How to Handle a Highlander (Hot Highlanders) (11 page)

“I want…more.”

Gahan captured her mouth, kissing her hard as he returned to rubbing her clitoris. She fell back, unable to do anything but experience the waves of delight rippling through her.

“I know what ye crave.”

She lifted her hips, and this time he pressed down harder in response. The pleasure was white-hot now, so intense she wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or pain. She needed something so badly, she whimpered. Her passage was so empty. She fought against his hold so she might be filled.

“Then give it to me,” she demanded and pulled him toward her.

He growled softly and returned her fervor. “It will be me pleasure.”

He lifted his hand away and leaned down over her. His weight was intoxicating, and she reached for him. The head of his cock slipped easily between the slick folds of her flesh. She felt him shake as he fought the urge to thrust deep.

“Slowly, lass…it must be slow at first.”

His voice was tense. He held her hips, keeping her still as he pressed forward. Her passage was hungry, but he entered her only a tiny amount at a time. She growled with frustration, but a moment later, the walls of her passage protested. It felt like he was too thick to enter, pain beginning to burn inside her as he pressed forward. Her fingers curled into talons, her fingernails digging into his shoulders as she tried to escape.

He held her steady, pulling free before thrusting back into her again. This time his cock tunneled deeper, inflicting more pain. It was red-hot and pulsing, but she still wanted him inside her.

“Breathe, lass.”

She sucked in a gulp of air, not realizing she’d been holding her breath. It eased the pain, sweeping most of it away. Relief washed over her, and she drew several more rapid breaths until she realized she was clawing him.

“I did nae mean to scratch ye.”

He chuckled and withdrew from her body. “I do nae care, lass.”

A moment later he thrust deeply into her, a low rumble from his chest telling her how much he enjoyed it. Her thoughts scattered again, the need burning inside her finally getting what it craved. The hard presence of his cock soothed her yearning. But she wanted more, she needed friction, and Gahan did not deny her.

He began to move in a steady motion, giving her time to learn the rhythm before he increased the pace. Beneath them, the bed ropes creaked as he drove his length harder and faster into her body. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except raising her hips for his next thrust. The hard shaft pressed against her clitoris, moving her closer and closer to some sort of zenith.

When it came, it felt like something snapped inside her. Pleasure exploded beneath the pressure of his thrusts. It flung her into a vortex that twisted and wrung her without mercy. Gahan growled and pressed against her, releasing his seed. It was all-consuming, and she had no idea how long it lasted, only that when it released her, she was helpless against the surface of the bed, her entire body spent.

Gahan collapsed on top of her but shielded her from his weight with his arms, then rolled off her. The bed rocked again, making an ominous sound, but the ropes held. She doubted she could have moved if they had snapped. Her heart was still beating too fast, making her light-headed. Gahan was in no better condition. His chest rose and fell rapidly as well. What had felt like a cool night was now too hot, the thin layer of her chemise irritating against her skin.

She closed her eyes, drifting away on waves of satisfaction. As her heart slowed, her skin cooled, and she sighed. The sound was one of deep contentment. She had never felt so good. If she had, she didn’t recall it. Even the dull ache coming from her passage failed to interrupt her enjoyment. So she let herself drift into sleep, only muttering when Gahan slipped an arm beneath her and rolled her over so her head rested on his shoulder.

She finally understood what perfection was.


But perfection never lasted. At least not on earth.

Her mind became restless as Moira tried to wake and do something important. It needled her until she jerked awake, confused because she had been so deeply asleep.

Gahan jumped when she moved so suddenly, his huge body jerking off the bed as he pushed her to the side of the bed away from the door. He reached for something leaning against the wall, and she realized it was his sword.

“What is it, Moira?” he asked as he swept the room twice with his gaze before looking back at her.

“I fell asleep.” The moon was still only part of the way across the window, telling her most of the night was yet to come.

He released his sword. “Aye, as did I.” His attention dropped to where her chemise was still gaping open to expose her breasts. “But I am nae complaining about being roused.”

She pulled up the fabric, earning a frown from him. “We’ll be discovered,” she said.

“Good.” He began to pull on the lace that closed his boots. In their haste, he had never removed them.

“It is nae good.” She stood up.

Gahan reached over and struck a flint against iron. Sparks dripped down to a pile of tinder, giving birth to a flame. The orange-red light illuminated his face, the hard features striking her as solid. He held a candle over it until its wick caught. Warm golden light washed over him, gifting her with a full view of just how perfect his body was, as well as how strong it was. There wasn’t a single bulge of fat on him, and every muscle was hard. There was something savage about him, but it served only to enhance his appeal. She shivered and hugged herself.

He stood up and held the candle over the bed. A dark stain marked the sheet.

“Deception is nae good, Moira. Let us be discovered, and let yer brother and Achaius receive what they are due for insisting on the farce that is yer marriage.”

His tone was just as solid as his body.

“To what end?” She stooped down and picked up her undergown and shrugged into it.

“The end of yer marriage, to begin with.” He placed the candle on a table and stood up. But he didn’t seem concerned with his lack of clothing. Instead, he began to close the distance between them.

“Everyone will say ye stole the wife of one of yer vassals.” She lifted her overgown and put it on, but there was no way to close it because the ties were down the back.

“Achaius is nae yer husband,” Gahan growled and pointed at the stained sheet.

“Neither are ye. So if we are discovered, I will be shamed, yet rightfully so.”

He was the son of the Earl of Sutherland. Allowances would be made for his lustful wanderings. Horror filled her as she realized what she had forgotten in the grip of passion. It had been so simple, so very much like being enchanted. But reality was hard and full of consequences. He was the earl’s son, and as such, he would not be alone.

She turned in a circle, looking into the darkened corners of the chamber. Off to one side was a doorway leading to another room enclosed in blackness. “Where is he? Yer captain? Ye are never alone.”

“Sometimes I am.”

She looked back at Gahan in relief, but his hard expression didn’t put her at ease.

“Cam stayed outside the door until we fell asleep.”

“But he is here now.”

And the man knew full well that they had been enjoying bed sport.

Gahan reached for his shirt and shrugged into it. “With yer brother in this tower? I doubt me captain would leave me even if I ordered him to.”

The shirt had been draped over the arm of a chair, and Gahan’s kilt was no longer lying on the floor but pleated and waiting for him on a side table. A shiver went down her spine. Cam had been in here. Moira looked back at the side door, blinking several times as her eyes showed her what she had already known to be true. Gahan’s captain stood there, partially hidden in the shadows. He didn’t look at her, but her cheeks burned scarlet anyway.

She turned to leave, but Gahan captured her wrist and pulled her back to him.

“Ye do nae have to return to Achaius.” His embrace was solid and tempting. But Moira knew the sun would rise, and with it, the harsher side of life.

“I won’t be another link in the chain. Bari wants to fight with ye so badly, and he will if I don’t go through with this. Sandra was very important to him, and I share blood with him. ’Tis something I cannae change.”

His expression turned stony. “Did ye know about the poison?”

“Nay.” He was weighing her answer, his dark eyes glittering with the need for justice.

She sighed then pushed away. She wanted to think she was leaving to protect his good name, but the truth was she couldn’t bear to see the suspicion in his eyes. It tore a hole in the trust that had grown between them, sweeping away the confidence that had seen her sharing his bed. Which left her no reason to stay.

None at all.


Cam spoke. “I do nae think the lass cared for how long ye considered her answer.”

“Keep talking, and I’ll smash ye in the jaw, Cam.”

His brother grinned, but Gahan wasn’t in the mood to jest. He turned around, feeling like the walls were closing in on him. It took every last bit of discipline not to go after Moira. But the stained sheet was a glaring reminder of her.

She shouldn’t be so important.

The words and the idea that she mattered to him didn’t sink in; they just crossed his mind before disappearing. He tugged the sheet free and folded it.

“What are ye planning to do with that?”

“Keep it.” Gahan lay back down. “And do nae ask me why, because ye already know that I do nae understand why. Only that it is going to Dunrobin, and I will never tell Moira I am sorry you are witness to how it was stained.”

“She’s right. If ye show that to anyone, there will be talk of yer stealing from a vassal,” Cam warned. “As well as making it public.”

“Exposing deception is nae a thing to be avoided. That’s why we are here, to prove Bari Fraser is the villain we know him to be.”

Cam grabbed the sheet and handed it to another retainer. “Somehow, I think that reasoning will gain ye naught but grief as well.” He pinched the candle out then returned to the second chamber to get some sleep.

At least someone would sleep, but Gahan doubted he would. He hadn’t needed to hear Cam softening toward Moira. It was too close to his own feelings for her. He grunted and punched the pillow.

He didn’t have feelings for her.

She was a Fraser.

But her scent still lingered, and the echo of her soft cries as he’d pleasured her followed him into slumber.


Everything was quiet when she climbed the stairs back to the chamber where Achaius slept. She entered the rooms provided by Saer McLeod. The small receiving portion of the chambers had a single candle burning for her. The retainers had lain down near the curtains that separated the receiving room from the bedchamber. They were thick, wool ones that stretched from ceiling to floor to provide privacy. The retainers were lying across the floor to prevent anyone from crossing into their laird’s bedchamber without stepping over them. They had the portion of their kilt that was draped over their right shoulder raised to cover their heads and keep them warm throughout the night.

But they’d wake if she walked past them and opened the door.

A reckless urge to do so rose up inside her. She didn’t even want to fight it. Frustration with her current predicament threatened to help her make sure the retainers knew how late she was returning.

At least it would be an end to her sham of a marriage.

But there would also be an end to Bari’s civil behavior.

A curtain was pulled aside on the side of the room. Another candle burned inside a tiny alcove. A cot took up most of the space. It was intended for a groom or a captain, but the candle had been left there for her.

Her husband’s retainers didn’t expect her to join Achaius.

It wasn’t an uncommon thing. Especially among noble unions. Her cheeks stung with a blush as she realized just how relieved she was. It was wrong, but it felt so wonderful.

She let the curtain fall over the doorway and lay down. The ropes strung through the wooden frame of the cot groaned and needed a good tightening, but the bedding smelled fresh enough. She pinched out the candle and tried to sleep.

Her thoughts were churning, but at least she was alone. It was a small mercy, but she was grateful for it. Dawn would be soon enough to deal with reality.


Achaius opened his eyes when his captain stirred. The man rolled over and settled back into sleep. The fire was only a bed of coals now, a faint red glow coming from them. His toes were still warm, and he grinned as he realized his wife had returned. Beyond the curtain, he watched the faint light go out.

Yes, his young wife had returned. In the darkest hours of the night too. There was only one reason for that.

He savored the victory, his mind full of the opportunity it afforded him. As soon as he was sure her belly was full, he’d let his captain tell Bari of the lovers’ secret. The Fraser laird was no match for Sutherland’s bastard. Gahan was a bear of a man and much harder than Bari. The moment Bari gave him a cause, Gahan would snap his neck.

Achaius grinned and chuckled. It would be perfect, and he would have the Fraser land. A laird was only as good as the profit he gained for his clan. It was the Highland way.


Moira was sore the next morning.

She noticed it the moment she sat up. Deep inside her passage, she ached. But the gray light of dawn was welcome because her sleep had been fretful. She fingered her underrobe, contemplating the thoughts that had troubled her sleep. She was torn between the need to be truthful about Gahan and her sham of a marriage, and the very real threat of giving her half brother what he wanted: a reason to feud with Sutherlands, not to mention with the Mathesons alongside him. Perhaps truth was supposed to be the only path a true heart should walk, but she just couldn’t stomach the price.

She could do little more than drag herself out of bed and pat her hair down before pushing the curtain open.

“There ye are,” Achaius remarked.

“Good morning, Husband,” she said dutifully. The bright light of day reminded her of all the reasons why she needed to please Achaius.

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