In MIB Custody [The Service Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: In MIB Custody [The Service Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Five years ago there was a string of rapes in the county.” Danica heard herself begin to tell the story, her voice sounding as though it were coming from someone else’s throat rather than her own. “Six women were brutally raped, sodomized, sexually tortured to within inches of their lives, and left for dead. Four of them did die. One of the survivors was so brutally tortured she went out of her mind. The other was the only one who managed to provide details on the rapist. Those details led the cops to my father.”

“I was with the Horn Hill Sheriff’s Department back then.” Lowell took over the conversational ball. “The bodies of the first four victims were found in neighboring towns. However, the two survivors were Horn Hill residents. Toby Wallace, Danica’s father, got sloppy. More evidence was uncovered at the last crime scene than any of the others. The MO was the same as the others, but there were traces picked up that hadn’t been at the other crime scenes. Those traces put us on Toby Wallace’s trail.”

“It was bullshit, or at least that’s what I tried to believe.” Danica closed her eyes briefly as the memories overwhelmed her. The bondage tools the police had discovered, the weapons that had been used to mutilate the victims, the DNA results and testimony of the single lucid survivor that had all linked her father to the unspeakable crimes. “My father was a loving man, a good provider, a great husband, and a calm-natured soul. He and my mother dabbled in BDSM. I knew that at an early age, but I also knew half of the men in this town are the same way with their women. That didn’t make my father a rapist and a killer any more than it did the rest of them.”

“The evidence piled up.” Lowell stretched his legs out in front of him, flattened his hands just behind his hips on the floor, and leaned back. He didn’t look at her or Zane, but stared across the room, his eyes unfocused on anything in particular. “Danica’s mother, Sue Wallace, provided Toby with an alibi for all the crimes and stood by it to the bitter end.”

“But the witness and evidence proved she was lying for her husband.” Zane spoke for the first time, making a conclusion more than making it a question.

Lowell pushed a hard breath from his lungs. “Everything we had, everything cops in three different towns in this county had gathered proved we had our man.”

Danica bowed her head and squeezed her eyes shut. “I still didn’t believe it. I lashed out at Lowell, blamed him for wrongly arresting my father, and later for my mother’s death.” She lifted her head and met Zane’s compassionate gaze. “She killed herself one month to the day after my father was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the things he had done.”

She had thought her mother was stronger than that, had expected her to learn to cope with the horrid things her husband had done, and move on with her life. She had been wrong.

“You didn’t want to see the truth.” Zane dragged a hand lightly up and down her back, the touch comforting, soothing, and full of sympathy. “No one can blame you for that. Lowell being on the case, being the one to bring your father in, and being your lover at the same time must have felt like a betrayal to everything you knew, everything you felt, and everything you were being forced to see.”

“I hated you for it.” Danica leveled her gaze on Lowell. It took him a heartbeat to look at her, and when he did, she saw nothing but absolute understanding in the depths of his eyes.

“I know.” His lips twitched slightly when he attempted to force a smile. “You let me know it, too. You wouldn’t talk to me, wouldn’t let me near you, and when you finally did, you made it clear you never wanted to see me again. That didn’t stop me from tryin’ for a while.”

“I had to ignore you. I had to put you behind me so I could go on with my life.” Danica sighed and shook her head. “I
I had to do that,” she corrected and shrugged. “I pushed you away in the only ways I knew how.”

“You’ve got a helluva a push, darlin’.”

“It worked for a long time.” But it hadn’t gotten him out of her head or her heart.

“Until time ran out,” he countered. “It didn’t work out exactly as I planned...” He glanced at Zane as he trailed off, and she knew what he meant. “Then again, maybe it did and I just didn’t know it. I needed to be with you again. I need you—”

Back in my life. He didn’t say it, but that’s what she suspected he was about to say. “I’m glad your not-so-exact plan worked.” She cut him off before he could prove her right or wrong, knowing if her suspicion was correct it would only lead them down a dead-end road. Their lives were different now. They were separated and very soon, likely after tonight, they would be that way again.

Needing to be closer to him before time ran out again, Danica moved her hand from Zane’s nape to his shoulder, using his body for leverage as she swung a leg over Lowell’s and straddled him. “This one wouldn’t be here with us if it hadn’t.” Now situated on Lowell’s lap, she slid her hand back to Zane’s nape and pulled him close enough to kiss his lips.

It was a tender kiss, a quick brush of her lips to his, but it was enough to awaken every part of her she had thought for sure would sleep for a good long time after the recent orgasm they had given her. She pulled back, releasing her hold on Zane to flatten both her hands on Lowell’s chest, and pushed him back.

“The sun isn’t up yet, and I have no intentions of going to sleep.” She waggled her brows, purposely being playful now to ease the somberness that had fallen in the room. “Unless you can come up with something better for me to do with my time, I’m thinking…”

Lowell lifted his head, pulling her down to meet his mouth as he caught her left breast between his lips and the rest of her thought faded from her mind. Her nipple was ultra sensitive from the clamps, and his tongue flicked over the hardened point in a move that was less than tender, sending a sizzling chill straight down her body to nestle between her legs. She should have been exhausted, spent, done for after the pleasures they had already given her. Instead, she felt alive, invigorated, and ready for more.

Lowell gave it to her, nipping her nipple with his teeth and igniting a path of flaming pained pleasure that burned to her soul. He soothed the pain with a tender lick before releasing her breast in favor of trailing his lips to her other one to show it the same attention.

Blindly, almost absently, she reached for Zane as her head fell back on her shoulders and intense pleasure overwhelmed her. She wanted Zane’s hands on her, too, wanted his mouth on her, needed to be with him again as much as she did Lowell.

She sensed Zane shift beside her and Lowell, felt him lean down, then his lips were cruising her back. She sucked in a breath as his tongue traveled down her spine, the sensation a gentle contrast to the way Lowell nipped and sucked on her nipple. Lowell’s hands gripped her hips. Zane’s framed her sides. Together, the bent her forward over Lowell as he continued to feast on her breast and Zane’s exploration of her back continued to her ass.

Lowell’s cock stood at attention between his legs. She could feel the engorged head grazing her pussy lips, but his hold on her hips prevented her from lowering her body onto it, from impaling her channel with his solid cock. She growled, the only sound of protest she would allow herself, knowing if she argued aloud and certainly if she said the word no for any reason, all the fun would stop. She didn’t doubt they would keep their word, even after everything that had been said between the three of them since the night had started.

Zane’s tongue slipped between her ass cheeks, the tip gliding to her sensitized anus and circling the rim. A shock wave of sensations shot through her ass, ricocheted through her core, and sped straight to her breasts. She whimpered, her mind scrambling as their mouths did such fantastic things to her body.

Zane pushed his tongue into her ass, and her hips attempted to buck as he began fucking her with rapid thrusts of his velvety tongue. Lowell’s hold on her hips tightened, preventing her from getting away, holding her steady as Zane tasted his fill.

Her hands were flat on the front of Lowell’s shoulders, and her nails bit into flesh as she struggled to handle the erotic commotion rushing through her system. Zane fucked her ass with the same reckless abandon he had showed her pussy when he had lost control inside her while she had been bound to the coffee table. She quivered between them, crying out as the orgasm built fit to bursting inside her, and battled in a blurry haze to hold it back.

“Please,” she begged, her throat scratchy and hoarse from the ability to swallow as they took control of her body. “I’m going to come.”

Lowell wrenched his mouth from her breast with an audible pop, fisted a hand in her hair, and pulled her head so she had no choice but to look at him. “You don’t have permission to come. I won’t give it to you until I’m inside you.”

“Then stop holding me up so far that I can’t sink down on your cock, damn it,” Danica said through gritted teeth.

One brow slowly lifted, and warning flashed in his eyes. “Are you givin’ me an order, darlin’?”

Yes. No. Hell, she didn’t know. She couldn’t think with Zane’s tongue in her ass, licking the tormented walls of her anus, and diving so deep if felt as though he were attempting to reach everywhere the plug had penetrated.

“You like it, don’t you?” Lowell’s voice was filled with heat and thick with his own arousal. “I love the way your body responds to havin’ somethin’ in your ass. Damn, darlin’, just watchin’ you is almost enough to make me blow my wad.”

Danica tried to shut it off, the building detonation in her core and Lowell’s dirty declaration, and found it to be an impossible task. She nearly gave in, surrendering to the demands of her body and all Zane and Lowell were doing to her, when Zane withdrew his tongue from her ass.

“Ugh.” She growled, thrashing in Lowell’s hold. “Damn it, you two are not—” She broke off, knowing if she sounded as if she were giving them an order they would purposely do exactly what she was demanding them
to do. She forced down her frustrations and reworded what she had been about to say. “Please don’t torture me again. I can’t take it.”

Lowell grinned, a truly devilish and incredibly sexy curve of his lips. “Nice save, darlin’.”

Zane propped himself on one hand, stretching out on his side next to them. He hooked a finger beneath her chin and turned her face toward him. “Damn, you taste so good.” He closed the distance between their faces and brushed a kiss to the tip of her nose. She smelled her arousal on his breath, his face, and the knowledge of how her scent had gotten there made the desire flaming inside her even more malicious. “I can’t get enough of you. Tasting you everywhere, every delicious inch of this sexy body…” He threw back his head and took a deep, audible breath, letting it out on a pleasured sigh. “It’s truly amazing.”

“We could keep it up all night, but you’ve got us wantin’ more, darlin’,” Lowell chimed in.

“Thank the Gods,” Danica whispered and wasn’t the least bit surprised with both men chuckled.

“You’re hot and soaking wet, darlin’.” Lowell’s grip on her hip remained firm, but he turned his free hand over and reached it between her legs, finding her cunt. “Do you want to be fucked again?”

“Yes,” Danica hissed the word as his thumb covered her throbbing clit and began a pressured massage that had her insides spiraling straight to the edge once more.

“How do you want it, Dannie?” Zane’s hand had dropped from her chin to her breast. He cupped it, molding the weight of it in his palm, then capturing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger to roll it so softly she actually had to fight to keep from screaming at him to pinch harder.

“I want both of you inside me.” She wiggled her hips as much as Lowell’s hold would allow, tried to lower herself onto his cock, and roared in frustration when she didn’t even come close to getting what she wanted.

Lowell eased his finger from her pussy, dragging it up her belly and smearing her cream over her flesh. “Ride Zane, darlin’. Let him lie down and you crawl on top of his cock.”

Danica blinked at him. She wouldn’t have to crawl anywhere if he would let go of her. She could feel the head of his cock teasing her weeping folds. It was so close, yet he kept it so very far away. Except, she realized in a brief moment of clarity, her pussy wasn’t what he wanted. He had made it clear almost from the start that he intended to take her ass, and he apparently wasn’t deviating from that decision.

She saw Zane move out of the corner of her eye, his long, lean, muscular body beckoning her attention as he lay down beside her and Lowell. Lowell lifted her as if she weighed no more than a feather, transferring her to Zane when he reached for her. She swung her leg over Zane’s waist, letting him adjust her until she was straddling his hips as she had been doing to Lowell’s. Zane, however, didn’t prevent her from taking exactly what she wanted. She planted her hands on his chest, locked her gaze with his, and let a small smile unfold on her lips as his tilted in a sexy-as-hell promise of pure ecstasy.

She continued to watch him, the way his eyes darkened, the way his lips tightened, the way his expression morphed to one of unmistakable pleasure as she lowered herself onto his cock, taking his thick meat all the way into her fiery channel without pause. The sensations felt different than they had when he had taken her from behind while she had been bound to the coffee table. Intensity grew to a mind-altering state that empowered her even as it short-circuited her system. She was in control. He didn’t attempt to stop her and didn’t try to set the pace. She used her hands on his chest for leverage, digging her nails into his flesh as she pistoned her hips, rocking on his cock, lifting her body slightly, and riding his dick with sheer gusto. She couldn’t go slowly. She didn’t want to. She needed reckless and fast. She needed hard and ferocious. She got all of it and more…until he took it away.

BOOK: In MIB Custody [The Service Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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