Just a Kiss in the Moonlight: Georgia Moon Romance Book 2 (28 page)

When they got home, Vivian handed Luke the receiver to the monitor. “I’m exhausted and need to sleep for a few hours. Can you just listen for him and I’ll take over in the morning?”

“Sure.” He’d already texted Iris and told her not to expect him tonight. “Why don’t I move his crib into my room?”

Vivian glanced down at the sleeping baby. “I guess that’s okay.” She lifted her face and met Luke’s gaze. “You should probably get used to taking care of him without me if we’re going to share custody.”

Wow. That was the first time she’d said something like that without sarcasm or offering to sleep with him. Still, the thought of taking care of a baby all by himself terrified him. It made him realize that on a subconscious level that’s probably why he’d allowed Vivian to stay at his house. “Okay,” Luke said. “I’ll move it right now.”

Crew spiked a temp a few times throughout the night, usually just about when it was time for more medication. Luke was worried, but since the baby continued to drink his bottle, he knew there wasn’t much more he could do other than manage the fever and keep the child hydrated.

Vivian was still sleeping when Luke woke up late the next morning. He was frustrated with her and wanted to talk to her about what she’d said to Taylin, but he’d just gotten the baby back to sleep again so it was probably a good thing she wasn’t awake.

He went into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice and then walked over to the patio doors, sliding it open to take in the morning air. The sun had been up for over an hour, but some of the morning fog hadn’t completely burned off. It was beautiful and the perfect time to go fishing, but the little boy sleeping in his room hampered the desire to take his boat out on the lake.

He didn’t mind, but it was something he would need to get used to. A lot of things would change. Not only did he have to find a new job, he’d also need to find someone to watch the baby while he worked. His sister had already volunteered to help out until he could find a nanny, but thoughts of moving without Taylin in his life made his gut churn. He needed to talk to her.

During the night, he’d thought about everything, and he wasn’t giving her up that easily. Slipping his hand in his pocket, he fingered his phone, tempted to call or text her. He resisted though, because what he had to say to her needed to be done face to face. He was ready to support her in whatever she wanted to do, including going abroad, but that didn’t mean they were done—unless, she really did want to end things. But he owed it to both of them to find out where she stood.

The monitor crackled, and he heard Crew start to whimper. Vivian came out of her room just as he started to really cry.

“I’ll get him,” she said, waving Luke off.

He closed the sliding door, and a moment later Vivian emerged, holding the baby close. “Please tell me you made coffee this morning.” She crossed the room and sat down on the loveseat.

“No, sorry.” Luke didn’t like coffee, something Vivian never seemed to remember.

“That’s not normal. How do you get through your day without caffeine?”


She rolled her eyes. “I thought for sure you’d say fishing.”

“That too.” He moved next to where Vivian sat. The baby’s eyes were already closed and he was sucking on his pacifier hard. A telltale sign he was going back to sleep. “I’m surprised he woke up. Does he have a fever?”

She pressed a kiss to the baby’s forehead. “No fever right now.” She glanced up at Luke. “Did he do okay last night?”

“Yeah, he was up about every four hours, but once the medicine kicked in, he’d take a bottle and go right back to sleep.”

“That’s good.” Vivian met Luke’s gaze. After several beats of silence, she said, “I know you want to ask, so I’ll just tell you what happened.”

Vivian was acting normal again. He wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or a bad one. “I don’t know if now is a good time. I’m pretty upset about it and I don’t want to get into a fight around Crew.”

One of her eyebrows lifted. “Are you and Taylin fighting?”

He did not want to discuss his and Taylin’s relationship with Vivian. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Okay.” Pressing her lips together, she fingered the corner of Crew’s blanket. “Don’t get mad, but I need to know how serious you are about sharing custody of Crew.”

“Very serious.” He narrowed his eyes. “I’m planning my life around him, Vivian. I’m not going to be one of those dads who only sees his kids every few months and on holidays. I’m moving back to Montana as soon as I can figure out my job.”

“And what about your girlfriend?”

She just couldn’t leave it alone. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen with Taylin. She’s leaving for Nepal the first of January and will be gone at least six months.”

Vivian’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow.”

Luke stood up. “Just because she’ll be gone for a little while doesn’t mean you and I are getting back together.”

“Did I say I wanted to get back together with you?”

“You asked to move in with me and then offered to sleep with me.”

“Yes, but I also said you could keep your girlfriend.” She gave him a half smile. “In my world that doesn’t mean we’re getting back together.”

“Then why did you tell Taylin we owed it to Crew to try and be a family and she wasn’t included?”

“I thought you didn’t want to discuss it right now?”

“I don’t.” Luke could feel himself losing his temper. “I think I need to leave.” He turned to go to his room to get his running shoes, but Vivian stopped him.

“Luke, wait.”

“What?” he said as he twisted back around.

“I…” She paused and licked her lips. “I had a weak moment last night and told your girlfriend those things because at the time I wanted it to be like that.”

He searched her face, looking for any hint of insincerity. It surprised him to find that not only was she being genuine, but he also detected regret.

“I was never a good wife. I’m sorry about that.”

The only other time she’d ever apologized to him was when she told him he was Crew’s father. While he knew they’d never be friends, it was a good step in the right direction. He didn’t want their son to grow up knowing his parents hated each other. “Thank you for telling me.”

She nodded once, and then glanced down at the baby. He watched her for several long moments. He would probably never fully understand what made Vivian tick.

Needing some time alone, Luke thought about going fishing, but his favorite pastime now reminded him of the girl he’d almost had, but let her get away. Instead, he went for a long run, keeping a pace that was supposed to drive Taylin out of his thoughts. It didn’t work. The first half of the run he told himself that he would do whatever it took to keep Taylin in his life. But on the way home, Luke knew he couldn’t ask her to make so many sacrifices. She was young and deserved to marry someone without all his baggage. Not that he considered Crew baggage. His son was a gift, but it wasn’t fair to ask Taylin to take on the role of a stepmom. Especially since she’d have to deal with Vivian the rest of their lives.

By the time he got home and had showered, Crew’s fever had returned. For the next three days, he and Vivian didn’t discuss what had happened with Taylin again. They were too busy trying to keep Crew’s temperature under control. Luke was so tired, and he prayed the doctor was right and today the baby’s fever would break.

Sunlight filtered through the blinds in his room, beckoning Luke to get up. Turning on his side, he swiped his phone from the nightstand and tapped on the screen to see the time and date. Taylin was leaving for California this morning. Next he opened his messages, hoping that she’d texted him. There were several from his mom and sister. They both wanted updates on Crew’s fever. But nothing from Taylin.

Sighing, he lay back down on his pillow and thought about her. He was back to wanting to do anything to try and make things work. He missed her. Longed for her. And it hurt.

A small cry from the baby made him get out of bed. Vivian hadn’t wanted the crib back in her room, saying it was good practice for Luke. Since he didn’t have to work this week, he didn’t mind. Besides, she was leaving for Montana on Friday, so he only had four more days with his son. He’d already contacted an attorney and Vivian wasn’t fighting him on how often he wanted the baby. He planned on flying out to Montana the week after Thanksgiving for a visit and to see about getting a job.

“Hey there, little guy. Are you feeling better?” Luke leaned over and picked up the smiling little boy. He noticed a few things all at once. Crew was happy, didn’t have a fever and had soaked through his diaper. Placing him on the bed, he quickly changed the baby’s diaper and pajamas. That’s when he noticed a fine rash all over the baby’s tummy, arms and legs.

He felt relieved, knowing there wouldn’t be any more temperature spikes.

“Want to go for a run with me this morning?” Luke asked the baby. He’d purchased a jogger online and was anxious to finally use it.

Holding Crew, he walked past the guest room and noticed Vivian’s bed was already made. He expected to see her sitting at the kitchen bar, but she wasn’t there. Then he heard the shower running.

“Looks like I get to feed you breakfast,” he said, nuzzling the little boy on the cheek. He was rewarded with a soft giggle. It didn’t take long for Crew to finish off his apple, strawberry, and banana meal. He gave Luke a toothy grin when he wiped the baby’s face clean.

Since he could hear the sound of a blow dryer, Luke figured Vivian wouldn’t be out any time soon. He penned a quick note to her, letting her know he was taking the baby with him for his morning run.

He’d only gone about a half-mile when Crew started fussing, and Luke discovered he’d forgotten the baby’s pacifier. The little boy had grown quite fond of his pacifier over the last few days. Luke knew if he didn’t find it soon, the fussing could turn into a full blown crying session. He thought about texting Vivian to bring it to him, but he’d also left his cell phone. Turning around, he started back for home to get both things.

Ironically, by the time he got home, the baby had fallen asleep. Since he planned on running his usual three miles, he might as well get what he’d come home for. Parking the jogger inside the garage, he engaged the brakes and then propped open the door to the mudroom.

He’d only taken a few steps inside the house when he heard Vivian arguing with someone. He saw her sitting at the bar with her back to him, her laptop open.

“You’re not being fair,” she said to the individual on the screen.

Luke couldn’t see whom she was talking to, but as soon as the man spoke, he recognized Neil Harding’s voice.

“Fair?” Neil laughed. “I’ve been more than fair. I gave you two weeks to have a fling with your ex. Don’t blame me if he didn’t sleep with you.”

“Shut up, Neil.”

The guy laughed again. “Look, Viv, you had your time and now you need to make a decision. The firm wants me in Italy by next week, and I need to know if you’re going with me.”

“I don’t think I can leave him. Don’t ask me to do this.”

Luke froze. Leave him as in
or was she talking about Crew?

Neil swore. “We’ve already discussed this. The kid’s not mine. He’s not coming with us.”

“I know, but he’s mine!” Vivian said angrily. “I can’t abandon him for a whole year.”

“It’s not abandonment when he’ll be with his father. Come on, Viv, think about it. You’ve had the kid for almost a year. Now it’s Luke’s turn. You’ll be doing the guy a favor. Didn’t you say he wants to share custody?”

“Yes,” Vivian said softly. “He’s a good dad, so I know he’ll take good care of Crew until we move back.”

It took every ounce of self-restraint for Luke not to march into the kitchen and smash the computer. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. Neil was obviously into “open relationships” too, and more of a jerk than he’d ever thought possible. And Vivian. He couldn’t even articulate what he thought about her.

“Great.” A phone started ringing. “I gotta go, Viv. Talk to Luke, get the kid settled and then get back here. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

“Bye, Babe.”

Vivian closed the laptop and stood up. She turned around and locked eyes with Luke’s.

“I guess we need to talk,” she said with a big sigh.

Luke narrowed his gaze. “I guess we do.”

Chapter 29

aylin sucked
in a quick breath as the ocean water rushed over her bare feet. Even though the California temperature was as warm as Georgia in late November, the Pacific Ocean was much cooler than the Atlantic. The sand beneath her toes shifted as the water receded, and she glanced down to see if the incoming tide had brought in any treasures. She’d been here for a week, and so far all she’d found were shattered pieces of seashells. She imagined if she could look inside her chest, she’d find her heart as broken as the seashells. And without a whole heart, it made it nearly impossible to find any joy in her training. Any joy in life.


She recognized the baritone voice of one of the doctors going to Nepal. Brett Johnson was tall, dark and handsome. He was also single and had made it quite clear he was attracted to Taylin. Before turning around, she bent down and scooped up a handful of the broken shells.

“You okay?” he asked, stopping a few feet away from her. The pant legs to his dress pants were rolled up, and his feet were bare. With the setting sun bathing him in its golden light, he looked like a movie star.

“You okay?” he asked again.

No, she was devastated and didn’t know if she would ever feel whole again. She thought about lying, but decided she needed to be completely honest with him so he knew she wasn’t available. “No.” Her voice came out all gravelly, and she gently cleared her throat. “I’m not okay.”

He moved toward her, so close that she caught the scent of his cologne. While it smelled nice, it wasn’t the same thing as Luke’s spicy cologne. “Is there anything I can do?”

“I don’t think so.” With her palm facing up, she opened her hand to reveal the broken pieces of shells. “You need to know this is basically what my heart must look like.” She dumped the shells onto the ground. “You can’t fix it. No one can.” That is, no one but Luke.

Understanding flickered in his caramel colored eyes. “Who is he?” He gave her a half smile. “And do I need to hunt him down?”

That made her smile. “No, my daddy probably already has.” She sighed and looked over at the vast water. “It wouldn’t do any good, though. It’s not Luke’s fault.” She’d come to realize that it truly wasn’t Luke’s fault. Forgiving someone over and over should never be considered a weakness. He was a good man and had tried his best to keep his marriage together. “It’s not mine, either. It just isn’t meant to be.”

“Luke, huh?” he asked, making her look at him again. “Maybe you should tell me about him so I’ll know what I’m up against.”

For some reason, Taylin did tell him. They sat in the sand and she told him the whole story. When she finished, the sun had disappeared from the horizon, and the full moon provided just enough light for her to see Brett’s face. He didn’t stand a chance with her and he knew it.

“Want my advice?”

She shrugged. “Sure.”

“Don’t let him go. You’ve found something all of us search for, but rarely find, so do whatever it takes to keep it.” He reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I had it once, but a drunk driver stole her from me. I guess I should say them. My wife, Elizabeth, was expecting our first baby in just a few weeks. A little girl. Both of them died on impact.”

“Oh,” Taylin said, pressing a hand to her heart. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you.” He smiled softly. “It’s been nearly five years, and wouldn’t you know, the first woman I’ve found attractive enough to pursue is already taken.”

“I’m sorry, Brett.”

He nudged her in the shoulder. “It’s not your fault. The heart is an amazing thing.”

“Until it shatters. Then it just plain hurts.”

He shook his head and groaned. “Aside from you being gorgeous, I really love your Southern accent.”

That made her laugh. “There’s plenty more women where I come from who talk like this. I even have a twin sister.”

He lifted an eyebrow up. “Identical?”

“Nope. I think she’s prettier.”

“Oh really,” he said. “I may have to come visit Georgia one weekend before the group leaves.”

Taylin pulled out her phone and showed Brett a few pictures of Ashlee. “She’s playin’ the role of Cinderella and Rapunzel, in Disney World right now.”

Brett whistled. “I think I’m going to Disney World.”

“I reckon I should warn you that Ashlee falls in love very easily, but it doesn’t last long. She’s been in love with our older brother’s best friend since she was twelve.”

“You Nichols women like to be difficult, don’t you?”

“That’s what my daddy says.” A breeze had kicked up, and Taylin shivered. “Wow, it’s gettin’ a little chilly. We should probably go inside.”

“If any other woman said that to me I’d think it was an invitation to see your room, but I know better.”

“Even if it was an invitation, my daddy would definitely hunt you down if you accepted.”

“Duly noted.” He got to his feet and held out his hand to help her up. “I’ll let the director know we need to find an alternate to take your place,” he said, holding onto her hand.

“You don’t want me to come?” What would she do back home? It would hurt too much to be there, especially if it took a long time for Luke to make the move to Montana.

“No, but
don’t want to come.” He dropped her hand and put his arm around her shoulders and started walking toward the hotel. “Go home and tell Luke how you feel. Work out what needs to be worked out. If it really is impossible, then shoot me an email and I’ll pull a few strings to get you back into the group.”

“Thank you, Brett.” She leaned into his arm. “You’re a good friend. I hope you get a second chance at love.”

“Me too.”

They walked in silence the rest of the way. “Take care, Taylin.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “And be happy.”

The flight home the next morning had been quick, and now Taylin found herself a few miles outside of Mitchel Creek. She desperately wanted to drive straight to Luke’s house, but didn’t want to have another confrontation with his ex-wife. Vivian was also the reason Taylin hadn’t dared text him either. The last time hadn’t worked out so well. Besides, Luke hadn’t made any attempts to contact her. It made her think that maybe he didn’t love her as much as he’d claimed.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced at the caller ID on the dashboard display. Rachel Matthews was calling. “Hey, Rach,” Taylin said when she answered. “How was Tennessee?”

“Fabulous, but that’s not why I’m calling.”

“Oh?” Taylin knew Rachel and Luke’s sister were still good friends. She wondered what the McKay clan had heard about their breakup. Did they blame Taylin?

“Are you still in California?”

“No, I just got back this morning. I’m actually almost home.”

“Thank heavens!” Rachel said. “Luke is looking for a nanny and has already interviewed several women who are more interested in him than they are in baby Crew.”

Taylin’s stomach dropped so fast it felt like she’d jumped out of a plane. Why was Luke hiring a nanny? Not sure it was safe to drive with her head spinning like it was, she pulled over onto the side of the road.

“What did you just say?”

“Luke needs a nanny. His mom can only stay through Thanksgiving and then she has to go back to teach school. He has to find someone to watch Crew while he’s at work.”

“Rachel, I’m so confused. I thought Luke was moving to Montana? And where is Vivian?”

Taylin was speechless as she listened to all of the drama that had taken place the week she’d been in California. Not only had Vivian left the baby in Luke’s custody, she’d also moved to Italy with her boyfriend. With everything that had happened to him, she could now understand why Luke hadn’t contacted her. Still, if Vivian was no longer in the picture, and he wasn’t moving to Montana, why hadn’t he called her?

She must have asked the question out loud because Rachel was giving her an answer.

“Diane asked him the same thing, and he told her that he loves you too much to take away your dreams. That you’re young and deserve to find someone whose life isn’t so complicated. He’s vowed not to call you until you return from your overseas assignment.”

Luke loved her. Out of everything Rachel had just shared, that was the only thing that mattered. Luke loved her and she loved him. Warmth surged through her, as if her broken heart was mending and had started working again.

“So what do you think? Are you on board?”

Taylin blinked. “Sorry, I zoned out for a second. What am I supposed to be on board for?”

Rachel sighed dramatically, and then laid out the plan she and Diane had come up with. At first, Taylin told herself this was the craziest plan ever and there was no way she was going to do it. But then she thought about Brett’s advice to do whatever it took to be with Luke and how he’d lost his wife unexpectedly. Taylin didn’t want to live with that kind of regret.

“Wish me luck,” she said before hanging up.

With hands shaking, Taylin punched in the number Rachel had given her. The conversation didn’t last long, but it had gone well, considering what she was about to do. Next she called her parents and told them she was going to Luke’s house before coming home and why. Her mama, a Southern woman through and through, was completely supportive. Her daddy grumbled at first, but then told her he was proud of her.

She ended the call to her parents and rolled her shoulders back. “I can do this.” Then she merged back onto the road and headed straight for Luke’s house.

There were two cars parked in the driveway. Taylin didn’t recognize either one. Before getting out of the car, she pulled the visor down and checked her appearance in the mirror. The messy bun she’d put her hair in early this morning looked even messier, and her makeup definitely needed touched up. But she didn’t care about any of that because for the first time in a week, her eyes no longer appeared hopeless. She went ahead and applied some tinted lip-gloss and then climbed out of her car.

Her heels clicked against the walkway as she hurried toward the front door. Just before reaching the porch steps, the door opened and a pretty girl with long, dark hair came outside. She paused, slowly looked Taylin over and then smirked. “You’re too late, sugar,” she said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “The position is already filled.”

“Then it’s a good thing that’s not the position I’m applying for,” Taylin said with a smile. “I’m not here to be the nanny. I’m fixin’ to be his wife.”

“That wasn’t the job he posted,” the girl said through narrowed eyes.

“I know, but it’s the one I’m applying for.” Taylin winked at her and then turned and mounted the stairs. Knowing she had nothing to lose, she only hesitated a moment before pressing her finger against the doorbell.

Heart pounding wildly, she held her breath as the door swung open. A pretty woman with eyes the color of Luke’s stood in the entryway. Taylin had spoken to her briefly on the phone, but now she wasn’t sure how to greet Luke’s mother.

“It’s about time,” Mrs. McKay said with a smile. “I was beginning to think you’d never get here.”

“You’re really okay with all of this, Mrs. McKay?” Taylin asked.

“Absolutely. And call me Jacque.” She pulled Taylin in for a hug and whispered in her ear, “Don’t let him say no, honey. He’s a sweet boy, so altruistic, and always putting others needs in front of his own.”

“I know,” Taylin said when Jacque let go of her. “It’s one of the many reason I love him.”

“Mom?” Taylin heard Luke call from the kitchen. “Who is at the door?”

Jacque placed a finger to her lips to signal Taylin to be quiet. “Go into his office and I’ll send him right in.”

Taylin slipped past Jacque and hurried to Luke’s office. Having left the door slightly cracked, she heard Jacque calling for Luke.

“Your last interview is waiting for you in your office.”

“Mom,” Luke said in a low voice. “I don’t have another interview. Besides, I just hired Miss Lewis.”

“You already offered her the job?”

“Yeah, she has a degree in early childhood and she’s engaged to be married.”

Taylin rolled her eyes. Miss Lewis wasn’t any more engaged than she was.

“Hmm,” Jacque said. “Well, I guess the interview will go fast then. Good luck.”

“Gee, thanks,” Luke said dryly.

Taylin heard him cross the floor and suddenly her stomach felt like she’d swallowed a swarm of fireflies. Her mouth was also devoid of any moisture. She glanced on Luke’s desk, and grabbed the half-empty bottle of water. Turning away from the door, she unscrewed the lid and took a long drink.

“I can get you a new bottle of water,” Luke said from behind her.

Taylin jumped and spilled some of the water down the front of her shirt. “No thank you,” she said, slowly turning around. “This was perfect.”

Luke’s eyes widened, and his mouth went slack. “Taylin?” he asked, as if he’d really forgotten what she looked like. “What’re you doing here?”

It was very difficult not to run across the room and jump into his arms. He looked so incredibly good. His hair was slightly mussed, like he’d run his hand through it a dozen times today. And the shadow of whiskers covering his jaw made her wonder if he’d shaved this morning. Her eyes lowered to his mouth, tracing his perfect lips and making her remember the amazing kisses they’d shared. The fireflies in her stomach came to life again as her gaze traveled to meet Luke’s gray eyes. Hope flickered there, and it gave her the courage to do what she came to do.

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Hey.” He swallowed hard. “Are you really here about the nanny job?”

“Not exactly.” She smiled and moved toward him, stopping a few inches from him, but the scent of his cologne beckoned her closer. She took another step forward and wanted to bury her face in the hollow of his neck and breathe him in. Instead, she placed her hands on his chest. His heart thudded against her palms, and the warmth of his skin seeped through his shirt. “I was hoping,” she said, sliding her hands up around his neck, “for something much more permanent.”

The beginning of a smile tipped the corner of his mouth as he placed his hands on her hips. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” The desire to kiss him was driving her crazy, but she managed to restrain herself a little longer.

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