Read Her Lucky Love Online

Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

Her Lucky Love (13 page)

She took a deep breath and took a step closer. His eyes widened, but he stood stock-still, as if he knew she could bolt at any moment.

It wasn’t his fault she was afraid.

It wasn’t.

“Thank you, Brayden. For everything.”

“You don’t have to thank me. You know I’d do anything for you.” She watched as he struggled for control then gave in, tracing a finger down her arm, sending shivers in its wake.

Allison tilted her head up, catching his gaze. She could stare into those ocean-blue eyes for days, always finding something new and exciting. Why had she been holding herself back from him?


“Don’t say anything you don’t mean, Ally. I don’t want you to run away because you’re scared, and I don’t want you to come closer if you feel grateful.” He slid his palms down her back then up, catching the edge of her shirt, his fingertips, calloused from working with his hands, rough on her smooth skin. “I want you in my arms, in my bed, and in my life because you want to be, not because you feel you need to pay me back.”

“It would never be like that, Bray. You know I love you. We’ve both said the words and thought about the future. We both know that it could end badly. That’s why we’ve been afraid.”

He gripped her chin so she couldn’t avoid his gaze. “No, that’s why you’ve been afraid. I’ve been afraid to hurt you, not seeing what was in front of my face the whole time. I thought you didn’t want me, didn’t want to be with me. Yeah, I stood back because I was waiting for the right time and never knew when that was, but I didn’t know if you’d want me. You didn’t show anything to me that said love in the past. That’s why I stood back these past couple years, but I’m not standing back anymore, Ally. Once I get you in my bed and in my life, I’m not letting you go. So, I’m going to give you this choice. I’m not going to force you there, but once you’re there, I’m not going to let you leave.”

Though his high-handedness should have scared her, but right then, it made her want him more—something totally opposite of what it usually was. She knew that it would be her decision to let him in close, just as it was his decision to want to keep her—as much as she’d want to keep him.

Could she trust it?

That was something she’d have to have faith in. She’d spent her whole life doing what others wanted of her, never letting go… Maybe it was time to be free and hold tight to what she wanted.

“I don’t know if I want you to let me go, Bray. But, I’m here now. Can that be enough?”

He shook his head then ran kisses down her brow, her cheek, her jaw. “No, it’s not enough. But I don’t believe you. I don’t think you’re going to go. I might be the stupidest man you’ve ever seen by going with my gut and my luck rather than your words, but I’m taking you, Ally.”

His voice, low and ready, mixed with the softness of his lips on her skin made her thighs clench, aching for him. She was no stranger to sex. No, she’d had three kids and let—no, had
—Greg keep her down for years, but she knew it would be different with Brayden.

it to be different with Brayden.

“I’m going to try my best.” She just hoped it was good enough.

He stared at her for a few moments as if searching for an answer that she hadn’t given. She lifted her chin from his hold but didn’t look anywhere but his face, his high cheekbones and his strong jaw.

Finally, he nodded then lowered his lips. He tasted of mint, coffee, and that thing that was just Brayden. She melted into him, deepening his kiss. God, she needed him. Needed this.

He nipped at her lips, her tongue, tasting her while she did the same to him. Finally, he pulled back, his pupils wide, just a little bit of blue around the edges. Both of them panted heavily, knowing this was the start of something more…something they would finish tonight.

“My children…”

“Are asleep and tucked in their beds.”

“But what if they wake up?”

“Then they’ll find you in my room, though the door will be locked. They’re old enough to know that I love you, Ally. I think Aiden is even old enough to know that something is going on with us.”

She filed that information for later as she’d have to talk to all her children about this, even if only in general without details. She wouldn’t go in blind—she couldn’t.

He tugged at her hand, and she followed him willingly up the stars, past her room to the master bedroom.

He had decorated with strong, dark furniture, deep green colors that seemed to go with his leprechaun and luck, and had candles lit.


She could have sworn a blush rose to his cheeks as he shrugged it off.

“I lit them when you were putting Lacy to bed. I wanted to make it special for you, Ally.”

Touched, she walked to him and slid her arms around his neck. “It would have been special even without the candles, Bray. I don’t need silk and promises. I just need you.”

“I’m not a sweet man, Ally.” She opened her mouth to say just the opposite, but he cut her off. “No, I’m not. I’ll do anything anyone needs of me outside of here, but in this room, in my bed, you’re mine. I don’t want to share you with anyone, not even in your thoughts. I’m going to take all I can and give everything and more right back. I’m not going to be gentle in here, and I don’t want to be. I’ll make it the best we can, and I’ll try not to scare you, but it’s taking all that I am not to throw you down on your stomach and sink into you from behind over and over again until you’re panting my name.”

Her breath caught in her throat at his words and the images they created in her head. God, she didn’t know he could be this way…with this edge. She liked it. It wasn’t anything like Greg, and she wanted more. She buried the thought of her dead husband as soon as it came up. It wasn’t the time for memories of that man; he’d had his.

Now she’d have hers.

“I want it all, Bray. I’m not afraid of you. I could never be. Just tell me what to do, and I’m yours.”

He smiled then, a truly feral smile. He turned from her then, and before she could taste the disappointment, she heard the click of the lock on the door, and he was on her. His mouth took hers with a burning force, demanding more than she thought she had. She kissed back with the same intensity, their teeth clashing, their bodies brushing against each other. This wouldn’t be a soft, innocent first love. No, this would be a hard, pounding, sweaty turn in the sheets. She’d give so much of her heart and her love, but she’d take so much more in return.

Brayden pulled back first, and she felt cold at the loss, stupid she knew. He pulled off his shirt in a quick motion, his chest and abs rippling as he did so. She reached out to touch him, needing to feel his heat, but he put a hand on her wrists.

“Not yet.”


He shook his head, cutting her off. “No, not yet. I’m going to touch every inch of you, taste you, and lick you. Then, once you’ve come on my face and my hand, you can touch me as I sink into that pussy of yours.”

Her eyes widened at the brazen words, but then she smiled. “Bring it.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “I’m glad you’re not one of those weeping, fainting gals.”

She raised a brow. “Been with many of those, have you?”

He just grinned. “Oh no, I know better than to mention anyone else but you when I’m about to fill you with my cock. There’s no one before this, Ally. No one after.”

She didn’t say anything at his promise, just looked down his toned body to the cock he mentioned, straining at his zipper. Oh, how she yearned to relieve him of that ache and wrap her lips around the whole of him.

“I like where your thoughts are going, Ally-mine. And soon I’ll let you get on your knees while I fuck that pretty mouth.”


“Let. You’ll want it.”

“I thought you were the sweet Cooper,” she teased. “What’s with the dirty mouth?”

His eyes darkened, not in the anger she’d grown to expect from other men but in the heat she knew was only him. “I keep telling everyone I’m not the nice one. That’s Matt and now Justin. I’m going to say any crude thing that comes to mind as I pound into that pussy of yours, and we’re both going to like it. Then when we’re sated a long, long time from now, I’ll say the sweet words we both mean, and I’m not letting you go.” Even as he said it, he moved to the other side of the room, leaving space that seemed to go on forever.

“I love you, Brayden.” She needed to say it now before he went dark and she let him fade away. She needed to make sure he knew as much as she needed to remember it.

He smiled, happiness edging out the darkness that came with his demands. “I love you, too, Ally-mine. Now I’m going to strip you down, inch by inch, then taste you.”

She shivered at his words and spread her arms, ready. He prowled toward her. There was no other word for it. He moved smoothly, graceful as a cat as he came to her and tugged on her shirt. She raised her arms as he slid it over her head. The room was heated so she knew the goose bumps that rose on her flesh weren’t from the cold, but from his nearness.

He traced her arms, even as his breath caught when his gaze reached her breasts, full but not as high as they’d been before three kids. She knew he could see the slight stretch marks on her stomach and hips, but she didn’t care. Not with the way he looked at her now.

Brayden’s fingertips slid across her raised marks and smiled. “You’re beautiful.”

“You’re full of it.”

He shook his head then knelt before her, his lips coming in contact with her stomach, stretch marks and all. “What do women call these?” he murmured. “Oh yeah, badges of honor. You got these from bringing three of the best kids a man could ask for into this world. They’re a part of you, so they make you beautiful.”

Touched, she ran a hand through his hair.

He looked up and narrowed his eyes. “What did I say about touching?” he said as he nipped at her then roughly stripped her out of her jeans. She reached behind her to grip the armchair so she wouldn’t fall. She knew better than to touch him now.

And, oh, God, she loved it.

Without words, he kissed down her belly, her legs, tracing his tongue along the seam of her panties, licking just beneath the edge.

She rubbed her legs together, needing him to touch her clit and make her come. She’d never had a man do that for her. Only her own hand had ever brought her to that point. But she had a feeling Brayden would know exactly what to do.

He pulled her legs apart then, still knelling before her as she stood in her bra and panties. He pressed his face against her core and nibbled at her through the cloth, and her body shuddered.

Damn, this man was so hot.

And he was hers.

She could scarcely believe it.

Before she could think more, he gripped her panties and tugged hard, the elastic ripping.


“Shh,” he said as he threw the tattered remains of her underwear across the room and bared her pussy to his face. He slid his fingers through the curls, and she blushed.

She should have shaved for him, but for some reason, she didn’t care right now, needing him to touch her more.

“You’re beautiful.”

Allison shook her head. “Not really, I’ve gone through three births, Brayden. I’m…I’m different.”

“You’re mine,” he growled. He spread her lower lips, leaning in and nipping here and there. She leaned back until her bottom touched the chair. “Sit, Ally. Let me taste you.”

She blushed again but did as she was told. When she sat, he scooted closer and spread her legs, leaving her bare to him. He blew cold air against her heat, sending shivers down her spine.

“Brayden, please.”

“Oh, I will, Ally-mine. I will.” He traced his finger along her swollenness then circled her clit but didn’t press.


His finger continued its path until he entered her and curled his finger, finding that one place she didn’t think existed.


He smiled then leaned down, letting his tongue continue the exploration his finger had just finished as he let another finger join the first. He licked and sucked on her clit, her body heating and rolling, and she was sure her pussy was wetter than it had ever been. He pumped into her, adding a third, a fourth finger, then he bit down, and she came. Hard.

She bucked against his face as he kept moving, bringing more out of her. Allison laid her head against the back of the chair, flushed, and still needy for him. She’d never come that hard before, not even with her own hand.

“Can I touch you now?”

Whose deep, sultry voice was that? Surely not hers.

“Let me play with those breasts of yours, taste each nipple until they’re red and ready to be plucked, then you can touch me.”

Jesus, this man would be the death of her. But, oh, God, what a way to go.

Brayden stood up and unclasped the back of her bra, her breasts falling, heavy, ready.

“They’re not as high as they used to be…” She bit her lip, ashamed she wasn’t the perky twenty-year-old he could have had.

He shook his head. “Get it through that head of yours, Ally-mine. I love you, every inch of you. These breasts are perfect.” He lifted one in each hand and brought them to his mouth one by one. His tongue circled her nipple, and she felt herself get wet all over again as her pussy throbbed right along with her breasts. “These breasts taste like perfection, Ally-mine. They’re you, so they’re everything I need. Okay, baby?”

She looked into his gaze and nodded. He wasn’t saying pretty words so he could have her. No, he said what he meant, and she loved him all the more for it.

“Okay, but can I touch you now?”

He laughed then rolled her nipple in his fingers, harder than she was used to, but she liked it. The slight pain sent tingles down her body, and she arched into him. Brayden was different but hers, and she wanted what he did…at least for the moment.

She gasped as he bit down on her nipple.

“Stop thinking, Ally-mine. Just feel.”

She smiled down at him, liking his pet name for her and how he saw through her.

He sucked on her breasts again as his hand slid down her belly and found her clit. He tweaked and played with her, knowing exactly how to press into her until she came, biting his shoulder so she didn’t scream his name and wake the children.

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