Read Illicit Temptations (Tempted Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Janine Infante Bosco

Tags: #Janine Infante Bosco

Illicit Temptations (Tempted Series Book 1) (31 page)

I reached for his arms that were wrapped around my waist interlocking our fingers as I braced them over his head.

“You taking charge Princess?” He said, raising an amused eyebrow at me.

“What if I am? Think you can handle it?” I said seductively as I leaned down and took his lower lip between my teeth. His hands struggled to break free, but I pushed them further into the mattress biting his lip a little bit harder.

“Fuck, Nikki.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too,” I said as I ran my tongue along his lip slipping it inside his mouth to taste him. I loved kissing him because he treated the simple act as if it was a craft, and he was a man who enjoyed his craft with each stroke of his tongue he mastered the art of kissing. He kissed me proper he kissed me raw. He kissed me until I forgot I had ever kissed anyone other than him.

“If I let go of your hands, will you promise to behave?” I asked in between kisses.

“No.” He said through gritted teeth. I pulled away, shook my head in disapproval.

“You’re not playing by the rules Mikey.”

“I’m playing by my rules and my rules require my hands all over you.” He said trying to break free from my hold. He probably could’ve broken free from my grasp, let’s face it, I wasn’t an ox but he played along anyway.

“We’re not playing by your rules we’re playing by mine. Now hands off while I suck your cock,” I winked at him, pressing my lips firmly to his for a quick kiss. That must’ve got his attention because when I took my hands away from his he gripped the iron headboard and not me. I smiled wickedly loving the control, but the ache between my legs reminded me that I wouldn’t play this game for long my need for him was too great.

My mouth traveled down his chiseled chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses along his tanned skin as it made its way to the v below his abdomen. His dick sprang to life as I hovered over it taking his glorious length in my hands. His balls were heavy the purple veins in his engorged cock became more visible his head begged for my mouth. I took the head into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue tasting the tip beaded with moisture. Oh, you’re going to come baby just not yet.

I peered up at him through the fringe of my eyelashes my eyes meeting his as I took him deeper inside my mouth. He swallowed hard and clenched the bars of the headboard in his hands ravenously. He looked mad not angry mad, but mad as in crazed and completely out of control. It was so fucking hot that I was sure my pussy was drenched watching him. His hips lifted as he thrust deeper inside of my mouth. The tip of his cock hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag. He did it again… and again until I slowly took him out of my mouth pumping him in my hands.

He groaned as his eyes rolled behind his head. I straddled him again, his cock still in my hand, I rubbed the tip back and forth against my pussy. My eyes closed as I slowly began to relinquish the control that suddenly didn’t matter to me anymore. The only thing that mattered was getting him inside me.

He must’ve sensed that I was hanging on by a thread because his fingers no longer gripped the headboard. I felt his fingers probe me and I opened for him as he shoved two of them inside of me. It didn’t ease the need I had for him it wasn’t enough, I needed to feel full and the only thing that was going to satisfy me was his dick.

“You’re so fucking wet for me,” he said, pumping his fingers in and out of my pussy. I started to ride his hand wishing that he’d stop teasing me and give me what I craved. It was like he was punishing me. He kissed my breasts taking my nipple into his mouth and sucking on it. “You need to get up for a minute I need to get a condom,” he slipped another finger inside me there were three now that I was clenching around.

“I’m on the pill,” I said breathlessly as I strained against his hand seeking some kind of relief. His mouth stilled on my breast, his fingers became idle as if I had just dropped a bomb on him. “What? What is it?” I said frantically.

“You want me to fuck you with nothing between us?” The look in his eye was feral.

“Yes. I’m clean,” I said hastily as I lifted myself off his fingers.

“I am too,” He swallowed hard as he stared at me. “Christ Nikki… you know what you’re doing to me?”

“Yes, I do,” I said as I guided his dick towards me. “I’m fucking you,” I lowered myself on top of him, taking him inch by glorious inch until I was seated on top of him with him fully inside of me.

Mikey blew out a breath, grabbing onto my hips as he arched his and pumped me with his dick. “Yeah, you are,” he said, gritting his teeth as I lifted off him only to slam down onto him again this time harder than the last. “In more ways than one…”

I didn’t know what he meant by that comment and truth be told I didn’t really care either all that mattered to me was reveling in the feel of him bare inside of me. I lost the ability to think or feel the only thing that made me feel alive knew that my pussy was tightly wrapped around his cock bringing us both to the ultimate orgasm.

I awoke the next morning with a massive headache along with every limb in my body feeling broken, but all the aches and pains were completely worth it. I’d suffer every day of my life if I could have sex like that every night. At first, I thought I had been dreaming when Nikki snuck into my room, but nope it was a sweet reality. She rode me into oblivion her tits in my face as she bounced up and down on my cock. I had never fucked anyone without a rubber before and was glad I hadn’t because otherwise last night wouldn’t have had the same effect on me.

She gave me two of the most intense orgasms of my life. I don’t know if it was just because there was nothing separating us physically or if it was consciously knowing that I came inside her either way it was the best fucking sex of my life. I meant it when I said she was fucking me in more ways than one the literal sense of it and the fact that she was chipping away at my resolve making me believe that this thing between us was supposed to be. I was starting to believe that I could be good enough for her that I could make her happy and dare I say that I deserved her. The better part of me the smarter part, the part that didn’t think with my dick knew better.

I got out of bed pulling on a pair of basketball shorts I made my way downstairs in search for something to ease my headache. I stopped in my tracks when I glanced in the kitchen catching a glimpse of Aunt Gina. She was flipping pancakes wearing a black lace teddy with her tits hanging down to her belly button. I ducked out of sight and into the bathroom, hoping she didn’t see me. I didn’t know if dressing in lingerie was the norm around here, but I really didn’t want to find out either, especially after she tucked me into bed last night in that get up of hers promising me that I hadn’t seen anything yet. If Nana started parading around in a garter belt I was getting the fuck out of here, it didn’t matter what mobster was gunning for us. I’d take my chances.

I opened the medicine cabinet searching for some Motrin to get rid of the mariachi band that was stomping on my head. The cabinet was packed causing me to remove the Polident denture glue the six tubes of Preparation H and the Dulcolax stool softener. Where the ever loving fuck was I? I was living in geriatric hell that’s where. I popped the cap off the bottle of Motrin and poured three or four not really counting into my mouth as I turned on the faucet and dipped my head under the water to wash down the pills.

I made a mental note to call Jimmy today and get on his ass to get us the hell out of here. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to last with Aunt Gina. That woman was a basket case, and I feared what else she had up her sleeve.

I stepped into the living room and immediately stood frozen in my tracks. Nikki was wearing the shortest shorts I had ever seen and a bikini top. Her legs were spread shoulder width apart, and she was holding a gun pointing the fucking thing right at me. If the gun weren’t aimed at my chest, I’d probably think she was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Scratch that, it didn’t matter that the gun was aimed at me seeing her like that her stance so perfect and controlled it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I’d take the bullet.

“And just like that you pull the trigger and kill those dirt bags,” Nana said pointedly beside Nikki.

“What the hell are you two doing?” I asked my eyes drifting back and forth between Nikki’s face and the gun she held.

“Nana’s teaching me how to fire a gun,” Nikki said smiling at me as she slowly brought her gun down.

Aunt Gina emerged from the kitchen sashaying her hips in four inch heels, holding a platter of flapjacks in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other. Her eyes fixated on me with a hungry stare before she wiggled her eyebrows and puckered her lips.

“Breakfast is served sweet cakes,” she purred.

I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom, leaving Nikki’s laughter in my dust as I locked myself in the bathroom and wondered if anyone would notice if I spent the rest of the day hiding out in there.

Chapter Twenty Two

A week had come and gone without word from Victor or Jimmy and not for lack of trying on my behalf I had called the only number programed into my phone several times only for my call to be forwarded to voicemail. I tried not to dwell on it and made very light of the fact that there was no communication with anyone back home for Nikki’s sake. I knew she was worried about her father actually her whole family, but Victor mainly since he was the man with a price tag on his head.

I accepted the fact that Aunt Gina and Nana were complete whack jobs and just went with the flow I didn’t even blink an eye when I walked down the stairs this morning and found Nana cleaning a pistol. Aunt Gina had eased up on her passes at me thanks to Nikki apparently. Aunt Gina needed to get some and soon too. Nikki assured her that with a little help from her, she could nail any guy she wanted, as long it wasn’t me, Nikki claimed me for herself. I didn’t mind the idea of being Nikki’s. Not one bit. I wasn’t delusional to believe that her claim on me was real, but for the time being while we were tucked safely away in Senior Citizen Land I decided to take what I could get. However, in the back of my mind I knew that these nights the nights I fell asleep with her naked body in my arms well they were numbered.

Aunt Gina introduced us to her posse a group of men and women who were in their late sixties, early seventies that knew our situation and had our backs. They knew our real names and our aliases and that we were pretending to be newlyweds as we hid from the mob. At first I was weary I didn’t like anyone knowing the truth about us fearing that it would compromise us and leave us vulnerable but Gina had juice here. This retirement community was like her compound obeying her every command and when she swore them to silence and threatened to sic her mother on them they listened. I guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree and authority ran through the Pastore’s veins.

There was nothing to do around here it wasn’t like we could take a drive to Miami and soak up the nightlife we were stuck here with the old folk. What’s that saying? If you can’t beat them join them? That’s the mantra I started to take on a couple of days ago when Burt and Chuck asked me to play a game of bocce with them. When Nikki and I were kids, our families would take us upstate to Villa Roma this place kind of reminded me of that, anyway there wasn’t much to do there either and I became the kind of the bocce court then just as I had now. I made the game a little bit more interesting, and we started to put money on it a little gambling never hurts anyone.

I was playing bocce with the fella’s when I glanced across the court to the community pool my eyes settling on Nikki. She was in that damn bikini of hers that drove me insane. Her hair was piled high on top of her head in a messy bun and she had these oversized sunglasses on that reminded me of Jackie O. She wasn’t wearing a stitch of makeup except for the red gloss that made her lips look even more enticing. A smile spread across her face as she lifted one arm over her head and stretched out. She had started giving exercise lessons by the pool yesterday. It was pretty amusing watching as the elderly women in swim caps tried to mimic Nikki’s moves. To say my girl was flexible would be an understatement, she could twist herself like a pretzel, but I doubt these ladies could manage a jumping jack. Nikki had patience, and she was kind to them, she didn’t try to show off, but instead she tried to help them.

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