Heat (Parker Reed Book 1) (27 page)

“She needs to get up. She can’t live like this anymore.”

“She needs time.”

“It’s been over a month, Troy. Look at her.”

“Seeing her like this breaks my heart.”

“She loved him.”

“She still loves him.”

I rolled over onto my back and slowly sat up, finding Troy and Patrick standing in my room, their brows furrowed with concern. Troy had a pile of clothes in his hands. He took a tentative step towards me. “You need to get up. You have to go to Reed Industries.”

“Why?” I asked, my voice raw. There was no way Parker would want me near his company. He had made that very clear.

“A woman named Liz keeps calling. She…”


Troy chewed his bottom lip. “She sounds worried. I don’t know, Keely, but something’s going on.”

I shook my head. “What the hell am I supposed to do—”

At that point the phone rang. I reached over and picked up the receiver, grumbling out a hello.

“Keely. Oh thank God.”

“Liz? What’s wrong?” I asked, my heart jumping at the worry in her voice.

“Shit has gone down bad, girl. Parker has been in a rampage since he got back from the cottage. He won’t even tell Aidan what’s going on and he tells him everything. Keely, his reputation is being dragged through the mud.”

“His reputation?” I whispered.

Patrick handed me the newspaper, pointing to an article.

My eyes scanned the words, a soft gasp escaping my lips.


Parker Reed, notorious businessman and multi-millionaire is throwing his company, Reed Industries, down the drain. Resources say that he’s barking out orders and making unnecessary commands, knowing they won’t be met just so he can fire his staff.

Parker Reed, Sr. must be rolling in his grave.


“His dad has nothing to do with this,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, but he left everything to Parker. Even though Parker built this company by himself, his father gave him the start,” Liz said. “Parker may be the owner but he still has men working for him, helping him to control the company, and so on, who were brought to him by his father. From what I understand, he gave his mom instructions to provide him with guidance.”

“So why doesn’t Parker own his father’s business?”

“Because Parker wanted to make a name for himself. He already shares his father’s name, he wanted something else that he could call his own.”

I nodded. “Makes sense. So what do you need me for? Parker made it clear that he doesn’t want to see me again.” I forced back the tears that threatened to escape. Who knew a human body could shed so much water?

Liz sighed. “I don’t know what happened between you two. I’m sorry for whatever it was. But Parker is making some unconventional decisions right now and if he doesn’t get his act together, he won’t have to worry about someone else trying to bring his company down, it’ll be him doing it instead.”

I let out a deep breath. “What do you need?”



It felt like forever since I looked up at the tall powerful building that held Reed Industries. The company held one of the most dominating dark brooding men I had ever met and I’d give anything to go back to that first day. That first touch. The first kiss. I’d tell Parker everything. And if it scared him away? At least he knew the truth. But I couldn’t go back. Live and learn. And I did. I just prayed that I could get Parker to see reason or at least talk to me.

I took a breath and made my way into the large building, not passing a glance to anyone that walked by me. I held my head high, straightening my back and acted all cool and confident when I was really a scared little girl inside.

I could feel all eyes on me. Who was this woman? Why was she here? I held back a smile as I punched the elevator button and waited.

Smoothing my hands down the front of my black dress, I took deep cleansing breaths.

The elevator doors dinged open and I took a step forward before my gaze landed on Parker.



All I could do was stare at the man who changed everything. The man who made me realize that there was more to a relationship than sex. Who made me feel alive just from a soft caress, or a light peck. The man who I truly and utterly loved.

His eyes darkened as they roamed down my body before popping back up to meet mine. “Are you coming, Keely?”

My stomach tumbled at the sound of his smooth deep voice as I finally forced myself to take a step into the elevator.

He punched the button on the panel when the doors closed. “What are you doing here?” he finally asked, leaning against the wall opposite me.

“I’m here to talk to Liz,” I explained, not taking my eyes off of him. It wasn’t the whole truth but it would do. For now.

“That’s all?” he asked, a slight smirk spreading on his beautiful, rugged face. He made a point of slowly licking his bottom lip. That small move sent a shiver racing down my spine. Memories of him touching me, inside of me, all over me, reigned full force into my mind. A slight flush spread over my body and I had to fight with everything in me not to jump into his arms.

“Yes,” I croaked. “That’s all.”

“What do you need to talk to Liz about?” he asked, rubbing his jaw.

“Why do you care?” I shot back.

“She works for me, Keely.” His voice hardened. “I have every right to know why someone who does not work here anymore wants to speak to my staff.”

I tilted my head defiantly and crossed my arms under my chest, mirroring his pose.

He glanced down at the cleavage that peeked through the vee of my dress, his nostrils flaring.

I bit back a smile. I had him right where I wanted him. “Well, Parker. Liz is my friend and I haven’t seen her in quite a while, so we’re going to lunch.”

With quick steps, he closed the distance between us. “You’re lying. Why do you fucking lie to me?” he snarled.

I pushed him back, ignoring the musky scent of him that invaded my nostrils. “It’s what I do. I lie. I cheat. I steal. Or that’s what you accused me of at least.”

He glared, his eyes narrowing. He slapped a button on the wall, making the elevator come to a complete stop.

“What are you doing?” I went to press the button on the same wall when he grabbed my wrist and spun me towards him.

Parker lifted me in his arms and slammed me up against the wall, crashing his lips to mine.

I gasped into his mouth, opening to him and wrapped my legs tight around his waist.

He growled, forcing his tongue inside me and ran his hands up under my dress. Gripping my panties, he tugged them off of me in a smooth move, ripping the fabric from my trembling body.

I moaned, running my fingers over the short dark hair at his nape, scratching with all of my might. This was wrong. So very wrong. But God it felt so good to be touched by him again. I needed it. I needed him more than I ever could have imagined.

“Fuck,” he growled against my lips. “I’ve missed you. So damn much.” Wrapping his hand around my throat, he tilted my head, nipping and sucking at my tongue. “Look at me.”

My eyes fluttered open and I swallowed hard at the cold look in his emerald gaze.

“See what you do to me?” he moaned, grinding his hips against mine. With one hand, he undid his belt and roughly pulled his thick length out of his pants. “You make me lose control, pet.”

In a rough move, he lowered me onto him, igniting a whimper to leave my lips.

“I haven’t thought of anyone else but you.” His grip on my throat tightened as he pumped his length into my aching body.

I cried out, shaking around him at the rough delicious invasion. Digging my heels into his ass, I took him as deep as possible. When he bottomed out in my pussy, I trembled through a fast release, his name leaving my lips on a whisper.

Parker grabbed under my knees, pushed them up to my chest and slammed into me in quick hard moves. “Watch me. Look at my face. Watch what you do to me. You, Keely. I can’t get you out of my head. Out of my dreams. I can’t get your fucking smell off of me,” he said through gritted teeth. His movements bordered on painful, his cock pounding into my throbbing pussy.

My fingers dug into his thick arms as he fucked me hard against the wall of the elevator.

“Come for me. Come all over my dick. Make me smell like you forever,” he demanded.

His words reeled through my mind, tears welling in my eyes at the rough use of my body. “Parker.”

“You’re going to take what I give you, Keely. You like the way I control you. Your dirty little mind needs it.”

I pushed him, struggling out of his grip. “I’m not a whore.”

“No? You just let me fuck you.”

At that point, I slapped him.

A wicked smirk spread on his face and before I knew it, he was on me. His mouth crashed to mine in a bruising kiss. “Turn around and let me fuck that little body like I know you want.”

I did as he said. Because we both knew that we needed it. The connection. The need to feel owned. The pain. Anticipation. The delicious agony of pleasure.

He pushed me face first against the wall, gripping my hair tight in his hands. He thrust into my body so hard, I came instantly.

A growl of satisfaction left him as he pounded into me my waiting heat, lifting me into the air after each move. “You will take my cock like a good girl and then maybe I’ll let you be.”

My body clenched around him, my breathing coming out in short bursts. “I’m not yours.”

He chuckled in my ear. “Yes. You are.”

Parker sped up his hips, slamming into me with so much strength, my muscles burned. I screamed his name as an onslaught of pleasure erupted through my body when he came on a roar.

“Shit.” He shook against me, placing me on my feet. At that moment, he turned me in his arms and gave me a gentle peck on the lips. “I’m sorry.”

My breath wavered and I stepped out of his grasp, smoothing down my dress. “We can’t do this again.”

“You say that and I agree with you but you know that won’t happen if we see each other again.”

I met his gaze. “Then I guess we can never see each other again.”

He searched my face. “Is that what you want?”

“No. It’s what
want, Parker,” I said, hitting the button on the elevator panel.

He came up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Is what you told me true?”

“Which part?” I asked, knowing full well he was referring to when I told him those three little words.

“Do you love me?” he asked softly.

“You know the answer to that, Parker.”

He released me as the doors to the elevator opened. His demeanor was cold once again as he looked down at me. “Thank you for the delicious treat, Miss Price.”

My jaw clenched.

The bastard winked, whistling to himself as he made his way to his office.

I knew it was an act. He was paying me back for hurting him. And although he was being an asshole, my feelings for him would never change. 

Instead of going to see Liz right away, I headed to the bathroom when deep gruff voices caught my attention.

“Does she still work for him?”

I frowned, leaning against the wall. The door to a room was slightly ajar and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop.

“I don’t know. I saw her come into the building today. Do you think she knows?”

“I have no idea. She’s the one that set up the security system. She put a fucking virus into the software.”

My heart raced. Who were these men and how the hell did they know that?

“Devin said that she was a difficult one to train.”

My eyes widened.

“Well when I get my hands on her, she’ll fucking wish she was still with that sadistic bastard.”

A cold shiver ran down my back at the underlying threat. I couldn’t recognize the voices that discussed my wellbeing but if they worked for or with Devin, I knew I was in danger.

“What are you going to do that Devin hasn’t done already?”

“Not let her go for one,” the man growled.

The other man laughed. “Like that’ll happen. Devin said that she’s a handful and do you really wanna mess with the guy’s wife? Besides, he wants her back anyway.”

“He didn’t tell you?”

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