Read I Want Online

Authors: Jo Briggs

I Want (5 page)

The next surprise was what could only
be described as a super yacht, moored in a secure section of the marina pier. "I
thought you would enjoy a scenic cruise on the water before we headed to a
final destination,” He explained.

Elle was certainly glad she had heeded
his instructions to wear flats, and not the heels, as he ushered her up to gang
walk and onto the deck. She had been on plenty of yachts before, at high-society
parties, but this was beyond anything she had experienced before.

It was triple decked from the exterior
perspective, above the water line with one more deck below it. The roof of the
top deck acted as a sun deck at one end of the boat with a Jacuzzi, whilst the
other end formed a helipad platform. The upper deck itself had a bar and
gallery area, an outside eating space, a gym, large sized master stateroom, Captains
Bridge and cabin. The middle deck offered a large dining room, a smaller
gallery room, a cinema and massage room. The lower deck comprised of an indoor
pool and seven guest staterooms, with further crew quarters lying in the bottom
deck, alongside an engine room.

There were several
crew members milling about, as William took her down below to the owners'
cabin. He acknowledged each of his crew in a friendly manner, using each of
their first names in greeting, introducing Elle as he went. "Is this all
yours?" She asked incredulously.

Slightly embarrassed, he nodded. "It’s
convenient for getting away from it all, when you can just anchor off a
beautiful island."

Inside the master cabin was a generous
king-sized bed, a long wall of fitted wardrobes, large flat screen TV upon the
wall and two elegantly upholstered armchairs. "Something for a special
lady," William reached for a box-shaped item, wrapped in what Elle determined
to be velvet, and handed it to her shyly.

She granted him a heart-stopping smile,
as she accepted the gift into her hands. Nervously, she opened it, as she felt
his expectant gaze watching her. Her eyes fell upon an intricate designed
bracelet, made of white gold encrusted with emeralds with one single diamond in
the middle of all the green laying on the white silk lining.

"I thought it matched perfectly
with your eyes.” His voice was tender with the overpowering emotion he felt for
her. He took the bracelet out of the box, and placed it around her wrist,
kissing the inside of the wrist once finished.

She affectionately touched the side
of his cheek, caressing the slightly stubbly jaw line. "It seems I will be
saying thanks to you a lot today." She laughed. "You have been so
generous already."

His lips met hers in reply, soft at
first then firmer as their ardour began to bubble beneath the surface once more.
"You had better become accustomed to it as I intend never to stop buying
you things." His voice was hoarse.

Leaving the cabin behind, he took her
back up to the sun deck, where there was a newly opened bottle of Bollinger waiting
in an ice bucket. His crew had discreetly disappeared as soon as the couple
stepped onto the decked area. Filling two champagne flutes, he handed her one;
clinking their glasses together they shared a quiet moment leaning against the
balustrade, Elle mesmerised by the swirling water around them.

A gentleman clad in an immaculately
pressed uniform entered the deck area, and attracted William's conversation
with a slight cough. "Ahh, Dexter we are ready to cast off, if you are
happy to go ahead."

William straightened up, and went to
shake the hands of the man. "Yes, of course, go ahead, Marcus." William
gestured to Elle as he continued to converse with the man. "Let me introduce
our captain, Marcus Knightley. This is my girlfriend, Elle Benedict."

Elle stepped forward, smilingly her

With the cast off done, the ship gently
sailed away from the marina, and into the main waterway, heading towards Putney,
where the starting line of the famous boat race begins each year, between the
rivals teams from Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

With William’s talk finished with the
captain, they were again alone. He stood right behind her, placing his strong
arms around her slim waist, as he occasionally pointed out various historic
buildings that she did not recognise.

As an enthusiastic reader of English history, especially of
the Tudor era, she enjoyed listening to William impressively reel off details of
each historical sight as they drifted by, the first being of Kew Gardens and Syon

Thoroughly enjoying the closeness of
his body pressed into her back, along with the intermittent kissing of her neck
and shoulders, caused the next couple of hours to pass by leisurely.

They passed further along under the
Twickenham Bridge and into Richmond Lock.

As it was within the high tide timings,
the yacht could manoeuvre through the sluice gates unhindered. The yacht glided
onwards to Ham House, made famous for being a residence of a titled royalist
during the English Civil War, and Marble Hill House, a Georgian building given
to mistress by her royal lover. Each house set back on the north and south
shore, as the river twists and turns, both perfect examples of lavish architecture
from that era. The piece de resistance was the view of Hampton Court Palace,
which given the tall height of the yacht was ample to offer Elle with a perfect
vantage point of its sprawling gardens and maze.

One of William's friends had a riverside
property within the area, which allowed them to moor up securely against a
private mooring pier. He employed enough security personnel to divert any
unwanted photographic interest that mooring there might attract, as they enjoyed
a light lunch up on the upper deck.

As mid-afternoon drew in, they had
moved into an open aired seating area, to continue their champagne indulgence. The
heady mix of alcohol and want dispelled all hesitancy towards acting on their
increasingly amorous make-out session, despite a chance of their privacy being
disturbed by one of his crew going about his tasks.

heavily, as he ended yet another passionate kiss, William grazed his finger over
her swollen lips. “I have a sudden need for a nap, care to join me?” He finished
the sentence with a wink, as they were both fully aware of what they intended
to do next.

Elle nodded.

Slipping his hand in hers, they strolled
nonchalantly towards the cabin, both really wanting to run there, but allowing
dignity, to rule their heads, for the time being.

With the door shut firmly, they giggled
nervously as they threw the propriety, of disappearing in the middle of the
afternoon for a quickie, out of the window and removed each other's body of any
clothes, and slide beneath the cool sheets of the rich tapestry of Egyptian cotton.

Flesh to flesh, hands and lips started
to explore and manoeuvre over each curve and bump of their forms. He thrust
deep into her in one powerful stroke,
each seeking to quench their thirst for the other, as they
become one, soul-to-soul, moving in an animalistic fashion. The mattress creaking
beneath them, as the continuous pounding of his hips against hers, shattered
the otherwise silent room. His name reverberated around the room, as she
plunged off the edge of the building pleasure, allowing the crescendo to ripple
over her.

Seduction in the dark

Awakening from a brief slumber,
William disclosed the next step in his secret excursions for their holiday.

He was to take her to see a classical
showpiece ballet of
at the Royal Ballet in Covent Garden. They
had discussed the different ballet performances she had attended in the past,
but knew she had never seen this story.

She was thrilled that he remembered,
and her joy of this knowledge was written all over her face, as he gazed over
at her, which gave a thrilling response to his heartstrings.

As a cautious person, he never imagined
he could be this close to falling in love so quickly, but the dominance of his
emotions was overpowering every rational argument his cautious mind put forth.
Despite the shortness of their relationship, he was burning to ask her to move
in with him.

An hour later, Elle stepped out onto
the top deck, her dress billowing gently around her legs, as the breeze teased
the material. William had been casually drinking from a flute of champagne,
when his reaction to seeing her stopped his hand's journey to his mouth halfway
through the air.

The effect was clear for all to see.
From every pore of his face was written fully of the feelings and admiration he
was experiencing, his heart missed a beat, a deep breath taken. She greeted
this admiration with a smile, a blush rising from the neckline of her dress to
her cheeks.

She had chosen a black dress made of
hand embroidered satin crepe fabric embellished with a satin waistband and back
detail. It had a ruffled neckline effect that plunged to provide a glimpse of
tantalising bronze cleavage.

A sudden swelling developed in his
groin area, as William noticed for the first time that her cleavage bore no giveaway
white tanning marks; the mere thought of her tanning herself bare-breasted made
him feel hot and bothered.
He would certainly appreciate the view of a
topless Elle, sprawled across his sun deck, as she sun bathed

"Ready?" Elle spoke, breaking
his daydream.

"Umm...yep," he said feeling
dazed by the interruption of her voice into his thoughts, bringing him back
into reality. He resisted the urge to kiss her before they moved down the gangway,
as he wanted his erection to lessen as much as possible.

He gestured for her to go in front
of him, down the walkway that leads from the boat, onto the pier. A paved pathway
led from the private pier, down the sculptured gardens, and to the side of his
friend's house, to where a car was waiting. He walked a few steps behind,
avoiding any contact with her skin. His driver opened the door for her, allowing
her to slide into the back seat before him.

Elle noticed that he kept giving her
sly looks as they travelled towards Covent Garden. He appeared more nervous than
she had seen him be before.

"Are you ok?" Elle asked,

 He had experienced
harassment before with the press pinpointing his yacht’s movements, and
shadowing their course, in order to obtain exclusive photos of guests aboard
his boat when rumours were rife with a new love interest and was fearful of a
repeat if the press followed them back to the yacht later.

Until now, they had managed to keep their relationship low-key
in public, using their business contract as an excuse to be seen together on an
occasion, but always denying anything personal.

Elle's musical laughter washed away
any negative thoughts he had been having, leaving them to gaze intently at each
other for the rest of the journey.

With the vehicle pulled to a stop,
they shared a brief kiss before the driver, Edward, opened the door. William slid
from the car first. After straightening up, he held out his hand to help Elle,
as she carefully made sure the long hem of her dress was clear of her heels,
before she raised herself out of the car.

There were plenty of people milling
about outside as they made their way to the entrance of the imposing building
named The Royal Opera House, which housed both the Royal Ballet and Opera
companies. No one seemed to be paying attention to them, so William began to
relax. His hand rested on her exposed back, as they walked up the long spanning
stone steps to the building. There was just enough time to buy a programme of
the performance, take their seats in the grand tier box before the lights
dimmed, and the curtain rose.

The ballet based on
the famous poem by Pushkin, with a music score using
Tchaikovsky, traces
the story
of a jaded Russian aristocrat who rebuffs the advances of Tatiana, in favour of
a flirtation with Olga, her sister, which leads to a fatal duel with her
fiancé, Lensky. Years later, he spies her in a ball in St Petersburg, now married
and beautiful, and hopelessly desires her despite her loyalty to her new
Emotions range from passion to rejection to regret as the aristocrat
tries to entice Tatiana back under his spell.

As they moved to the grand bar downstairs
during the first interval, William noticed a few familiar faces of business
acquaintances and their wives; nodding acknowledgements and brief greetings;
they were soon seated, and sipping cocktails. They had drawn a lot of admiring
looks as they entered; they were undeniably a striking couple, and due to both
of their reputations in their business, were well known by sight. William sat
as close to her as he could, his hand resting on her lap as he totally immersed
himself in looking at her face.

"You have caused quite a stir in that dress," William
And, she is all mine, tonight, and every night after this, he could
not help thinking.

"Ha, maybe they were glancing
at you." She quipped before leaning over and whispering in his ear so only,
he could hear. "Your own outfit definitely has my approval, although I
look forward to removing it from you slowly later!"

He could not help, but blush at that

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