Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

In Too Deep (10 page)


* * * *


Brody wasn’t sure what to say to Fallon as he watched her put away her gear.

Fallon casually looked over.
“So, who is she?”

Brody plowed his hand through his hair.
“A mistake. She’s been trying to seduce me for a decade.” Disgusted with himself, he groaned. “Dacia doesn’t take a hint.”

Not your type?” She snorted, clearly amused.

His brow quirked up and one corner of her delectable mouth curved up in satisfaction.
“No, and that makes you happy, doesn’t it?” He asked.

With a shrug, she looked away.
“It shouldn’t.”

But it does.” He couldn’t help moving a little closer, but fought the temptation to reach out and touch her.

Yeah. Don’t be smug. I’m still not ready for anyone,” she muttered.

Kind of hard not to be when he knew he had a chance. He couldn’t stop grinning, and a smile snuck back on her kissable lips as she turned away.

“Just a warning,” Brody told her. “She’ll be at the bar later. She’ll get drunk and either try to slither all over me or start a fight with you. Maybe both.”

I’m not going to participate. She strikes me as the type who fights like a girl. And I sure as hell don’t.” Fallon stared at her nails. “I won’t take the bait. Why, are you chickening out?” Her eyes rose to his with a challenge.

Oh, no.” He couldn’t wait to see her bent over a pool table. Besides, bringing her into his circle of friends was a good way to show her he wasn’t like the asshole she left. “Just wanted you to know what to expect. You seem the sort to knock her into next week.”

Adam and Tom both came back.
“Wow, I haven’t seen her that pissed in a long time.” Adam laughed out loud.

Guess I get her special treatment.” She batted those mile long scarlet lashes at them.

Tom laughed.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not even sure Dacia was this bad back when Sarah sashayed into Brody’s life. Funny how she gets when someone shows up who could steal his attention.”

Not like I’m stealing anything. She never had his attention.” Fallon’s tone was snarky, but then her eyes popped wide and she quickly added, “Not that it matters.” She brushed past them and turned toward the front door.

Adam and Tom looked at each other and bust out laughing.

Brody stepped past the guys and caught her around the waist. He couldn’t resist pulling her against his chest to feel her close, but he released her immediately. “Not out the front,” he whispered in her ear and fought back the desire to lick her pulse point to see if she tasted as good as she smelled. “She’s waiting for us there. We can go out the back.” With a hand on her shoulder, he brought her outside. He’d moved his truck there before heading to his shop that morning.

Fallon cut her gaze to him.
“You didn’t drive?”

He shrugged.
“The sun was out and I felt like walking.”

They climbed into the truck. Once he was on the road, Fallon narrowed her eyes at him.
“Why do you look so pleased with yourself?”

Brody knew he couldn’t tell her
that he knew she wanted him. She wasn’t ready to let him in, so he went with the other half of the truth. “I know how much Dacia offended you, but you were cool and didn’t rise to the bait.”

Hmph, I don’t do cat fights. I’m more likely to be in a bar brawl.”

Brody opened his mouth, and promptly shut it. After last night, he
knew that was the truth. Every little thing he learned about her drew him a little more.

Curiosity made her eyes sparkle.

You’re a breath of fresh air. Adam and Tom are both impressed, and that isn’t easy to do.”

Tom’s a flirt, and your brother is pretty cool.”

His hands cranked down around the steering wheel as he stared at the road.
“Tom’s taken and Adam is getting married in a couple weeks.”

An impish smile played on her lips.
“I know. They aren’t my type anyway.” She looked away. “Besides, men play fewer games than women do.”

Like Dacia?”

Yeah, like Dacia. What was that? I mean I get wanting you.” Her eyes slowly passed over his body. “Because, look at you. What woman wouldn’t? But she’s obsessed and clearly deranged.”

Brody was so caught up in the heat of her gaze
that he almost missed the comment about Dacia. Patience. He needed to take this slow.

took a deep breath and decided to just put it out there. As much as he wished he could forget, he knew Dacia would never let him. “There was a time I wasn’t so discriminating about who I took to bed. I went out with Dacia a couple times, wound up in bed with her once, and only once.” Brody pulled the truck into the garage and shook his head. “I’ve regretted it ever since.” That was no lie.

Hey, been there, done that. Just let me run my boxes up.” Fallon hopped out and grabbed two of the boxes from the back of his truck. Brody grabbed the other two and followed her stellar ass up the stairs.


* * * *


Fallon and Brody deposited the boxes inside her closet, and then stepped back into the bedroom. Awkward silence filled the space as their gazes locked. Fallon cleared her throat. “So, I’m just going to grab a sweater.” She turned back to the closet. “I seem to be attracting a lot of attention with all my tattoos.”

It sounded like a good excuse and she did have a lot of ink. The attention was the problem
, though. She could normally tune it out. By the time lunch was over, Fallon had her fill of attention for the month. Now she wanted a little anonymity.

Brody caught her wrist, running a finger over the snout of the wolf
on her forearm. His light touch sent a shiver through her entire body. “I like the ink,” he admitted in a gravelly voice. “They’re only staring because they want to see your tattoos up close and in the flesh.” She looked over her shoulder at him and was captured in his smoldering gaze. Her heart stopped. He licked his lips and she had to bite back a whimper. “Jess probably showed the whole town that magazine.”

That might explain some of the attention. She was buckass naked for the entire shoot.
“Shit. Back in San Francisco, the photos weren’t a big deal, but now I’m wondering why I agreed to the spread.” Shaking her head, she stepped into the closet to hide the blush she couldn’t fight. He didn’t immediately drop her arm. Brody just let his fingers trail down her wrist, hand and then fingers, sending a tingle through her nerves. She missed the contact the second it ended.

His sinfully delicious voice was like a caress.
“I’ve got to say, I think every man who looked at those pictures liked what they saw.” When she looked back, he grinned again. “Don’t worry, I’ll behave myself. I just won’t promise any other man will.”             

Goddess, Brody was turning her on
. She badly needed a subject change. “How do you like your new tattoo?”

I already told you I love it.” His fingers disappeared under his waistband to run over the ink. Apparently, that topic wasn’t any better because she could see the outline of his erection. “You’re amazing, Fallon. You’re so damned talented.”

Whoo boy. S
he mentally fanned herself
“Thank you, but you have a very talented brother, and Tomahawk’s no slouch either.”

Yeah, but I’d rather look at a beautiful redhead while the tattoo needle’s humming.”

Okay, she needed him to stop with the compliments, and nodded at the door.
“Go. I’ll come find you in a few.”

She knew she was in trouble
when she watched him leave. She really wanted to call him back. Damn Jess and her planning. Fallon just needed to keep her shit together because this was a passing lust. At least she hoped so, but what she felt for Brody wasn’t like anything that came before.

Memories washed over her as she looked through the boxes. She found her laptop, some towels, all of her clothes, and her stash of cash.

Fallon couldn’t help smiling as she picked up the blanket she had crocheted with her mother. The afghan quilt was probably the ugliest thing she ever saw. They spent every night for a month curled up by the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate while working on little squares in all different colors.

There was a stack of sketchbooks dating all the way back to when she was just a kid. Anytime Gabriel visited and noticed she was having a bad day, he’d bring her a book and colored pencils. He’d tell her,
“Draw, babydoll. Get the emotion out. Your art will make you feel better.” Drawing always worked too.

Then she came to a couple
of binders from her old shop. They were filled with some of her best work. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Gabriel was trying to get rid of her. Before he left the shop, he gave her a heartfelt goodbye, and told her she belonged up here. She was going to miss the old man. Maybe he was right though. She felt more at peace than she had since she lived in the Rockies with her Mom. Gabriel lived right next door then. Maybe being close to nature was what she was missing.

Chapter 6



Fallon left her sweater and jacket back at home because Brody seemed to like what she wore. She had touched up her lipstick and braided her hair to keep it out of the way before going to find him.

The ride back to the bar was
too quiet. Brody snuck several lingering glances at her, leaving her flustered. She felt like a freaking schoolgirl for the first time ever.

As soon as he parked the truck, she
climbed out, desperate to escape the awkward silence. Then she waited for him, feeling stupid all over again.

You seem nervous,” Brody murmured.

Well, shit. Fallon couldn’t really lie to a werewolf. So she shrugged.
“I’m not used to being around a lot of humans, and I know half your group is.” That was only a small part of her unease. The majority was her reaction to Brody who was getting under her skin, but she would never admit it. She’d get her wayward thoughts under control sooner or later.

You know the guys already,” he said with a hint of smile and nodded to the door. “I think you’ll like the women. They’re all easy to get along with.”

Fallon really hoped he was right. She started for the bar, and Brody walked beside her. He even let her get the door herself, even though his hand twitched like he wanted to open it.

In 2 Deep was busy. She could feel the ambient energy from all the different others. Everyone left traces of energy wherever they went, but Other energy was stronger. Fallon could feel the vibrations, and even use the energy to fuel her spells. There was a vibrant feel to the building’s atmosphere.

Jess was behind the bar serving someone, but she waved as soon as she saw Fallon, who waved back. Brody placed a hand at the small of her back and led her through the crowd to the table where Adam and company were set up at the corner pool table.

Brody lifted a hand. “Hey guys.”

Hi.” Fallon nodded in greeting and took an empty stool. Brody sat right beside her, maybe a little too close.

Hey, Fallon.” Tom grinned and began introductions. “Ladies, this is Fallon, our new artist. She woefully puts me to shame if you compare my enchanted tattoos with hers.” He mock pouted, his dark eyes twinkling.

And this lovely lady is Darla, the love of my life.” Tomahawk stood just behind Darla, his arms wrapped around her waist. She was the quintessential girl next door, with soft brown hair and big amber eyes. Fallon expected Tom’s girlfriend to be more colorful, but she had no visible tattoos or piercings.

Nice to meet you.” A flush crept up Darla’s cheeks.

You too.” Fallon smiled back.

And this vibrant woman is Danika.” Tom teased. “She’s marrying Adam in a couple weeks, if she doesn’t come to her senses and run screaming.”

Adam just rolled his eyes and kissed Danika’s temple.

Danika sat next to Fallon with Adam leaning beside her. Her hair was short, spiky, and dyed a vivid shade of blue to match her eyes. She rocked a funky tie-dyed dress and wore a vibrant half sleeve of tropical flowers, humming birds and butterflies.

Grinning, she nudged Fallon’s shoulder with her own.
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Her gaze flipped to Adam, then Brody and back to Fallon with a wink “You sound like my kind of woman. You don’t put up with Tommy’s bullshit, and the guys say you’re pretty stellar with the needles.”

had a feeling they were going to get along. “Yeah, I just roll with the punches, and flip their shit right back.”

And here’s Jolene.” Tomahawk squeezed her arm with warm affection. “We’ve missed Jolene so much I almost feel like I should reintroduce her to everyone.” Tomahawk gave her a one armed hug and patted her round belly, making her giggle.

Dakota was cuddled next to Jolene who was beauty pageant stunning with long platinum blond hair. She wore a pink empire waist dress that flowed around her and enhanced her warm glow. She met Fallon’s gaze.
“Nice to meet you.”

Thanks.” Fallon rubbed her hands up and down her thighs, feeling a little out of place. Darla and Jolene seemed so normal and conservative. She wasn’t sure she would fit in with them. At least Danika seemed to be a kindred spirit.

Then Fallon realized she wanted Brody’s friends to like her
. She forced a smile and tried not to think about how pathetic she was over him.

Adam smirked.
“Fallon tells me she’s going to school us at pool. I don’t think she knows what she’s getting herself into.”

Fallon arched a single eyebrow.
“Oh, just wait until the games begin.”

Tom smirked.
“How about you and I first? I’ll rack”

You’re on.”


* * * *


Brody leaned over, putting his mouth close enough to her ear to drown in her scent. It had to be a crime to smell as good as she did. “What would you like to drink, sugar?”

She shivered almost imperceptibly.
“Beer. Whatever is fine, I’m not picky.”

Sure thing.” He stood and made his way to the bar.

Adam caught up with him.
“You know, I think you’re getting under her skin.”

Why’s that?” Brody tried to sound disinterested. He failed.

Anytime Tom or I mentioned your name, she’d get this little grin and look away like she was thinking something naughty.”

Oh, just stop,” he snapped. His brother wasn’t helping. “I’m having a hard enough time keeping my hands to myself when she’s close. And having her in my lap for an hour with her hands right next to my dick didn’t fucking help.” But then again, he didn’t think it mattered where the tattoo was placed, just having her hands on his skin shredded his control. He rubbed the back of his neck.

You’re the dumbass who chose your hip.” Adam laughed and glanced back at the table. “But don’t worry. I saw the look in her eyes when you leaned in to ask what she wanted.”

Brody shot Adam a look before ordering a pitcher of beer.

“Oh, get this. Clint was in the chair while Fallon worked a dragon into his ribs. That has to be the worst place for a tattoo, hurts like a bitch, and you know how he loves pain.” Adam shuddered.

Do you have a point?” Brody asked through clenched teeth. The idea of her hands on that prick made his blood boil. Slater, Simons, even Mark, no big deal. All three of them were happily mated or married, and she had to touch people for a living. Clint, however, got off on pain and he was such a little sleaze ball.

Adam laughed.
“Well, he came onto Fallon, and she shut him down hard.”

That fact cooled his temper, until they got back over to the table where she was bent over, getting ready to break. Clint sauntered up behind her, leaning over her to whisper in her ear as he wrapped his hands around her hips and stepped into her body.

A deep growl rumbled low in his chest as he shot toward Clint in the blink of an eye. Slater caught Brody around the chest and hauled him back while Hayden stepped into his path with a raised brow and his arms crossed over his chest.

Chill,” Slater snarled in his alpha voice, and Brody had no choice but to freeze, even though he desperately wanted to beat the shit out of Clint.

Fallon threw her head back into
Clint’s face and he heard the sickening crunch of his nose breaking. Then she rammed her cue into Clint’s junk. He stumbled back, landing in a heap on the floor.

She spun around with fire in her eyes.
“Don’t ever fucking touch me.”

Come on, now. I meant no harm. I just wanted to get to know you better,” he purred, running the back of his hand across his bloody mouth. “Dance with me, I’ll buy you a drink. Hell, anything you want, Fallon.”

Her fists landed on her hips as her eyes narrowed down to slits.
“Last warning. Take the hint and get lost.”

Frowning, Clint stumbled to his feet.
“Come find me when you change your mind, red.” She gave him a fiery look and he limped away

Brody pulled away from Slater,
and shoved Hayden out of his way in time for her to look in his direction. “You okay?”

Fallon rolled her eyes.
“Now that the asshole is gone, just fine.” She bent back over the table, and broke, sending two stripes into separate pockets.

Damn it,” Tom muttered as Brody fell into a seat. “Your girl’s a pool shark and doesn’t mind playing rough to get her point across.” He laughed, glancing toward the bar. “Almost makes you feel bad for Clint. He’s limping. Even a masochist doesn’t like his jewels crushed.”

Brody wa
tched as Clint moved to the bar where Jess laughed at him. “Good. And she’s not my girl.”

Fallon was too busy steamrolling the table to pay attention.

“Yet,” Danika laughed. “You didn’t see the way she watched you walk up to the bar. She’s tempted all right.”

Yeah.” Hayden glanced at Fallon and back at Brody with concern. “What in the abyss is going on with you?”

Brody wasn’t totally sure, but Fallon had him all twisted up inside. Slater raised a brow at him
. There was a smirk on his face when he strolled over to the bar. Brody looked back to Hayden and shrugged. What the hell could he say without coming off like a jealous prick?

I’ve never seen you like this,” Hayden said.

Probably because Brody never acted like that
, he wasn’t the jealous type. This draw to Fallon was more intense than anything he had ever felt, and he didn’t know what to think. She needed time, and he’d give it to her.

Fallon called side pocket and pulled of some fancy triple bank.

Tom gaped at Fallon. “Well shit.”

frowned. “I think you need to get her drunk so we might have a shot at winning a game.”

Fallon set her cue aside and walked back with a cocky grin.
“Still have doubts about my pool skills?”

Oh, I think you’ve wiped them all away.” Brody filled a mug that she took with a smile.

Thank you.” She drank half of her beer in a few gulps and gave Adam a look. “I only get better with alcohol.”

Brody laughed. Man, Fallon was something else.


* * * *


Dacia fumed as she stomped up the front steps of her house. Fallon was going to steal Brody
if Dacia didn’t stop her. Brody was meant to be hers. Not some hussy from San Francisco with a perfect fucking body, and magic so strong she could feel the hum of her power from across a room.

Fallon didn’t even look like Brody’s dead wife,
and he was always into brunettes in the past. Dacia was beautiful. Plus, she had a similar build to his wife, tall, thin, and beautiful. She wasn’t as delicate as Sarah, but that didn’t matter. She was definitely prettier than Fallon.

Hell, the redhead was covered in ink. Brody only had one tattoo because Sarah didn’t like them. So why now?

The darkness seemed to close in on her, setting her hair on end as she walked up the steps to her porch. She froze, her instinct screaming at her to run, but she wasn’t a coward.

Dacia threw open the door and stormed inside. Her gaze swept through the living room. There was nothing there, nothing she could see at least
, but she felt eyes crawling over her like spiders.

Who are you?” Dacia demanded.

A shadow stepped out of the hallway
. The sound of his laugh was low and evil. “Does it matter?” His voice was cold and hollow. Dark shadows danced and swirled over the shape of a man, distorting his features. Icy tendrils of fear threaded through her.

What in the abyss is that?

She forced her bravado and crossed her arms over her chest as she scowled back at the creature. “Of course. Why should I trust someone I can’t even see clearly?”

Very well.” The shadows melted away and seeped into the floor, leaving a tall gangly man, whose blue veins were a stark contrast to his pale skin. “I’m Malachi.” When he smiled, she saw the pair of fangs coated in silver.

He was one of the Dales, the same group of vampires and dark mages notorious for running the illegal fighting ring a decade ago. They abducted all sorts of Others and forced them to combat against each other in cage fights whether or not they wanted to participate.

Her father had brought her to the underground arena to watch some of the battles. He told it was a lesson that groups like the Dales would sweep in and steal the strongest warriors who were too self-assured, just like her. As much as he used to warn her against her boastfulness, he was far worse than she ever was.

No one seemed to know who ran the Dales or how they even operated.
One day, they just disappeared and no one heard from them until just a couple months ago.

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