Read In My Sister's Shadow Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

In My Sister's Shadow (7 page)

“Mmm, ahhh!” she hissed between clamped teeth.

He could just imagine her smeared, deep coral lipstick from their earlier oral delights creating red swirls of eroticism across her smooth face. Her legs jerked as she involuntarily drew them upward, pulling on his hair. Goosebumps covered her heaving chest as she sighed and gasped.

Mark kept on, squeezing her, nibbling, fastening her to the bed as he relished in her delight. He was elated when he felt her losing control, her potion sweeping the sides of his mouth after coating his lips while she poured forth her warm lavations.

Swirls of icy air, almost able to be seen with the naked eye, wrapped around them in cloudy, wispy mist, and moved the sheets ever so gently, twisting and contorting around their thrashing bodies…But they were lost. The rhapsody of their profound lovemaking had all but consumed them whole. Her flavor tantalized his taste buds, her organic, vibrant orgasms caused her body to buck, fall and shake into a puddle of her feminine wetness. This orchestrated more and more euphoric sexual temper tantrums – causing them to ignore their surroundings completely. He drank her last drops, feeling her subside beneath him. Mark yanked the covers away from their bodies and rose onto his knees. Bijou sleepily opened her eyes and watched him remove his underwear, revealing his thick hard-on.

Oh, the things I imagined doing to you, Bijou…

He lowered himself on top of her and roughly pried her legs farther apart. Taking his cock in his hand he guided himself to her entrance and moved his hips in semi-circular rhythm, rocking back and forth while gently nibbling the side of her long, delicate neck. It was a mock imitation of what was to come, to wet both their appetites. He ran his fingertips along her jawbone and cheek, and she turned to expose more of her neck, giving him more access to the buffet before him. He clutched her chin, turned her back towards him and snatched her into his world once more.

“Don’t turn away from me,” he said gruffly. “I want to watch you, see your eyes, those beautiful eyes…I want to watch you watching me…”

He gently let go of her face, keeping his eye on her as he slid over toward his nightstand. With one hand, he reached in and grabbed a wrapped condom. He watched her bite her lip in anticipation and got impossibly harder at the sight. Quickly sheathing himself, he went back to her and ran his lower lip against her upper one. His eyes never left hers, their heartbeats hastened in unison, their breath summery in the unreasonably cold room. He stretched downward and pulled the sheets up, covering their bodies snugly, cocooning them.

Mark’s hand meandered under the rustling sheets to grab the head of his fleshy cock and rub it up and down her creaming, saturated slit. He swallowed deeply as he spread her legs farther, welcoming the feel of her warmth as they continued to kiss and stare at one another. He gripped the back of her neck and pushed inside her, enjoying each millisecond of her reaction and the feel of her pussy walls grabbing and tightening around his girth. She screamed and moaned deeply as he entered her, unable to control herself. Spreading her tight, wet confines apart, he made her whimper. She dug her nails roughly into his back, clawing at him as he pushed slowly but surely, making her acquaintance over and over with each thrust. Plunging deeper, he opened her up further. He gave a loud moan, completely turned on by the unusual extra-snug fit of her wet vaginal hug.

She feels so fucking good…she is so tight and wet…almost too tight…

He gently kissed her earlobe, his curiosity getting the best of him.

“When was the last time you made love, baby?” He smiled in the darkness, his masculinity and ego being stroked to the highest degree as he felt her opening more. Her body told on her, and he loved the confessions it uttered.

“Well,” she laughed. “Let’s just say it’s been a while. I think my wait was long enough…I was waiting for the right person. Hopefully, I made a good choice.”

“Well, I’m glad you waited for
.” He dragged his lips seductively down the middle of her chest as he continued to push in and out of her, gentle yet determined to have her accept all he had to offer. “I am definitely the right choice. You’re the kind of woman only a fool would let go of…and I’m no fool.”

She sighed as the final word from his mouth was paired with a heart-stopping lunge, forcing him so deeply inside her; they both looked at each other, speechless, quiet…still.

“Mmm!” he murmured, closing his eyes as he melted inside her.

Increasing his stride now that her body had welcomed his package, he gave her the pent-up lust he had been tucking away for weeks. He was exact with each pending thrust, their moans overlapping, tag-teaming and increasing in volume. Mark’s hips compressed over and over; his voice became gruffer as he reached above her and gripped the pillow under her head. All the while, they continued to stare intensely at one another.

“Mmm, damn it, baby!” With each forceful thrust, his hand beat the headboard.

“That feels so good.”

She finally broke eye contact and closed her eyes briefly, ecstasy on her face. Her breasts shook with each advance.

“All this time we’ve spent together, I didn’t know when we’d make love but I thought about it every morning and night, Bijou,” he sighed as her pussy gripped him during his brief retreat and again upon his return. “It’s even better than I thought it would be.”

“What…kind of things would you think?” she whispered, a kinky smile swept across her perspiration covered face while her disheveled spirals of her hair sprawled in all directions amongst the twisted sheets and bunched pillow.

Mark smiled devilishly. “You know…just thoughts. I think at this point you know how I am…”

“No, how are you?” she urged with a playful grin.

He increased his speed, making her whimper and cry out as she wrapped her legs around his narrow waist.

“You want to hear all my dirty little thoughts, huh? Is that what this is about?” He huffed between pounding thrusts.

“Yeah,” she said breathlessly, her heart rate accelerating as he took her there. “Talk to me.”

“OK, baby, I’ll tell you…I’d look at you sometimes, during our dates, during your visits here, out and about or while we relaxed in your house. I heard every word you said, but then sometimes…sometimes my thoughts would just
there…you’re just so beautiful I couldn’t help myself.”

“Mmm,” her grin broadened. “Tell me all about it.”

 “You were
…the other day about one of the other photographers borrowing your favorite camera without asking…the one you have with you today…and I thought, ‘Will she make me ask, too? Or, will she make the first move?’ and then…I imagined laying you down on my bed, just like we are now, opening your long legs as wide as they’d go and finding out just what you taste like. I wanted to smell your pussy, lick and suck it, look at it, touch it, stick my fingers in it. I wanted to make you cum so many times, baby.”

He heard her gasp. Bijou danced underneath him, her rhythm being thrown off by the exhilaration her body bowed down to.

“And then…another time, I imagined you feeling every inch of me. I could see you lying beneath me and me rubbing my cock as you watched, you just kept watching, with those pretty eyes…watching it grow as you excited me.” He sighed loudly, going faster now. “And, as I was imaging this, the wind blew your shirt a little, and I could see that you had on a black bra and I imagined kissing your tits while I continued to rub my cock and…” He panted, their bodies now scorching hot despite the dropping temperatures. “And I shoved my rock-hard cock deep inside your pussy and I knew, I just knew it would be so wet, just like it is right now!”

He spoke louder, almost shouting as he continued to buck inside her. “And I just took your fucking wet pussy, just like this…I just kept shoving my hard dick in and out of it…Jesus! Goddamn it! It feels so fucking good!”

“Yes! Oh, please, don’t stop, Mark!” Her ass rose off the bed, greeting his with each thrust as she ground her teeth and pelvis.

“I wanted to make love to you, be inside you since the first goddamn time I laid eyes on you! Ahhh!” Mark gasped as they came instantaneously, screaming and rocking with one another, making the bed squeak and shake, their intertwined bodies like a violent tornado, every nerve ending keenly aware.

“Ahhh! Mmm!” Mark bucked against her, pinning her down as he kissed her face, their breaths floating across each other’s skin. “Mmm!” He bucked once more, slowing his thrusts as he caressed her shoulder blades. “Oh, God, Bijou…” he gasped, out of breath, his voice cracking. He heard her giggling and moving beneath him. He smiled, reaching down to her stomach and tickled her.

“Stop!” she screamed, laughing louder.

“You’re kinda freaky, you know that? I like that.” He laughed louder as he slowly rolled off of her.

“Was it true though?” She gathered the covers closely around her and propped her head up on her hand. She smiled at him, her eyelids lazily lowered as she tapped her bottom lip with her index finger.

“Was what true?” he asked, unable to wipe the silly grin off his face as he looked up at the ceiling, reverberations of his orgasm still flowing through his body.

“You know, everything you said?”

He turned and looked and her. “Yeah.” He reached over and caressed her arm. “Everything I said to you was real…and I believe sometimes out of bad things, good things can happen…like this.”

His words lingered in the air for her to grab, review and claim.

“So.” His eyebrow rose. “Are you ready to do it again?” He flung the sheets off of him and delicately removed the jam-packed condom, tossing it into the trash, and hastily reached for a brand new one, eager to put it to good use.

“What? You haven’t even let me catch my breath!” she laughed.

He rolled back over to her and lightly stroked her swollen clitoris. Bijou closed her eyes and kissed the side of his face as he grinded on top of her, whispering in her ear, making her body bend to his every word.

“OK, hold on.” She gently pushed upward onto his chest. He looked down at her in confusion.

“What is it?” He frowned. “Is everything OK?” His horniness wouldn’t relinquish control, causing him to jump into ‘damage control’ mode immediately.

“Wait a sec, get up for a minute…” she sighed. Mark groaned and reluctantly rolled off of her, watching her get up and stand next to the bed.

Bijou placed her hand on her hip and looked down at him, shaking her head. Mark scanned her body, starting from her head down to where the bed blocked her legs. He rose, leaned over and turned the lamp on, causing her to squint and place her hand across her face, blocking the sudden burst of light.

“What’d you do that for?”

He licked his lips appreciatively. “I needed to see you in the light. Bijou…whew.” He grinned mischievously. “Do you understand how fucking hot you are?” He snorted and fell onto his back. “Come on.” He patted the bed, shooting her a look out the corner of his eye. “Just one more time, and then you can go to sleep, I promise.” He raised his eyebrows up and down like Groucho Marx, causing her to laugh.

“You were going to get more anyway. I just needed to go to the bathroom, silly.”

“Oh, well, why didn’t you say so?” He sat up and stretched, relieved at the news flash. “You remember where it is, right?”

“Uh, yeah! I’ve been over here about five times now!” she called out, laughing as she disappeared down the upstairs hallway…


* * *







As she drifted down the squeaky floored foyer, each bare foot making the boards shift under her weight, the light from the master bedroom nightstand lamp no longer provided much illumination. Shrouded in darkness, she became aware that the corridor was painfully cold. Bijou grimaced as she saw her own breath when she exhaled. She turned to her left and spotted the bathroom. Rushing in, she closed the door swiftly behind herself and flicked the switch on the jade tiled wall. She leaned over the double white scoop sink to look at herself in the mirror and finger comb her hair. Joy and laughter came easily to her.

I look a hot mess. I can’t believe I did it…
She shrugged and moved more hair out of her face.
And hell, I’ll at least admit it to myself – I really like this man…a whole, whole lot. Mark is good for me.
She gently touched between her legs and smiled.
Not too sore…Damn, that felt so good/ It wasn’t bad at all. I can’t wait to go back in there and do it again.

She laughed and ran her hands along her bare breasts, turned on again as she replayed his nasty words to her. Mechanically, she sat down on the toilet but hugged herself when the coolness caused her to cut her thoughts short and retreat. Bijou stood and washed her hands, humming to herself. The overhead fluorescent light began to flicker. She stopped and squinted up at the long tube.

She rinsed her hands off. Before she could dry them, the light went off, leaving her in the dark.

Damn it.

She felt around in the dark for the towel on the hook and sighed when she found it and gently dried her hands on the soft cotton fabric. She heard the buzzing from the bulb, as if it were trying to come back on, then slid her hand against the door and felt the doorknob. She turned it.

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