Intimate Caresses (The Love and Danger Series) (12 page)

He rolled his eyes.  “You are a cute drunk.”

She shook her head.  “I rarely drink.”

“You were drinking a martini the other night.”

She laughed.  “It was my first and I’d only had half of one.  The waitress spilled the first one so Hannah and I shared one.  Hannah and I drank the first half of mine and she was on her second when you arrived.”

His eyes were shocked.  “You had half a martini and I had to drink the whole thing?”

She giggled and he realized how much he liked her laughter.  “You don’t laugh enough,” he said and his arm swung out, grabbing onto her waist. 

Nina looked up at him.  “And you’re too serious as well,” she said, her hand moving up to touch his scar.  “Will you tell me how this happened?”

Brock covered her hand where it rested against his cheek, wondering why it was okay for her to touch him there when he’d never let other women dare.  “I was in a knife fight when I was a kid.”  He looked down at her.  “The other guy lost.”

Her fingers ran the length of the scar.  “What was the fight about?”

He shrugged.  “I don’t remember now.”  His other hand ran down her back, resting just above her bottom.  “It was how I realized I wanted to be a cop.”

That was a surprise.  “You respected the officer who stopped the fight?”

“Hell no.  He arrested me, threw me in jail and told me he was going to wait a few more years, then hunt me down so he could throw me into prison.”

She couldn’t believe that.   “Are you kidding?”

He shook his head.  “Nope.  I guess I had a stubborn streak and decided to prove him wrong.”

She laughed and let him pull her close again.  “That doesn’t sound like a well thought out career path.”

He shrugged even while his hands continued to investigate her soft skin.  “How much longer are you going to talk before you let me take you to bed?” he asked, bending low and nibbling on her neck. 

She sighed and relaxed against h
im, feeling that almost instantaneous desire swell up inside of her.  “Not much longer.”  And then she laughed when he bit her ear lobe.  Not hard, but with enough pressure to let her know that he wasn’t amused. 

A moment later, she found herself on her back, in his bed and moaning as he progressed to do exactly as he pleased.  Thankfully, it pleased her very much as well! 

Chapter 9


Nina woke up and looked around, realizing that Brock was no longer in bed with her.  She stopped and listened and knew that he was still here in the house somewhere.  She pulled his shirt on, rolling up the sleeves as she padded barefoot through the hallway.  He had a really nice house.  Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, remodeled kitchen and a two car garage.  One of the bedrooms just held old boxes and the third bedroom was his office, which is where she found him.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, leaning against the door frame as she look
ed in on him.  The morning skyline was just starting to turn grey as the sun prepared to peer over the horizon but it left an almost gloomy tinge to the white room and the man sitting behind the stark desk. 

He shook his head and tossed down the papers he’d been reading. 
“Just trying to figure out some of these messages.”  His eyes took in her slender legs and her delicate hands, the only parts of her body that he could see while she wore his shirt that looked enormous on him.  “Marry me,” he blurted out. 

Brock had been tossing the idea around in his head for the past twenty-four hours, surprised that he’d even considered it since he’
d known this woman for only a few days.  But when the words came out, his stomach unclenched and tension that was in his neck released, tension he hadn’t even known was there.  He suddenly realized that he’d wanted this ever since he’d walked into her office that first morning. 

Nina stared at him, startled by his outburst.  Her heart raced for several moments and a crazy voice inside her head wanted to tell him yes.  But then reality came back and she knew that he was just talking about the incredible, mind-blowing sex.  “No.  But thank you.”  She stepped closer to his desk, peering at the papers he had been reading.  If she’d been looking at him, she would have become nervous.  His eyes were assessing her, and not just her legs. 

“Why not?” he asked, pulling her around his desk and then down onto his lap.  He even enjoyed her wiggle when she tried to make herself comfortable. 

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“Because I’ll never get married again.  And you’re just excited about the sex.”

As evidence, she grabbed his hand as it started to slide up underneath the
big, loose shirt.  “I’ll admit I definitely like the sex.”  He stopped when he realized she wasn’t wearing anything underneath his shirt.  “But I really like you.”

smiled, her grip relaxing as his hand smoothed upwards.  She wasn’t sure why she’d even started to stop him.  “I’ll admit, you’ve definitely shown me that sex can be nice.”

His hand stopped and he looked
down at her.  “What do you mean?”

She shrugged and turned so she was facing him more fully.  “I never really liked sex before you invaded my life.”

“Is that why you resisted so much at first?” he asked.  “And why the hell didn’t you like sex?  What’s not to like?”

She leaned against him, her breath catching as his thumb traveled over her nipple.  “Sex was a chore before.”

“A chore?” his fingers froze. 

She groaned, needing his fingers to continue their magic.  “Don’t stop, Brock.  Please,” she whispered, desperate already. 

“Explain how sex can be a chore,” he commanded, his thumb moving farther away from her goal. 

Nina shuddered, almost whimpering with need.  “Brock, can’t we discuss this later?”

He thought about that for maybe two seconds before he shook his head.  “I don’t think so.  You turned me down.  I want to understand why.  I need to know what’s holding you back.”

She licked her lips and sat up, scooting off of his lap.  “Right now, you’re holding me back,” she said and slid onto the desk and unbuttoning the shirt she’d slipped on only moments ago. 

Nina knew she’d won this round when she saw Brock’s reaction.  He was watching her fingers, his jeans obviously becoming uncomfortable. 

“You’re not playing fair,” he growled as he stood up, towering over her. 

She smiled as her hands were pushed away from the shirt so his own could rip the material away.  He did the same for his jeans and then his mouth was devouring hers, moving down over her body.  “I don’t think you really care if I play fair at the moment.  Do you?”

His mouth moved down and captured her nipple while his finger dove into her core, causing her to scream out with need.  “You’ll pay for this,” he promised, his hands gentle but relentless, not letting her think or speak, just react while his eyes watched her body arch into his hands.  He loved this about her.  She was all his, all reaction when he touched her.  She could deny how she felt about him, but her body didn’t lie.  And he would use that against
her, show her that the two of them were meant to be together. 

But for right now, he was having a hard time holding back. 

With a rush, he entered her, moving slowly, showing her that he was still in charge even though she’d thought she’d initiated this interlude.  “Tell me what you like, Nina.”

  Nina arched her back.  “I like everything you do,” she replied. 
“Except when you go slow like this.”  She tried to make him go faster, her heart feeling like it was about to pound out of her chest.  But he was fully in control of their pace.  He pulled her hands away and lifted them so they were behind her back, holding them with one hand while his other held her hips in place. 

“So you like it fast, eh?” he said and slowed down even more, closing his eyes as he enjoyed her heat. 

Nina couldn’t answer.  She couldn’t think much less form an articulate sentence.  “Please don’t stop,” she begged and arched against him, trying to move her body for maximum pleasure.  “I don’t understand,” she sighed and then shifted ever so slightly so he was hitting that place within her that felt like it was on fire.  Just for him.

“Stop talking,” he groaned and dropped her hands so he could pull her closer to the edge of his desk.  His mouth went down on her neck, biting the sensitive skin and making her
scream out again.  He soothed the site on her neck, but then moved lower, capturing her nipple and another scream came from deep in her throat.

Nina couldn’t hold back any longer.  He might be going too
slowly, but he was hitting her just right and the slow, sensuous movement of his body thrilled her, pushed her higher and higher until she screamed out, her legs clamping around his waist while her climax overwhelmed her.  She didn’t know what time it was, or where she was, or even cared.  All she knew was the intense waves of sublime pleasure that coursed through her with his pounding. 

She wasn’t even aware of Brock shifting and then coming to his own orgasm, but the feeling of him inside of her, of his groan of pleasure, pushed her over the edge again and all she could do was hang onto his wide, muscular shoulders and hope that he was holding her steady because there was nothing she could do to stop herself if his desk came apart. 

When she finally opened her eyes, maybe five minutes later, or perhaps an hour later, she looked up and felt his heavy weight on top of her.  His face was buried in her neck and she could feel his own breathing still surging through his enormous body.  She smiled up at the ceiling, feeling aftershocks from that episode and wondered how it was possible to go so completely crazy for this man when all other men, including the man she’d once vowed to love and honor, left her completely cold. 

Actually, she didn’t care right at this moment.  It just felt too wonderful to bask in the afterglow of such an incredible experience. 

Brock lifted himself up slightly, looking down at her with amazement.  “I want to do that again,” he groaned. 

She laughed, hugging him close but there wasn’t much power in her embrace.  Her body was still weak and she hadn’t caught her breath yet.  “Can you give me five more minutes?” she teased.

Brock looked down at her breasts, considering her question.  “I make no promises.”

He did lift her up, steadying her easily with his strong hands.  Nina closed the shirt she’d been wearing and smiled as he adjusted his jeans.  He hadn’t even bothered to take them off this time! 

They showered, making love again under the warm water and Nina was once again amazed at how strong he was.  She’d always wondered what it would be like to make love against the wall.  Now she knew and she hummed while she pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a loose shirt. 

“You look hot in those,” Brock said as he came up behind her, putting his hands on her round bottom that was only enhanced by the clingy, knit material. 

She rolled her eyes.  “I’m not trying to turn you on by my casual wear,” she laughed.

He looked down and shook his head.  “I’m not sure you can help it.”

He took her hand and led her out of the bedroom.  “Come on, I’ll cook for you.”

She followed him out, surprised by how hungry she was.  She hadn’t noticed her hunger un
til he’d said something but now she discovered she was ravenous.  “What can I do to help?’ she asked, looking over the breakfast bar at whatever he was doing.

He looked at her skeptically.  “Do you know how to cook?” he asked.

She shrugged.  “I know how to punch the buttons on the microwave,” she offered.  “And I’m pretty slick when opening the top on a cup of yogurt.”

Brock shook his head. “Just sit down and look cute,” he told her.  He pulled out bacon and eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables and garlic.  He then stood on the other side of the counter chopping.  “Do you know how to make coffee?” he asked.

Nina jumped off of the stool, eager to help.  “Yes.  I can make coffee!”

She moved around the kitchen, avoiding his area since he looked extremely serious with that knife. 

“So tell me why you used to think of sex as a chore,” he stated and popped a red pepper in his mouth. 

Nina shrugged and measured out the coffee grounds.  “It was always just…something to be gotten through each week,” she said and pretended a great interest in placing the coffee filter in the machine in a very precise manner. 

“So you’ve never had an orgasm before me, have you?”

She blushed and turned to put the coffee grounds back in.  “Not in so many words.”

“How about in a few words?” he asked.

She shrugged and reached up for coffee mugs.  “Why is this important?” she asked.

He whipped up the eggs and milk.  “I think it’s more important that you don’t want to talk about it, but then again, I can’t imagine going through sex and not enjoying it.”

She leaned against the counter. “Are you saying you’ve never had a woman who faked a climax before?”

He shrugged his shoulders.  “It might have happened when I was in high school, but I doubt it.”

She rolled her eyes.  “Please.  You’ve seen that movie with what’s her name. 
The one where she faked it in the restaurant with Billy Crystal?”

He laughed.  “Sure.  I’ve seen it.  I just don’t think you could fake it.  Not with me.”

Nina thought about that for a moment, then turned her head to the side, nodding slightly.  “Okay, I’ll give you that one.  But expand the issue.  Are you sure that no woman has ever tried to fake it with you?”

He dumped the eggs into the pan,
then turned to face her.  “Are you saying you’d like to try?” he asked, his eyes moving down her figure once again.  “I’d like you to try.  I’m up for the challenge.”

She knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere with him on this issue.  “Suffice it to say, some women just aren’t really into sex.”

“I’m betting that, before you met me, you probably put yourself into that category, which is a crock.”

She laughed and conceded that point as well.  “What were you working on when I walked into your office?” she asked, deciding a change of subject would be best.

“You mean beside you trying to avoid marrying me?”

She laughed and slipped around to the other side of the counter.  “Yes. 
Besides me and marriage.”

He dumped cheese and the already cooked bacon into the sizzling egg mixture.  “I was
trying to figure out what some e-mail messages were about between Joan, your boss’ assistant, and your boss.  They seem to be discussing business, and then they just slip off to some weird sentences that don’t make any sense.”

“Want me to look at them?  I’m pretty good at patterns.”

He slid the cooked, scrambled eggs onto two plates while Nina added some fruit to both of them and poured the coffee. “Feel free to take a look.  Maybe you’ll see something in them that makes sense to you.”

They ate breakfast and Nina was amazed at how cozy it was, just sitting across the table from him.  They talked and laughed, she teased him about how much he ate and he teased her about eating like a bird since she ate only a third of the food he’d given her while he’d eaten his own portion, plus the rest of hers. 

After cleaning the kitchen, she went back to his office and sat down at his desk, reading through the files while Brock discussed something on the phone with who she assumed was his partner but she wasn’t positive.  As soon as she sat down, she was absorbed in reading through the messages.  Brock was right.  The sentences didn’t make much sense.  But one thing stuck out to her immediately.  She went through the other messages, just to be sure they all followed the pattern she suspected and…sure enough, they were all the same.

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