Read IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance Online

Authors: Olivia Hawthorne,Olivia Long

IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance (16 page)

“Now ye didn’t have te go an do that,” I said, “I guess ye’ll be bragging te yer friends later how ye took down the heavyweight champion of the world, won’t ye?”

They didn’t reply and they refused to be goaded into giving up any details about my arrest on the way to the detention center.

Inside they stripped me, processed me and refused to tell me a god damned thing. I felt bloody sick inside thinking about me girl on the outside, running around trying to save me sorry ass.

I paced my cell, as much as I could. It was packed with men of all nationalities, all heading back from where they’d come.

I couldn’t stop moving though, I gnashed my teeth and demanded information from anybody walking past, but the god damned arseholes ignored me.

At long last somebody came te get me, dragged me ass down the hall to a dingy room.

They opened the door, I walked in and was complete again when me girl jumped into me arms and I bore her up in a grand hug.

I wished to death I could never let her go, but I knew me time was counting down from the minute I saw her.

I’d do anything to get her back to me though.


Chapter Thirty Eight



I suppressed a sob as I walked slowly down the hall of the detention center.

It had been decided that morning, Knox was being sent back to Ireland.

I would meet him though, in Belfast. I would take the private jet the moment my passport came through. That was the problem, even a rushed job would take a couple weeks and I didn’t know how I’d ever survive that long without him.

Jake was waiting for me outside; he slipped his arm around my shoulders and Melody held my arm on the other side to help me back to the car.

“You’ll be with him before you know it,” Jake said. “The time will pass.”

“Take some time to take care of yourself,” Melody told me. “I’ll take you on a couple spa days, we’ll go back and get that wedding dress you told me about, we’ll get you a makeover. Think of it as a bit of a fun vacation before your marriage begins.”

“Thank you,” I said, “but I feel so guilty having fun while he’s been sent away.”

“It’s not like he’s in jail, he’s in Ireland and you’ll see him before you know it,” Jake said. “Mel’s got a good point, have fun and pamper yourself. You know Knox would want it that way.”

“He’ll call me when he gets back,” I said. “It’s so weird that I can’t follow him, my stupid passport is going to take too long.”

“You’ll have to settle for Skype sex,” Melody giggled, “that’s not the end of the world. At least this won’t happen if you’re skyping.” She rubbed her hand up and down her belly and grinned.

I laughed, looked down and said, “Okay, you do have a point.”

“See? It’s not all bad,” she said and grabbed my hand. “We’re going to have fun before I’m tied down with a baby and you’re tied down with a husband.”

“Okay, we will,” I said and felt grateful for having such good people in my life.

Melody and Jake dropped me off at Knox’s house…or should I say our house, and Sylvie was waiting for me at the front door.

“Oh, Miss, I’m so sorry about what’s happening,” she said with tears misting her eyes. “I will take good care of you though. I will make sure you are fed and looked after until you can see that man of yours again.”

“Thank you Sylvie, Knox will be happy to know I have so many supportive people in my life.”

“He’s so proud of you, did you know that? He talks about how happy he is to have you here and how he loves making sure your life is perfect.”

“I know,” I replied. “If only the rest of the world would get on board with making our lives perfect, hey?”

She sighed and said, “You two will get there before you know it. I just have that feeling in my bones, your life together is destined for happiness.”

We talked a few moments more, but I decided to go upstairs for a nap. I couldn’t contain my tears any longer and didn’t want to cry in front of Sylvie. She’d been nothing but kind to me and I knew my sorrow would distress her.

I had a nagging suspicion that I was being overly dramatic about it, but given the previous disasters that had sprung up around Knox and I, I guess I had a good reason.

I curled up on the bed, held his pillow against me and fell asleep breathing in the scent of him.

It was the only way I could get any rest.




Melody had been right about one thing, the time went by very quickly. As an added bonus, our lawyer somehow managed to get the passport pushed through faster and I was on the private jet to Belfast in six days, not two weeks.

I’d been a big baby for no reason after all.

The flight was perfect, no turbulence, I could really stretch my legs and nap…and there was no evidence of the shooting that had taken place there just a short time before.

The flight attendant was nice, she hung back until I started to ask her questions, and then we ended up playing a few games of cards to pass the time. She was a single mom in her thirties and loved Knox, not just for the generous wage he paid his employees, but for the care he extended to their children.

Knox had apparently covered her daughter’s tuition to an exclusive private school for the next five years.

My heart swelled at his kindness and I did wonder what he would be like as a father. I’d never wanted kids, not after the fractured upbringing I’d endured, but the more time I spent with Knox, the more I thought about having a real family.

We landed in the evening just as the sun was setting. The plane came to a halt and I was already on my feet standing by the door waiting to exit.

The flight attendant gave me a quick hug and told me he was already waiting. She opened the door of the plane, the stairs lowered and I shot out barely touching the ground before I was in his arms.

“You’re so scruffy!” I laughed and tugged the beard that covered his chin now. He’d shaved the sides of his head, keeping the top long and pulled back, his mustache and beard matched the color. He looked even hotter, if that was physically possible.

“Fek, kitten, I’ve missed ye like madness itself,” Knox said as I buried my face in his neck and wrapped my arms around him. I inhaled and drank in his scent. His beard tickled my neck and I had a sudden flash of how it would feel between my thighs. And I liked it.

I couldn’t bring words to explain to him how hollow I’d been while we were apart, so I kissed him with a fierceness that even surprised myself. I needed him like I needed air, and I vowed to never be apart from him again.

“Take me somewhere or I’m climbing on your cock right here,” I murmured in his ear. I felt his hardness swell in response, he lifted me a little higher and crossed the tarmac in a few long strides.

He slid into the back of a long, black limo, gave the driver directions and hit a button that brought up the privacy screen.

“Traffic’s bad this time a day, kitten,” he said with a wicked smile. “So ye might as well hike yer skirt up and climb on.” He unzipped his jeans and pulled his huge shaft free of them.

I laughed and crawled towards him, taking him up on his offer.


Chapter Thirty Nine



Belfast hadn’t changed in the time since I’d been gone. I mostly spent time in the penthouse Jake had arranged for me and trained in the private gym.

I wanted to lay low because I still had ties to the city, but I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else in Ireland. The ties I had were dangerous and were with dangerous people, add to that having recently killed a high level member of the IRA meant there was probably a price on my head.

People would want te kill me, and I didn’t want to be killed. For the first time in me life, I had something te live for.

Every waking moment was spent texting or chattin with Lennon, and even when she was sleeping I had her leave the laptop up so I could watch her whenever I needed to see her beautiful face.

And fek, she was beautiful.

Ever since I met her all other women were pale comparisons. When I thought about me Lennon, my balls tightened and my cock hardened and all I could imagine was hammering deep into her pussy and filling her with babies.

I wanted te plant a child in her so bad I felt half mad from need for it. It felt like everything I’d ever done in me life had lead me to her, and everything I ever needed was a family with me wife.

Henry was a piece of shite human being, but as a lawyer he was the best. I didn’t know how he’d done it, but he managed to pay off the right people and get me girl to me in record time.

I called a car and waited for her at the airport, cock stiff at attention and heart pounding like I was a wee lad waiting for his first date.

I wanted te rip the door off the plane and fuck her right there in the aisle, but I maintained my restraint and waited for her to leap off the plane like a deer right into my waiting arms.

She whispered dirty things in me ear, and I was done for. Gone was the romantic dinner and walk around me old neighborhood I’d planned.

Here was the single minded desire to fek her good and hard, take a deep breath, and fek her again until we were both drunk on our lust.

And then there would be time for love.

I settled in the back seat of the limo and pulled her onto me cock. It was aching for her cunt, aching for her scent covering it, and aching to be joined as one with her body.

“Kitten, I’ve missed this,” I exhaled as she straddled me lap and slid herself down my length. Her velvet heat clenched me, drew me deep and quivered against me as I locked my lips on hers.

She moaned and began to move her hips against me, matching the rhythm of the car as it moved through Belfast’s streets.

I pulled her down hard and pinned her body against mine, thrust up inside her and grabbed a fistful of her hair as I dominated her mouth.

I drew back and held her head against my fist, her eyes were wide and her mouth was open in surprise. “Yer cunt is divine, kitten,” I grunted and felt her respond by fluttering against my shaft.

“Oh Knox,” she sighed and undulated her lithe body, “I crave this, I live for this.”

“For what?” I asked.

“For this,” she replied breathily.

“Tell me exactly what you want,” I commanded, “tell me.”

“I want you cock inside of me,” she broke free at last and cried out. “I want you to fuck my pussy, fuck me hard.”

“That’s me girl,” I replied and thrust up inside, “it’s better when ye ken speak yer mind. There’s nothing dirty between us, nothing off limits.”

“Fuck me, Knox,” she exhaled in a little growl that sent a bolt of pleasure up my spine. She curled over and bit into my shoulder as she clenched and came.

I thrust one more time and exploded deep inside her, exactly where nature and the fates demanded I be.

I hissed her name as I flooded her cunt, held her tight against me and let her teeth loosen as she came down off the tension of her orgasm.

“Fuck, ya, my beautiful girl,” I said and rubbed my hands over her back, settling them on her hips.

“I never want to be apart again,” she sighed and sat upright. She looked down at me, her eyes glowing and her hair hanging around us like a curtain of fragrant lilies.

“I’ll never allow it to happen,” I said. “I cannot live without ye, kitten.”

“Then I guess I’ll just stay in Ireland as long as I can until we figure out your paperwork.”

“I guess we’ll live wherever life takes us, as long as we’re together,” I replied and kissed her.

She moved against me and I swelled stiff again, this time still inside her. The car drove, stopped and started in traffic, and we repeated our love for each other without a care in the world.

We arrived at my penthouse satisfied and smiling secretly to each other, our bodies covered in each other’s sweat and love juices, and I knew again that I would fekking tear the head off anyone trying to get between me and me wife.


Chapter Forty



I woke up in the sunlight, stretched my legs and tried to roll over. I couldn’t, Knox had his arms wrapped tightly around me and didn’t seem likely to let me go any time soon.

I smiled and settled back into them. I never thought I would be able to sleep so soundly with a pair of muscled arms encircling me, but I’d slept through the night in pure bliss.

Of course it hadn’t hurt that I was exhausted from all the sex we’d had. That was just natural though, when Knox was around I was some kind of crazy sex machine.

“Morning, kitten,” he said in a deep, sleepy voice and kissed the back of my neck.

“Morning,” I replied and squirmed around until I was facing him. Morning breath be damned, I wanted to kiss him. I could still smell myself on his beard, and remembered the insanely good way it had felt last night as he’d eaten my pussy like a starving man.

We managed to drag ourselves out of bed and into the shower and finally to a late breakfast.

Knox made me eggs and toast and I fired up his espresso maker and brewed a thick, black batch of coffee to get us going for the day.

We didn’t know how long we had in Belfast, so we decided to go sight seeing like tourists. Knox knew the place like the back of his hand of course, but it would be fun to see the city with me on his arm as he said.

It was almost impossible to walk around without our hands all over each other, and it was almost impossible to get ten feet without somebody demanding an autograph or photo with him.

“I hadn’t realized I’d gotten so bloody famous in me home town,” he grumbled after a group of twenty nuns had gathered around him for photos.

“It’s interesting being out with somebody so popular,” I laughed and held onto his arm. “I don’t think we’ll get very far unless we disguise you. Should we get a big hat? Sunglasses?”

“That was the point of the fekking beard,” he said, reaching up to rub it. “Maybe I should shave the fekking thing off.”

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