Jersey Girl (Sticks & Hearts #1) (25 page)

"How about now? Is this about where you were?" I murmur around her pebbled nipple.

"So close," she answers breathlessly. When I slip a third finger deep inside, she lifts her hips and frantically bucks against my hand before releasing a shuddery moan. "Yesss."

"Jesus, baby. You're fucking killing me." I throw her leg over my shoulder and bury my face between her legs. With the first swipe of my tongue, her knees come together in an attempt to stop me. But that's only because she's sensitive from the orgasm I've just given her. Flattening my tongue, I start at her opening and lick my way through her lips with slow, repeated strokes before focusing on her clit. When I do this, her legs splay open and her knees press into the mattress as she rocks against my face.

"Does that feel good?" I hum against her swollen flesh. I already know the answer. I just love hearing her response.

"Yes," she rasps and grabs the back of my head, "it feels sooo fucking good. Almost too good."

"You want me to stop?" I chuckle as she rocks her hips, bringing her mound back to my lips.

"Don't. You. Dare." Her words are choppy as she lets go and rewards me with her release.

I love performing oral sex on a woman. The first time we fucked, she told me how her ex was all take and no give. Me? I'm a giver. That's not to say I don't love a great blowjob. I most certainly do. Hell, I challenge you to find any guy over the age of fifteen who'd turn down a BJ. But I digress... Back to her pussy. First of all, she waxes, which is a good thing. A great thing, really. But she's not bare. She's has them leave the thinnest strip of hair, and it's incredibly sexy when I'm inside her and look down to where we're joined and see that little strip. Something about that turns me on, big time. Then, there's her scent. The best way to describe it would be a salty, musky, citrusy combination. I don't know what she does to make it that way, but it's like the sweetest fragrance. I could lick her pussy every damn day and you wouldn't hear a single complaint out of me.

Once she's sated, I crawl up her body, leaving a trail of kisses every few inches. Her arms circle my neck as my cock settles in the cradle of her thighs. I stare down at where she's lying beneath me. She's wearing her satisfied sex face. Her lips are full and her eyelids are droopy. I love that I'm responsible for giving her that look.

"Are you happy?" I kiss her tentatively on the lips.

"Mmmm hmmm. So happy." She kisses me back, swirling her tongue with mine. I'm certain she can taste herself on me, and knowing that is a big turn on. "Now it's time for you to be happy," she smiles seductively and starts to shimmy down the bed, but I reach out and stop her. "Is something wrong?"

I shake my head and bring her back to the pillow. "Nothing's wrong. I've just had a shitty day, and watching you come made it so much better. Now I just want to forget, and the only way I'm gonna do that is by losing myself inside you. Right now, that's all I need. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay. Come here." Her mouth parts, and she extends her tongue to meet mine. Our tongues wrestle outside our mouths until we crash together in a sloppy, sexy kiss. The tip of my cock nudges her entrance, and it's so warm and wet, my vision goes white and everything stops. Including me. I hover over her, bracing my weight on my forearms.

"Fuck," I hiss through clenched teeth.

"What is it?" She starts to sit up, and the change in position presses me further inside. When her inner walls tighten around my shaft, my eyes roll all the way back in my head.

"My wallet's in the truck." I reluctantly ease out and kneel between her legs with my head down. I'm ready to haul my ass down three flights of stairs and across two city blocks, naked, just to grab my stash of condoms. I've never had unprotected sex.
. And there are reasons for that. STDs are an obvious one. But also because Vanessa pulled some shit that scarred me for life.

"It's okay, B. I'm on birth control. I get the shot and everything. I trust you," she angles her head and brushes her lips over my neck.

"I don't know, baby. It's still pretty risky. I've never had sex without a condom." I'm trying to remain strong, but it's hard when her soft tongue teases over my skin. "We need to be careful. I don't need another reason for Scott to—"

Her hand on my cock shuts me up when the pads of her fingers delicately stroke the underside of my shaft. With every pull of her hand my tip brushes against the hot, pebbled bud, making her purr in my ear.

"I haven't done this before either. But we'll be careful. I need to feel you inside me with nothing between us. Just once. I'll make you feel better." Her lips form a seal over my neck, licking and sucking. Bruising to the point of pleasured pain. "You can finish in my mouth if that makes the decision easier."

I hang my head, torn between what I
and what I probably
do. Of course, my needs are going to end up winning this one.

They always do.

"Go ahead, baby. Lose yourself in me," she plants her feet firmly on the mattress and spreads her legs for me. I line myself up with her opening and hiss as I watch the head slowly disappear. I continue watching as her tight pussy swallows every last inch until our bodies become one, and tell myself I never want to use a condom with her again.

"Fuck." I fall forward, bracing my weight on my forearms as I fight to get my breathing under control. It's not entirely easy, because being bare inside her feels A-Ma-Zing. "You feel... so good," I can barely choke out the words. I reverse my hips then rock forward, gliding easily within her slick walls.

"I love the way you feel too," she stretches her hand to where we're joined, and when her fingers brush the base of my shaft, I snap my hips and drive deeper. The soft, keening noise she makes tells me she wants more.

Our lips brush together as our rhythm increases. With each rotation of my hips she rises to meet me. At one point, I drop to my elbow, knee digging into the mattress for leverage, as our bodies slap together and I lose myself completely. My balls draw tight against my body, signaling I'm close. Our mouths meet in a sloppy kiss that deepens as she comes and her pussy contracts around my cock. It feels so incredible, I almost forget I'm not wearing a condom. I quickly pull out and damn near growl when Cassie's lips envelop me just in time for hot ribbons of my release to meet the back of her throat.

My bones feel as if they've turned to jelly, and I collapse beside her on the narrow mattress. It's a good thing she's so tiny or else my ass would hang off the edge of her damn bed. I wrap my arms around her and rest my lips on her temple as we both recover. No sexual encounter has even come close to comparing to what we just shared, and I'm already calculating when we'll be able to meet up again. Except for our breathing, the room is completely quiet. Until her roommate rolls over and interrupts the silence.

"So, I guess the rumors are true. Christ, Brantley. If only you'd held out another minute I would've come too. Now, if you two are finished with your fuckfest, some of us would like to get some sleep," she announces before turning to face the wall.

"I thought you said she was a heavy sleeper," I whisper through muffled laughter.

"I may have stretched the truth, just a little," she giggles, and doesn't stop until I shut her up the only way I know how.

With my tongue...


We must have fallen asleep after her roommate's confession, and at some point I rolled over and the pain in my back made it impossible to fall back asleep on her narrow bed. I stagger through the door sometime after four in the morning. The room is dark except for the sliver of moonlight that shines through the blinds. I drop my keys in the glass dish we keep by the door and head to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Late night," says a gruff voice in the dark.

"Jesus, Davis!" I flip the light switch and find him sitting at the kitchen table. "You scared the crap out of me." I reach for a glass and turn on the tap. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Not long." He drums his fingers over the polished wood. "How long has it been going on?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask warily.

"Come on, Brantley. You really need me to spell it out?" He gives me a look that tells me he already knows, so there's no sense trying to come up with another lie. I glance nervously over my shoulder and back to him. "He's not here," he says flatly, already knowing my question. I pull out a chair and sit down across from him.

"Who told you?"

"No one. I figured it out for myself. Actually, it wasn't all that hard. I've noticed the change in your behavior. The way you look at her when she's around. You also go out of your way to avoid Rivers. You two were always thick as thieves. I guess it all added up to tell me you're fucking Cassie." He shrugs and leans back in his chair. I'm quiet as I try and gage his level of anger. His voice is calm, and he doesn't appear to be pissed I've gone against my best friend's wishes.

"I never intended for it to happen. And it hasn't been going on long, just since the night of her recital. Either way, I know I fucked up."

"Why do you say that?" His eyes narrow. "Do you like her?"

"Of course I like her."

"Do you care about her?"

"Hell, yes. I'd do anything for her," I answer defensively.

"Then I fail to see where you fucked up. So you went against the code. Big fucking deal. If Rivers finds out, he'll probably kick your ass, but he'll get over it and forgive you. But if you're just screwing around with her and she gets her heart broken, I'll be the one to kick your sorry ass. Cassie's my friend and I care about her. I don't want to see her get hurt," he pushes away from the table and stands.

"I don't want to hurt her either," I admit.

"Then don't," he replies and leaves the room.

"Davis, wait," I call after him, "are you going to say anything to him?"

"No," he says quietly, "I think I'll leave that to you."










The train to Chicago leaves in two hours, but I can't bring myself to leave without saying goodbye to Brantley. We've both been really busy this week, so we've only had time to talk on the phone. I remember him saying his plane leaves at two, which means I have just enough time to surprise him before he heads to the airport.

He answers the door dressed in a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. They hang low on his hips, and for a moment I'm distracted by the view.

"Hey." He smiles stiffly as he grips the top of the door with his right hand. "I figured you'd be at the train station by now."

"I thought you'd be leaving for the airport by now. I wanted to come over and say goodbye," I answer sweetly, then step inside and greet him with a heated kiss.

"Whoa." He licks his lips after we pull apart, "I like the way you say goodbye."

I look around the apartment and quickly assess there's something he isn't telling me. "You want to tell me what's going on?"

He scratches the back of his head and gives his shoulder a partial shrug. "My plans sort of changed."

It's only then I realize he may not be alone, and I take a step back toward the door. It hadn't dawned on me he may be sleeping with other girls. I'd foolishly assumed that while we were in the FWB stage, we would be exclusive. It was an easy assumption on my part. It's not as if I have many guys beating down my door. But he
#2 on that stupid conquest list. He has hundreds of girls waiting in line.

I need to get out of here.

"Cassie?" He eyes me suspiciously. "Are you okay?" He reaches out and removes my hand from the doorknob. "Where're you going? You just got here."

"It's just... I thought... I thought maybe you had another girl here," I stammer and chew the side of my cheek.

"Why the hell would you think that?" He gives a snort of derision before pulling me into his arms. "Go check for yourself. There's no one else here. It's only me, the television, and a freezer full of food. Oh, and now there's you." He grips my face in his hands and claims my mouth. His tongue makes lazy circles over mine and with every stroke his fingers weave through my hair to draw us closer. I can feel his arousal pressing against my stomach and I'm not surprised. He's always in the mood.

"Wait," I break our connection, "you're not going to Colorado?" He bites down on my lip before soothing it with his tongue.

"Nope. My parents wanted to get away, so I'm left here to fend for myself." He makes a sad face. "Don't you feel sorry for me?" He takes my hand in his and guides it down the front of his pants. I circle my fingers around him and stroke down to the base. His head rests on my shoulder, so I hear every little moan he makes when I work my hand over his thick shaft. There's an inch gap between the tip of my thumb and middle finger, and my mouth waters when I think of how incredible it feels when he's inside me.

Without warning, he picks me up and walks over to the kitchen table. He turns a chair around before setting me back on my feet. In one quick motion, he drops his sweats to the floor and takes a seat. He draws his bottom lip between his teeth and seduces me with his amber eyes as he lifts my skirt up to my waist. I straddle his legs, and he holds me by the hips as he guides me over his erection. Guess after the other night he's decided not to bother with a condom. I start to remind him but change my mind.

"Wait, I have a proposition." I tease my opening over the engorged head.

"Can it wait until I'm inside you?" He gives his hips a quick thrust and breaches my opening. I counter by pulling mine back.

"I'll have sex with you only if you agree to come to Chicago with me. Spend Thanksgiving with my family." I feather soft kisses down his neck. "I promise," my tongue teases over the flat of his nipple, "to make it," I rub my arousal over the head of his cock, "worth your while."

"You really think that's a good idea?" I nod, slowly rolling my hips as he continues, "And you really want me there?"

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