Read Hell Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Hell (12 page)

Chapter 22

I was done pussyfooting around our mutual attraction.

If Janelle wanted to hide behind her title—that was on her—but I’d be damned if we continued down the path we’d been on. It was no secret to anyone that knew us that I wanted her as my own. My love for her was written in everything I did.

Closeness; that’s all I yearned for. Intimacy. In everything we did, but most of all physically. To be buried balls deep in her and hear her sweet mouth whisper my name while I brought her to the edge of pain and into the abyss of pleasure.

Our juices combined, running down my cock and to my heavy balls. Us. A heady scent heightened by her soft mewls and whimpers for more.

“Fuck.” I was hard again. Reaching down, I adjusted my cock from the painful position it was in. Sweet relief, albeit brief. This is what she’d reduced me to: a man crazed and to the point of begging.
Get ahold of yourself.

The last thing I needed as I headed down and into the office to collect my check was for her to see me this way. Especially since I was hoping to catch her alone and pick up where we both had left off.

To tell her that I’d missed us and loved her.

Getting off the elevator, I spotted Kevin right away, standing in position as a guard dog would, as a lookout. His eyes widened a bit when he saw me. I saw his lips move but couldn’t read what they’d said.

What the fuck is he doing?

Fidgeting from foot to foot, he watched me approach, sweat forming on his brow.

“What’s up, bro.” Pretending nothing was wrong, I extended a hand and shook his sweaty one. “Are we hitting up the Ale House tonight?”

He wrung his hands in front of himself. “Nope. Sorry. Can’t…yeah, I have something to do.” So he was avoiding me as well. Okay. This had been our thing for the last few months. After work every Friday, we hit the bar down by Semoran and had a few beers while unwinding from the frantic week.

I called bullshit.

Arching a brow, I asked, “What are you doing?”

“Promised the wife we’d hit Maggiano’s tonight.” And I still sucked my thumb.

“Isn’t she out of town?” He frowned, but nodded. “Give me your next excuse.”

“They’re coming to shampoo my carpets?” This was said as a question.

“Really?” I added incredulously.

“Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s been complaining about a nasty wine stain, and I want to surprise her when she gets back.”

“How nice of you.”

“Plus, I need to wash my hair.” Okay. That last one cracked me the fuck up. What do people take me for? An idiot?

I might be one for her in the sense of emotions, but I was not blind.

“Have fun doing…” I waved my hand toward his low fade “…that. If you had lice, all you had to do was say so.” With that, I pushed past him and inside the portable unit only to find it empty, her computer turned off and the stack of prints usually occupying more than half of the space was gone.

She’d left.

Fuck the check. Janelle had left.

Had she realized I wasn’t what she wanted?

“Son of a bitch!” I bellowed into the empty room, kicking the small trash can next to me across the room. “Where the hell is she, Kevin?”

“Janelle left an hour ago. Said she had another place to be and told me to hand you this.” He held his hand out— a small white envelope inside—with my check. Fuck.

“I’m done, Kevin. Done,” I muttered tiredly. There were no fucks left in me to give when it came to her. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I let out a long sigh. “I won’t bother her again. You can deliver that message…I’m sure your nosy ass doesn’t mind.” Snatching the envelope, I made a move to push past him, but he held his hands up to stop me.

“It’s not like that. Just…fuck! I told her not to handle things this way. That’d you notice and think the worst.”

“Too late. Don’t give a fuck anymore.” She wanted her space? Well, now she had it in spades. “Move.”

“Give her a few days,” he pled on her behalf.

“For what?” I yelled out, and he flinched. “So that she can continue playing with my dick? No thank you.”

“Just trust me.”

A loud, boisterous laugh escaped me at his words before the fury hit. “Been there, done that.” That had been my biggest mistake. I’d let her in. “When I first came here, I trusted you. Convinced myself after we spoke that she was worth pursuing. Loving.”

“You really do love her?” His cocky smile only served to irritate me, my fists clenched at my sides. Fingernails digging into my palms, I didn’t want to knock him on his ass. It was his insistence that pulled us closer. Made me think she was different.

Or maybe I’m just mad at myself.

“Fuck this.” Storming past him, I walked toward my truck without looking back. “I’m an idiot. Fucking knew better.”

Women were nothing but headaches.

No. Janelle was worse than that. She was fire.

Flowed through my veins and destroyed my soul with each caress. With a few kisses and touches, she’d managed to break down my every wall. Left me defenseless against her.

I let her see the real me.

The dark within my soul and the heartache I carried over from my mother’s death. The stolen moments I shared, escaping my solitude in faceless women.

Janelle saw me, but it wasn’t enough. I was not enough.

Now I saw this for all it ever was. A game. There was never a moment where she was truly mine, and that burned deeper than any torture the fiery pits of hell could unleash on me.

Fucking pissed, I jumped into my all-black Ford F-250 and made my way home. Big mistake, since it was the middle of rush hour. Traffic was a bit horrendous, and I was hungry—in need of a beer and in no mood to stop at the Publix a few blocks down.

Spotting my favorite hole-in-the-wall Mexican place up the street, I pulled into the semi full lot and parked. The smells from inside hit before I was even by the door and my stomach rumbled; this place made the best tortas in town.

I placed my usual order and had a beer while I waited, my fingers drumming against the wooden tabletop. Not knowing what the next few hours would bring had me on edge, unnerved me.

Truthfully, I was expecting my phone to ring at any moment. Her angry voice on the other end telling me she didn’t feel the same. For a man angry and in love, it was a bad combination.

My mind kept repeating that thought over and over in my head.

One beer turned to two, which quickly became five.

“Fuck her.” I was ready to face anything thrown my way. I hoped.

Arriving at the condominium was both bittersweet and nerve wracking.

My boots came off by the front door, the loud thunk of them hitting the floor making my chest constrict. She hated the way I’d come home and just toss them anywhere. Muddy tracks and dust dirtying up her floor—too many fights and make-up sex had rid me of the bad habit.

Rubbing my chest, I thought back to our last argument. Harsh words were said, claims I didn’t understand.

“I feel like your goddamned maid, Joshua! Fucking tired of not being an equal in this relationship.”

How many times did I blow her off and claim she was on her monthly?

And now I missed those arguments. Silly, small, and annoying, but she and I were together and happy.

“Can’t continue on like this.”

There was a sudden noise in the kitchen and I startled, brought back from dark thoughts and into the present. No one but me had been here for the past two weeks.

Walking toward the noise, I grabbed the baseball bat I never put away. “Who’s there?” I called out. To be honest, I was praying someone was stupid enough to break into my home. Give me a reason to let out all the anger and hurt I held inside.

Her giggle gave her away. “About time you showed up, Yoshi,” Janelle chastised me with a playful look in her eyes. “Took you long enough.”

My greedy eyes took her in—no makeup, one of my white tank tops, and a cheeky pair of ruffled red panties on—my girl was a vision. She was home, and I missed her.

“Sorry to disappoint, sweetheart. Won’t happen again.”

“Good boy,” Janelle snipped, sweet little smile on her lips. I wanted to bite that bottom lip.

“Not that I’m not pleased to see you, but what’s going on, Janelle?”

“We need to talk, Joshua.” Not Yoshi, but Joshua. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and I was back to being nervous. A man in love was a pussy for his woman—there was no other way to explain it.

We’d kill for them if the need ever arose, but with them, we were docile. Having them happy became the focus of each day. To love them with everything you had and fuck them even harder. Let her feel you for days after—know that it was your cock that brought her pleasure.

Anyone who said otherwise was full of shit and in denial.

I couldn’t lose her again.

“You win.” The words left my lips before I could process what I truly wanted to say. They were true nonetheless. My truth.

“What?” she asked, perplexed.

Taking a few steps closer, I stopped in front of her. “You win,” I repeated. “Just don’t leave.”

Janelle grabbed my large hands in hers and squeezed them. “Baby, what are you talking about? I’m not leaving.”

“I was wrong to take you for granted.” There was so much to say, and I needed to get it all off my chest. “For not helping around the house or picking up after myself. You run a company with little to no help, never complaining, and always doing so much for everyone.” One tug from our joined hands, and she was in my arms. “You take of care me; I should have done the same. Should’ve loved you harder and not demanded something you weren’t ready to do.”

Big fat tears ran down her cheeks as I poured my heart out to her. “Joshua, I—”

“Shh.” I placed my finger over her lips to silence her. “Let me finish.” She nodded. “I love you, baby. So fucking much that the thought of losing you is tearing me apart—there’s no fucking me without you.” A harsh shudder ran down her body, rattling us both. “And I am most sorry for pushing you to the point where you had to leave our home.”

“I love you too,” she whispered through a sob. “Didn’t want to leave.”

Letting out a deep breath, I found the resolve to put it all out on the table. “Can I tell you the truth?”


“I miss your cold feet at night searching out mine for warmth. Miss the fact that you snore softly, but always claim it is me who sounds like a lawnmower.” She giggled and continued to wipe her eyes. “Hate not seeing the coffee table littered with your obnoxious magazines, and I even miss those stupid quizzes you insist we take.”

Kissing her on the lips once, twice, I pulled back and fell down on one knee. “But most of all, all I need is you. Sweetheart, will you marry me?” She let out a soft gasp and fell down to her knees. Her eyes locked with mine, searching for the tiniest hint of doubt. She would find none.

“I’m sorry I didn’t give you the one thing you wanted,” she began crying lowly. “That I hid the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Yes,” she sniffed. It felt like a whispered plea for this to be true. “God, yes.”

My hands trembled—shook as I pulled out the diamond ring I’d been carrying around in my back pocket for the last week. It’d been there as a reminder of what I felt for her as I searched for the right time to ask her to be mine again.

Chapter 23

Our lips met in an earth-shattering kiss.

We were frantic as we removed each other’s clothes, the need to reconnect after the last week overwhelming. We would savor our newly acquired engagement our way.

My teeth bit her plump bottom lip, and she hissed. I missed this. Us. Her taste. The smell of her skin.

“Need you,” Janelle moaned out, her nimble fingers pushing my shirt over my head and tossing it somewhere behind me. We were all lips, tongues, and teeth while we explored.

“Let me feel you.” Trailing my lips down her throat, I savored her. Leaving open-mouthed kisses down the graceful column of her neck and down toward the very edge of my tank. It was at that moment that I realized Janelle wasn’t wearing a bra.

Nipples hard and tight, they pressed against the thin fabric. Looking down at her, the sight of her panting and skin flushed made me lose control. Taking ahold of the shirt’s neckline, I ripped it down the center and away from her body.

My mouth watered at the sight. I needed to be in her now.

“Fuck me, Joshua. Please, baby. Just fuck me,” Janelle begged, and I complied. Biting the tip of her hardened nipple, I added just enough pressure to lightly sting before soothing the tender flesh with a few quick soft strokes of my tongue. “More.”

“Just feel me.” Skimming my lips across her chest, I took in her other one between my lips and pulled. Her back arched, pushing her breast against my face. I chuckled at her impatience. “No rush, sweetheart. I want to enjoy you.”

“Please,” she begged again in that tone that drove me wild. Crazed. “We can do slow, later. Fuck. Me.”

“Impatient little thing,” I growled before nipping the underside of her right breast.

“Shit!” she screamed, hips rocking into mine. “Only when it comes to you, Joshua. Need to feel you.”

“Did you miss my cock?” Following the path down her chest, I nuzzled her flat midsection before placing three chaste kisses around her belly button. “The way I fuck you? Eat you? Make you my woman?”


“Fucking answer me!” Lower, my tongue traced the skin right above the edge of her red cheeky underwear. “Tell me what you missed most.”

“You…I fucking missed you!” Janelle hissed out from between clenched teeth as my tongue dipped under the soft fabric and nipped the skin there. From one hip bone to the other, little indents of my teeth marred her flesh. The sight was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

“Right answer.”

Slender fingers embedded themselves into my hair, pushing me closer. Lower. Where she needed me.

With both hands, I took ahold of her narrow waist, holding her still so I could rub my nose against her swollen clit. It trembled beneath my touch.

“I can smell you.” Her wetness seeped through, leaving a small trail down my mouth. Licking my lips, I fucking groaned at the taste of her. This was something else I’d missed.

I ran the tip of my nose against her once more, pushing the material against her heated flesh. She squirmed, tried to move her hips, but I wouldn’t let her. We were going to do this my way.

Pressing my mouth against her clit, I kissed the trembling bundle of nerves before pulling it into my mouth. Sucked her—fucking made her scream.

“Baby,” Janelle whimpered, hands on her tits, pulling on her sensitive nipples harshly. The same way I’d do it for her. Her stomach muscles tightened and she took in a shuddering breath. “Need…”

Before she could finish her sentence, I bit her mound right above her clit and stood up. She stumbled back a bit, but I had a firm hold on her and kept her body upright. Once steady, I reached around and grabbed her ass, fingers digging into her flesh while she pushed her tiny hips against mine.

“These new?” She nodded while I caressed the sad excuse for fabric she called panties. “Like ‘em.” With one hand I fisted the material and pulled; the fabric stretching. You could hear the seams tearing, digging against her pussy lips while I ruined them.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped.

I kissed her lips softly. “But I’d love them even more…”

“What?” Janelle panted against me, her mouth frantic against my own.

“Off.” One last harsh tug and they were in my hand, torn down the side. I palmed her, running my fingers through her drenched lips to soothe the sting of the torn material. “Better?”

She nodded, but then looked at me with fire in her eyes. I’d seen that same look many times before over the last few months; she was done being toyed with. I was going to enjoy every minute of her annoyance with me.

“My turn.” Janelle pushed my hand away, taking a step back and let her eyes roam over me. “Lose the pants, babe.”

Amusing her, I pulled each button of my fly out in slow motion—enjoying the look of pure lust in her eyes as my cock came into view. Swollen. Tip leaking. All for her.

“Can I cash in on that kiss now?” I asked, hand on cock. Two strokes down, her eyes followed my every move, licking her lips while I gave myself a tiny bit of relief. “Or do you want to watch?”

Her honey-colored eyes snapped up and met mine. “Not this time.” Janelle stepped closer, reached out with one hand and tugged me down to her level. Hovering over my lips. “This time I want to wrap my lips around you…feel your heaviness on my tongue.”

A shiver of anticipation ran up my spine. “Then what the fuck are you waiting for? Suck my dick.”

She wrapped a delicate, small hand around my shaft; it barely reached all the way around. Pumped me once, twice, and then a third time in slow motion. Her thumb swiping over the angry head on each upward pass, collecting my pre-come that seeped out. Eyes locked on mine, she released me for a quick second and licked the palm of her hand.

“Fuck, that’s sexy,” I rasped just as she fisted me again, tighter this time.

“I want to hear you, Joshua. Fuck my mouth and show me what only I can do to you.” How could such a pretty little mouth say such dirty things? “The grunts of pleasure that are all mine.”

“On your knees and open up.” It wasn’t a plea, but a command. A demand she complied to, body lowered and mouth opened. Those eyes of her staring at me with a combination of both mischief and lust.

She shifted a little, and I noticed her rubbing those thick thighs of hers together—tilting her pelvis up with each move. Searching for a bit of relief. Bending over her body, I ran my hand down her plump ass before delivering three quick smacks to her cheeks. The flesh jiggled while my girl groaned.

Hungry for my cock, she licked me from base to tip. Swirled her tongue over the underside and followed the path up toward the leaking slit on the head.

“Taste so good,” she hummed and flicked her tiny pink tongue out, licking up the pre-come that was there. “More.”

With a hand fisted in her soft black hair, I pulled her head back and stared her down. “Don’t move,” I told her before tapping the head of my dick against her tongue—watched as a drop dribbled out and down her lip. “So pretty. My perfect little cock whore. Worship me, baby.”

Janelle savored me. Wrapped those plump lips around my shaft and bobbed her head up and down rapidly. Almost all the way down, she stopped just a few inches before she could nuzzle the base.

My knees felt weak and my stomach muscles clenched at the feel of her—the sight of her eyes staring into mine. Pulling my cock out, she teased the swollen head with open-mouthed kisses along the slit and underside.

“Love you on my tongue,” she growled before taking me in deeper. It was too fucking much and I was panting. So close, but I refused to come anywhere but inside my girl.

“Love the way you suck,” I grunted, rubbing just the tip over her plump lips, spreading my juices over them. “Open one more time, sweetheart.” And then I slid just the head in, letting her warm breath wash over me. “Shit, that feels good.”

“Come for me.” Another flick of her tongue.

“Fuck, no. When I come, it’ll be inside your pussy.” Grasping her arms in my hands, I turned her around before she could protest and walked her toward our floor-to-ceiling windows. Open and nothing covering them; she’d be exposed.

Call me a possessive asshole, I gave no fucks. I wanted the world to know it was my cock that made her cry out in pleasure.

Janelle’s ass was to my front, our reflections staring back us.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pinned her against the glass. Cold glass pressing against her tender nipples, her ring on proud display as she used the window to push back against me.

“Let me fuck you like this.” I ran the tip of my cock between her wet lips. Back and forth, teasing her.

“Please,” she whimpered, gyrating against me. Searching for more of me.

“Hold on.” It was all the warning I gave before I entered her in one swift move. To the hilt, her ass flush with my hips. “Motherfuck…missed this. Never again. Do you hear me?” I wrapped her hair in my fist and pulled back, placing my lips next to her ear. “Never. Again.”

“Promise.” Turning her head, I kissed her tenderly. Showed her all my love.

“I love you.”

“Love you too. Now fuck me.” With a nip to that sassy mouth, I pulled out only to slam back in. The one hand on her hip held her in place, no matter how much she tried to push back against me. Only when she stopped did I give her what she wanted: a hard fuck.

My hips moved in and out harshly; skin slapped, and the sound was loud inside our apartment. I kissed the mark I’d left on her a day ago and then the companion right next to it, and she sighed. That sigh turned into a loud moan the second my finger reached around and circled her clit.

Tight little touches that I alternated between small smacks against the sensitive bundle of nerves.

“Oh God, yes!” Janelle screamed, her finger nails digging into my forearm.

“Squeeze me again…like that. Shit, yeah,” I snarled and bent my knees a tiny bit to change the angle. I knew the moment I’d found her spot. The one that made her lose touch with reality every time I fucked her. “So wet, baby. You’re dripping down to my balls. Are you coming for me?”

“So close.”

“I want to fuck this sweet pussy for the rest of my life, Janelle. Wake up to your sweet lips wrapped around my dick…” her body trembled in my arms, walls tightening around my girth “…and eat you every night for dessert.”

“Shit!” With both hands, I held onto her hips and rode her hard. Grunts and groans mixing, her walls holding onto me tightly while she milked my cock. Bringing me right over the edge with her.

“Oh my God!” Janelle cried out, thrashing against me while I pumped in and out of her slowly, prolonging our pleasure. “Love you so much.”

“Love you.” My legs gave out as the last stream of come coated her walls. Slowly, I lowered us to the carpeted floor and pulled her sweaty body over my own. I needed to feel her warmth—reconnect after so many days apart.

It took a few minutes for our breathing to regulate, but in the meantime, I kissed every inch of her skin I could. Ran my fingertips up and down her spine; enjoying the soft sighs that escaped her until she became fidgety.


“Hey, look at me.” Tilting her chin up with my finger, I waited for our eyes to meet before I spoke again. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

“I have something to tell you, and I don’t know how you are going to react.”

My eyes narrowed and body stiffened. “Does this have something to do with all those ‘appointments’ you had this week?”

“Yeah, but…shit!” Janelle took in a deep breath and let it out. “I’m pregnant.”

“Repeat that, please.” I caged her tiny face in my much larger hands “I need to make sure I heard you right.”

“We’re pregnant.” This time her tone was full of emotion, tears.

“A little you and me?” My smile grew.

“Yeah…we’re going to be a little family of hardheads.” A few tears escaped her then, and I wiped them away. Leaning in, I kissed her with every bit of the love and devotion I had for her. With every bit of me she owned.

“Thank you,” I choked out, my eyes becoming glassy too. “Thank you for giving me a family.” My hands drifted down to caress the flat stomach that would very soon be round with our child. “For loving me.”

That was the last thing I said before carrying her back to our room and making sweet love to the woman who would always be my reason for living.

My heaven.

My hell.

My Janelle.

The End

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