Read Help Wanted Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Help Wanted (16 page)

“Do you want me to stop?” he questioned while he brushed his erection against her back. It felt thick, hard and ready to go.  Why was he torturing her like this?

“No! Don’t stop! Please…don’t,” she cried as Jim sped up the movements of his fingers.

The water continued to pour around them, but Keira blocked out everything except Jim’s hands and what they were doing to her body. Shit! Her hair was going to be a mess in the morning because she wasn’t wearing a shower cap, but it was a price she would gladly pay to keep Jim where he was

“How about we get out of this cold shower?” Reaching past her, Jim turned off the water and removed his fingers from her body. Seconds later, the glass door was pushed open. Jim stepped out and picked her up into his arms.

The trip to her bedroom took less than a minute. Placing her near the middle of the bed, Jim grabbed her by the ankles and moved her down until her ass was almost hanging off the edge.

“Remember you can’t come.” That was the only warning she got before Jim dropped to his knees, spread her legs wide and ran his thick, rough tongue against her wet core.

Keira nearly came on the spot. The wild emotions Jim was causing in her body scared the hell out of her. She had to make him stop.

“You have to…” Lifting her hand, she weakly pushed at his shoulder only to have her hand brushed away.

“Baby, I’ll tell you when I’m ready to stop. Let me finish. Let me make you feel good, Keira.” Opening his mouth even wider, Jim lapped up even more of her juices into his mouth.

She needed to come so badly.  It was driving her crazy to hold back this long. Jim actually couldn’t think she would be able to hold off much longer. What had she done to Jim for him to treat her like this?

Her heart raced when Jim moved away from her body and then repositioned her back in the middle of the bed. She couldn’t look away from how the sweat mingled with the water from the shower made his body seem hotter, sexier and he was all hers─to love.

Whoa! Jim wasn’t in love with her and she didn’t have those feelings for him either. They were only enjoying each other’s company with some hot sex added in to the mix. She pushed the wayward thought from her mind as she gave her attention back to the man standing between her legs.

Jim quickly covered her waiting body with his placing the head of his cock at her wet core. “Keira, you belong to me in and out of the bedroom.  Do you understand me?”

“I belong to no one, but myself.”

“You’re wrong.” Jim worked more of his cock into her body. It felt like he was touching her womb and he wasn’t all the way in yet. “You’re mine. I won’t and don’t share.” Leaning forward, he nibbled at her bottom lip thrusting inside of her the last few inches.

She felt the heady, drugging awareness of his lips against her skin. Moving down he kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat.

“Tell me what I want to hear,” he demanded against her damp skin.

“I belong to myself,” Keira whimpered as Jim flexed his hips driving his cock deeper into her.

“Wrong answer, sweetheart.”

Grabbing her wrists, he tugged them above her head and held them there with one of his hands. His free hand moved down to play with her swollen nipples that had been begging for his attention all night.

“I love your nipples. They remind me of ripe blackberries. I could suck at them for the rest of the night until early in the morning.”

With each stroke of Jim’s cock, Keira sensed she was losing a part of herself to him. He was playing her body like a well-tuned instrument.

Keira mewled in the back of her throat when Jim gave her nipple a small bite before moving over to her right breast. She wasn’t going to last much longer.  With each movement of his hips, Jim was driving her closer and closer to the edge of her orgasms.

“Can I come now?”

Please let him say yes!

“Do you belong to me?” Jim stilled his actions suddenly shocking the hell out of her.

“What…are you doing?” Keira practically cried the words.

“Stopping until I get the answer I want to hear and it better be the right one,” he warned gently.

Damn him and his need to control everything!

“You…I belong to you.”

Without a single warning, Jim pulled out of her until only the thick head was left before thrust back deeply and completely inside of her.

“Come for me…Keira.  Do it now!”

No more encouragement was needed as she came long and hard screaming Jim’s name as her orgasms raced through her making everything around her disappear into the background. Jim wiped every ounce of strength from her body and all she could do was close her eyes and fight off sleep. Hell, she had just come down from the best earth-shattering release in her adult life.

When Jim was sure Keira had got what she needed, he grasped her hips riding her and pushing her body to the limits again. “Yes…Shit…Yes!” He screamed as he continued to pump into her wet core.  He let go of her wrists to grab her waist instead. The bed creaked from the pounding it was getting from their lovemaking and the sound was turning her back on.

With a loud growl, he tossed his head causing the ends of his hair to brush over them as his orgasm rocketed through his entire body almost causing him to black out from the sheer pleasure of it. He  collapsed on Keira’s soft body after it was over.

  Keira felt her breasts crushed against the hardness of Jim’s hard chest. Skin to skin, they were like one person. Closing her eyes, she tried to relax as Jim separated their bodies and fell on the bed next to her. Her skin still prickled with heat even after their love making was over. Keira vaguely sensed Jim covering their drenched bodies with a light sheet, kissing her on the forehead and pulling her exhausted body close to his before drifting off to sleep.



Chapter Thirty-Four

“You let me die,” the man yelled at her. “You were supposed to save me but you didn’t!” He took a step towards her with this crazed look in his light blue eyes.

“I’m so sorry. I should have helped you,” Keira cried as the man ran up to her.  He grabbed her by the arms and shook her so hard that her teeth rattled. “Damn you! I had a family to get back to. You should have died instead of me!”

“Stop…” Keira yelled, shoving at the man, but he wouldn’t stop shaking her. “Let go of me!”

“Not until you admit what you did,” he threatened shaking her harder than the first time.

“Leave me alone!” Keira was totally lost in the nightmare completely and utterly caught up with fighting the man who had been haunting her subconscious for months. The more he touched her the more she tried to get away from his touch, but he wasn’t going away no matter how she prayed for him too.


* * * *


 “Keira, wake up!” Jim yelled shaking her for the fourth time. He’d been sound asleep until he got awakened by her frightened screams. He never thought after the surprise shower and outstanding sex they shared Keira would have a nightmare screaming and yelling about the plane crash.  As long as he lived he would never forget the first scream that shook him from his sleep.

“Baby…wake up!”

“No!” Keira hollered sitting straight up in bed with a wild-eyed look, shaking with sweat pouring down her beautiful face. “What happened?”

“You were having a bad dream about the plane crash,” Jim pulled Keira against his chest and rubbed his hand down her damp back. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I can’t…I won’t.” Keira tried to move out of his arms, but he tightened his grip. He didn’t have a clue Keira was being so tormented by what happened to her. She couldn’t keep this all bottled up inside for much longer.

She needed to talk to someone. Maybe he could get the ball rolling first and then find a professional for her to see. The thought of his woman being so terrified made him sick and angry all at once. He would be able to fight a man if he was physically harming her, but he couldn’t fight the nightmares running around in her head.

“Keira, please open up to me.  It tore at my heart to see you so upset and I couldn’t do anything to help you because it’s in your mind. Let me in,” Jim asked, softly.

“I’m not used to depending on someone else for support,” she confessed. “I usually bounce back from things pretty quickly, but not this. It’s horrible and painful how the crash is staying with me. I should have died with everyone else, but I was spared for some reason.”

“You went through a traumatic experience, some of it’s bound to stay with you; however, you can’t let it eat you up from the inside. That’s the worst thing you can do.”

Unable to take what Jim was telling her, Keira shoved him away and got out of the bed. Picking his t-shirt off the floor, she pulled it on covering herself. “You aren’t getting it,” she said as she paced in front of the bed. “I have tried to get over it, but I can’t. It’s burned into my memory forever.

“Do you know that for a month after the crash while I was in the hospital I would scream in my sleep ‘Grab your ankles’, or something else my flight attendant training taught me? I was in really bad shape.”

“Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell Charisma about this?” Jim asked.

“How could I burden my best friend with this after she went through such a difficult pregnancy and labor with the baby? I wasn’t about to be so selfish. My problems were nothing compared to hers.”

“You know Charisma would have helped you the best way she could. The two of you have been friends since college and a friendship like that can hold up through anything. You and Charisma are more like sisters instead of best friends.”

Keira wasn’t going to do what Jim was pushing her to do, so she wished that he would stop pressing her. This was her life and no one else’s.

“Death is a hard thing to swallow in general, but when you’re the only survivor on a plane full of people it becomes ten times worse. Do you know that I keep having recurring dreams about the same man?  He continues to die and each way gets more painful. The one I had last week showed him with no limbs. How could he save himself without those?” Keira waved her arms in the air. The longer Keira spoke about the crash the worst Jim felt. He had thought so many bad things about her when they first met and a few more after she gave him so much trouble about her father’s shop, but that entire attitude was hiding so much pain. Pain that he vowed to take away if it was the last thing he would do. Keira didn’t deserve to be carrying this weight around on her small shoulders.

“I can’t talk about this anymore,” Keira said. She stopped pacing and stood at the foot of the bed looking worn down and stunning all at the same time.

“Baby, you have to unburden yourself. Is there more you aren’t telling me?”

Of course there was more, yet she wasn’t going to tell Jim the worst of it. He may not love or care about her, but this confession would make him hate her. It was better left unsaid and in the back of her mind.

“Keira, I asked you a question.”

“Yes, there is something else. I can promise you that if you hear this you will walk out of my door and never set foot in my house again.”

“Sweetheart, I’m older than you and have lived through some horrible things that none of the guys know about.  I’m positive whatever secret you’re holding in about the crash won’t scare me away from you.”

She hadn’t realized what a powerful opponent she had chosen to discuss the plane crash with. She couldn’t deny the truth any longer. She was falling in love with Jim and she didn’t know when those emotions had wormed their way into her heart.

Would she be able to handle it if Jim did walk out after he found out the truth? Quickly, she banished the thought from her mind. There wasn’t time for such thoughts. She could think about them later if Jim did run after her confession.

Wiping her sweaty palms on Jim’s shirt, Keira calmed her nerves while she got her thoughts together. “I haven’t been completely honest about the plane crash,” she confessed, softly.

“What have you lied about?”

“The man didn’t happen to go over the cliff. I let him fall.”



Chapter Thirty-Five

Pensively, Keira looked at Jim from her position at the foot of the bed. She began to wonder if she should feel some guilt from the relief she felt for telling someone about what really happened with the plane crash.

The event had been holding her down for so long that she never thought she ever would be able to confess to anyone about what she had done. She would understand if Jim got dressed and ran from the room like the hounds of hell were after him.

She was curious that the calm expression on Jim’s face hadn’t changed since she’d spoken her deepest secret. It was almost like he hadn’t heard her or he was in total shock that he had been sleeping with a murderer.

“Did you hear what I just told you?” Keira asked.

“Yes, I heard every single word that came out of your mouth, but I know you don’t expect me to believe you killed a man in cold blood because I won’t. So, why not tell me all of the events on the plane leading up to the crash?” Jim patted the spot on the bed next to him.

Keira got back on the bed and tucked her legs at the side so she was facing Jim. How could she penetrate the deliberate confusion Jim was trying to give to her? Taking a deep breath, she had to fight her own battle of personal demons not to freak out while telling the story.

“Everything was going perfect that day from arriving at the airport early, checking our emergency equipment and catering supplies. The greeting of the passengers went the smoothest it had gone in months. Even the first class passengers weren’t throwing a fit if their wait was a little longer than usual.

“See, usually there is one person, maybe two, that want their stuff and they won’t stop bothering you until it’s up to standard for them. None of that occurred the day of the crash and should have been a warning sign to all of us.

“While the other flight attendants were making sure the overhead bins were secure and helping out anyone who might be having a problem, I was doing a second passenger count. Some companies don’t require it anymore, but the pilots still like it so I did it. After all of the overhead bins were shut and the passengers were seated, the flight was ready for departure.

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