Read In Her Sights Online

Authors: Robin Perini

Tags: #Suspense

In Her Sights (24 page)

BOOK: In Her Sights
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She shoved him back. “It was my job to stop him. That’s why my mother gave me the bat. If anyone started hurting Mama, I was supposed to scare them away. Protect her. I pushed my way out of the closet, but there was so much blood. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t even think.”

“Jasmine, you were ten. He was a grown man. What could you have done?”

“I should’ve helped her,” she said in a broken whisper. “I should’ve hit him
. Instead he grabbed the bat from me and whipped it across the room. I’ll never forget the sound Mama made when it hit her. She cried out, clutching the side of her head as she fell. Then he dragged me to the kitchen and…he…He’d hit me before, but this time…there was no one to stop him.”

Silence filled the room for a long time.

“He came back at dawn,” she finally whispered. “I was bleeding and broken. Mama had died in my arms. I didn’t know what to do.”

“What happened when he returned?”

“He waved the six-pack around, then kicked Mama and yelled at her because she wouldn’t get up and share it with him. He was so drunk he didn’t know she was dead. I’d been hiding, but when he kicked her, I lost it. I started screaming that he’d killed her. I pummeled him with my fists. He backhanded me, called me a liar, and then forced me down to the blood-spattered floor. He’d nearly choked me to death when my right hand hit something hard and round. I latched onto it. That time, I swung the bat.

“I wanted him dead.” She sagged into the chair, drained. “I killed him.”

She couldn’t look at Luke. Couldn’t risk it. Then he was there. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her back, murmuring into her ear.

She couldn’t process his words, all she could do was let his warmth seep into her frozen soul. She sighed against him, and he lifted her into his arms and took her to the bed. Carefully, as if she were fragile as glass, he laid her down and settled in beside her, nestled in the safety of his embrace. His heat and comfort lulled her into oblivion, sleep overtaking her, pushing aside reality.

She knew she must be dreaming when she heard him whisper, “Ah, love, I’ll protect you. I’ll never let you go.”

People in her life didn’t protect her. And they never, ever stayed.

The computer screen taunted Luke. He’d left Jasmine to much-needed sleep, determined to fight this attack on her past. After hours at the keyboard, his back muscles had cramped up, and he’d gotten nowhere. The phone on the desk vibrated, and he looked at the screen. Blocked. Not again.

He stepped into the bathroom, trying not to think about the pain he’d witnessed from Jasmine. He’d never forget. The image of her fear had engraved itself on his mind.

“Montgomery,” he said. If he heard that mechanical voice…

“It’s Grace.”

“Are you okay? Your phone—”

“I had to ditch it. I don’t have much time. It’s chaos here. Someone screwed up.”

“Brian Tower?”

“He wasn’t supposed to die. The female sniper is. They have to pin the corruption on her. Dead, she can’t defend herself. They don’t know who killed Tower. I’ve never seen them so furious.”

“Grace, get out of there.”

“I found another way. I won’t contact you again, Luke, but I had to warn you before I leave. Your friend is in real danger. The family’s got a back-up plan. The last of their plants in the sheriff’s office is taking the lead. I don’t know who, but he thinks he can salvage the operation. If they kill your sniper, they’ll wrap the entire mess up in a nice neat bow. Blame her for Tower’s death, and the sheriff’s office will reveal she was taking bribes. Problem solved. No more leak.”

“Is Sheriff Tower involved?”

“According to my source, his son played him. They’d planned to make him the fall guy before the sniper fell into their laps. No other name, no story—except a sniper gone bad.”

Luke shoved his hand through his hair. She was right. Without any other evidence, Jasmine was in the crosshairs, and he’d hit a dead end, unless…“Did you hear any mention of Tower’s accomplice? A woman? She threatened my daughter. She might have information.”

“No. I’m sorry. I have to go, Luke. Be safe.”

“Grace, give me your numb—”

The phone went silent.

Luke’s frustration settled into an ache just above his right eyebrow. He was no closer to identifying the woman, and Jasmine was still being set up to take the fall. He wouldn’t rest until he found the traitor in the sheriff’s office. To hell with the story. For Jasmine. He needed to come up with a new strategy.

He cracked the bathroom door, and his attention fell on her. During a fitful sleep, the covers had twisted around her. She’d cried out more often than Luke could stand.

Suddenly she sat bolt upright in bed, her eyes wide with panic. Her gaze swept the room and settled on Luke. The fear drained out of her. He hated to be the one to tell her things had just gotten a whole lot worse. He laid his phone on the nightstand and crouched next to the bed.

“You okay?”

She nodded, but they both knew she lied.

She pushed her hair out of her face. “Did you find anything?”

He caught her up to speed.

“So I’m an easy target and we have an unknown stalker out there we can’t identify.”

“I checked out Gary Matthews. His wife, Kathy, and their daughter moved away after he died. I haven’t found them yet. They aren’t in New Mexico, but I’ve got a search running. Hopefully something will pop.”

Jasmine sagged against the headboard. “We’re nowhere.”

“I checked out the Pinto, but there’s nothing so far on that either,” he went on, “other than to determine that the section that wasn’t covered with mud seems to match Colorado’s plates best.”

He went to the computer and moved the mouse so it reactivated. The logo for the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles flashed on the screen. “According to the DMV, there are thousands of red Pintos in this state. I ran Tower, but nothing hit. I’ll need to look at the owners name by name and see if I recognize anyone.”

“You hacked into the DMV?” she said, looking over his shoulder.

“Searched for police records involving Tower and a red Pinto too.” He brought up another screen.

“So do I arrest you now or…” She blanched. “Guess I can’t do that, huh? I’m not really a deputy anymore.” She laughed, a bitter, anguished sound. “Lucky for you, Montgomery. You get away scot-free.”

“There are too many lives at stake to follow the rules.”

The tension between them grew, and Luke held his breath. Would she want him to keep searching or follow the letter of the law?

“Since you’re already in,” she whispered, “what did you find?”

Turning back to the computer, Luke clicked a few buttons, and a composite drawing materialized on the screen. It was the redheaded woman. The SWAT team had filled in more details, and the sketch artist had captured a chilling likeness that stirred Jazz’s recollections.

“I can’t place her.” Jazz’s voice trailed off. A shiver rippled through her. “But there’s something about her eyes…”

Silence filtered through the room, broken only by the soft whirr of the computer. Seconds, then minutes ticked by.

“Why can’t I remember?”

The words held such despair that he turned in his seat and stood up. “You will.”

He longed to touch her, to hold her, to comfort her. Would she let him? Tentatively he reached out and laced her fingertips through his. With a feather-light hold, he eased his hands up her arms to her shoulders and pulled her into his embrace.

Her head fell against his chest, and a shudder ran through her as she nestled against him. Luke let his temple rest against her hair. “We’ll figure it out, Jasmine. I promise you that.”

Each movement slow with caution, Luke lowered his lips to her cheek and kissed her. When she tilted her head to meet his mouth, Luke’s entire body sang with relief, and he let himself sink into the kiss. Her tongue danced with his, and after a moment his body responded to the sensual call of hers. He groaned and lifted his head, holding back his desire.

She couldn’t want him now. Not after what she’d been through today.

He stepped back, his breathing ragged. “No more, honey. You’re too…”

Pain flashed across her face. “It’s because of what I told you, isn’t it?”

For a moment he couldn’t understand what she was saying, but then he grabbed her to him. “God, no. Never think that anything that happened to you changes the way I feel. But your flashback, everything that’s happened. I can understand if you just want to rest. We don’t have to make love. I’ll hold you, nothing more.”

She shook her head, holding his face in her hands. “Don’t treat me like I’m damaged goods. Nothing’s changed except that now you know everything. I want you. With no more secrets.”

She kissed him. Her lips explored his jaw and worked their way down his throat, giving to him in such a way he was in awe of her. After everything, she wanted him to love her.

“I want you,” she whispered. “Now. Don’t make me wait.”

He couldn’t deny her. “Then take me, Jasmine. But this time, you have power.” He wanted to give her the control, to make sure their lovemaking was nothing like the past.

“Your touch doesn’t call the demons back, Luke. Your touch drives them away. Make love to me.” She placed her hands on the sides of his face. A laugh of exultation escaped him, and his dark gaze lit with a joy she’d never seen.

Luke fell onto the rumpled bed, drawing Jasmine into his arms. She tumbled on top of him, her touch and mouth reminding him of just why he would never get her out of his system. He lay there and let her revel in his body. She explored every inch, letting her lips explore his neck, the pulse at his throat. The softness of her mouth made him tremble. Her hair tickled his bare skin as she moved across his chest.

She didn’t shy away from the scar on his shoulder, instead bathing him with her mouth and tongue until he was shuddering. She drove him crazy with each caress.

He reached for her and she smiled, a mischievous grin that made his heart thud in anticipation.

“Let me,” she said.

He forced himself to lie still beneath her. As if she were indulging in the most decadent delicacy, she worked her way down his body, to his abdomen, to his hips, and finally her mouth nestled against his rock-hard desire. He arched toward her touch. “You’re a witch,” he gasped as her lips teased him unmercifully.

Then she moved away, her hair fluttering across his hypersensitive skin. He let out a sharp moan, but she gave him a flirty grin and worked her way to his thighs, massaging the muscles.

He’d never have believed his knees were erogenous zones, but every caresses, every soft breath made his body surge, seeking her touch.

“I can’t wait,” he panted.

Finally she rose above him, her hair falling in a curtain around her face and settled just above his aching body, tempting, promising, seducing.

He wanted her. She had to take him.

“Jasmine, please.”

Her eyes closed in satisfaction when she lowered herself on him, her body surrounding him, clutching him.

They were one.

He groaned and pulled her down, burying his face in her shoulder. He let the passion overtake him and lost himself. His body surged into hers, taking him to heights he’d never been.

He couldn’t stop the rush of emotions gathering as each thrust drew a heated groan from her, all giving, all accepting. Nothing between them any longer. She belonged to him.

“Jasmine. Mine.” With a last, intense thrust, he buried himself deep inside of her.

“Yours,” she gasped. “Yours always.” She shuddered against him and collapsed on top of him draped in exhaustion.

The small final pulses of her body squeezed his heart. She didn’t move away, just stilled, with him inside her, her head on his chest and her hair streaming down his body and tickling his hips, content. Slowly she shifted, resting her leg between his thighs, and kissed the sensitive skin near his nipple.

He groaned. “You’re going to kill me if you keep doing that.”

“Well, if you want me to stop—” She eased away from him, and he dragged her back into his arms.

“Don’t you dare.”

Luke swooped in for a kiss just as his cell rang. He cursed, grabbing the phone off the nightstand and flipping it open. “Montgomery.”

Steve Paretti’s voice came over the line. “Gabe’s awake. I think you’d better get here fast.”

BOOK: In Her Sights
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