Read June Online

Authors: Lori Copeland

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Inspirational

June (27 page)

The long trip passed slowly. June felt as if she'd eaten at least a crockful of dust since the onset of the journey. Just when the cramped conditions became intolerable, the stage finally rolled into Deliverance, Texas.

June scanned the crowd. Her heart soared when she spotted her sister standing between a tall, handsome man and a kind-looking older woman. Faith stood on her toes, wildly waving. She was the best sight June had seen in a long time.

"June!" Faith shouted above the confusion, threading her way to the coach.

When the stage door opened, June climbed out and flew into Faith's arms. A lifetime passed before they found the strength to let go.

"Oh, June!" Faith cried. "You look wonderful!"

June blushed. She looked like the wrath of God, having traveled for days in a bowl of dust.

"Mother Shepherd!" Faith motioned for the older woman. "Come meet my sister June."

June extended her hand, but the kind woman with graying hair was quick to embrace her with a warm hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you, June. Faith has told us so much about you."

"Thank you," June replied, looking at Faith. She wasn't sure what she should call the woman who was her sister's mother-in-law.

Liza Shepherd smiled. "You may call me Mother Shepherd if it suits you."

"I would like that, Mother Shepherd."

Faith latched onto the arm of a tall, handsome man who was standing beside her. "June, this is Nicholas."

June shook her brother-in-law's hand.

"Oh, give him a kiss," Faith ordered. "You're going to love him every bit as much as I do."

Nicholas Shepherd's face turned a crimson red.

June settled for a polite handshake. The kissing would have to come later-much later. "I'm delighted to meet you, Nicholas."

"My pleasure." Nicholas shook her hand, and she noticed his grip was firm and confident, like Parker's. "I'll collect your bag while you ladies catch up on your gossip."

The carriage ride to Faith's home was luxurious compared to the stage. The stylish coach rolled along the verdant countryside with hardly a bump. June listened attentively as Faith pointed out the endless acres and hundreds of cattle that comprised the Shepherds' ranch.

Nicholas halted the buggy in front of a towering twostory house. Various porches held dozens of ferns swaying from the rafters. Colorful flowers bordered the stone walkway. Everything about the Shepherd house reflected love.

Nicholas helped the ladies from the buggy, then reached for June's valise.

"Are you hungry?" Faith asked.

June's stomach knotted as she remembered all that dust. "Not really."

"Well, you will be when you taste my pot roast," Mother Shepherd promised.

"Mother Shepherd, I'll show June to her room; then I'll be down to help you," Faith said.

"Not tonight, dear." Liza smiled. "Tonight you'll spend time with your sister. It's been a long time since the two of you had a moment together. I'll not have you wasting precious time with biscuit dough up to your elbows."

"Are you sure?" Faith asked, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"Absolutely!" Liza headed for the porch. "You young people enjoy yourselves. I'll let you know when supper's ready. Keep an eye out for Jeremiah. He'll be eating with us tonight!"

June glanced at Faith. "Jeremiah?"

"Mother Shepherd's beau."

Nicholas pointed the horse toward the barn, taking a moment to steal a kiss from his wife. Faith grinned and kissed him back.

Turning, she reached for June's bag, and the two women disappeared into the house. "You can't believe how different Mother Shepherd is now compared to how she acted when I first arrived in Deliverance. She's a completely different woman."

"Looks like you and Nicholas have definitely warmed to each other. You two act like newlyweds," June teased, recalling Faith's own earlier trials and tribulations. If only June's had worked out so happily.

"We are newlyweds! And I've never been happier. I've had to teach Nicholas a thing or two though. A month ago he would have died from embarrassment if we kissed in front of his mother. What a difference even a little time makes."

"And love."

"Yes." Faith beamed. "Most definitely love."

"Oh, Faith ... I am so happy for you." If only June had found the same love in Seattle, with Parker ...

"Your room is down the hall from ours," Faith explained as she pointed toward a huge oak door. "If you need anything, just call."

June's bedroom was exquisite. The walls were painted a pale yellow. The warm afternoon sun set the room aglow.

"It's a wonderful room, Faith," June said. She was determined to hold back her tears. "I'll be most comfortable here."

Faith gave her a quick hug. "I had Nicholas paint it your favorite color."

"Thank you." June turned in her sister's arms. "Oh, Faith, it's so good to be with you. I've made such a mess of things!"

Faith gently led her to the bed and sat her down on the yellow patchwork quilt. "Oh my. Don't cry. It can't be that bad. Believe me. You should have seen the mess of things I made when I first tried to fit in here."

June wiped at her tears, recalling the letters Faith had written her in the beginning, expressing her doubts.

"Yes, but look how well everything has turned out for you. You have a loving husband, a wonderful mother-inlaw, and a beautiful home."

"I thank God every day. But it wasn't always this way, and it almost didn't happen at all," Faith confided. "Your time will come. I promise. No matter how hopeless things look, when you least expect it, God will deliver a blessing even greater than you can imagine."

June sniffled. "I know you're right. But sometimes the waiting, the not knowing-it's so hard."

"Ali, but those are the times God is teaching us patience and encouraging us to grow in our Christian walk. Without trials we would still be babies, crawling around in the dirt, instead of adults, standing tall and proud."

"It's so good to have a sister like you to hold on to until then," June confessed.

Faith handed her a dry hankie. "Now, tell me everything!

I want to know about Parker, and Reverend Inman, the tabernacle, Ben, and Simon, and Sam, and the orphanage. Everything!"

June smiled through her tears. "Are you sure you want to hear everything? It's pretty discouraging."


June told Faith everything she could think of. All the disappointments she'd encountered from the day she stepped off the ship in Seattle poured out. She dwelled longest on Parker Sentell.

Her words were forced at times, bitter at others, but June knew the love and warmth reflected in her heart must show in her eyes each time she spoke his name. Parker.

"I don't understand, Faith." June sniffed. "Why would God send me all the way to Washington and then allow all those horrible things to happen?"

Faith held her close. "You know, it sounds to me as though this Parker Sentell may have been an integral part of God's plan for you."

June was shocked. "Don't be ridiculous! God isn't cruel."

"I don't think I'm being ridiculous. Just look at you. You're an emotional wreck. You're in love with this man, deeply in love with him."

"Well, Parker isn't in love with me. He's in Washington, and I'm here in Texas, a world away."

"For right now. But Texas isn't the end of the earth. You must bide your time, wait for the by and by."

There was that phrase again. The same phrase Joe had used when he saw her off at the dock.

By and by.

First Joe. Now Faith.

Was God speaking to her through them? And if so, what did he mean?

June had promised to stay no longer than a month, but the Shepherds made her feel such a comfortable part of the family, it would be easy to wear out her welcome.

Mother Shepherd treated her as well as a mother would. And Nicholas was the brother she never had. June and Faith grew closer than ever, if that was possible. On Mondays June accompanied Faith to the school where Faith taught three blind students. June fell in love with Adam, the youngest. They became the best of friends.

The weeks passed, and June realized her month was coming to an end. She would have to book passage back to Cold Water and Aunt Thalia.

She was down on her knees, weeding the vegetable garden one afternoon when Nicholas returned from Deliverance with a letter postmarked to her. He handed her the envelope, his face solemn.

"I believe it's from your reverend friend."

Nicholas left her alone to read the missive. Several moments passed before June found the courage to open it. Finally tearing into the envelope, she scanned the message.

My dearest June:
I pray this letter finds you healthy and happy in your new surroundings. I deeply regret we didn't have the opportunity to say good-bye. Perhaps it was not in his plans for us to part. Perhaps his will is that our paths will cross again someday. I would like nothing more. You are truly a woman after God's own heart.
The Lord used your charitable spirit to teach me many important lessons. For this I am grateful, not only to the Father, but to you as well, for your faithfulness in his following.
It shames me to admit though, that as good as my intentions were, somehow I had lost sight of God's will as opposed to my own. All I've ever wanted was to glorify God, to give him my best without question or doubt. But I fear I lost sight of God's will for my l fe, his ministry. The vision of the great tabernacle somehow went from a powerful edifice for the Lord's work to a personal obsession.
I have prayed for his forgiveness, and Parker and I have made a reasonable peace.
Consequently I've been led to revise the plans for the tabernacle. I will build a more modest church. One with large quarters in the back for a new orphanage. I united Sam and Simon in holy matrimony, and they have agreed to stay and help care for the children. Through their unselfish efforts, and with the help of the lumber camps and the crusade, the children will stay together.
I know the orphanage held a special place in your heart. I could not allow another day to go by without sending you the good news and asking you to return to friends who love you. You have a place in our community, an important place. As well as in this foolish old matt's heart.
For being such a young Christian, you certainly taught this old preacher a valued lesson. My heart will always hold you in great fondness.
By and by, all good things come to those who wait patiently upon the Lord. May his tender mercies and great blessings be upon your he always.
In Christian love,
Reverend Isaac Inman

June's eyes filled with tears of happiness. She should never second-guess God. All things work for his glory. Her heart rejoiced in Reverend Inman's good news. She smiled, refolding the letter with a sense of peace.

She knew Reverend Inman was a godly man, and now others knew.

There would now be a home for the children, a house of worship that would serve the spiritual needs of many ... the immediate needs of a few. The Lord had certainly blessed the work of Isaac Inman's hands.

Did Parker know? She quickly shook the thought aside. Of course he did! She didn't want to even think of Parker.

Kneeling, she jerked a weed from the garden, unaware she spoke out loud. "And this, Mr. Sentell, is for kissing me in the moonlight and calling me sweetheart!"


"And this, Mr. Sentell, is for being more handsome than any man has a right to be!"


"And this, Mr. Sentell-"


June froze at the sound of the masculine voice. Not just any man's voice. She would know this voice anywhere.

Wiping a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, she let her gaze slowly travel the length of a long, long trouser leg, looking up, up ... up to see Parker towering above her. Her heart sank when she realized he'd witnessed every spiteful yank.

Squatting beside her, he met her astounded gaze. Without breaking eye contact, he yanked a weed and tossed it aside. It landed in the pile with the others. "And that, Mr. Sentell, is for letting the only woman you ever loved walk out of your life without attempting to stop her." He stared deeply into her eyes.

June's breath caught as the meaning of his words sank in.

"Oh ... Parker," she whispered, feeling so ashamed of herself. She had been such a fool. Pride. Foolish pride could be such a hurtful thing. His presence here-he was in love with her, too. She should have recognized that all along.

"Can you ever forgive me for being so-?"

"Wonderful," June finished. She sighed, laying her head against his broad chest. Her answer had come. She was home now. "Of course. If you can forgive me."

"I love you, June. I should never have let you go that day." His hold tightened. "I won't let you go again," he whispered, stroking her unencumbered hair.

"Oh, Parker! I never wanted to go. I was praying you would stop me-I only left because I was prideful and stubborn and I really thought that's what you wanted."

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