Read Into the Triangle Online

Authors: Amylea Lyn

Tags: #gay fantasy shapeshifter erotic romance

Into the Triangle (13 page)

"You can stop if you want to, my own. I would understand if the rest is too painful."

Gabe shook his head. "No, I need to get the rest of this out… it may not be easy for me to say or even for you to hear, but you deserve to know it all." Paxton nodded, seemingly reluctantly, and Gabe continued his sordid tale.

"All it took was one foolish and illicit meeting in the men's restroom and we were caught. The crazy thing is, I hadn't even wanted to meet up that day! I wasn't feeling well and was considering leaving work early when William called. Damn, I'll never forget the horror on my father's face when he walked in on his only son giving a blow-job to his business partner."

Gabe chuckled, but it was without humor. "The son that up until that point, he hadn't known was gay. Stupid fucking William… all he'd had to do was lock the freaking door and none of this would have happened!"

Gabe shook his head and forced himself to calm down.

"But really, how was I supposed to know William was married and buried so deeply in the closet it would take a tub of lard and a winch to pull him out? The man never said anything or even indicated to me I was his lover on the sly. I never would have stood for that! I didn't want to be a home-wrecker! No, instead he had strung me along for almost a year, making promises and swearing eternal devotion before running back home to his wife and children every night.

"Needless to say, the fallout of the whole affair wasn't pretty. Rumors spread like wildfire, and once William's wife found out, it was all over. Of course, William blamed the whole thing on me, saying I seduced him to try and get a better position in my father's company. Dear, old dad believed him. My father flat out told me what an embarrassment I was, and decided until the fever died down, it would be best for me to disappear… he just threw me away, like an old, smelly pair of socks and swept the whole incident under the rug. Even my mother was so embarrassed she quit taking my calls. Everyone abandoned me and blamed it all on me. I know I had a hand in it, but it wasn't all my fault, right, Pax?" Gabe asked, looking up at his silent mate. He could feel the burn of tears but refused to let them fall… he'd cried all he needed to for the past.

It was time to focus on something else now.

Paxton didn't say anything for a long moment, his gray eyes stormy. Then, without a word, he gently pushed Gabe to his feet and climbed off the lounger.

Reaching out, he took Gabe's trembling hand in his own. "No, my own, you are not entirely to blame. You were taken advantage of by someone far older and supposedly wiser than yourself. Then you were abandoned by the very people who should have protected you and stood up for you. I promise you, I will not turn my back on you, ever. We may argue and disagree, but always will I defend you, even to my dying breath. I will never hurt you or allow any others to do the same. You are a gift to me from the sea, and I will honor my gift every day for the rest of my life." Paxton smiled down at him and tugged gently on Gabe's hand.

"Come," he said and finally led Gabe toward the giant bathtub.

Gabe followed his mate down the steps and into the hot bath water, sighing with pleasure as the soothing heat relaxed his body completely.

Paxton grinned, looking savage and wild. "Come, my own. Let us bathe then the real fun will begin."

Gabe allowed Paxton to dunk him back and wet his hair, trusting his mate not to let him drown. His eyes closed with pleasure as he felt some sort of soap being added to his wet hair, and Paxton made him melt when he began to massage Gabe's scalp until it tingled. Too soon Paxton was dipping him back into the water, scrubbing his hair until it was clear of soap.

Then he started washing Gabe's body.

Gabe couldn't stop his moans from escaping as Paxton rubbed and cleaned every inch of his skin until Gabe was sure he was so clean he squeaked. Then Paxton's hand moved from soothing to arousing as his touch turned a bit softer and teasing—brushing across Gabe's nipples, running up across his neck then back down his chest to dip into his bellybutton.

Gabe squirmed and shifted, trying to get Paxton to move down farther to where he needed him. Paxton, the jerk, easily ignored him and skipped over his needy cock, instead running his hands over Gabe's thighs and calves, teasing a brush across his ticklish feet before heading back up.

Gabe grumbled and slowly opened his eyes, looking up at his mate. "Pax, please… touch me?" he begged, voice ragged when he panted for breath as those tender touches continued over his sensitized skin.

Paxton smirked. "Patience, my own. I want you to feel how beautiful you are to me… and if I have to touch every inch of you to prove it, I will."

Gabe groaned and arched into the touches on his chest, shivering when they focused in on his hard, little nipples. "I believe you!" he gasped, then cried out when Paxton leaned down and latched onto his right nipple. Teeth and tongue warred over the little nubbin, and Gabe rocked his cock up against Paxton's ripped stomach, splashing water everywhere as he sought out the stimulation he was so desperate for.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Gabe whimpered, feeling himself get closer and closer to the edge. He almost sobbed when Paxton released his nipple then forced himself to swallow down a cheer when his mate switched his attention to the other one.

"Please… please… please," he chanted over and over as his orgasm built at the base of his spine. His cock felt hard enough to pound nails and he wasn't sure if the wetness between them was from the bath water or the copious amounts of pre-cum leaking from his dick.

Something long and hard pushed between his thighs and Gabe spread his legs in welcome, shuddering and moaning when Paxton's thick erection brushed his. He loved knowing his mate was as turned on as he was. A strong hand suddenly wrapped around both cocks, and Gabe gasped and nearly screamed, eyes opening wide, when Paxton began to squeeze and pull, mashing their penises and jacking them off together.

"I'm gonna come," Gabe warned as he shifted and pumped his hips up into that tight grip.

"Yes, come for me, my own. Show me how much I please you," Paxton commanded in a deep, rumbling voice that sent bolts of desire shooting through Gabe's body.

Gabe was helpless, body no longer his own, as he came in his mate's arms. He barely had time to groan "Oh, Pax!" before his mouth was devoured in another world-ending kiss that caused his orgasm to go on and on, each stab of Paxton's tongue inside his mouth ratcheting up his pleasure to another level. He spasmed and wriggled, lost in a maelstrom of emotion and sensation, the only port available being the strong arms of his mate.

He vaguely heard Paxton groan and felt the big mer's cock twitch against his own as he came too.

After it was over, Gabe found himself slumped over, barely able to keep his head above water as the stress and drama of the day finally caught up to him and he finally let go, thanks to the relaxing power of his massive orgasm.

His eyes were barely opened, and he gave Pax a sleepy smile before resting his head on the mer's strong shoulder.

"My poor love," Paxton cooed, and Gabe felt water being splashed over his languid body before he was suddenly lifted up out of the bath, wrapped in a warm fluffy towel, then carefully laid down on the edge of the tub. "Hold on and let me finish washing and I'll take us to bed, my own."

Gabe yawned and snuggled into the towel, eyes falling closed. "Take your time. I'm good right here," he sighed softly.

He fell asleep to the sounds of water splashing and barely woke up when Paxton lifted him from his towel cocoon, carried him into the room, and tucked him into bed.

A cool hand ran through his damp hair lovingly, and Gabe turned his face to nuzzle into the touch as he drifted back to sleep.

"Sleep well, my own, while you can. I fear what tomorrow will bring us as we meet with my people… and journey to Bimini Island begins."

Chapter 13


Gabe sat in the special sitting room right off the throne room and tried not to fidget. He fiddled with the cuff of his new, pale orange shirt, and tried not to wiggle at the odd feel of the tight pants he now wore. As much as he was glad to be covered again and grateful to Paxton for having the royal tailor make him some clothing, Gabe kind of missed the freeing feeling of wearing only a loincloth.

Glancing around the sitting room, Gabe tried not to sigh. He hated being left to his own devices while his mate took care of business.

Paxton was meeting once more with his advisers before he prepared to make an announcement to his people. Gabe had decided to skip the meeting, especially after the disastrous one they'd had the day before. Thankfully, Pax had understood and had a servant escort Gabe to the sitting room to wait for him.

So now there he was, twiddling his thumbs, waiting for his mate to come retrieve him before they had to address the Merfolk.

With nothing else to do, Gabe's mind began to wander… and focused right on the stunning sex he and his mate had the night before.

God, that was amazing
. He still couldn't believe how free and sensual he felt underneath Paxton's masterful touch. Before, in his past relationship with William, Gabe had always felt self-conscious and awkward; not at all the beautiful man Paxton made him believe he was.

Every touch had made his body sing, every brush of lips on skin made him burn, and every flash of those glorious gray eyes made Gabe's breath catch in his throat and ratcheted up his desire even more.

For the first time in his life, Gabe was actually looking forward to doing more than just touching with his mate.

Pax makes me
to reciprocate, not like I'm obligated to, like I felt when I was with William. I can't wait to feel the heavy weight of his cock on my tongue, to make him pulse with desire as I drive him right out of his mind with every suck

to feel him stretch my hole open, filling me to the brim as he thrusts inside and lays claim to my body and soul

to cry out as he spills inside my body, searing me with heat and making me crave him over and over again

Gabe shivered and his cock twitched, beginning to thicken behind his breaches.

The door to the throne room suddenly burst open and Gabe jumped. His face flushed and he immediately snagged a pillow off the loveseat he was sitting on and covered his lap, trying not to look guilty.

Hopefully whoever was coming into the room hadn't had a chance to see Gabe's excited state.
The last thing I need is for it to get back to Pax that his mate was getting a stiffy while alone in a room by himself.

"Just leave me alone, damn it!" an annoyed, yet very familiar voice hollered from right outside the door.

Gabe's eyes widened when a very frazzled and angry Aaron came storming into the room. Other than a few fading bruises on his face, the other man looked almost completely back to normal.

Well, except for the pale green pearl on his forehead.

A very exasperated-looking Leando followed after his mate, looking like he'd been put through the ringer. His orange hair was limp and lifeless, and his jade green eyes were dull. His shoulders were slumped, and although he seemed like he was trying to keep a stony façade, it was apparent he was moments away from breaking down. It was such a far cry from the strong, powerful mer he'd seen the day before that Gabe felt bad.

Obviously Aaron was not taking the mating well at all.

Aaron's wild eyes flitted about the opulent sitting room, widening with surprise then relief when they landed on Gabe.

"Thank God!" Aaron exclaimed as he hurried over to Gabe's side. "Gabriel, tell this crazy mer to leave me alone!"

Leando sighed and Gabe shot him a sympathetic look before turning his attention back to his friend. "How are you feeling, Aaron? You look so much better than when I saw you last time." He patted the seat next to him and smiled when Aaron immediately sat down and scooted close.

"I'm alive, so I guess that has to count for something," Aaron said with a shrug. Leando scowled at the flippant remark, but Gabe shot him a warning look when he looked about to say something. Huffing, Leando moved toward the door and leaned against the doorjamb, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'd think being alive is a very good thing… there for a while I was worried about you," Gabe said softly. The depressing conversation had caused his cock to deflate, so Gabe moved the pillow off his lap. Reaching out, he took Aaron's hand and squeezed it softly.

"What's really wrong, Aaron? Tell me," Gabe coaxed.

Aaron dropped his stubborn attitude and slumped into Gabe's side, squeezing Gabe's hand tightly.

"I-I don't know what to think," Aaron said softly, as he buried his face in Gabe's neck. Gabe could feel the burning hot tears as they dripped onto his skin but didn't call attention to them. He let Aaron cry as the poor man tried to figure out his confusing thoughts. "I almost die, and then I find myself mated to a merman—the same mer Douglas was in love with. It turns out Douglas is dead, and he and the mer both wanted me in the relationship; but now there's just the two of us and"—Aaron's voice broke on a sob—"I don't know what to think anymore."

Gabe let go of his friend's hand and wrapped his arms around Aaron's shoulders, holding the crying man close. Glancing up he saw the helpless and sad look Leando wore on his face, and knew more than Aaron was being hurt by this situation.

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