Read In Blood and Worth Loving Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Erotica

In Blood and Worth Loving (9 page)


Pink semen trickled down her thigh. She sucked in an angry breath. Damn him. He’d drawn blood again. As before, when she examined herself, she found no cut or bruising to explain the blood.


After a long, warm shower, his cum still seeped down one thigh. Uncertain of the source of the blood, she decided against douching. She placed two panty liners in her thong, pulled on a bra, and returned to find the bedroom empty.


He’d left her again? Oh, hell, no. This drive-by fucking was getting old. She rushed from the room and down the stairs. She came to an abrupt stop at the bottom.


Still naked and fully erect,
strolled from the direction of the kitchen carrying a tray.


She stood staring at him, unable to look away from his bobbing cock as he crossed the room to her. How could she still want him after he’d fucked her hard enough to make her bleed twice and had ruthlessly squashed all her efforts to make the weekend about anything but mindless sex?


“I thought you might be hungry so I made you a snack.” He nodded towards the brown leather sofa.


Surprised, she walked across the room to sit on the loveseat instead.


He followed and sat beside her with his thigh pressed against hers.


She shook her head and rose.


He placed the tray on the coffee table and drew her back down beside him.


She tried to shake his hand off her wrist.


He tightened his fingers. “It’s way too late to decide you don’t want me to touch you, honey.”


She blushed. “You’re hurting me and don’t call me honey in that…nasty tone of voice.”


“Have it your way—for now.” He released her wrist and offered her one of the two cups from the tray.


She would have loved to slap it away but she was thirsty and hungry. Besides, she had no idea how he’d respond to such provocation. She gave him a cool stare. “Is this safe to drink or is it laced with arsenic?”


His blue eyes sparked, but he didn’t smile. “I assume that’s your charming way of implying you think I have to drug a woman to get her in bed.”


She lifted her chin. “Do you?”


“Not lately.”


“How can I be sure?”


The corners of his mouth twitched. “Trust me, poisoning isn’t high on the lists of things I want to do to you.”


She resisted the urge to flirt with him. He’d slapped her down enough for one night. She accepted the cup and sniffed.
A sweet, fragrant aroma assailed her nostrils. “What is it?”


“Herbal tea laced with fresh lemon and rum.”


She took a small tentative sip. Hmmm.
Nice. She took several longer sips. Very tasty.


“Do you like it?”


She nodded. “It’s warm and deliciously sweet.”


He stroked a finger down the side of her neck. “So are you.”


She turned to stare at him. “You didn’t think so when you first saw me.”


He shrugged.


“Why were you so disappointed when you first saw me? What did Rayna tell you about me?”


“What does it matter what she told me? I’m here.”


“But you left.”


“And came back,” he pointed out.


“But before you left you made me feel as if…as if I…you told me not to flatter myself.”


He sighed. “I was angry.”


“No shit, Sherlock. Does being angry make it okay to try to make me feel unattractive?”


“No, but like nearly everyone else, I say things I probably shouldn’t when I’m angry.”


“You had no reason to be angry or to make me feel unattractive after you got what you wanted.”


“After I got what
wanted?” His nostrils flared. “If memory serves, you wanted it just as much as I did. So why the hell are we having this conversation, Brandi?”


“Because you made me feel unattractive!”


“I came back! If you’re looking for a fight, keep pushing and prodding and we’ll have one. But I’m warning you—”


“I don’t want your damned warning,
. I don’t want to fight with you! I just want to understand you.”


“I wouldn’t bother worrying about understanding me if I were you.”


“Fine. I want to know why you came back.”


“I promised Rayna I’d take you home.”


Her shoulders slumped. Why did he have to be such a hard ass? “Is that the only reason you came back?”


He allowed his gaze to briefly linger on her pussy and her breasts before looking into her eyes. “What do you think?”


“I don’t want to
. I want to know which is why I’m asking you.”


“And I’m telling you I don’t want to discuss it.”


“Fine. We won’t discuss why you came back. Why do you have blue eyes?”


“Why do I have…how the hell should I know? I suppose somewhere along my genealogical track there was someone else who had blue eyes.”


“So they’re not contacts? Your eyes really are blue?”


“I have perfect vision, Brandi, and I’m not vain enough to want to change my eye color. My eyes really are blue.”


“Were both your parents Native American?”


“Yes. Cherokee.”


“Are you married?”




“Have you ever been married?”


“No, Brandi, I’ve never been married.”


“How old are you?”


He shrugged. “Two hundred…give or take five or ten years.”


“Don’t you know which?”


His lips twitched but he didn’t respond.


“Do you have a girlfriend, Adrian?”


“I don’t do girls, Brandi.”


“Fine. Do you have a woman?”


“I have lots of women I fuck regularly. That is what you really want to know. Isn’t it? If I’m fucking anyone else?”


She nodded. “Is there anyone special?”


“Depends what you mean by special. Doesn’t it?”


“What do you mean by it?”


“I don’t mean anything by it, Brandi. You’re the one who wants to talk about special not me.”


She tried again. “Is there anyone who might have a right to object to your being here with me?”


“No. Now if you’re finished grilling me—”


He sounded annoyed, but she didn’t care.
“I’m not. What do you do?”


“About what?”


“For a living. Do you work?”


“I’m a programmer analyst…among other things.”


“Do you work for yourself or—”


“I freelance from home. And that’s the last question I intend to answer.”




“Because you already know as much as you need to know about me.”


“I don’t know nearly enough, Adrian.”


“You know enough for a weekend acquaintance.”


She sighed. "Fine.”


“You’re awfully fond of that word. Aren’t you?”


She bit her lip to conceal a smile.


He arched a brow and offered her a plate filled with small, party size sandwiches. “Try some.”


She put the cup down and picked up what looked liked turkey and cheese on wheat. The cheese was pungent and tasty, the turkey sliced in slivers. “That was good,” she said when she’d finished the last bite.


He offered her the plate again.


She chose another tiny sandwich and bit into what tasted like honey-ham on rye with some type of succulent cream mustard sauce. She ate it slowly, savoring each small bite. “Hmmm. That was delicious,” she told him.


He surprised her by leaning forward to lick a few drops of the sauce from the corner of her mouth. “So are your lips,” he told her, his voice husky.


Her stomach muscles fluttered. But damn if she was going to encourage him to fuck her again that night. She placed a hand against his chest and leaned away from him. “No.”


“Yes.” He took her hand from his chest and placed it on his cock.


She jerked her hand away, shaking her head. “No, Adrian.”


He cupped a hand over the back of her neck. “You relinquished the option of telling me no when you came here.”


“No, I didn’t!”


“Yes, Brandi, you did. You’re delusional if you think I’m prepared to take no for an answer.”
















Chapter Six




She stared at him. “You’re going to force me?”


He swore angrily and pushed her against the back of the loveseat.


She tried to scramble away.


He pushed her back against the loveseat, trapping her there with the weight of his big body. With his arms on either side of her, he brushed his cool lips against her ear. “Call it what you like, Brandi. I want you.”


She could feel his cock lying hard and heavy against her thigh. She shivered. “


He eased her onto her back, settling himself between her thighs. “Don’t worry, honey. I’m going to please you.”


Fighting the desire tightening her belly, she pushed against his shoulders. “You don’t need to use force.”


He nibbled at her neck. “I do if you refuse to accept the inevitable.”


“I will do that.”


He lifted his head to look down at her. “Yes? I’m relieved to hear it. I’d much rather have you want it.”


But he was determined to have his way—regardless of any of her objections. “Yes—just not tonight.”


He narrowed his gaze. “Don’t think you can play games with me, girl.”


The girl infuriated her. “I’m a woman not a girl, Adrian!”


To her surprise, he allowed her to push him away and then scramble off the loveseat. He quickly changed his mind and jerked her back onto his lap. “Then act like a woman and give me what I need.”


She softened her voice, hoping to reason him out of trying to force her into sex. “I will—but we can’t have sex again tonight.”


He unfastened her bra, tossed it aside, and caressed her breasts. “Oh, yes we can.”


The feel of his cock under her ass and his fingers teasing her nipples made remaining firm difficult. “My pussy is sore and I’ve been bleeding,” she told him.


“You’re not bleeding.”


“I am.”


“You’re not. I’m rather an expert on bleeding and blood. I’d know if you were bleeding. You’re not. What made you think you were?”


“There…when your cum seeped from my…it’s pink and clearly mixed with blood.”


She watched his long, dark lashes sweep down to conceal his expression.


“Do you have any cuts or tears on or in your pussy?”


“None that I’ve discovered,” she admitted.


He slipped his fingers inside her thong and quickly pushed it over her hips and down her thighs. “Then why not let me kiss your pretty pussy better, honey?”


Her pretty pussy?
Oh, no, you don’t, Brandi. You’re not going to allow him to sidetrack you with sweet words.
She shook her head. “


“Yes?” He tossed her thong aside and settled her onto his lap, with his cock resting against her ass.


She bit her lip.


He gently massaged her breasts while he brushed his cool lips against the back of her neck.


She struggled against the urge to turn and kiss him until she couldn’t breathe. “Please…


“I like the way you say my name in that soft, sexy voice. It makes me want you even more.”


And she liked the way his cock felt under her ass and the feel of his cool palms on her heated breasts. She suspected her involuntary tremors made that clear.


He eased her legs apart and gently fingered her pussy. “You’re wet and ready for my cock and I can’t tell you how ready I am to fuck you again.”


She squirmed on his lap. “Please don’t,


“Don’t be frightened.” He dragged his tongue along her neck and shoulder. “There’s no need. I am not going to hurt you, Brandi.”


The whispered promise surprised her. She turned her head to look at him. “


He lifted her right hand and kissed her fingers. “I won’t hurt you.”


, I—”


“Trust me.”


He forestalled any response she might have made by pressing a long, demanding kiss against her mouth.


The passion in his kiss weakened her resolve and swept away her remaining fears. She opened her mouth and leaned into him.


He swept his tongue between her lips and eased a second finger inside her.


She shivered. A few more moments and she’d be powerless to offer any resistance. She needed to stop him before that happened. She tore her lips away from his. “


“That’s the idea, Brandi…to please you.”


The soft promise sent a chill of delight through her. “Don’t…”


He eased her on her back, rose above her, parted her pussy, and gripped his cock. “Just trust me.”




“Shh.” He surprised her by blasting a powerful stream of ejaculate directly into her pussy before pushing the head of his cock against her clit and ejaculating again.


“Oh…” She gave him a surprised look, gripped his cock, and came.


He leaned over to press a warm, hungry kiss against her mouth.


She tightened her fingers around him. Returning his kiss, she pumped his cock.


He lifted his head. “You can let go of my cock now, unless you’re planning to give me some pussy.”


She shook her head and released him. “You’ve had all you’re getting tonight.”


He arched a brow, rose, and swept her up into his arms.


She pressed her hands against his chest. “


He lifted one hand from his chest to brush his lips against her fingers. “Protest all you like…I can smell your pussy wanting my cock.”


She stared at him, her cheeks burning. How could she deny the obvious?


“Didn’t you enjoy that?” he asked her.




“Liar!” He kissed her palm and placed her hand on his shoulder.


With his seed seeping out of her to trickle down her clit to her ass cheeks, she felt naughty. What a rush. Clearly being a bad girl had its rewards. She linked her arm around his neck. “Don’t flatter yourself.”


His lips twitched as he silently carried her up the stairs to the master bedroom.


She nuzzled his neck and slid her palm over his chest. After a slight hesitation, she stroked her free hand down in search of his cock.


“Stop that,” he warned. “Or else.”


“Or else what?”


“Stop it.”


She laughed and demurely linked her errant hand around his neck. How delightful to be with a handsome man capable of picking her up and carrying her more than a few steps.


He laid her on her back on the bed before he stretched out beside her with his cock pressed against her thigh. “I want you.”


She closed her eyes, wondering what argument she could use to keep him from fucking her again. “No.”


He suddenly pulled the sheet up over their naked bodies.

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