Read Hunks Too Hot To Touch Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Hunks Too Hot To Touch (15 page)

The tension in her body started to evaporate as Nash’s tongue licked at her drawing the juices from her body into his waiting mouth. None of her past boyfriends had ever done this for her. The thought never even crossed their minds she might come apart from something erotic like this.

Nash grabbed her ass holding her closer to his mouth while his tongue licked at her like a cat did a saucer of milk.

Suddenly the pressure built up in her stomach fighting to break free from her center as Nash got more in depth loving her with his mouth, tongue and teeth. The orgasm ripped from her body when Nash shoved only the tip of his tongue into her. Shauntie’s hands tightened around the silky fabric of her underwear as Nash moved his mouth away from her and replaced it with his throbbing cock.

As Nash filled her to the hilt with his cock, Shauntie’s fingers wrapped around the fabric holding her hostage so she wouldn’t touch Nash drawing his attention from the intense pleasure he still had rippling through her throbbing body. She had forgotten how long and
he was, but this morning Nash reminded her.

Shauntie felt every glorious inch of him as he filled her until there was no more room. She heard Nash’s hard breathing against the side of her neck as his hands held her hips in place while he thrust in and out of her. After every stroke, Nash would grip her a little harder, not too tight but just enough for her to gain even more bliss.

“Yes...please give me all you have,” he groaned, almost pleading with her. “Let me love you. Let me in.” Shauntie was shocked and pleased to have this handsome, caring man almost begging her to let him be with her.

“Damn you!” Nash groaned as his orgasm took over his body and triggered a second one from her. Reaching up, her ripped the underwear from around her wrists and yanked her to his body so suddenly that Shauntie gasped for breath.

Seconds later they both collapsed back on the bed with Nash’s sweaty drained body fell over top of her. He laid there for only a few minutes before rolling to his side pulling her against him.

“If that doesn’t prove you’re mine than I guess nothing will,” Nash whispered into her hair and he laid his palm on her stomach.

Shauntie wanted to argue with Nash and the cockiness of his statement, but all she could do was snuggle closer before she drifted off to sleep in his arms.




“I still don’t like it that you’re going out instead of spending the day with me,” Nash complained as he zipped the back of her white summer dress.

Shauntie caught his eyes in the mirror in front of them. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact she‘d spent the better part of last night and this morning making love to the gorgeous man behind her. So much for her keeping her vow about staying away from Nash because she didn’t think he would be right for her. All of that went out of the window as soon as he kissed her.

Nash came into her life like a whirlwind and changed it only for the better. Sapphire was right. She needed to get past her own self doubts before she would be able to see what was right in front of her face.

“Nash, I thought you told me in the shower how you had your own stuff to take care of today too. Sunday is my day with the girls. I won’t change that for you.”

“I’m not asking you to,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I was only blowing off some steam because you didn’t let me finish what we started in the shower.”

Shauntie felt Nash’s ever-present erection brushing against the lower part of her back. How was it possible for him to always be ready to go? Didn’t he ever get tired?

“Sapphire and Emerald were nice enough to let me reschedule our lunch for a later time. They’re going to have questions when they get here. Come on, why don’t you get dressed? I love seeing your amazing body naked, but I’m not the type who’ll share its beauty with my girlfriends.”

“I guess I have to since it doesn’t seem like I’m going to talk you back into getting naked for a quickie.” Nash continued to hold her eyes with a hopeful look in his.

“Baby, stop looking at me like you’ll change my mind. I’m going to lunch and you’ll get dressed.” Spinning around, Shauntie planted a kiss at the corner of Nash’s mouth. “Be good now and I’ll be good to you later.” She tried to walk past Nash, but he grabbed her by the waist and placed her on the dresser behind them.

His hand quickly eased under her dress and slipped into her underwear.

“Nash, what are you doing?” Shauntie squeaked as two of his fingers slipped inside of her.

“I’m just making you as hot for me as I am for you,” he admitted, working his fingers in and out of her at a steady pace that had Shauntie almost near a quick orgasm. Just as she was at the edge, Nash removed his fingers from her body along with her white thong.

“What in the hell?” she snapped. “You can’t leave me like this! Finish what you started.”

“Hey, if I can’t get any, neither can you, Dr. Kane.” Nash waved her underwear in front of her face. “I think I’ll keep these. I need something to tie me over until we meet up later tonight.”

Shauntie’s mouth dropped open when Nash sauntered away from her and proceeded to get dressed. Once he finally worked the zipper of his jeans over his massive erection, he shoved her underwear into the front pocket and reached for his shirt on the bed.

“I can’t believe you,” Shauntie complained. “At least help me off the dresser so I can get another pair of underwear!”

Walking back over to her, Nash picked up her and placed her feet back down on the floor.

“I’ll pay you back later for that little stunt.” Going over to her underwear drawer, Shauntie opened it. As she was reaching for another white thong the doorbell rang. “Shit! I can’t answer the door with no underwear on.”

“Hey, I got it,” Nash said as he picked up his shirt off the bed. “I’ve been waiting to meet your girlfriends anyway.” Nash hurried out of the bedroom before she could stop him.


Chapter Eighteen



“Hello ladies.” Nash grinned at the two stunned women standing on Shauntie’s front porch. He was sure they almost got whiplash from how fast their heads swung back at each other, down at the t-shirt still in his hand and then up to his face. He guessed they weren’t used to having a shirtless man open Shauntie’s door.

“Where’s Shauntie?” the shorter woman demanded “Who in the hell are you?”

“Nash, how are you doing?” The taller woman asked him gaining his attention.

Nash stared at her a few minutes before it dawned on him where he knew her from. “Hello, Sapphire. You work with my sister right? I didn’t make the connection when Shauntie mentioned your name earlier. She’s in the bedroom getting dressed. She wanted to tell you to come on in.” Stepping back, he gave Shauntie’s friends enough room to come inside.

Nash shut the front door and then finished getting dressed while Sapphire and her friend watched him closely. “You’re partially right. Your sister is the one who works for me. She’s one of my dental assistants. I was the one who recommended you to work on Shauntie’s roof.”

“Looks like he’s working on more than Shauntie’s roof,” the shorter woman mumbled under her breath, but Nash heard her anyway.

“Emerald, shut up.” Sapphire looked down at her friend then back at him. “I guess you’re the reason Shauntie moved our lunch date,” she teased him. “She was busy doing other things so food wasn’t on her mind.”

Nash blushed. He wasn’t used to being on the hot seat. Sapphire was a very outspoken woman just like Shauntie. A part of him wondered how the two of them even became friends. .

“I’m guilty as charged,” he grinned. “I wanted to spend some extra time with Shauntie since I won’t be seeing her until later on tonight.”

“Shauntie never told us she was seeing you,” Emerald piped in as she took a seat on the couch. “How long have the two of you been going out? She usually tells us about everything going on in her life. You’re a total surprise that Sapphire and I weren’t expecting this afternoon.”

“Emerald, will you stop with all of the questions before you scare Nash away,” Shauntie complained as she walked into the living room and stood next to him.

Bending now, Nash gave Shauntie a quick kiss. “Hey, I didn’t mind the questions. I’m glad your friends are concerned about you,” he said against her soft lips.

The alluring scent of Shauntie’s perfume surrounded her delicious body making him think about carrying her back down the hallway into the bedroom, but he couldn’t.

Her girlfriends were already here and from the look Emerald was shooting him she wanted him to get the hell out of here, so she could drill Shauntie. They both probably wanted to know what was going on and he couldn’t blame them. Brian and Chance would treat Shauntie the same way.

“Baby, I’m going to leave. I need to take care of some stuff at home. I’ll probably call Brian and Chance over later to watch some football. You can stop by if you want to. I wouldn’t mind having you there at all.”

“I’ll think about it,” Shauntie said, smiling at him. “But you go and have some fun. Don’t get too caught up in the game.”

Nash gave Shauntie another kiss on the mouth and then stepped back. He hated to stop, but he couldn’t do any more with an attentive audience of two in the room watching his every move.

“Bye sweetheart,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. “I’ll see you later.” He was falling hard for Shauntie. Being with her last night only cemented their connection in his mind. There was no way Shauntie was going to get away from him now.

“Bye Nash,” her silky voice answered making his cock semi-hard. “Have fun with your friends.”

God...he had to get out of here and fast before he humiliated himself and Shauntie in the process.

“Ladies, it was nice to meet you. Have a good time at your lunch.” Nash waved at Sapphire and Emerald before he turned around and went out the door closing it behind him.




“Why didn’t you tell us you were dating
?” Emerald questioned the second the door closed behind Nash. “He’s hotter than hell. What happened to that speech you gave us about not wanting a working man in your life? I mean for someone who wasn’t interested in getting involved you picked the best man not to be involved with. You already have your man for Christmas.”

Shauntie wasn’t thinking about Emerald’s plan last night when she and Nash were making love. Her mind was totally into how good he was making her feel after such a long dry spell in her bed. Nash proved more than once he wasn’t faking his interest in her. She almost couldn’t keep up with him the last time.

Why had she even agreed to lunch today with Sapphire and Emerald when she could barely form a thought in her head? Lunch was going to be long and less enjoyable than she wanted because Emerald wasn’t going to let this thing with Nash go.

“How about we head out of here?” Shauntie suggested. “We can talk about this more when we get to the restaurant.”

“Shauntie, do you really think Emerald will stop with her questions? You’re in for a twenty question marathon. You know how she can get when our girl finds something interesting to get involved with. She’s a like a hungry dog with a bone.”

“Hey, I don’t like being compared to a dog. All I was doing was showing concern about the half-naked man who opened Shauntie’s door. We all know her love life has been dry as the Sierra desert. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Yes, Nash is a beautiful looking man, but I don’t want his face and killer body to sway Shauntie’s judgment.”

“Whoa, weren’t you the one who was screaming at me about being the fun police,” Shauntie chastised. “Now that I’m having fun with a guy you want me to stop. Won’t that go against your ‘find a guy before the holiday’ plan?”

Sapphire laughed and Emerald shot her a look. “Can’t I show some maturity sometimes?” she asked. “I was only looking out for you, that’s all. You’ve been out of the dating field for so long that I wasn’t sure if you knew how to handle Nash.”

Shauntie perked up at Emerald’s off-handed comment. “Emerald, I might have been working excessive hours lately, but I haven’t forgotten how to deal with a good-looking man. Nash and I are getting along just fine. I don’t need you to worry about us.”

“Is Nash your boyfriend now?” Sapphire teased. “Did he give you his class ring or football jacket?”

“Very funny, Sapphire,” Shauntie said, giving her friend a sharp look. “Will the two of you please stop teasing me?”

“Nope, we don’t think that we can.” Emerald got up off the couch and came to her. “You’re so easy to get all fired up. I’m glad you’re doing the mattress dance with Nash. It’s about time you got sweaty by doing something else besides planting those flowers you love so much.”

Shock flew through Shauntie. God...Emerald sure didn’t know how to hold her tongue. “Emerald, if we hadn’t been friends for so long I would take your comment as an insult.”

“You shouldn’t. You know how I am. I’ll give you my opinion even if you don’t think you need to hear it,” Emerald admitted. “I’d tell Sapphire the same thing. No one is safe from me. I should start an advice column like Dear Abby only more diverse.”

“How about we leave?” Sapphire cut in. “I can listen to the two of you complain while I drive us to the restaurant. I’m starving for Mr. Lee’s.”

“Why didn’t you tell us ten minutes ago that you wanted Mr. Lee’s?” Shauntie complained, snatching up her purse off the table. “I love the shrimp rolls there. Let’s hit the road.” She went towards the door with Sapphire and Emerald behind her.


Chapter Nineteen



Taking a bite of the shrimp roll, Shauntie allowed the sweet fried taste to evaporate onto her tongue. Hands down Mr. Lee had the best Japanese food in town; it was one of her favorite hot spots to hit when she needed to clear her head.

“God, I love this place. I could come here twice a week if I had enough free time to get away from work,” she said, placing her half-eaten shrimp roll back onto her plate.

“You’re right,” Emerald agreed before taking a bite of her BBQ pork with rice.

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