Read Irresistible You Online

Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

Tags: #Romance

Irresistible You (35 page)

BOOK: Irresistible You
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“I’m glad you’ll be there. These political parties are as boring and dull as watching paint dry.”

“What time’s your brother picking us up tonight?”

“Stepbrother,” Juliet stated then looked at her watch. “He said around eight o’clock.”

“Half-brother,” Patricia purposely corrected as she glanced at her watch to confirm the time. “Three hours… Good, that gives me just enough time to grab a quick nap. I’m beat—all that dancing and shopping really wore me out.”

“The girls looked really good out there. Kimberly’s turning into a genuine ballerina isn’t she?”

“She loves it.”

Patricia nodded her agreement. “How did it feel to be back at the workshop teaching again?”

“Wonderful, I missed it. I get such an energy boost just being there with the girls and seeing their joy when they’re dancing. It was really exciting.”

“And exhausting, I forgot how strenuous dancing could be.”

“Correction, Kimberly danced, Jasmine danced, I danced, you however, sat on you bottom in the corner and typed on your laptop all morning.”

“I danced, you just didn’t see me. Anyway I’m beat.”

She yawned for emphasis. “Wake me up when you get out of the shower,” she said as she grabbed her tea and the vase of thyme and headed through the empty dining room through the empty loving room then up stairs to her favorite guest bedroom.

Unlike her friend, Juliet was too edgy to sleep. Instead she changed into her leotards and decided to dance off the excess energy. But an hour into her routine the chime of the doorbell drew her attention. She grabbed a towel and went to the door.

“J.T., hi,” she said surprised to see him. She tiptoed to kiss him but noted his noncommittal response.

“May I come in?” he asked seeing her dressed in leotards, a tight fitted tank top and ballet slippers. His mouth dried with the impulse to pick her up and take her upstairs to the bedroom and make love to her for the rest of his life, but he firmly resisted.

He’d gone to the children’s dance workshop that she’d mentioned earlier to surprise her, yet when he arrived, she surprised him. He walked through the main entrance and spotted her instantly with her arms lovingly wrapped around Senator Kingsley and bestowing him an overzealously greeting.

He immediately turned and left. Loosing himself in Juliet would be the end of everything he’s ever loved. “I just need to speak with you, it won’t take long.”

“Sure, come on in,” she said sensing his distance.

“Am I interrupting?”

“No, not at all,” she closed the door behind them and followed him into the living room. “Thanks for the thyme, it was a cute idea.”

J.T. half smiled. He’d forgotten all about the florist he’d called earlier. “You’re welcome.”

“So, what’s up,” she asked, “another invitation?”

“No,” he said and turned, “Not this time. I came to thank you.”

“For what?” she asked as she tucked herself close to his body.

“It’s over, we did it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mamma Lou was more than convinced. We’re done.”

“But I thought,” she swallowed hard then paused, “or was it just me?” Suddenly the dream she had fantasized for months had vanished right before her eyes as the finality in his voice shocked her into reality.

He shrugged. “All good things must come to an end.”

“That’s lame even for you.”

“I have something for you.”

“A parting gift, how sweet,” she said dryly as she stepped away.

J.T. reached into his pocket and pulled out the check from last night. He offered it to her. “It’s the check from last night.”

“I don’t want it. Give it to your next decoy.”

He offered it to her again. “You need it, for the school or studio or whatever you’re going to do next. Take it.”

“No, you keep it, donate it, give it away, whatever, I don’t care.”

“Take it, you earned it.”

The seriousness of his tone gave her pause. A quick intake of breath sent Juliet’s head spinning. How could she have been so blinded, of course, this was the big break up. She glared at him as a heavy feeling sank to the pit of her stomach. “You’re right, I did earn it.” She reached out and snatched the envelope. “Anything else?”

“Just to say thanks for your assistance.” He began walking toward the door.

My assistance
,” she repeated. “Was that all it was?”

“That was the deal.”

“And I supposed everything else that happened between us was also part of the deal.”

Here it comes, the big emotional scene.
“No strings, no attachments, no expectations, no exceptions, remember that. I told you, my work is my sole commitment. I was never looking for a relationship.”

“Yeah, I remember that, cash for services rendered.”

“It wasn’t like that…” he began.

“…Really, then how was it?”

“You make it sound…”

“…Exactly what it was, a business proposition,” she replied and fingered the envelope in her hand. “Thanks for the payment in full. I don’t suppose I got a tip for service beyond the call of duty.” she added sarcastically.

“You’re being irrational.”

“On the contrary, I think I’m handling this quite well.” She began tapping the envelope against her hand. “You know I’ve been considering what I would do after I leave ballet in a few weeks. Thanks to you I’ve opened myself up to a whole new career opportunity.”

“This is exactly my point. You’re not being logical about this.”

“Oh please, your magnanimous compensation and donation to my new career is more than enough.”

“Juliet this relationship has never been about guilt. We both went in with our eyes wide open.”

“Relationship?” she questioned, “the word implies that emotions were involved and we know that wasn’t in the deal. So saying relationship is bit misleading, don’t you think?”

“Juliet…” he began.

She held her hand up to silence him. “I think you’ve said everything that needed to be said.” She smiled painfully and chuckled. “Funny, the last time we made a deal you walked out. And now here you are again at the same place. I guess I was right, after all some things never change.”

“There are extenuating circumstances.”

“There always are I’d bet. Now if you’ll excuse me I have another engagement this evening.”

“There’s no performance tonight.”

“I never said there was.”


“Good bye J.T.” She walked over and held the door for him to leave. He did. She refused to cry.

Chapter Twenty-One


If you’ve been to one political function, you’ve been to them all. Dry food and plastic people, either way Juliet was bored stiff. She looked over at Patricia who was having a lively, animated conversation with a senator about school vouchers and privatizing public schools.

She looked across the room to see Randolph speaking pointedly to one of his constituents about his opinion of something she was sure they had no idea what they were talking about. She shook her head, he was definitely a charmer. Politics was truly his calling. In a lot of ways he was so much like her father.

Maybe that’s why she always came when he called and needed a date for a particular function. She was his safe date and he was hers. At first the papers made a thing of it, but now it was customary that she would be on his arm whenever he needed her.

The stuffy air inside was beginning to make her dizzy. Juliet walked over to the patio doors and stepped outside into the night air.


J.T. felt more than a little possessive. As soon as he walked into the room he noticed her standing by his side.

Tall and stately, Senator Randolph Kingsley was just as he appeared on the TV news. A rising star in his political party, he was distinguished and it seemed Juliet was just as enamored by him as everyone else. He smiled warmly and graciously laughed and joked with those around him.

In contrast, Juliet was not smiling or seemingly enjoying herself, she just stood around for most of the evening.
, she needed time. And like a fool that’s what he was giving her.

J.T. finally tore his eyes away when he felt a hand on his sleeve. He looked down to see a familiar face smiling up at him. “Nice to see you again, J.T.”

“Vanya, how are you?”

“Good.” She paused seeing his eyes drift across the room. “So, J.T. are you into politics?”

“No, not much.”

“I just wondered since you’re here.”

“I came with my cousin,” he said nodding to Trey, who was casually leaning on the bar talking to two pretty women.

Vanya’s interest elevated. “He looks familiar, would I know him from politics?”

“No Trey’s an investment banker.”

“Oh, I see. He does the money.”


“He must be very smart.”

“He is.”

J.T. found his interest in the conversation waning quickly. Vanya said something, some small talk about being at a political function then asked if he was enjoying hiumself. He said no then excused himself seeing Juliet go out on the patio alone.

She stood by the edge of the garden path alone.

“Too crowded inside,” he said as he stood a few feet behind her.

She knew the voice, she turned, “J.T.,” her heart pounded wildly, he was the last person she expected to see tonight. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question,” he said keeping his eyes firmly on hers. “I noticed you’re here with your senator friend.” He knew she’d know to whom he was referring.

“I see you’re here with your dancer friend.” Juliet watched as Vanya stepped outside, looked J.T. up and down, plant her fists on her thin hips then returned to the party.

J.T. turned around in time to see Vanya glare at him angrily then huff inside. “It’s not what you think,” he responded turning back to face her.

“Ditto,” she said pointedly.

“I came with my cousin,” he said quickly.

“I came with my brother,” she tossed back just as quickly.

Hearing her lame excuse and lie, he shook his head. Everyone knew she was seeing Senator Kingsley. “I just wanted to tell you that New York wasn’t just another night for me. Our time together was special. I felt something, you got to me and it scared the hell out of me.” He took a step back to walk away the paused. “Our deal is done, but I thought, I hoped, we could remain friends.”

Seeing the hurt on his face broke her heart. “J.T.,” she called out then walked toward him as he turned. “I felt it too. You have a restless spirit. You’re always searching for something, in your computers, in your life and in your heart.”

“Does he make you happy?”

BOOK: Irresistible You
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