If Tomorrow Never Comes (Harper Falls Book 2) (16 page)

"That means we should wait? Because I don’t want to, Alex."

"I don't either, but—"

"But you can't make any guarantees, I know. I didn't ask for any then, I won't ask now. Just promise not to pack up and leave anytime soon."

Alex frowned. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise." She knew he wouldn't break his word.

"I promise."

Dani's smile lit up the room and Alex knew he was a goner. Actually, he'd known it five years ago; what he'd just discovered was nothing had changed—with Dani, nothing ever would.

He offered to help with the dishes, but all it consisted of was tossing the to-go containers away so he excused himself to use the bathroom

She had given him a quick tour of the loft, open concept, so it hadn't taken very long. The bath had two doors, one on the living room side, one to the bedroom. He washed his hands, admiring the clean lines, the no fuss decoration. Dani had wanted space, counter space, floor space, and by the looks of it, enough shower space for two or three large adults. His mind was already making plans for Dani, water, and him on his knees. But first the bed. Their first time after so long was going to be where he could lay her out and explore, every inch, from top to bottom. And then, after a little rest, he was going to enthusiastically make the tour again.

After giving his hands a thorough wash and dry, Alex went back to the living room, hoping Dani was ready to play.

"I wasn't sure what kind of movie you were in the mood for, so I picked out three choices. Western, action or comedy?" Dani held up the movies, her smile faltering a bit when she saw the look on Alex's face. "What? I distinctly remembering you saying rom-coms were not your thing. Though if that's changed, I have a couple of those because Rose is such a fan."

"Why is the tv on and why aren't you on your way to naked?"

"What, you thought we were doing this tonight?" Dani laughed, turning back to the selection of movies.

"My head and the rest of me," he drew her attention to his erection, "heard sex, no putting that Genie back in the lamp, Jordanna."

Dani's green eyes widened, her breath suddenly catching in her throat. Alex never called her by her full name unless they were wrapped in each other's arms and nearing orgasm. If he was using it now, he must be really worked up.

"You spent your afternoon getting the crap kicked out of you by a very large, very strong young man, Alex. You need to heal before we engage in any sexual activity. Our earlier conversation was just setting the stage for later when you've stopped wincing every time you move."

"Let's clarify a few things." Alex moved towards her, slowly, and with purpose. "First, I did not get the crap kicked out of me. I was demonstrating how to disarm an opponent and the recruit got a little carried away. My fault, really; I know better than to turn my back on three hundred pounds of overly eager puppy dog. But I paid the price with a couple of bruised ribs and a split lip."

"Exactly, you need to—"

"As for the young part," he continued, his look speaking volumes about how annoyed he was. "Yes, he's a few years my junior, but unlike him, I'm in my prime. He got in a few lucky shots when I wasn't looking. Otherwise, he never would have touched me."

"Wow." Amazed at where the conversation had gone, it took Dani a moment to gather her thoughts.

"Wow? That's all you have to say?"

"Oh, I have plenty to say, I just deciding where to start."

"Something's funny?" Alex was standing there with a raging hard on and she was amused? Not a great start.

"I think your ego was bruised more than your body if you're worried about getting old." Dani tried not to snicker. But looking at this gorgeous, vital man it seemed inconceivable that age ever crossed his mind. "I thought women were supposed to have that hang-up. You're twenty-eight, talk to me again in thirty or forty years."

"I'm not…, I don't…" Alex sighed. "Fine, maybe deep down I'm a bit worried that I've lost a step. Even distracted, that kid should never have been able to get in one punch, let alone two."

Dani patted the cushion. "Come sit down."

"I don't need to be placated, Dani." Alex settled next to her, trying without success to hide a slight grimace. "I'm well-aware that I'm being ridiculous. But sometimes when I look at those wide-eyed newbies it's hard to remember ever being that young."

"Oh, baby." Dani took his hand, kissing the back. "If you could go back, would you change it? Would you take a different path, turn down the chance to work the intelligence side of things?"

"No." He closed his eyes, letting her settle his head on her lap. It felt good, the way she ran her fingers through his hair, stopping now and then to massage his scalp. "I know I did some good, I know I made a difference."

Dani smiled at the absolute conviction in his words. When he stopped and really thought about it, she knew he had no doubts. He had seen a lot—too much. But she knew if one life had been saved because of his actions, that made all the rest worth it.

For a moment, she thought he was asleep. His breathing had become deeper, a regular rhythm. That was fine. Dani was happy to sit there with him. She continued the soothing motion of her fingers, touching, marveling at the softness of his hair. She paused, smiling with delight as the locks curled, as though trying to trap and stop her from leaving. She liked his longer hair, so different from the prickly military cut he'd had before. It softened his features making them almost angelic, at least while he was relaxed, eyes closed. But when he was a moving, energetic male, he looked more warrior than messenger of God. Either way, he was irresistible.

"I still want to have sex."

Dani almost laughed out loud. He hadn't opened his eyes; in fact, he looked completely relaxed.

"I'll make you a deal. If you can sit up without wincing, I'm yours. You can do whatever your heart desires."

She had to give him credit. He tried—almost succeeded. But there was no stopping the tightening of his mouth. The last few inches were his downfall.

"Sorry, fella, some of your flesh might be willing, but your ribs are weak."

"So I'm being relegated to a hot shower and my own fist."

"You want to borrow one of my toys?"

"No." Alex's dark brown eyes narrowed with interest. "But I wouldn't mind you giving me a demonstration."

"You want to watch while I play with my battery operated friends?"



"Dani," Alex cajoled, leaning in until his breath caressed her ear. "Give me some kind of break. If I can't be
you, let me take the image of something else doing my job."

"You are a sick, sick man." Dani's heart rate had kicked up. He'd painted a picture she was having a hard time getting out of her head.

"And that makes you…?"

"Interested, but not enough to do what you want." Not tonight, at least. The longer she was around him, she had the feeling any and all inhibitions would soon come tumbling down—to both their satisfaction.

"No sex, no peep show." Resigned, Alex picked up the movies and started reading the blurbs.

"I could give you a blowjob."

Alex slowly raised his eyes to hers, the flicker of heat unmistakable.

"Don't tease a starving man, Dani. You never know what he might take a bite out of."

"We'll talk about biting, where and how hard, later. Right now, I'm going to reacquaint myself with this fella."

She gently cupped his erection, using the fabric of his jeans to rub against the straining flesh.

"Dani." Alex sighed her name. Before she could slip to the floor, he took her face in his hands. "I'd be a fool to turn down your generous offer, but let me do this first."

The first kiss was a whisper, a fluttering reminder of what was to come. She found herself melting in with anticipation, her eyes going to his bottom lip, the one that had starred in so many of her fantasies.


"No," he growled, pulling her closer.

"But your mouth is swollen, I don't want you to hurt it even more."

Alex rested his forehead against hers, giving them both a moment, then carefully left a trail of kisses along the line of her cheekbone

"You need to stop worrying about hurting me. Just enjoy."

"I will—I am. But…"

"Enjoy, Jordanna."

His mouth claimed hers, strong, sure, making every care fade away.

Lord, he knew how to kiss. His lips on hers, there was nothing else. The touch of his hands, slightly calloused, caressed the tender skin of her neck before he slid his fingers into her hair. He held her still, changing angles, she could do nothing but let him set the pace and that was fine with her.

"Open," he breathed, her moistened lips parting to take his tongue.

No one tasted like his Dani and he knew he would never get his fill. Long strokes, her tongue against his, it was heady and new and oh, so familiar.


"Tell me what you need."

"You. I need you. I've missed you so much."

He raised his head, distressed to see tears sparkling in her emerald eyes.

"No, baby, don't cry. I'm here." He pulled her close. "I'm here."

It was strange, going so quickly from playful, to passionate, to teary. Dani rested in Alex's arms, never wanting to leave. She couldn't explain why she needed to cling, why every instinct screamed to hold on and never let go. She had never been
girl, priding herself of a mile wide independent streak. She hadn't cried on the first day of kindergarten—only babies grasped at their mothers, wet cheeks, and runny noses. So why now? What was it about this man and this moment that had her breaking down, ready to beg, uncaring how much a fool she made of herself?

"Sorry about the mood killer."

When she would have moved away, Alex stopped her. He rested his cheek on the top of her soft, white-gold hair, inhaling the familiar scent of lemons. No vanilla today, something else. Almond?

"You always smell like the sexiest bakery on earth."

Dani laughed, relieved it was tear free. "It's my shampoo, organic and made just for me. There's a little place at the end of Main Street,
Wash Your Troubles Away.
You should try it, they have a great line of products for men. My mom buys stuff there for my dad all the time. And I have no idea why I'm going on about bath products. You smell great, too, by the way. I wasn't suggesting you don’t. I—"

"Breathe," Alex said, laying a finger over her lips. She took air into her lungs, slow and deep. "Better?"

Dani nodded.

"Good, now it's getting late and I have six recruits to put through their paces tomorrow."

Dani glanced at the clock on her far wall. Nine-thirty. Only late if you were six or had fields to plow at dawn. She shifted, looking at the bulge between Alex's legs. Still at attention, and not getting out of here in that condition if she had anything to do with it.

"As you were, soldier."

Tossing a pillow onto the floor, Dani slid to her knees, reaching for the button on the waist of his jeans.

"That isn't necessary, Dani."

She looked up from under her eyelashes, letting him see that the seductress had returned.

"I had my mouth all set for dessert." She gradually slid down his zipper, smiling when he automatically raised his hips, allowing her to down the material. "Are you going to deny me my treat?"

He had no words. Her wonderfully soft, long-fingered hand reached inside his underwear, making him sigh with a mixture anticipation and relief. The air cooled his straining flesh but just until it was enveloped in a different, welcome kind of heat.

"Oh, Christ, Dani, your mouth is heaven on earth."

If she could have smiled she would have, but her lips were busy, straining around his beautiful girth. It had been a while since she had done this, and it had never been her favorite thing. Guys tended to forget there was a person attached to the mouth, grabbing handfuls of hair and pounding away like a jackhammer.

But Alex smoothed the strands from her face, his touch gentle, even though she could feel the tension rising in his body. She remembered why this had been good with him, why she had been happy to give to him what she refused other men. As she nibbled lightly, he groaned, his grip on her head tightening, pulling her closer but never forcing. He seemed to understand that to make it good for her as well as himself, he needed her to set the pace. No ramming, no shoving himself down her throat.

"I need it harder. Please, Jordanna, take all of me, now."

Dani swallowed his length, bobbing up and down, her cheeks hollowed out, her tongue bathing every inch of him. He was close, she could hear his increased breathing, the pulsing in her mouth just starting and then, for one split second, his hips froze. She swallowed, taking everything he had to give, her hands gripping the tops of his thighs, pulling him in, pushing him back. Finally, when his body relaxed, she gave one last swipe of her tongue and let him slip from her mouth.

She didn't need to ask him how he was doing. The closed eyes, the long, deep breaths, the crooked, satisfied smile. No, he didn't need to speak—this picture was worth a thousand words.


"I know." Dani sat next to him, her hand lightly running over his impossibly ripped stomach. No mere six-pack for Alex, she counted the ridges—twelve, yum, yum. Unable to resist, she leaned down and licked each and every one.

"Give me a minute, Dani," he half laughed, half groaned. "Though that tongue of yours is magic. I might be ready sooner than expected."

"I'm just playing." She gave his stomach one last kiss before letting him pull his jeans back up. He didn't bother to fasten them, too much effort.

"I'm all for that too." Alex brought her close, suddenly amused when he realized, after all his imagery of naked bodies, neither of them had lost a single stitch of clothing.

"Happy thoughts, I hope."

"Ironic, and happy. I'll be even happier after I get inside your knickers."


"I've spent most to the past ten years in Europe."

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