Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5) (5 page)

Chapter Seven


My body was upright before I was even awake. Sweat poured off me as my heart raced, my body heaved as I struggled to take in air. Tears streamed down my cheeks as the vivid memories came flooding back.

Hey.” a soft voice cooed in the dark.

I found myself being crushed into a hard body, the warmth of his arms was soothing. He pulled me back down to the bed and didn't let go for the entire time.

When I woke again, I had rolled onto my side. This time it was a more natural awakening. The sun was up, the birds were tweeting and life was still shit. Except that Jaxon hadn't let go. Even though I had rolled out of his arms, he still found his way to me and wrapped his arm around my body.

I know you're awake.”

I smiled, more so when his grip on me tightened.

What was the dream about?”

The car accident. All I can see is the truck coming straight for us.”

You should see someone.”

With a huff of a laugh I rolled my eyes.

Yeah, the day I go and see a shrink will be the same day you go to AA.”


I rolled over and looked at his serious face. Deadly serious.

I'll go to AA, so today you can pick your shrink.”

He sat up on the bed which I wish that he hadn't. Not only did I no longer have physical contact with him but I was faced with his torso. A phoenix sat over the shoulder of the right arm, its tail feathers trailing down the arm. It didn't seem like a tattoo that he would have, the ones on his back were skulls, crosses and naked chicks but I knew this one had meaning. His father found him in Phoenix, he'd been dumped on his maternal aunt who was just as bad as his mother. That was the reasoning behind the bird, his father saved him from an unknown fate, the bird symbolized rebirth, new life and a fresh start.

There was a gap of bare skin over his heart, I knew the meaning of that too. He had said once when he was far too inebriated for a teen girl to understand that when he found his heart the space would be filled.

I got up from the bed and padded across the floors. His instant acceptance to go to AA was a little shocking. Either he didn't believe he had a problem or he thought that dealing with it was okay so long as I went to a shrink.

As I waited for the coffee machine to finish filling, I took a careful peek out the window to the street below. There were a few paparazzi still hanging around. This was going to be an interesting morning.

Half an hour later we stood by the main door to the apartment building, beyond the frosted glass was a frenzy waiting to happen.


Yep. Let's get this over and done with.”

As soon as he opened the door it started. I stepped out and was blinded by the morning light, deafened by the questions and the constant whirs and clicks of the cameras. They were like a mob, instantly in my face. Jaxon held me to his body to help me through but it only made the situation worse. All he was trying to do was protect me but now it looked like there really was something going on.

The door was closed amid the scramble to get a shot of me. How Jaxon kept his cool in this situation I do not know. He rounded the car as best he could and got in the driver's seat. It was a miracle that they actually got out of his way, they didn't seem to care that they might get run over.

Well that went well, don't you think?”

Yeah, sure.” I laughed.

We arrived to a welcoming committee. Not just the paparazzi but the entire band, wives, children and my family. They were just as interested in what was going on as what the rest of the world was. Sadly there was nothing to report. Jaxon made that quite clear and I silently slipped away, not wanting to hear him say that we weren't together, that nothing was going on.

My heart was quietly breaking into a thousand pieces again. Last night and this morning had repaired it, now he'd broken it. El was the first up the stairs, looking at me with that motherly love mixed with a bit of sympathy.

Abbey's going to fill in until things die down. In the meantime you're on holidays.”

Oh mom, don't be ridiculous. I need to keep my mind active, not moping around the apartment.”

Nonsense Kaylee, we're going dress shopping today. It's Wednesday and you still haven't picked a dress.”

She ran her manicured fingers along the counter, watching me as she slowly rounded the desk.

You can't just wear any old thing darling, it's black tie. That means you need a really pretty dress. Tomorrow we're going to be doing some pampering and Friday we will be checking over the preparations. Saturday is at the hair dresser and getting ready.”

I looked up at El, she had been blessed with two great sons and a wonderful husband but never a daughter and I think that she wishes that she'd had one. Jerry had a daughter from his first marriage but she lived with her mother in California when she was a child, so they only saw her on school holidays. El loved Nate and Brad but I knew that she wished that there was just one more child in her brood. Now I was that one more, I was the daughter she never had. So I sighed slightly and nodded, accepting her insistence and her love.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me hard, I felt my body sag into hers as the weight of it all finally hit me.

We didn't.” I said as I wiped the tears. “Just so that you know.”

Darling it's not my business what you do. You are a grown woman now and who you invite into your life is your own choice.”

Yeah I know but in case they had some heat cameras or something that crazy, he did sleep in my bed. The lounge is too short for mister tall pants so I let him but I had a nightmare and he did hug me.”

El's face dropped with sadness.

What was it this time?”

The truck again.”

Oh Kaylee.” She said sadly as she hugged me again. “Darling I am so sorry.”

Said I should go and see a shrink.”

El nodded in agreement as we walked down the stairs. One day they might fix the elevator. I don't think it's ever worked properly.

I agree Kaylee, you know I've been saying it for years now. I should have been more insistent but you were always so independent, you seemed to be coping. Once the party is over and done with we will revisit this and find you someone to talk to, okay?”

Sure mom.”

We walked past the group of people talking, the children were in the main area of the warehouse running around, screaming and laughing.

We're off dress shopping.” El said as she waved rather regally, walking to the door.

I meekly followed behind, wondering if he was watching. There was a crowd of paparazzi along the fence, as soon as El stepped out they were clicking away. Once I joined her in the sunlight the frenzy started up. Yelling questions at me, asking me for comments. I ignored them all.

El pulled out onto the street, frowning at the foolish photographers.

Do you think that he looks at me?”

Darling, I don't think he takes his eyes off you.”

Then why doesn't he do something?”

Maybe he's just as scared as you are. Maybe he doesn't think that you like him. Maybe he'd rather have your friendship than lose you all together, fearing the worst. Sound familiar darling?”

El had a wicked smile as she watched the road ahead.

Nathan and Bradley are collecting a few things for you. It would be wise to stay with us until the weekend at least.”

Great. I pulled out my phone and messaged freak number one.

Kaylee: Stay out of the blue draws.

Nate: Why? Got a double ender in there Kaylee? B did mention a humming noise, did you forget to turn it off?

Kaylee: Haha. Look if you want but it will spoil the surprise for your birthday.

Nate: Oh I love you.


What's the matter Kaylee?”

I told Nate to stay out of a set of draws that had his birthday present in it and he went and looked anyway.”

El laughed, grinning broadly as she pulled into the car park.

Brad: I hope your planning on buying me season tickets K.

Kaylee: Absolutely.

I wandered along the racks of dresses as El discussed suitable options for my skin tone with the clerk. She was all over El the second she stepped into the shop, me not so much. But El dressed like she had money, I dressed to fit within my budget. Sure, I was paid a pretty wicked pay but I was saving to buy a place. I already had a deposit that would be sufficient but I wanted more in the bank before I committed.

The woman swanned over to me and looked at me with a little haughtiness, a little bit of professionalism and a warm smile that made me want to cringe. It was a little creepy.

I have a few dresses in mind, follow me and we can get started.”

She pulled a few dresses off the rack and led us to the back of the shop to a rather large dressing room. A large round pedestal sat in the center with several mirrors around the room, chairs sporadically placed as well.

Which would you like to see first?”

Uh, the green one.” El said.

The woman nodded with a grin and pulled the dress of the hanger. It was actually two pieces, a bodice and a fluffy skirt but when put together it looked like one dress. The green was a deep jade color, diamante stones scattered across the chest.

I looked at El as the woman fluffed the skirt out at my feet.

Oh darling it's so pretty.”

I think I'm going to need to be taped in.” I groaned as I looked down at my breasts trying to escape.

Oh squishy bits, you could make him so happy. If only he took notice of you.

I like that dress Kaylee, it suits your colors.”

The woman nodded in agreement.

Sure mom, it's great.”

Do you want to try on the other dresses?”

I shook my head with a soft smile, feeling the soft material of the skirt.

This is fine, thank you. But my mom needs a dress too.”

Oh Kaylee, I've got plenty.”

El crumbled the minute I gave her the frown. The Kaylee frown that said she wasn't impressed at the attitude or the statement.

I'll go find a few choices.”

The woman smiled and turned out of the room. As soon as the door was shut I changed back into my clothes, feeling much more comfortable.

Do you really like it?”

Of course, it's great.”

She took my hands and pulled me onto the chaise lounge beside her, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

When you stood on my doorstep I knew that there was someone wonderful underneath the dirtied clothes and sad eyes. We took you in because we could see what he could see, the diamond in the rough. The soul that needed to be loved. He could have kicked you out of that building. He could have called the cops or child services. You think that he doesn't love you but you're wrong. It might not be the kind of love that you want but it's there, I promise. He spoils you rotten, doesn't he?”

I nodded as the door opened and the woman swanned in with arms full of dresses.

What man do you know would willingly spoil someone if he didn't love them?”

She gripped my hand hard with that smile of motherly love. Sadly, she was right. He did offer his own version of love, just not the one that I wanted.

Chapter Eight


Not working for the rest of the week happened to disrupt Nate's plans for lunch dates with his so called friends. In his opinion it was full steam ahead and forget about the paparazzi hanging around the front of the building. Nate and his wonderful and albeit good intentions really were a pain in the ass.

I had to be ready and at the clubhouse by no later than eleven in an attempt to throw Jaxon off the scent. Lunches were always at twelve according to Nate and he said that he had declared it yesterday, loud enough for all to hear.

The second attempt at a lunch date arrived with timed precision, right on eleven am. Nate smiled broadly as he greeted the man. I could feel the gaze of the few band members that were here, looking at Nate's selection for today.

Yes, I wanted to punch him. Nate, not the guy. This was nothing like what I found attractive. I wasn't superficial, my list had been pretty broad but this guy was in the complete opposite direction.

Now I sat in a diner with him, a diner that was a mile down the road from the pizzeria and the paparazzi. I had to sneak out. I had to disguise myself. The man Neville, looked at me like I was crazy. No, I wasn't crazy but the people that I hung around with were.

The man in front of me wore a long sleeved shirt, a woolen vest and a bow tie. A god damn bow tie. Since when did Nate ever talk to anyone that owned a bow tie? I did not believe that he was friends with this guy.

So I filed the form with the agency and I waited.”

The drone of his voice was monotonous. I wanted to find some excuse just to leave but there was none. El was picking me up and wouldn't be here for another half an hour. I was stuck. His face was expressionless as he sat in front of me. I twirled the straw in my drink, finding the ice cubes more interesting.

Two weeks later I rung them and they told me they didn't have it. Never saw it. So it's gone missing.”

Not a flinch of shock or dismay at his terrible misfortune. His arms rested on the edge of the edge of the table, his hands clasped together.

That's terrible.” I offered as I looked at the glass of juice.

There was something dark in there and I prayed it was pulp. With the straw I pulled out the dead bug and pushed the glass away, suddenly feeling rather sick.

The bell over the door rang as the door swung open, I was faced with a cheerful Jaxon. It was one of those moments that could be taken any number of ways. Happy that I had someone interesting to talk to now, angry that he was interfering yet again.

Hey Kaylee.”

He sat on the bench seat beside me with such force that the padding actually lifted me slightly. Jaxon sighed happily and picked up the menu.

Have you ordered yet?”

Yes.” I hissed.

Who is your friend?”

His eyes shone bright as he looked up at Neville with a smile. I could see he was intimidated. Jaxon was rippling muscles, tattoos and piercings. He was almost twice the size of the poor little lamb.

This is Neville, he and I are having lunch together.”

Yeah, I can see that.” Jaxon said under his breath.

So Neville, what did you say you did?”

I didn't.” he frowned. “I'm an accountant.”

And how is it that you know Nate?”

Finally I got a flinch of emotion as Neville looked at me. He didn't know what was going on or who this crazy man was. Why he sat down when it was clearly obvious that we were on a lunch date. Or why he was asking questions.

I'm his accountant.”

Is that so?” Jaxon hummed with mirth.

Right. I am officially going to kill him. As soon as I'm free from mister drab pants.

I might go and check to see how far away lunch is.”

Neville slid across the bench seat and walked to the counter, no longer visible to us.

What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Pardon?” he said as he stared blankly at me.

I'm trying to find a boyfriend and you keep interrupting my attempts.”

Jaxon sneered slightly. “With him? Or veggie boy? Kaylee, you need to get better taste in men.”

I do but he won't acknowledge my fucking existence. He keeps trying to destroy all attempts to find someone. Like he has some crazy need to find me mister perfect and anyone that is less than perfect is going to be intimidated to the point where they don't come back for a second date.

A waitress wandered over and put the two plates of burgers in front of us.

Can we get two more drinks?”

Sure thing hun.” she grinned at Jaxon.

Hey, didn't the guy ask you where these were?”

You mean the guy that just fled like the place was on fire?”

Yeah.” I sighed. “That would be the one.”

Well that was the end of him. Clearly Jaxon's efforts to freak him out had worked. The waitress wandered off, I wished I could join her. Except that I was trapped against the wall. My only escape was blocked by an interfering thorn in my side.

Aww gross, he got onions.”

Jaxon started picking the offending items out of the burger that he had just claimed as his own.

You know onions give you bad breath.”

Is that right?”

He nodded and set the top of the bun back onto the burger.

Did you get a nice dress yesterday?”


Got pictures?”


I felt the vibration against my thigh, a message coming through.

Nate: How's it going?

Kaylee: He fled when Jaxon turned up.

Nate: Are you kidding me? He found you again?

Kaylee: Yeah but it's okay because Neville was as boring as bat shit. Thanks for that. The bow tie was a nice touch.

Nate: Third time lucky, I promise.

I rolled my eyes as I slipped my phone back into my pocket. Eating in silence. Watching the world pass me by in silence. Wishing for an end to the nightmare, in silence.

El stared from her car, rather shocked as Jaxon exited the diner as well.

Lunch was great. Have fun at the pampering thing with your mom.”

Jaxon turned and walked down the street, almost strutting. The bastard. He'd won his silent battle, he'd come out at the top and now walked like he was the king of all that he surveyed.

I quickly climbed into the passenger seat.

Did anyone tell him where I was?”

No.” El said quietly.

And the pampering?”

Only your father knows and he wouldn't tell anyone.”

I sighed as I rested my head against the head rest, wondering how he figured it all out.

I don't know how he knew about the appointment at the spa, maybe someone is feeding him information.”

That would make sense. I made the appointment at home.” she said, glancing at me for a brief moment and then returning to the road.

Well it's driving me crazy. That's two that he's interrupted and proved how imperfect and unsuited to me they are.”

She offered a sympathetic smile as she patted my thigh.

You'll get there darling.”

The trip to the spa was worth every second of forgetting about Jaxon and his antics. I had been massaged so deeply that I almost fell asleep. The woman had magic hands. I now smelled of ginger and lime, having been also scrubbed with an exfoliating polish. It was rather indulgent and I wanted to make another booking for a week's time. But I restrained from doing so, this wasn't in the budget and there was no movement to accommodate it. My only indulgence was the waxing and that was because I couldn't be bothered to do it myself.

I also had a manicure and a pedicure, opting for the old Frenchie so that the colors don't clash with the dress. This girl thinks ahead. Facial and peels, hand scrub, foot scrub and scalp massage. My mother had booked everything and by the time I walked out of the place, it felt like I was floating.

I was so relaxed that I didn't even notice the extra car in the driveway when we got back to El's house.


Something clicked in my brain. Not sure what though.

It smells like too much citrus.”

I turned to the sound, my head airy and light. It was bliss. I smiled at him, the bane of my existence.

Fuck off Jaxon.”

Then I floated away to my room, leaving everyone standing around him rather gob smacked.

I was laying on the day bed on the patio that was attached to my old bedroom. Riding out the last of the euphoria associated with the most incredible pampering I have ever had.


With a smile I looked up at Nate.

Did you really tell Jaxon to fuck off?”

I don't know, did I?”

What have you been smoking Kaylee? You look high.”

Just happy. Mom took me to a spa. Never felt so good, ever.”

He nodded and sat on the edge of the seat beside my legs. With a little chuckle he scratched at the back of his head.

Think you might have crushed him. He's still here and doesn't look overly impressed. Dad's playing peacemaker at the moment and uh... well, he's invited him to stay for dinner.”

That's nice.”

You don't care?”

I shook my head and closed my eyes.

Wake me when dinner is on the table and not a moment before.”

As I had requested, I was woken for dinner. To my disgust it wasn't Nate that woke me, it wasn't even one of my family members. No, it was Jaxon.

Feeling better now?”

I rubbed my eyes, shrugging to his answer. Having an afternoon nap was probably the worst thing I could have done. Now I wouldn't sleep tonight.

Have I crossed some line?”

His voice was low and rough. It was dark now, the pool lights reflecting off his serious expression.

No.” I said as I yawned.

Wait, yes he had. Oh well, too late now.

Just trying to figure out why you'd say that.”

I say it all the time.”

Not like that you don't.”

Well then don't insult how I smell, simple.”

He sighed loudly and pulled me back when I tried to leave. My dinner was going cold and he decided that he wanted to talk. Great timing.

So I did cross a line.”


What, again? Damn it brain, function properly.

Fine so it might have been out of line. El spent a shit load of money and you say I stink. And I wasn't exactly on earth so cut me some slack.”

I walked out of the room without another word from Jaxon. His heavy footsteps across the polished floorboards were always behind me. I floated, he stomped. I breezed, he huffed. I smiled, he frowned.

Everyone was already seated at the table when I walked into the dining room. Brad and Nate were beside each other on one side, Jerry and El at each end of the table. Which left two seats, side by side. I could have sworn it was a conspiracy.

Feeling better darling?”

El smiled at me as I sat down.

Well rested, thank you.”

Jaxon sat beside me, almost in a huff. Dinner in silence, much like my lunch. My life was forming patterns.

After dinner the other band members turned up, shocked that Jaxon was here but said nothing about it. They were off somewhere with Jerry, discussing something that was happening with the band.

Shouldn't you be in there?”

Nate turned from the view of the television.

In a minute.”

Dad ran his management company efficiently and devoted many hours to it. He expected the same for all employees, like Nate who seemed to be more interested in the television. It was just Hollywood rubbish.

Anything?” Brad asked as he cracked a beer open.

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