Hearts Ablaze (Hearts On Fire Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Hearts Ablaze (Hearts On Fire Series)
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“He ran home with Grayson to change. They were all gross from working all day,” Kennedy announces as she comes out onto the deck, holding up her cell phone with the message from Grayson saying so. She leans down and gives my dad a hug, then sits in the chair next to him.

“Well, okay then.” I sit on the porch stairs and give my dad a smile. It’s so good to see him outside enjoying himself. He’s really pale, and he’s lost a lot of weight, but he’s still the same goofball he’s always been, with the greatest sense of humor and smile.

My mom and Landon come out on the deck, dressed for the party. Mom is in a beautiful blue wrap dress, and Landon changed into a nice pair of slacks with a light blue button-down and a pair of leather flip-flops.

“Kennedy! Would you mind taking a family picture for me before everyone starts arriving?” Mom hands over her digital camera.

“Yeah, of course.” We arrange ourselves on the top porch stairs, Mom and Dad standing behind Landon and me. I loop my arm around my big brother’s waist, smiling widely. He has his arm around my shoulders, squeezing my arm with his hand. Then we all stand together on the lawn in a row, I’m between Mom and Dad with Landon next to Dad. After the pictures are done, I immediately run upstairs to Mom’s office and plug in her digital camera to the printer. I print out a couple copies and slip them into my purse.

As I’m heading back outside, I can hear people starting to gather. I grab my phone out of the small pocket in my dress and notice I have a missed call from Noah. Placing the phone to my ear, I hear his rushed voice mail.

“Hey baby. We’re heading back to your parents’ now. I just want to say sorry in advance. Grayson is a total dickhead, and I’m sorry I ever talked to his stupid ass in first grade.”

I can hear Grayson laughing in the background, so God only knows what he’s talking about. I find Kennedy, who’s talking to my parents’ neighbors. Most of the people Mom invited have shown up, so I want to talk to her before I have to start mingling. I give her a quick rundown of the voice mail and she starts laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“Could he possibly have been saying sorry for that?” She points over my shoulder, her entire body shaking as she laughs. I turn around and am immediately overcome with laughter.

Noah and Grayson are standing about a dozen feet away from us, Noah looking embarrassed and Grayson looking proud. Noah is wearing a pair of khaki shorts and his white Pumas, with a pair of knee-high American flag socks. He has on a pair of plastic American flag sunglasses and a red, white, and blue T-shirt. Grayson’s sporting a pair of American flag shorts with a white tee and flip-flops with a Statue of Liberty crown on his head, also wearing plastic American flag sunglasses. I can’t decide if I’m impressed, horrified, or in love. Noah looks so miserable, and I know immediately that Grayson laid down one of his dares.

Kenni and I walk over to them, trying to contain our laughter.

“Like what you see, ladies? But no touching. This masterpiece needs a drink first.” Grayson slips his sunglasses down and saunters over to the bar, waving at people as he goes.

“Seriously, Noah? Does he have a fucking off switch?” Kenni asks.

“If you find it, let me know. And if it’s where I think it’s located, do me a favor and don’t just shut it off, kick it off.”

We’re all laughing at this point, and even Noah can’t help cracking a grin.

“I actually think you look pretty cute.” I pull the sunglasses off the top of his head and put them on, giving him my best sultry look.

“Yeah, those definitely look better on you, babe.” He heads off after Grayson and I can’t help but watch him go. Damn, those shorts look good on him.

“Kenni, drink time. And after that, I am
gonna need more than one.”

She laughs and we follow the guys. I just pray they don’t do anything too stupid.

Knowing the way drunk Noah and drunk Grayson are, I’m not too sure.







“Dude, you are so lucky Aubrey wasn’t mad. I can’t believe I let you talk me into this stupid shit.” We’re standing inside, making ourselves a couple whiskey sours.

“Nah, man, no worries. That girl fucking loves you.” He takes a sip and heads outside, leaving me standing there with a stumped look on my face.

“He’s right, you know.” I turn around to see Mike standing there, a platter of burgers in his hand. I can tell he’s a little unsteady, so I put my drink down and reach out to help him.

“Do me a favor, son. Take these out to Landon, and then if you don’t mind could you meet me in the office? I need to have a word with you.” He doesn’t give me a chance to respond as he heads out of the room.

I carry the platter out to Landon, who is standing at the grill.

“Thanks, man. You’re a good guy. I’m really happy my sister met you.”

I slap him on the shoulder then head back inside. The office is located just off the living room, and I head inside to find Mike sitting behind the desk. He’s pulled another chair to the front of it and motions for me to sit down.

“What can I do for you, sir?” I lean forward and lace my fingers together.

“Well, I wanted to know what your intentions are towards my daughter.” I’m almost taken aback. This was not what I thought he wanted to talk to me about.

“I love her. More than anything in this world. More than I ever thought possible. She’s the best person I know. I want to be with her forever.”

A smile comes across Mike’s face, letting me know that he approves of my answer.

“And have you told her as much?”

“Not yet. There just hasn’t seemed to be the right moment.”

Mike leans forward and rests his arms on the desk.

“Trust me, Noah. There is no such thing as a perfect moment. Take me for example. I’m only fifty-three years old. Never did I imagine that I’d be looking death in the face at this age. I know my daughter better than anybody, and it’s easy to see how much she loves you. I know she likes to protect herself, but I know my baby girl, and I know that me dying has done a serious number on her. It’s torn this family apart, and I hate that. I have no idea how much longer I have, but my doctors don’t seem to think it’s much. I want you to take care of her, Noah. Don’t let her fade away and lose her sparkle. She needs you, even when she pushes you away. I see a lot of me in you, and if you love her even half as much as I think you do, then you’ll be all right.” I can see the tears shining in his eyes, and I know they mirror my own. Over these last couple months, we’ve spent quite a bit of time together, and it’s becoming clear how much I look to him as another father. This hurts.

He reaches into a desk drawer and hands me a small black box. My heart begins to race.

“I know you aren’t ready for this, but this is my mother’s wedding ring. My dad gave it to me right after she passed, and he wanted Aubrey to have it one day. And I want you to have it. I know I won’t be there for the wedding. I won’t be there for the grandbabies. But tell them about me. I want them to know how much I loved them, even if they don’t know me. All I want is for Aubrey to have a beautiful life. Please give her that, Noah. You’re a good man, son, and I’m damn proud to welcome you into our family.”

I can feel the tears running down my cheeks, but I don’t even bother to wipe them away. Taking the box out of his hand, I shove it in my pocket, walk around the desk, and hug him hard.

“Thank you.” I don’t know what else to say. I let go of him and wipe the tears off my face. “I’ll take good care of this.” I touch my pocket and smile at him.

“I have no doubt. Now, no more sappy bullshit. There’s a party to get back to.”

I follow him out of the office and go get my drink. My duffle bag is sitting in the corner of the living room, so I quickly tuck the ring into a side pocket and head outside, finding Aubrey standing near the pool, talking to an older couple. I make a beeline for her, just needing to touch her, reaching her in only a few strides. Grabbing her to me, I kiss her with everything I have in me.

She pulls away laughing, pushing on my chest. “Noah! What was that for?” She’s laughing, and the sound is music to my ears.

“For being the best damn thing to ever happen to me.” The smile spreads across her face and she rises onto her toes to kiss me. I loop my arms around her waist and hug her to me, breathing in her scent. Over her shoulder, I can see Mike smiling at us. I give him a smile back and look down at Aubrey. She really is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life.

“Well, I need to get the music hooked up. Be right back.” She kisses me on the cheek and then heads to the deck where she has her iPod set up. I can’t help watching her, hoping that losing her dad doesn’t cause me to lose her. She walks back over to me with a huge smile.

“I have a surprise for you, Noah.” She grabs my hand and walks me to the other side of the yard. I have no idea what’s going on.

“Surprise!” she shouts. Following her line of site, I see my parents standing there, huge smiles on their faces. I’m completely shocked.

“Mom, Dad. What are you doing here?” I rush over to give my mom a tight hug, and then shake my dad’s hand.

“Aubrey invited us. We were just meeting her parents. Lovely people. Nice outfit, honey.” Mom runs her hand over my shoulder.

“Yeah, they’re awesome people. Can you excuse us for a second?” I grab Aubrey by the arm and pull her away from everybody. She doesn’t get a chance to say anything before I’m leaning down to cover her lips with mine.

“Thank you, baby.”

“You’re welcome. I know you’ve been missing them. I’m so grateful for all your help with my dad, and I’ve been feeling bad that we haven’t gone over to visit with them. I met your mom for coffee a couple weeks ago while you were on shift. I explained everything that’s been going on, so when my parents decided to throw this party I wanted to invite them.” I can see the blush on her cheeks from the nervousness of telling me. I can’t believe this girl is mine.

“I get it, and it’s okay. I’m happy they’re here. Now they can get to know your parents and you. That was so awesome of you to invite them.” I lean down for another kiss before I drag her back over to my parents.




A couple hours later, the party is in full swing. Food has been eaten and now everyone is relaxing and enjoying the night. The dance floor Sharon rented is filled with people dancing, and Aubrey’s country music playlist is a hit. My parents are dancing together at the edge of the dance floor. Grayson is definitely loaded; he still has the crown on his head and is dancing in the middle of the group, by himself. He’s attempted the running man and the sprinkler, which are a nightmare. At one point, he grabs Kennedy and tries to get her to do the ending lift in
Dirty Dancing
, but she’s smart and refuses.

I’m on my fourth whiskey sour and definitely feeling good. I slam the rest of my drink back and head over to Grayson.

“Noah! C’mon, man! Break out those moves!” Gray grabs Kennedy and Aubrey and pushes them back a little. I stand next to him just as one of Aubrey’s favorite songs comes on. I might not sing as well as Luke Bryan but I can definitely shake it better than him, so I face away from Aubrey and shake my ass at her, cracking up when we start getting cheers and whistles. I turn around to see her and Kennedy holding each other up as they laugh. I hold my hand out to her and when she grabs it, I pull her into me.

“What? Don’t I have the moves as good as Luke?”

“Sorry, nobody does. But that was really cute.” She grins and kisses me. I throw my head back and laugh, then pull her closer. The song has ended and some slower song is playing now, so I don’t hesitate to keep her close as we start swaying to the beat.

“You and Grayson are gonna be hurting tomorrow, ya know?”

“Nah, I’m good. I know how to handle my liquor. That idiot, on the other hand, does not.” We look over to see Grayson place his Statue of Liberty crown onto her mom’s head, and then kneel down in front of her.

“Did he just try to knight my mom?”

Shaking my head, I look away. Grayson is such a jackass it’s not even funny. Actually, he is funny. I just hope everyone else thinks he is.

“I’m gonna grab him and get him some water. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I give her a quick kiss and then go find my best friend. He has now taken his shirt off and is wearing it draped across his shoulders.

“Don’t you think you should slow down, buddy? You’re gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.” I wrap my arm around his shoulder and steer him over to the coolers, pulling out a bottle of water for myself before handing him one.

“Well, maybe if Kennedy stopped brushing me off I would. That girl is a serious fucking pain in my ass, man.” He downs half the bottle and places it on the deck.

“Thought you were just friends?”

“That is bullshit and we all know it.” He finishes his water and throws it into the trashcan next to him, then reaches into the cooler and pulls out another.

“Yeah, I know. Maybe stop acting like a dumbass trying to put the moves on her and just tell her how you feel?”

“I have, dude. She wants nothing to do with me in that way. Whatever. Her loss. I need another drink. I’ll be back.” He heads into the house and I’m left standing there trying to figure out what’s going on. And that’s when I decide. No talking to Grayson about girls and feelings when we’re both drunk. I don’t have the patience for it.


BOOK: Hearts Ablaze (Hearts On Fire Series)
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