Read Just a Little Hope Online

Authors: Amy J. Norris

Just a Little Hope (12 page)

BOOK: Just a Little Hope
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Chapter Twenty-One

The cool breeze of the morning wafted across her face, blowing tendrils of her hair into her eyes. Brushing them away, she turned her attention across the swimming pool to the palm trees bordering Seb's property. The serene California morning did nothing to calm Tori's racing heart. She stared down at her phone, willing it to ring.

This is a nightmare, and I will wake up any moment.

Yet, she knew deep down, the nightmare was only just beginning. Remembering her recent phone calls with her dad, his gentle voice tinged with an element of weariness, flooded her mind. The headaches he'd been complaining of and his uncharacteristic need to take naps during the day… all signs pointing to something not right with her otherwise healthy father.

Dear Lord. Let it be something simple. Please.

Tori gripped the arms of the pool chair and squeezed them until the pain of her fingernails embedding in her palms became too much to bear. Her fingers trembled as she released them.

Tori's thoughts jumped to Carter. Sweet, compassionate Carter. His heartfelt prayer the night before had been such a comfort. Yet, Tori worried about what might happen to them. Their relationship was so new. What kind of care would Dad need, no matter the results of his appointment? Her dad was her number one priority right now. Carter would have to understand that, surely he would. Her heart sank at the thought of not seeing Carter again. He could decide it was too much to take on.

God, only you know what must happen now. Help me to deal with it. Heal my daddy.

Her cell phone rang. Tori closed her eyes, too scared to look for fear she'd see her mom's name on the display. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes. She knew in that moment her life would change forever.


Carter watched out the kitchen window overlooking the swimming pool. Tori sat motionless in the chair. Pax had told him where he could find Tori. He'd walked toward the back door and stopped. Maybe she needed to be by herself. Maybe she needed some time to gather her thoughts. There were so many maybes.

She appeared calm as she sat by the pool. Seeing Tori's head fall back against the chair, eyes closed, he hoped she was getting some rest. Pax had informed him it'd been a restless night for all of them. Carter included himself on that list. After the previous night's game, he'd returned to the hotel only to find sleep elusive. His mind constantly raced with thoughts of Tori and how he might help her. Of course, Carter prayed the MRI was wrong and Tori's family had nothing to worry about. But there was a lingering fear. A fear it was as bad as they thought. He acknowledged a selfish fear he'd lose Tori before he'd won her.

Carter watched as Tori lifted her cell phone to her ear. This could be the call they'd been waiting for. The call that could change everything.

Taking a breath, Carter looked away from the window and took in the house around him. Seb had been dealt a horrible blow just a few short months ago. He had survived it because of God and Pax's love. Carter could be there for Tori.

Lord, I am at a loss of what to pray for. Just help me be what you would have me to be.

Tori's sudden movement caught his eye as she put down her cell phone and slumped forward in the chair, her auburn hair falling down past her legs like a waterfall. Carter steadied himself and walked out the door.

The sound of her sobs reached him before he could get close to her. His heart stopped. The news was not what they hoped.

Okay, Lord. You've made Your decision. Please help me to make the right ones from here on out. And please give her the faith to not only rely on You but Pax, Seb, and me. Give us strength.


Through her tears, Tori heard footsteps approaching. A warm hand graced the back of her neck and squeezed. Then she felt another hand lightly rub circles on her back. She'd know those calloused hands anywhere.

“Oh, Carter!” and she pulled him toward her and hugged him for all she was worth.

He didn't say a word, only continued to soothe her with his touch and warm embrace. Tori wanted to stay in his arms forever, to be protected from the evil world where dads got sick and daughters' hearts were crushed.

Eventually, Tori sat back, her face still hot with tears that continued to fall even as she tried to gain control over her emotions. Carter carefully wiped each cheek with his thumbs and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

“I am so sorry. I know it isn't what you need to hear, but it's all I can think of to say.”

Tori reached her arms around his neck and pressed into his embrace once more. “It's okay. I don't know what else to think myself.”

Lightly caressing the back of her neck he sighed. “What new information did your Mom have?”

“It's exactly what the doctor thought. A brain tumor. Mom and Dad are on their way home from the neurosurgeon's office right now to get his things together. Then they're reporting to St. John's so he can be admitted. They'll do some follow-up testing, and then if all goes according to plan, he'll have surgery on Monday to take out the tumor.”

The warmth from Carter's hands seeped into her skin. “I need to make some flight arrangements. I want to be there tonight.”

“Of course, sweetie. I'll take care of it. Although, I don't think you should travel alone. Maybe Pax and Seb can go back with you?”

Tori tucked her hair behind an ear. “I can't ask them to do that. They just got engaged. They need to be spending time together enjoying this happy time of their lives. I'll be fine. Hopefully, I can sleep on the plane anyway.”

“I wish we didn't have a game tonight. Then I could go with you. We're flying back home tomorrow.”

She laid her palm on his face and smiled. “It's okay. I wouldn't be much company anyway.”

But secretly she wished he could be there. As strong as she wanted to be, she knew the battle ahead would take every bit of courage and faith she had. Tori didn't know if that would be enough.


Carter knocked on his manager's door. The skipper spun around in his chair, phone to his ear, and held up a finger. Carter nodded and backed into the hall to give Anthony some privacy. Carter had made the decision on the drive to the stadium to see about missing the day's game. He knew he might not get Anthony to agree, but he was keeping his fingers crossed his manager would understand. Carter wanted to be there for Tori, but he also knew he had to be there for the team.

“What'dya' need, Manning?”

Carter entered the office and sat in the chair opposite his manager. “Skip, would it be too much of a problem if I didn't play today?”

Anthony leaned back and rubbed his chin. “What's going on?”

“Well, my…”
He and Tori hadn't discussed what to call their relationship. “A friend of mine is here visiting and got some pretty bad news today. She's going to have to fly back to St. Louis tonight, and I thought it might be good for me to be with her.”

The skipper sighed. “Normally, I would say no problem, but we're a little shorthanded right now since Thompson strained his back the other day. I was planning on giving him the day off to try and recover. I wish I could, son, but I don't think I can spare you. I'm really sorry.”

Carter frowned but nodded his head in response. “Of course, Skip. I didn't even think about Tommy's injury. He doesn't need to be swinging the bat for sure.”

He got up from the chair and headed for the locker room when Anthony's voice stopped him. “I am sorry. I wish I could give you the day off. Any other time, son.”

Turning to face him, Carter tried to smile. “It's okay. Thanks anyway.”

Disappointed didn't even begin to describe how Carter felt, but he understood. He'd just have to deal with it.

When he reached his locker, he sat down on the bench in front of it. He dialed Tori's number. The voice that greeted him sounded exhausted.

“Hey, Carter.”

“Hey, Tori. I've booked you a flight. It leaves in about four hours. Seb's going to take you to the airport, okay? And he's already called Traci, Linc's wife, to pick you up. He's got your boarding pass already printed, and you're good to go. You don't have to worry about anything.”

“Oh, I can't thank you enough. You didn't have to do all that. But I appreciate it just the same.”

The sound of a muffled sob caused his heart to crumble.

“Tori…What can I do?”

“Nothing. You've done so much already. I'm sorry. I need to get a hold of myself.”

He gripped the phone tighter in an attempt to rein in his emotions. “Just let it out. It's okay.”

“I'm fine. I should go get my things together so I can be ready to leave.”

Carter rubbed his eyes and whispered, “I know. I'll be thinking and praying for you. Text me when you get there to let me know you got home safely, okay?”

“I will. I promise. Good luck today. Hit one out of the park.”

He chuckled. “I'm not one to normally hit homers, but I'll give it my best. Take care, sweetie.”

“See you.”

The phone went silent. He pressed it to his forehead and sighed.

Dear Lord, give us the strength to get through this.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Tori watched the conveyor belt wind its way around the carousel carrying the various assortment of luggage. As the minutes passed, pieces emptied off the carousel, but her one suitcase still had not appeared. She feared it hadn't made the flight.

“Great. That's all I need.”
Dear Lord, I know this sounds so trivial right now but please…

Before her prayer was finished, she saw the corner of her bright pink suitcase appear through the dark passageway and plop on the rubber mat of the belt. She rushed to yank it off the moving carousel before it passed her by.

Her phone buzzed in her hand. Looking down she saw a text from Traci Holmes, the wife of Carter's teammate Lincoln.

“Hey, Hon. I'm circling the parking lot, so just let me know when you come out and I'll swing by and get you.”

Tori wanted to cry. Everyone was going out of their way to help her.

“Hey, T. I'm coming out of baggage claim now. I'll flag you down when I see you approach.”

Throwing her purse on her shoulder, she then pulled the handle up on her luggage and started pulling it toward the automatic doors. She felt a laugh bubble to her lips as she realized what a pickle she'd be in if she'd packed in several suitcases instead of just the one Seb had demanded. Tori was thankful for the laugh, if only because it staved off the tears for a few moments.

Exiting the baggage claim area, she stood on the sidewalk watching vehicles inch their way along the road as they paused for pedestrians or buses and taxis pulling out ahead of them. After a few minutes, Tori spied Traci's white SUV and raised her hand to draw the blonde's attention. Traci's face brightened, and she whipped the vehicle into the empty slot in front of Tori.

Traci hopped out of the vehicle. She came around and embraced Tori, talking a mile a minute. “Hey, girl. How are you? Let me grab your bag and stick it in the back. The boys are in the car and are so excited to see you. And forgive the state of the car; it looks like a fast-food restaurant threw up in there.”

Before Tori could get a word in edgewise, Traci had popped open the back of the SUV and hoisted her bag inside. Tori opened the front passenger door. A chorus of “Hi, Miss Tori!” greeted her from Traci's twin boys. Thankfully, she'd spent enough time with them recently, she thought she could tell them apart. Hopefully.

“Hey, boys! How are ya', Brett? Bradley?”

The chattering of their answers cheered her a bit, and she smiled as she tried to interpret their toddler-speak.

“They'll talk your ear off if you let them.” Traci climbed in the driver's seat. Shifting the gear, she maneuvered into the traffic. “So, where to? Home? Your folks? I'm ready to drop you wherever you need.”

She sighed as the full weight of why she was back in St. Louis hit her again. “Um. How about home? I want to change into something more comfortable, and then I'll have my own car at the hospital.”

“You bet. We'll be there in about forty-five minutes. Have you talked to your mom any more today?”

“I called her at the airport in Los Angeles and told her I was on my way. She sounded okay, but I could hear the fear in her voice. Daddy, of course, is making friends easily and seems to be doing okay.”

Traci checked the mirrors as she changed lanes and quickly glanced in Tori's direction. “That's good. I would think any sense of normalcy would be what he needs right now.”

“Yeah. Oh! I need to text Carter. I know he's in the middle of the game, but he wanted me to let him know when I arrived. Just a sec.”

Traci waved her hand and smiled. “Go on. You just do whatever you need to.”

Tori dug through her purse and found her cell phone. Her breath quickened at the sight of the voicemail notification on the screen. Had she missed an important call from her mom?

Preparing herself for the worst, her heart raced until she saw Carter's number on the display. Her body relaxed as Carter's Oklahoma drawl played in her ear.

Hey, Tori. I know you're on the plane right now. We're about to head to the field, so I won't be able to check my messages for awhile, but just know I'm thinking and praying for all of you. Text me when you can.

As much as hearing his voice made Tori smile, tears began to creep down her face. She missed him already.


Carter roamed the right field section of the outfield, waiting for the next batter to step into the box. Double checking his positioning with signs from the first base coach, he pounded his fist into his glove. He was determined to focus in on the game, but he would be lying if he said his thoughts didn't drift to Tori every now and then. Carter worried about her flight, if she found Traci okay… if she was holding up under the stress of everything.

The smack of the barrel of the bat on the ball snapped his attention back on the game, and he relaxed when he saw Linc charging forward from third base to make the play at first. One out. Two to go, and if the score held, they'd be off the field in the next twenty minutes with another win under their belts. And Carter could get his stuff together and prepare for the team's flight out the next morning.

He wished they were leaving that night after the game. As it stood, he wouldn't get back to St. Louis until early afternoon, and there was no telling if Tori's dad would already be in surgery. He hated the unknown. The fear of upcoming treatments, prognosis for survival, these were not foreign concepts to him. Carter knew Tori was terrified.

Another ball went into play, and Carter centered himself as he saw it fly in his direction. Waiting for it to drop out of the sky, he held his position and squeezed his glove when the ball thumped into its deep pocket. Two outs. He held up his hand showing two fingers and threw the ball back into the infield.

He needed to phone his parents. If anyone could understand what Tori and her family were going through, it would be them. Why he hadn't thought of that earlier, he couldn't imagine. But the first call, after checking on Tori, would be to his mom and dad. They'd give the advice he needed.

Another crack of the back, and Carter ran toward the dugout, knowing the shallow fly ball to center would be handled easily by Durango's capable hands. Three outs. Game over. Carter couldn't remember the last time he'd been so anxious for a game to end.

He greeted each of his teammates as they walked off the field celebrating another victory. Seb met him at the dugout steps and slapped him on the back. “Good game, C. I know it was hard to keep focused on what was going on around you.”

Carter nodded in acknowledgement and started down the tunnel to the locker room.

“Manning. Step into my office, if you will.”

The skipper's voice caught him off guard. Carter thought back over the game. He played a clean game in the outfield—no missed balls or errors. His batting wasn't as good as it could've been. He hadn't been able to knock the homer for Tori like she asked. But the double he'd smoked to left field had scored the winning run. Carter walked into his office, unsure of what was going to happen next.

BOOK: Just a Little Hope
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