Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (34 page)

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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She took yet another turn, and ran headlong into a man’s chest, knocking the breath from her lungs. Her apology died upon her lips as he grabbed her and pressed a wet cloth to her mouth. She quickly gathered her energy into a ball and threw it, hitting her target, but it was too late. The sickly sweet smell filled her head and sent it spinning.


Then all went dark.






Chapter Thirty-Five




“What do you mean she wasn’t at the carriage?” Mason struggled in Pierce’s arms as Pierce pulled him off of Corwin who did not a thing to defend himself. “How long ago was that?”


“Nearly two hours.” Corwin’s voice sounded pained, but Mason could barely resist the urge to pummel him. “I stayed with Nelson so she’d have time to get to you safely. When I realized she hadn’t taken the carriage, I went back to the tavern and followed her energy as best I could. It stopped abruptly, so I could only think that she’d taken a hansom here—or as close as she could get before having to cross over.” He shook his head, his face fallen with worry. “Would she go elsewhere?”


Mason shrugged out of Pierce’s grasp as his mind raced through the possibilities. Before they married, she’d likely go to her home in London, but not since. Still… “Go to her home in case she’s there. If she hasn’t turned up yet, you’re to wait for her.” Corwin did as he was told.


Pierce let out a ragged breath, and grabbed his coat. “Could be Nelson had someone waiting for her outside the tavern and he’s with her now. There’s a slim chance he’ll have taken her to his home, but I’ll go anyway and make sure that’s not the case. Will you go to the trackers to see if they can find her?”


“I’m going right now. If Stefan has her, tracking her might be our only hope, since we’ve been unable to find him. But if Nelson has her hidden away somewhere and has masked her whereabouts, we’ll be damned lucky if we get to her before it’s too late.” Mason’s mind raced through the scenarios, not sure of what Nelson was capable of. “Meet me back here when you’ve finished. I may need you to accompany me if I manage to get an address.”


“I shouldn’t be long.” Pierce shrugged into his coat and was on his way.


Mason threw back his whiskey, knowing he’d need the fortification, and then headed for the door. Dread clawed at the edge of his mind during the entire trip to Cassandra’s. She was the best tracker in the area, and she’d have no problem finding Lilly if Nelson was not involved.


The carriage pulled to a stop, and Mason took the steps to the front door at a run, praying Cassandra would be in. He was shown into the sitting room, and it didn’t take long before Cassandra walked into the room. “What’s happened?”


“I need you track someone. Someone’s taken my wife and I need her found.”


“I heard you got married. Can’t say I saw that coming, Mason.” A sly smile tugged at her lips.


“Please, Cassie. Can we get to the matter at hand?” He had not the time for small talk when Lilly was in danger.


She shook her head, sending her blond locks cascading over her shoulder. “Very well. Let’s get started then. Did you bring me something of hers?”


From his pocket, he pulled out a ruby ring on a chain, the gold band etched with thistles—her engagement ring from Corwin. In the past, she’d worn it when she was melancholic about being a reaper, though she’d not worn it since their marriage.


“Here.” He lowered the ring into Cassie’s palm, the chain collapsing link by link into a shimmering pool of gold.


Cassie sat before a thick book, the pages already turned to a map of London, while Mason hovered anxiously over her shoulder. Time was ticking far too slow for getting the answers he needed, and yet, at the same time, it was racing by him, Lilly missing for far too long already.


When Cassie glared at him, he let out a huff and took a step back. “If you could hurry, it’d be much appreciated.”


She turned back to her work, her eyes closed as she ran an open hand over the pages. Her hand hovered for a moment and then a slender finger touched the page. “She’s around this area here.”


Mason jotted down the area in his notebook, and gave her a peck on the cheek as she handed him back Lilly’s ring. “I owe you.”


“Be safe, Mason.”






Chapter Thirty-Six




Lilly struggled through the dizzying fog, her limbs too heavy to move, her mind desperate to hold onto the thin thread of consciousness. Somewhere in the distance she felt herself being moved, felt a numb pain. She tried to lash out but her hands felt like lead. Sharp pain shot across her skin, rousing her, but her head lolled as she tried to get her bearings, a panic slowly blossoming.


“You’re home now. I’ve taken care of everything.”


The voice faded in and out as she struggled to keep the darkness at bay, waves of it engulfing her.


“I need to go.” The words stuck in her throat. Her lips were dry and her tongue felt too large for her mouth. Had she managed to get the words out? Something hard pressed against her lips. A sickly sweet and bitter taste slid down her throat, drowning her as she resisted swallowing it.


“There you go, my dear. This will help ease your worries.” He pressed the cloth over her face, and darkness took her once more.


The dreams and nightmares overtook her, her body barely aware of what was happening. One face morphed into another—the faces of those she’d reaped, those she’d known in life and those that surrounded her in death. Mason… he kissed her, his hands roaming over her body, but his eyes weren’t his and nor was it his touch. He took her rough and quick, while his features melted into Jack’s. Time slowed to prolong her misery, and she found herself falling into an endless abyss, passing through shards of glass, a million pinpricks of pain as her own scream deafened her.


Something—someone—held her tight, their arms crushing her as they tried to hold her still. She struggled to open eyes sealed shut by the opiates, fought to get through the faces that haunted her in the smoky corners of her mind. Time seemed to stop altogether now, a dark hell from which she’d never escape. Her heart thundered in her ears, pounded in her head, like a deafening drumbeat that told her she’d never escape into a peaceful death.


More pain as she was lifted into someone’s arms, her skin alight as if it were set on fire. She struggled once more to open her eyes, to break free, but the grip that held her was too strong. They were moving now, and each step sent another wave of disorientation crashing through her head.


In a last ditch effort, she gathered what strength she could and, just like Mason taught her, compressed the energy and threw it out in an explosion of light.






Chapter Thirty-Seven




Mason knew the neighborhood Cassandra showed him, and there was no reason for Lilly to be there, unless she was being held against her will. Anger boiled up inside him. If she came to any harm, he’d murder the bastard that touched her.


Pierce was already waiting for him outside his home, so they wasted but a moment while he climbed in and sat next to Mason. “There was no one at Nelson’s but the staff.”


“It matters not. Cassandra thinks she’s in London not far from All Saints.” Mason clenched and unclenched his fists down by his side in a futile attempt to contain his energy. His chest felt tight and his pulse was racing, worried he’d not get to her on time. What he’d find, he knew not, for though it was hard to kill a reaper, there were fates far worse than death.


Pierce took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’ll find her, aye? She’s stronger than you think.” Mason had no words, for he could barely breathe, let alone talk.


It was a small mercy that before long, Mason’s driver was pulling up to the area where Lilly was being kept. Cassie could not pinpoint the exact address, but it did not matter. He just needed to get close enough to find Lilly’s energy.


Mason stepped out onto the road, followed by Pierce. Concentrating, he searched the area for just a trace of her.


“This way.” Mason followed the faint energy down a narrow road, ignoring the dirty puddles as he hurried along. He then stopped to make sure he was not mistaken, his heart thundering against his chest. “Jack’s been here.”


Mason could not ignore what Jack had done to those women, and his soul crumbled to think Lilly might suffer a similar fate. He’d tear Jack limb from limb if he hurt her.


Pushing his fears away, he concentrated on tracking her, his energy renewed by the horror that he’d not find her in time. Pierce pulled out his pistol and Mason followed suit. They may not be able to kill Jack, but a bullet would certainly slow him down.


They traced Lilly and Jack’s essence to a small home sandwiched in a row of others just like it. The door was locked, but provided little hindrance as Mason mentally unlocked it and burst through the door.


Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.


His world collapsed as he slipped to the ground by her side, gathering her into his arms. He had to close his eyes, the image of her naked body, bloody and covered in cuts and gashes, some still healing, others now angry lines yet to disappear. Rage and despair welled up inside him as unshed tears blurred his vision and he fought the urge to scream.


Pierce knelt next to him in blood yet to dry, checking on her. “He gave her opiates to sedate her. She’ll likely not have remembered any of it.” Pierce’s gaze then shifted past Mason, towards the door. “Nelson.”


Before Mason could react with Lilly in his arms, Pierce was to his feet, pistol drawn and pointed at Nelson. “Get out of here now, or I swear I’ll blow a hole right through you.


Nelson ignored his threat, and tried to shrug him off as Pierce fought to push him out the door. “I’d say you got what you deserved, Archer, but even I pity the girl for going through this. Of course, none of it would have happened if it weren’t for you.”


Pierce raised the pistol so it was level with Nelson’s face. “I’ll not tell you again. Go.”


“Serves you right, Archer.”


Pierce pistol whipped Nelson at the temple, following it up with several fists to the bastard’s kidneys. Nelson slumped to the floor, but Pierce grabbed him. “Show your face again, and I’ll kill you.” With those final words, Pierce tossed him out the door and into the road.


Mason had no time to spare for anyone but Lilly. He needed to get her out of there, and needed to get himself away from the horror. He pulled off his coat and wrapped her in it, before carefully scooping her up and into his arms.


“I’ll meet you back at the house. See if you can find Jack.” The words coming from Mason’s mouth sounded foreign to his own ears. He was shaken to his core, the image of Lilly’s bloody body etched into his soul.


“No. You’re in no fit state, and I’m not leaving you when Nelson’s still about. Jack’s long gone by now, and will have done a decent job of covering his tracks. It’s more important we get Lilly seen to.” Pierce was already holding the door open for him.


Mason didn’t argue. He was beyond thought.




There was little to be done but let her heal, and it was probably for the best that Lilly was still unconscious. Mason washed away the blood, unable to keep his hands from shaking as he did so. Pierce had offered to do it for him, but Mason had snapped at his lieutenant, unable to keep his anger bottled up.


Needing to know who did this to her, he pulled upon her energy and formed it into a thread, just like Lilly had done with Jack’s essence when recreating the murders. He should have done it when they first found her, rather than moving her, but getting her out of there had been his first priority.


He tried to go back far enough to see who’d taken her, but too much time had passed. He was only able to recreate the darkness that enveloped her in her nightmares. The pain and brutality of her thoughts made him shudder and left him with no indication of who they were dealing with.


Was it Jack? His energy had been there, but… he’d also seen how tender Jack was when he made love to her in the cottage by the sea—and Jack had been the one to keep her from coming to harm in the alley. Could he turn so easily from a caring man to that of a monster? Mason had heard of a mind shattering into multiple personalities, all of them housed within the same body. Was that the case with Jack?


Mason wrung out the cloth, and went back to cleaning the dried blood from her naked body. Some of the cuts had already healed, leaving behind angry red lines that would eventually fade away. They told of the horror she’d endured. He could only hope she’d been unconscious during the ordeal. Worse yet, he suspected an even more horrible violation had occurred, her inner thighs slick.


Mason tossed the cloth into the bowl of water, and pulled the heavy covers up to her shoulders. “Get me the laudanum.”


“You’re not going to dose her again, are you?” Pierce’s brow furrowed with genuine concern.


“I’m going to keep dosing her until she completely heals and there’s no sign left of what she’d endured.” It was the only way. “She should be fine by tomorrow morning.”


“You cannot keep this from her.” Pierce put a hand on his shoulder, his eyes pleading with him to change course. “She’ll eventually need to know, aye?”

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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