Heat (Parker Reed Book 1) (10 page)

“I was his best friend,” Parker said softly. “I thought I knew him.”

“I thought I knew him, too, until…well…Parker, he was screwed up long before you came around,” I reassured him.

“What are you going to do?” Troy asked me.

I looked up at Parker. “I don’t know.”

He wrapped a hand around the base of my throat, his gaze locking with mine. “Right now I’m going to take care of our girl. I know some people. I’ll see if I can keep tabs on him.”

“Has he contacted you since the letter?” Troy asked me.

“What letter?”

I grabbed the envelope from my purse and handed it to Parker. “The meeting distracted me today so I forgot to tell you about this.”

He raised an eyebrow, as if to say it wasn’t the only thing that distracted me. He pulled out the letter and cursed to himself. “Keely, this isn’t the Devin I knew.”

I scoffed. “Only I knew the real Devin, Parker. He was evil incarnate. You told me I made a deal with the devil when it came to you but Devin? He’s my worst fucking nightmare.” My body shook and I leaned back against the chair, wrapping my hand around Parker’s calf.

“Keely, you need to call the cops,” Troy suggested.

“And tell them what?” I snapped. “That my psycho ex-boyfriend is out of jail and sending me love notes that creep the shit out of me?”

“Hey.” Parker squeezed my shoulder. “Tell me everything. I need to know. Please.”

“Tell him, Keely.”

“Everything Devin told you and bragged about was probably true. I was his toy to play with when he got bored. His pawn to use in his sick game,” I said all in one breath. “I should have gone to the police right away when the abuse started but I didn’t want to go through the trials and shit. So I…” I wrung my hands in my lap and looked away.

“What? What did you do?”

I took a breath. “I set him up.”

“How did you do that?”

“I made it so it looked like he hacked into a government office.” I shrugged. “But what scares me the most is not knowing where he is.” But I sure as hell could feel him. Watching me. Lurking in the dark corners of the city. I knew he would come back for me. It was only a matter of when. But I had no idea that he would find me so quickly.

“Have you seen him?” Parker bit out.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Let me talk to some people.” Parker kissed my forehead. “Please.”

I nodded.

“Well.” Troy rose to his feet and headed into the kitchen. “I know this has turned into a bit of a hot mess but food is ready if you’re hungry.”

Always looking out for me, that guy.

“I enjoy having you kneel at my feet, pet.”

I smiled softly at Parker. “Me too.” It helped me relax. I joined Troy in the kitchen, helping him dish the food that I knew he had worked hard at making.

When I turned around to set up the table, Parker stood in the entrance way.

I closed the distance between us and looked up at him.

He pinched my chin and brushed his mouth along mine in a slow tender caress. That touch spoke more words than either of us could have said. His eyes shone, twinkling with something deeper than I ever could imagine. I didn’t know what these new feelings were but I knew that he felt them too.

“I will break you.”

A part of me looked forward to it.



“Troy, have you ever thought of becoming a cook?” Parker asked between bites.

Troy’s cheeks reddened. “No. I just do it for fun.”

“He’s too modest to become a professional cook,” I pointed out, sitting back in my seat, full and satisfied.

“Hmm...I may have to look into hiring you.” Parker moaned after swallowing another bite of pasta.

My stomach fluttered at the deep rumble coming from his chest.
Bad, girl. You have it so bad

“Mr. Sexy, are you flirting with me?” Troy waggled his eyebrows.

Parker choked, bursting into laughter.

I shook my head, a smile splaying across my face. “Leave it to you to lower the tone.”

Troy shrugged, winking at me. “I made him laugh and you smile, didn’t I?” He rose from the table and started clearing the dishes.

I went to help him when he stopped me.

“Go relax. I got this,” he said softly. He nodded towards Parker who stood behind me.

I mouthed thank you and grabbed Parker’s hand, pulling him onto the balcony.

“Thank you for tonight,” he said, wrapping his arms around my middle. His chest to my back sent a warmth over my body, easing the nerves that had made a home in my belly since finding out that Devin was back.

“Thank you.” I rested my head against his shoulder. “Take me out this weekend. To
.” I turned in his arms and leaned against the railing. “Please.”

“Actually, I have a better idea. I have to take a small business trip to New York. Since you are technically my assistant, I’d like for you to come with me.”

I gasped. “Really? To New York?”

He winked and kissed my nose. “Yes, beautiful one. New York. I’ll take you to

“Another club?” I asked, brushing my hands inside his jacket.

He nodded. “Yes. So what do you say? Liz will be coming along, as well as Jones. You’ll also get to meet my security detail, Charlie Brook and Collin Vain. And of course Aidan will be there.”

“The whole big family.” I smiled up at him.

“It’ll help take your mind off of things.” He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

“And yours,” I reminded him.

“And mine. So?”

I wrapped my arms around his hard middle. “Yes. I would love to go. But one thing.”


“Spend the night with me.”

His lips slid down the length of my jaw to my ear. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, pet.”

I shivered at his term of endearment. We headed back into the apartment just as Troy was pulling on his jacket. He looked at Parker. “You staying here? I don’t want to leave Keely alone.”

Parker cupped the back of my neck. “I am. She’s safe.”

“Good.” Troy let out a sigh of relief and pulled me in for a hug. “I love you.”

“Love you too. Have fun.”

He winked. “Oh I will.” He blew me a kiss and left the apartment, the door quietly shutting behind him.



Parker grinned. “I want you naked in the next minute. Spread out on your bed. Open and bare for me.”

My body trembled and I slowly took a step towards my room.

“I was going to be nice and leave you be since you’ve had a hard evening. But I realized that my cock and my touch are the only things that will make you feel better.”

“How so, handsome?” I asked, licking my lips.

He sauntered towards me and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. “I’m going to drive so deep inside of you, all of your nightmares will be replaced with me. All you will think about is me.”

I stood still, waiting for him to pounce as he closed the distance between us. “Parker.”

“Right now, you will call me Sir.”

“Sir,” I purred.

He fisted my hair and captured my mouth in a hard kiss. “Ready for me, pet?”

“Yes.” I needed it. Him. His rough touch. His needy caress. I craved all of him.

“Good girl.” He gave a light swat on my ass igniting a squeal to escape my lips. “Strip.”

I did what he said and for the rest of the night. Over and over again. My voice was raw. My throat achy from over-use. My body felt whole. Elated. And although my worst nightmare had resurfaced, Parker quickly replaced those fears with thoughts of him.



I woke the next morning sore and tingly. Achy and stiff in all the right places. My body felt used, owned. Possessed in a way I never thought was possible. I remembered hearing Troy come in during the early morning sometime but the noise of his drunken stupor was drowned out by my own sounds of passion.

I smiled, happy and elated that even just for a moment, I had forgotten about...everything.

A deep snore sounded beside me and I lifted my head.

The white sheet hung low on Parker’s hips. His strong back rose and fell with each breath. A large tattoo covered his broad shoulders, inching all the way down to his tailbone. The Grim Reaper stared back at me. The tattoo artist did such an amazing job that every time Parker moved, the image flowed in a way like it was dancing.

Tracing my fingers over the intricate design, I kissed Parker’s large bicep, lightly nibbling a path down to his forearm.

He stirred, turning his head to face me and sighed, his eyes remaining closed.

I brushed my fingers through his dark hair while sliding my mouth along his. A soft groan left his lips, rumbling from his chest. I giggled and rolled onto my side, snuggling against him. His heavy arm draped over my middle, holding me tight.

I didn’t know what would come of this. But I did know that I wanted more. I enjoyed Parker’s company. He made me feel wanted. And not used for his pleasure only. He gave and he took. It was equal.

The hairs on my neck tingled and I turned my head.

Parker’s green eyes heated, taking me in.

Although we had spent a couple nights together already, this was different. Our world tilted on its axle, bringing us together. Forcing us to submit in ways we never imagined. Parker loved being in control and I loved watching him break.

He pulled the covers off of me and lifted his head, his gaze roaming down the length of my naked body before popping back to mine.

No words were said as he crawled between my knees, spreading my legs with the rough, delicious force of his hands.

My breathing picked up as I waited in bated anticipation. I allowed myself to break away from his stare and glanced down at his naked body.

His hard length sprung out from between his thighs, the veins thick and throbbing. Parker rested his elbows on either side of me, caging me in.

I lifted my hips, hinting when a questioning glance appeared in his eyes.

No condom. “I’m…I’m clean,” I said softly.

I wanted to feel him. His rigid length. My body rippling over him. I wanted to feel every vein. Every move. Every inch. Every muscle as he powered into me with a force I craved.

Bringing my arms up, I cupped his cheeks, lowering his mouth to mine. Licking between his lips, I controlled the kiss for a moment before he growled and plunged his tongue deep inside of me.

His hand pulled my knee out, opening me to him when he thrust into me so hard, I lost my breath.

A deep snarl sounded from his chest as he pumped slow and deep.

I moaned, arching my hips, taking him to the hilt of my very being.

Scratching my nails down his back, I cupped his ass, digging my fingers into his flesh. I pulled him towards me, meeting him thrust for thrust.

Our gaze locked, our breathing erratic as our movements picked up speed. Every so often he would kiss me, raining small pecks on my face as he made love to my body.

I had never felt so connected to another human being. He was deep. In my body. My soul. My mind. I felt him everywhere.

The scratchy hairs on his legs tickled my skin. He grabbed my hand, linking our fingers and kissed my knuckles when his hips stopped.

“Parker?” I whispered.

He pulled out and flipped me onto my stomach. “Beautiful.”

I gasped when his teeth dug into my ass cheek, his fingers spreading me open.

“I love your body and what it does to me,” he said huskily, sliding back into my heat. “I’ve never been so hard.”

I moaned, clutching the blankets in my hands. “You feel...so good.”

His body covered mine as his thrusts turned powerful. He grunted, fisting my hair and turned my head, capturing my mouth in a hard, bruising kiss. “Coat my dick with your orgasm, pet.”

I spread my legs wider, giving him that extra hint to take me as he wanted. As he needed.

He growled and pushed my head into my pillow, breathing hard against my ear. “You want me to lose it. You want me to fuck you wild.”

“Yes,” I cried. “Oh God, yes.”

His pelvis slammed against my rear, his balls slapping my pussy.

“Harder! Please, Parker.” Things I would normally never demand, came out of my mouth. I never once in my life would think that I would be so open, so comfortable with someone to beg them to take me to new heights. New amounts of pleasure. I was different with him. Changed in a way that excited yet terrified me.

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