of her hitting her inner G-spot every time. She wasn’t sure if she could hold out any longer. She was starting to come.

“TylOR!” She shattered and fell apart as her climax hit its peak.

A few seconds later she heard TylOR shout out his own release and felt the warm semen fill her up. She couldn’t form words to tell him how perfect that was. But smiled up at him.

TylOR’s breath caught at the serene look on her delicate face. He had never seen anything as beautiful as his Elizabeth. He kissed her puffy lips and pulled her with him as he shifted to his side. Neither spoke for a while. He thought she might have drifted off to sleep. Then she asked an unexpected question.

“So, why did Lieutenant DugER think I was your mate?”

Oh Kitana!


Chapter Ten


TylOR turned the lights on low, stood and began to put his clothes back on. He could feel Elizabeth’s eyes on him and his body responded with arousal. This was not the time to be ruled by desire. He needed to keep a clear head to make his argument.

“TylOR?” She sat up and wrapped the sheet around her body. She still felt self-conscious about being completely naked with the lights on. “The woman is supposed to be asked first. That’s what I have been told, but I don’t remember being asked.” She felt angry that he would do something so serious without talking to her about it.

“I marked you. Something I wanted to do since the first moment I laid eyes upon you. I am not going to apologize for it.”

“Are you at all sorry for not asking me first?” her voice rose a little.

He sighed. “I did not ask your permission first. I should have, but it would not have changed anything. You are still…mine.” He turned to face her, expecting more of her angry words.

“I’m yours?” She was trying to process what he was telling her. She was taken back. The way he looked at her had her heart fluttering.


“Lieutenant DugER says that I am your mate. I know there are two different kinds of mates. A regular mate is one you choose to be with but your bond mate is one that destiny has chosen for you.” She knew this because it was included in the Katieran Culture Guide Book, which she helped to write.

“What kind of mate am I to you?” It was important for her to know. The first type of mating can be dissolved if a true bond mate appears. A true bond mating cannot ever be broken.

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