Read Highlander's Challenge Online

Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical Romance

Highlander's Challenge (32 page)

"Don't count on it." She laid him out in the mud at the base of the stairs to the main hall, flat on his back. The men burst out laughing as they rode into the bailey. Shooting them a steely glare, they fell silent, but he knew he'd not heard the end of it.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Amelia stood at the top of the stairs, her fists on her hips.

"When are you going to learn? I do not need a babysitter!" She turned and stomped into the keep.

Knowing she was ever ready to fight, not willing to give her another chance to use one of her nasty tricks, he quickly plowed forward, spun her around, and tossed her over his shoulder.

She grunted as the air rushed from her lungs. At least he'd have a few moments of peace without her harping in his ear. But he knew the battle wasn't over.

He gritted his teeth against the sheer terror that had engulfed him as he rode within sight of the keep. Pushing his horse as hard as he could, he'd prayed she wouldn't fall. His steps faltered as he climbed to her chamber. It was his fault that she did such a fool thing and would have been his fault if she'd died.

He sat her on the bed without a word, his heart lodged firmly in his throat. How was he to keep her safe if she wouldn't do as she was told?

She bounced back up, glaring hotly at him. "Your warlord tactics won't work on me. Not this time. Now, get out of my way."

"Not 'till I beat some sense intae you."

"Oh, you just try it," she snarled.

"Blast you, woman, I don't want tae fight you, but I'll not have you risking your life!"

"That's a load of bull! All you want is control. My life doesn't mean a damn thing to anyone." She spun away, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

He snagged her by the shoulders and jerked her back around. "Your life means everything tae me! I love you, you stubborn female!"

Her mouth opened in a small rounded oh, but no sound came out.

Letting out a disgruntled sigh at having told her of his heart in such a way, he said, "Sit, so I can tend you." He eased her onto the edge of bed, hoping the next words from her lips wouldn't break his heart. He turned to the basin by the hearth and moistened a cloth. Kneeling before her, he took her hands in his and bathed her bloodied fingertips.

"No one's ever loved me before," she said, staring at him as if she'd never seen him before.

He looked up into her watery eyes. "Then 'tis way past time."

A small smile touched her lips. "Then I guess I love you, too."

He grinned, barely containing his immense joy. "You guess? You canna do better than that?" She laughed. "I'm new at this so you'll have to be patient."

"I'm not known tae be a verra patient man, lass." Smiling, she said, "Really. I hadn't noticed." Her lips turned down slightly. "Colin, I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to be in love."

"Shh, mavourneen." He rose up on his knees and kissed her. "We'll find our way together." Never had he felt such completeness with a woman. The women he'd bedded before were nothing like his Amelia. The 311

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

fire in her hair was in her soul as well. They would have strong children, in mind and body.

If she would have him. Her love for him was a gift indeed, but he wanted more. He wanted her forever.

"Amelia, I wish tae—I want—" He let out a frustrated breath that stirred the curls alongside her face. She cocked her head. "What?"

She was so beautiful, her cheeks a rosy hue, her lips well kissed, and her eyes filled with warmth. He nearly forgot what it was he wanted to say.

He took her hand and brought it to his lips. "I want you always by my side." Afraid of what he would see in her eyes, he dropped his gaze to their joined hands. "'Tis a simple thing we can do by consent. 'Tis the old way. We've no need for a priest tae make us husband and wife in my eyes, but if you wish it, I will find one."

Her silence stripped him to the core, but he had to face her decision whatever it may be. Slowly, he lifted his gaze.

"I, Amelia Tucker," she said shakily. "Take you, Colin MacLean, to be my husband. I promise to love and honor you for the rest of my life." She paused with a soft sniffle. "Is that what you mean?"

"Aye," he said, his voice breaking. His eyes misted over and he blinked to clear them. "I, Colin MacLean of the clan MacLean, take you, Amelia Tucker, tae be my wife. I promise to be a loyal, faithful, and loving husband tae you for as long as I live." He kissed her, then pulled her into his arms and held her close.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Never had he dreamed such a thing would be possible, not for him. He'd envisioned a life without emotion, without love.

"Colin? I don't have any sort of dowry or anything." She pulled back to look up at him. "I'm not even Scottish. Will your father approve of you marrying me instead of Aileen?" He chuckled deeply at the sound of worry in her voice. She didn't know that whether his father approved or not, 'twas too late for anyone to naysay their joining. He'd loved her thoroughly and with great pleasure more than once, and once was all it took. She may be carrying his babe at that moment.

"It isn't funny, you big ape," she said, punching him in the stomach.

He pushed her down to the bed and gently snagged her injured hands, pinning them above her head. Ah, the fire snapping in her eyes did marvelous things to him.

"I'm not laughing at you, love, but the situation. Although I wanted you, I wouldna go against the agreement with the MacKenzie," he said, watching her scowl deepen. "But my father saw that I didna care for Aileen. I couldna hide my heart from him or Elspeth. He didna want me tae marry without love."

Her scowl faded as her eyes focused on his chin. "And, um, Aileen wasn't disappointed?"

He grinned and nuzzled her delectable neck. "Nay. She loves Robert as he loves her. All has turned out for the best." He nibbled across her chin to her lips. "Now if you dinnae mind, I've other things I'd rather
." He took his time loving her, touching her, savoring the feel of her skin against his. His lady wife. His heart. 313

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Hours later, Colin escorted Amelia to the solar, her hand trembling in his. This magnificent woman, capable of dealing a fatal blow to a man twice her size, was afraid his father would reject their marriage although he'd tried to assure her countless times while they made love.

Elspeth lifted her head from her stitchery. "Did you have a nice rest, dears?" she asked, a distinctive twinkle in her eye. Amelia's face burned brightly.

"I would say so, by the color of Amelia's face," Ian said with a hearty chuckle.

Colin shot him a glare, then pulled his beloved with him to his father's side where he sat across from his so-called-friend at the chess table.

"I have news of some interest tae you," he said. "Amelia has consented and is now my wife." He lifted their joined hands, displaying his ring on her finger. His father stood. "Is this true, lass?" She nodded jerkily.

The old man slapped him on the back then stole a kiss from his stunned bride. Elspeth hugged her with tears in her eyes.

Ian pressed a hand to his chest and bowed before her. "My heart may never recover, but I congratulate you." He leaned close for a kiss, but paused at Colin's low snarl. Chuckling, he took her hand and kissed it.

"Wonderful," his father said. "We'll have a grand feast to celebrate the union." Elspeth slipped into his arms. "The solstice should serve us well. We have much to rejoice over and will need the longest day of the year tae do it. Peace, 314

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

love, and mayhap an heir in the near future to carry on the clan MacLean."

They all laughed, except Amelia. Her hand fell limp in his and the warm blush had disappeared from her cheeks.

"What is it, mavourneen?" he asked. She lifted her wide-eyed gaze to his, her mouth opened and closed silently. Her head slowly waggled from side to side, then she darted out the door.

He started after her, but was stopped by his father's hand on his arm. "Leave her be, lad. She's overcome by all this excitement," he said jovially. "Come and sit. There is much we need tae discuss after our meeting with MacKenzie this morn."

He let his father lead him to a chair. Something was wrong. His instincts had never failed him, but it would have to wait. He'd ignored his duty long enough that afternoon. His wife, and whatever troubled her, would have to wait a few more minutes.

* * * *

Tuck stared out her window over the Isle of Mull twisting the ring on her finger. The Celtic knots inscribed in the wide band were nothing compared to the knot of pain in her heart.

"The solstice," she murmured. Why hadn't she remembered?

On the solstice the water sprite returned to the magical
waters of the burbling stream, leaving his heart sadly broken.
Tears slid down her cheeks as Jenny's story and its terrible ending echoed in her mind.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

"It isn't fair," she cried softly. She'd only just found him, learned to love him and be loved in return. How could she give him up now?

The image of the goon at Raghnall Castle pressing his gun into Jenny's side flashed before her mind's eye. If she didn't go back, Jenny could die, but if she did go back, her heart would shatter.

Warm hands slipped around her waist and pulled her back against a solid chest. She closed her eyes and leaned into Colin's strength.

He pecked a gentle kiss against her temple. "What ails you, love?"

She clenched her teeth against the pain. "I remembered how to get back to my time."

He eased away, leaving her cold inside. She wrapped her arms around herself and gathered the strength to explain everything.

She turned and looked up at his stoic face. "There are things I didn't tell you."

Gripping the bedpost, he turned away, his profile grim.

"I was guarding a woman, a very wealthy woman," she said quickly, eager to tell him so he'd understand. "There had been kidnapping threats made. That day, at Raghnall Castle, we were attacked." She swallowed down the lump of failure threatening to choke off her words. "We struggled, but my client, Jenny, decided to help." A smile teased the edges of her mouth at the memory.

"She jumped on the guy's back, and well, in the scuffle I got pushed into the fountain. The next thing I knew, I was 316

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

sitting in that field near the spring." She took a deep breath and dropped her arms, releasing the steady grip she had on herself. "Then I met you. I have to go back, Colin." He turned from his study of the bed, the bed where they'd made love and consented to be husband and wife, his amber eyes colder than the chill stealing down her spine.

"I forbid it," he said firmly.

"What did you just say?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You're my wife, and you'll do as I say!" Her brittle hold on her emotions snapped like a twig. "I don't believe this. Haven't you been paying attention? No one tells me what to do. Not you, not anybody."

"You'll not be going, and I'll hear no more on the subject!" He spun away and stormed out of the room, slamming the door in his wake.

"Damn you, Colin MacLean," she whispered roughly. Tears slid down her cheeks as she turned back to the window. Why couldn't he see that she didn't want to go, but that she had to? It was her duty. He should understand that. He almost married someone he didn't love because of his responsibility to the clan.

She twisted the ring on her finger. But he married her, Amelia Tucker, bodyguard for hire instead. A woman who was nothing like the ones he knew. She could never follow his orders blindly, could never be the subservient woman he was accustomed to. Only in bed did she give him that power over her, and that she gave with her whole heart. 317

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

It had all been a horrible mistake. She knew that now. She should've never let him so close. She should've never let him near her heart or any other part of her anatomy. It was a good thing she was leaving. What could she have been thinking to fall in love with the man?

"The solstice can't get here soon enough," she mumbled between sniffles.

* * * *

Over the next several days they didn't so much as look at one another, and managed to never be in the same room at the same time. Elspeth and the others had noticed, but remained silent, apparently hoping that whatever had transpired would run its course. Yet Colin knew it would never be so.

He made his way to the top of the keep after yet another exhausting day in the lists, but it didn't dull the pain. She wanted to leave him. The truth hurt him more than the deepest thrust of a finely honed claymore. Bile rose in his throat as he paced the battlements. He felt betrayed. After they'd loved one another, spoke of the future and their life together, how could she do this? Did the words mean nothing to her? Had she lied to him from the beginning?

Accustomed to suppressing his feelings, he couldn't begin to grapple with the flood of conflicting emotions overwhelming his thoughts. Part of him wanted to hurt her as she had him, while the other wanted to pull her into his arms and hold on with everything he had. He could force her to stay, but what 318

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by Jo Barrett

purpose would that serve? She would hate him then, if she didn't already.

Lifting his head to the heavens, he wished for the days before she'd stormed into his life, when he'd known the course of his future, when he'd had control of his heart. A bitter smile eased over his lips. And yet, to have never known love, or the feel of her beneath him, the taste of her lips, the sound of her voice, soft and pleading as he brought her pleasure. Nay, he would not change the past. If only he could change the future.

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