Read Kianna and Her Three Alpha Wolves [Featherstone Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Online

Authors: Debbie Bailey

Tags: #M/F/M/M, #Ménage and More: Erotic Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, #HEA, #werewolves

Kianna and Her Three Alpha Wolves [Featherstone Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (15 page)

BOOK: Kianna and Her Three Alpha Wolves [Featherstone Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Chapter 9

When she entered the kitchen, all three men were already sitting waiting for her. They stood, and Teaghen walked over to her, kissed her, and sat her in the chair beside him.

Alex sat across from her, and he just stared at her and smiled. Already feeling anxious about tonight, their observation of her was making her even more uneasy.

“Why are all of you just staring at me?” she finally asked.

“We’re not staring really, kitten. We just love looking at you. You light up a room when you walk into it and don’t even realize it,” Alex told her.

She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as they continued to look at her.

“Are you going to feed me or just sit there staring at me for the next hour?” she said, a little bitchier than she’d like.

Teaghen grinned, stood, and began handing Duncan and Alex the food that he retrieved from the oven where it had been warming.

There was the best looking roast beef she’d seen in some time, along with spinach, baby carrots, and mashed potatoes with gravy.

“So which one of you went to the diner and picked this up?” She laughed and helped herself to some roast.

“I take great offense to that, kitten,” Teaghen said, a little bit of hurt sounding in his voice.

Not wanting to upset any of them, Kianna laid her cutlery down beside her plate and took hold of Teaghen’s face between her hands.

“I’m sorry, my love. I would never intentionally hurt or insult you.” Lowering her mouth to his for a quick kiss, she said, “I just assumed that three bachelors living together wouldn’t be very good cooks, that’s all. I seriously thought you were all teasing me when you told me you all could cook. I have to admit that I’m not really good in the kitchen, I can warm things, but since it’s only been me for the last few years, I usually just ate a salad with a sandwich. Pretty boring, I know but while I was competing I didn’t have the time to make hot meals.”

“Our mom and dads made sure that all of us knew how to cook very well before they moved down south. Didn’t we already tell you that? Everything on this table was grown or raised on the compound by the members of our pack. I wasn’t really upset Kianna. I just wanted to tease you a little.” Teaghen shyly smiled at her.

“We take turns each week doing different household chores and the ones that we really don’t like, such as cleaning the bathrooms and doing the laundry, we pay some of the women who live here with their mates to do them for us.” Alex piled a mound of mashed potatoes on her plate along with spinach and carrots.

“How did you know that this was my favorite meal? Have you talked to my dads lately?” she asked, pouring a little gravy on her meat and potatoes then looking down at the pile of food on her plate and realizing that her eyes were way bigger than her stomach.

“We haven’t spoken with Jeff and Sammy for a couple of days now. I remembered from when you were fifteen, just before you left with your mom, you’d run over here after Sean had said if he caught you around the house, he’d kick your ass. We had just sat down to this exact same dinner when you came bursting through the door, huffing and puffing from running all the way here. I set a plate out for you, and I swear you ate half the roast and most of the potatoes and all of the vegetables. For such a little bit, you ate like you hadn’t eaten for days.”

* * * *

Kianna’s smile faltered a little at his last statement. She’d remembered going hungry many a night because she had managed to piss off one or more of her brothers, and that night was no different. Somehow she’d managed to royally piss Sean off, which as she got older, seemed easier and easier to do. So he came after her with one of the whips he used on the horses, but before he could strike even once, she ran. She ran so fast that she thought she was beating the wind. She’d heard Sean shout that if he caught her again that night, he’d make her sorry. So she went to the one place she knew she was always safe, the Featherstone ranch. She remembered running straight into the house, not even knocking, and the look of complete surprise on the men’s faces. But nothing was said. They just pulled out a chair for her, got her a plate, and let her dig in.

Kianna’s smile was back at all the good memories that she had shared with these men.

“I can’t believe you remembered after all these years, Teaghen. It was fifteen years ago, and when I showed up here, I couldn’t believe my luck that you were having my favorite dishes. It must have been karma, huh?” Kianna loved these men more than she could ever have thought possible.

“You forget, mate,” Alex said, his voice quiet and low, “we knew then that you were destined for us, so we were very aware of your likes and dislikes, even then.”

He pushed himself back from the table and stood, reaching his hand out for her to take hold of. “Are you ready to begin your life with us, little Kianna?”

Placing her small hand in his much larger one, she rose from her seat and gazed directly into Alex’s eyes, saying, “There are a few questions that I still have, but I know how I feel about all of you and can’t imagine my life without you in it, so yes, my loves, I am ready,” and she reached her other hand out to Duncan.

Duncan grabbed hold and pulled her onto his lap. “And how do you feel about us, kitten? Do you love us as much as we love you?”

Kianna’s breath left her body. She knew they had strong feelings for her, but she hadn’t been sure that it was love they felt, maybe a sense of obligation toward her, but not love. But here they were telling her they loved her.

“You love me?” she asked, her throat dry and raspy.

Alex knelt in front of her and took her hands, saying, “Of course we love you, baby. We have loved you since you were a child. Maybe not the kind of love we feel for you now, but the moment we saw you, your scent told us that you were our destined mate, and for wolves, there is only ever one.”

“I don’t understand something though,” she said, the look on her face one of curiosity. “When I was a girl, you all were in your late twenties or early thirties. I could have sworn it, but you still all look exactly the same as you did when I was fifteen. How is that possible?”

“All your questions will be answered to the best of our abilities, kitten,” Teaghen said. “Why don’t we all go into the living room, and we’ll try to explain things to you.”

Kianna sat in her favorite spot in the house, on the couch by the fire, in between two of the three men. Teaghen sat on the coffee table in front of her, leaning forward, his arms resting on his knees.

“As shifters, our aging process is much slower than that of a normal human. We age very, very slowly, and we are not prone to human diseases. As our mate, your aging process will be slowed as well, and you will live a very long time. You will probably live long enough to see you great-great-grandchildren have children.”

Alex shifted in his seat a little, turning his body to face her. “The only thing you don’t gain is our immunity to human diseases. As we saw with your mom, our human mates are still susceptible to some, not all, human diseases. It is unfortunate, but no matter how long you live, we will make you as happy as possible and love you forever.”

“One more thing, what about the way you smell to me? Each of you carries one of my favorite scents. Teaghen you smell like vanilla ice cream, and Alex, you smell like cherries. Why is that?” She glanced over at Duncan and saw his chest go down as he let out the breath he was holding. She knew he didn’t want his brothers to know his scent, but if they asked, she wouldn’t lie.

“Each of us is born with the scent that will attract our mate. Just as you have a distinctive scent to us, we have one to you. It allows your body and soul to recognize us as your mate. Did I explain that well enough?” Teaghen asked.

“Yes, it kinda explains why, whenever I smell you, I want to lick you all over.” She smiled and nuzzled against Alex.

“We have the ability to release our scent whenever our mate is near. It helps her body adjust and ready itself for our mating. Like now, kitten, I can smell your arousal,” Alex whispered in her ear.

“Oh God, is nothing sacred around you three?” She winced, feeling her face flame.

Lifting her onto his lap, Alex turned her so she straddled him with her back against his chest, “You are never to be embarrassed about your arousal for your mates, kitten. Your scent drives us and our wolves crazy. Can you feel how hard my cock is for you, little one? I want to slide so deep inside you that you’ll never be free of me. I want to taste all that cream your body is releasing for us,” Alex whispered in her ear as he slowly pulled her T-shirt from her jeans and started to lift it up.

Grabbing his hands, Kianna stopped him before he pulled it any higher. “I have something to show you all, but I need to go upstairs and get ready. Please allow this little gift for you. Give me twenty minutes, and then come upstairs to the bedroom.” Climbing off of Alex’s lap, she stood and kissed each man on the cheek and headed upstairs.

* * * *

As quickly as she could she grabbed the bag with her purchases from earlier in the day. The two boxes held the special outfit that was her gift to her men.

Opening it, Kianna almost lost her nerve when she once again saw the tiny, pink chemise with matching thong. Gently removing it from the box, she laid it on the bed and began stripping out of her clothes.

Pulling the thong up and catching a look at herself in the mirror gave her the ego boost she needed to carry this through. The chemise slid down over her body as if it had been made for it. The second box had been a last minute suggestion from the sales clerk, and when she tried them on, she immediately fell in love with them. Slipping the patent-leather, pink stilettos out of the box, she slipped her feet into them and buckled up the strap that wrapped lovingly around her ankles. The delicate, pink bows on the back only added to her naughty, innocent girl look she had been going for.

Standing in front of the full length mirror, she couldn’t believe it was actually her in the outfit. Her body felt alive, and she was so nervous about her night ahead.

Quickly cleaning up the clothes and boxes, she lit all the candles she’d placed around the room earlier and waited by the bed for her men to come into the room.

* * * *

“I bet she’s up there putting on some of that lingerie we bought today.” Teaghen smiled and licked his lips. “You should see some of the stuff we bought. There are these tiny, little, red panties that I’m going to enjoy ripping off her body when she wears them.”

“Do you think we’ve given her enough time?” Alex was pacing back and forth across the living room.

“Fuck, will you sit down, Alex? You’re making me crazy,” Duncan said in frustration.

“Remember that once our wolves get a good scent of her, they are going to be eager to claim her. We need to mark her together to claim her as one,” Teaghen reminded his brothers. “I bet she’s really nervous about tonight. We will be the first and only men to ever claim her body. And to have her heart as well is the greatest joy on earth.”

Alex couldn’t stand it any longer and headed toward the stairs.

“Wait for us, Alex, and don’t go in there and scare the shit out of her. This is her first time, and come hell or high water, we will make it the best that we can for her. Do you understand me?”

* * * *

Duncan wanted nothing more than to go into the bedroom and ravage their mate, but that would come later, he smiled to himself. Tonight was for her, and together they would make it incredible.

Opening the door to the bedroom, the room was lit by dozens of small candles, and standing beside the bed was their goddess.

“Fuck, Teaghen,” Duncan breathed out. “You didn’t tell us about this outfit!”

“That’s because I didn’t know about this one,” he said softly.

Alex stalked across the room and stood in front of their beautiful mate.

“Dear God, Kianna, how do you expect us to go slowly and gently when you present yourself to us in such a glorious way?”

BOOK: Kianna and Her Three Alpha Wolves [Featherstone Pack] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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