Read Healing Pleasure Online

Authors: Tonya Ramagos

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic, #Westerns, #Military, #Western, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

Healing Pleasure (18 page)

Lena frowned at her drink. “But then you can’t get to the salt around the rim.”

“Ah, but watch this.” Barbara pulled her straw from her drink and buried the wet tip in one side of a salt-covered saucer. Then she put her straw back in her drink, took another sip, and smacked her lips. “Works like a charm.”

Lena laughed. “I wondered why you asked for a saucer of margarita salt. Now I know.” She unwrapped a straw and did as Barbara had shown her.

Her father propped his elbows on the table and studied her. “Are we celebrating something Barbara and I don’t know about?”

“Not that I know of. Why?”

Her father shook his head. “I was just wondering. We rarely see you drink unless it’s a special occasion.”

Lena held up a finger. “Come to think of it, this lunch could be considered a special occasion. Not only is Barbara joining us for our weekly Friday date, but you brought me to a Mexican restaurant instead of holding me to the Thai food promise I made you when I missed last week.”

He chuckled. “Okay. I guess I’ll buy that. So, are you headed to Rescue Ranch for the weekend again?”

“No.” Lena abandoned her drink and reached for the menu. “I think I’ll try something different today. I always get the same thing, chicken chimichangas with Spanish rice and a mountain of refried beans.” She chewed her bottom lip as she pretended to study the menu, purposely attempting to evade any questions about her time on Rescue Ranch. “Maybe I’ll try the fajitas.” She looked at Barbara. “That’s what you always get, isn’t it?”

“You fell in love with them.”

Lena blinked at Barbara’s statement, noting the swirl of knowledge and happiness in her step-mother’s eyes. She pretended not to know what the woman was talking about. “I haven’t had them before. How could I have fallen in love with them?”

Barbara’s lips stretched. “Oh, you had them, and now they’ve got you scared.”

Realizing she wasn’t going to be able to pull one over on her step-mother, Lena straightened and sighed. “I’m not scared. I’m just…taking a step back to reevaluate the situation.”

She was giving herself time to calm down, to sort out the feelings and sensations Trey and Brit had awakened in her, to realize what they’d shared had only been sex, before she dared to talk to them again.

“You’re letting what happened to Mark shy you away from a relationship with this…these men,” Barbara told her, quickly correcting herself.

Sometimes, Lena really hated the fact that the counselor who’d helped her through her grief had married her father. “That’s not what’s happening. However, I will give you this. I’m letting that experience keep me from making a mistake with Trey and Brit. A Navy SEAL is the last kind of career I want my husband to have, let alone both…of…them.” The look on her father’s face had her dragging out the last of her sentence. “What are you smirking about?”

“I’m just wondering if you’re hearing yourself. Husband? Better yet, husband

Her cheeks flamed. Dear God, was that really what she’d said?

Barbara was grinning like a loon. “I repeat, you fell in love with them.”

“I did not…I couldn’t have…I was only with them for a weekend,” Lena finally managed to spit out. “You can’t fall in love with someone in two and half days. It breaks all the rules of the heart, not to mention the head.”

“Honey.” Her father stretched an arm across the table, covering her hand with his. “There are no rules governing the heart and the only ones over your head are the ones you put in power.”

Lena closed her eyes and sighed. “I knew before I ever went to that ranch I was getting in over my head. Why didn’t I listen?”

“Because you took one look at the first guy…Which one was it? Trey, right? And your heart knew even if your mind didn’t want to admit it,” Barbara said, her tone full of compassion. “And you can’t tell me there’s no such thing as love at first sight. Not when I know in my own heart there is.”

Lena opened her eyes to find her step-mother and father staring at one another with their hearts in their eyes. She remembered the moment Trey had walked into Kelly’s Diner, the way her senses had exploded at the sight of him, and the way they’d done the same when she’d fist seen Brit. Lust didn’t equal love, but time spent together could certainly turn it that way.

She pulled her drink back in front of her and stared into the glass, not seeing the pale green beverage, but a table surrounded by men, boys, and two women talking and laughing through dinner. She saw Brit’s handsome face, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he struggled to keep his anger in check when she’d asked the boys to hide his exercise equipment. She saw Trey’s green eyes darken with arousal and promises when he’d pinned her to the wall that first day. She saw both of them smiling at her as they took her on a tour of the ranch and the amusement that had danced in their expressions as they’d waited in the hallway for her to realize they’d taken her things.

They may not have shared many memories in those two and a half days, but she’d never forget the ones they had made. And she’d never stop longing to make more.

Knowing she was toast, she drank her margarita and resigned herself to the fact that she couldn’t avoid what she felt in heart another day. It was time to face the facts and return to Rescue Ranch.


* * * *


Lena moaned, her breath hitching as something satiny soft and blissfully warm swiped lightly over her clit. The sensation tingled down as the same something glided between her pussy lips with a mirroring featherlike caress before delving inside her channel. Her hips bucked, her eyes flying open as the object probed deep, slithered along the walls of her cunt, and drew back.

“Good morning.”

Trey’s rusty voice drifted to her on a gentle breeze of mounting sensuality. She lifted her head off the pillow to find her legs draped over his broad shoulders. His hands were beneath her, gripping her ass, and a devilish grin spread his lips glistening with the moisture of her pussy.

She blinked at him, shock and a lightning bolt of fear shooting through her as every ounce of sleepiness morphed into lucid reality. “What are you doing?”

“Having breakfast.”

“Having—” She started to repeat his answer inanely, but broke off when she attempted to move her arms and realized she couldn’t. She turned her head and saw he had bound her wrists with leather straps he’d attached to her headboard. Identical straps were fastened to her ankles at the ends of what appeared to be leather ropes that provided more slack than the wrist restraints.

Slack Trey had tightened by placing her legs on his shoulders and lifting her ass into the air.

“You tied me down.” Sheer astonishment had her gaping at him, wide-eyed. “How did you get in my house?”

“I’m a SEAL, sugar. I’m trained to get into places where I’m not supposed to be. Thanks for making it easy on me by sleeping naked.”

He dipped his head, burying his face in her pussy again, and stole her breath right along with any words she might have said to that. The coarseness of his slightly stubbled jaw grated lightly against her sensitive flesh as he drove his questing tongue into her opening and straight through her sanity.

Lena let her head fall back, closing her eyes as electricity sparked, exploded, and sizzled through her head. Ecstasy rained through her body in a dazzling display of colorful pleasure that tore through her system. A whimper escaped her, morphing into a cry of sheer pain-laced pleasure as he pulled his tongue back, rolled one side of her labia between his lips, and nipped. The darkly erotic sensation leapt from her pussy to her breast as a quick dart of pained pleasure shot through her nipple.

“Open your eyes, darlin’.” Brit’s lazy drawl was husky and thick with his own arousal. “Keep them open. I want see what you’re feeling while he’s eating your cunt.”

Lena forced her eyes open and found Brit on his knees beside her on the bed. Trey and his actions between her legs had commanded so much of her attention she hadn’t realized Brit had crawled up beside her. She hadn’t felt him bend down to draw her nipple into his mouth until he latched onto the bud with his teeth and sent her senses screaming. Christ, how could she not have realized he was there? More, why wasn’t she yelling at both of them? They’d invaded her house, tied her up when she’d been sleeping, and proceeded to have their dirty ways with her.

And, God, it was exactly the kind of thing she’d been fantasizing about them doing since the moment she’d driven away from Rescue Ranch.

“Help me.” The strangled plea rolled from her lips as raking fingers of fiery bliss continued to manipulate her essence. Trey’s tongue plunged inside her channel once more, settling into a rapid rhythm of fucking that drove her straight up Orgasmic Mountain.

Brit’s hands were on her breasts, his thumbs and forefingers rolling her nipples to achingly solid points. “We are, darlin’. You apparently needed some help coming back around. We’re here to give it to you.”

“No.” She said the word without a thought, her head lolling from side to side on its own accord as sexual confusion and stupendous awareness mixed a crazy concoction in her bloodstream.

“Do you want us to leave?” Trey’s hot breath fanned her pussy as he spoke against her sensitized flesh. “All you have to do is say the words and we’re gone, Lena.”

“No. God, no. Don’t leave.”

Brit dipped his head, brushed a kiss to her nose, and eased back grinning. “That’s all we needed to hear, darlin’.”

Trey returned to his work, holding her steady as he imprisoned her lower body with his hands more effectively even than the bindings on her ankles, and dominated her very soul. His hand on her ass gripped tighter, spreading her cheeks as he slipped one finger of his other hand between them. The callused pad of the digit grazed over her anus, and she froze, no longer straining against her bindings, no longer thrashing from the intense pleasures that were driving her out of her mind.

She remembered the feeling of his finger in her ass, remembered more the ecstasy he’d shown her with the butt plug, and had desperately longed to feel it all again.

“Trey!” Even as his name gushed from her throat, Brit’s attention to her breasts sent her senses whirling anew. His thumbs and fingers twisted her nipples in pressured squeezes that had her back coming off the mattress beneath her despite the bindings on her wrists holding her arms securely straight above her head. Lightning surges of painful pleasure bolted from her breasts to her pussy to her ass, only to retrace the path over and over again.

“What is it you want, darlin’?” Brit’s tone held a tenderness his fingers didn’t as he worked her nipples and molded his wide hands to her breasts.”

“More. I. Want. More.” Her struggle to breathe made each word a sentence of its own.

“Do you want more of this?” Brit released his hold on her nipples and bent forward, drawing one breast in his mouth.

“Or this?” Trey chimed in, driving his tongue in her pussy as the pad of his finger pressed firmly over her anus.

“Both. Oh, God. All of it and more.” Helpless, mindless, she fought to no avail for a control they masterfully stole from her. Somehow, she managed to lift her head, to peer down her body. The vision of two men, men she loved with every ounce of her being, ruling her body only made the moment more wickedly erotic. Perspiration gathered along every inch of her flesh as the pressure in her whom built. Her heart raced, her breaths coming in short bursts as their mouths, tongues, and hands threw her higher.

Her head fell back once more, her eyes closing despite Brit’s order to keep them open. She screamed as the orgasm ripped out of her. Mother of God, no man had ever given her an orgasm that made her scream until them.

Working in tandem, they kept it going. Trey’s tongue lapped at the cream pouring from her pussy as Brit’s mouth moved from her breasts to cover her lips. His kiss, coupled with Trey’s eager drinking, kept her body riding the wave of the orgasm until violent quivers weakened her muscles and she surrendered, boneless and spent to exhaustion.


* * * *


Trey licked his way up Lena’s body, waited for his friend to finish the soul-stealing kiss he was giving her, and then moved in to take one for himself. They stretched out on either side of her, propped their heads on their hands and gazed down at her until her eyes slowly fluttered open.

She looked at him, then Brit, and slammed her eyes shut again.

“Lena, look at me.” She was breathing hard, her flesh flustered and coated with a thin layer of sweat, but the expression on her beautiful face left him no doubt he was staring down at one very satisfied, highly nervous woman.

Her lips parted, the tip of her tongue peeking out to lick away the dryness, and his already-aching cock jumped in his pants. “I can’t.”

Brit brushed a few strands of her hair from her forehead. “Why can’t you, darlin’?”

“Not possible,” she whispered, the words wobbling with fatigue and nerves. “Muscles no longer operational and you’re only going to fuss at me anyway.”

Trey exchanged a look with Brit. They had a whole lot more in mind than fussing at her, but first they had to be sure she understood that she belonged to them. “Now, what makes you think we’d fuss at you, sugar?”

“You’ve both been calling me since Wednesday.” She still didn’t look at either of them. “I didn’t answer and I didn’t call you back. I didn’t return to the ranch either.” Her eyes finally flew open, the look in them imploring her to believe him. “I was coming back today. That was my plan when I got up.” She turned her head to Brit as if to make sure he knew he was included in the conversation. “I was going to call you on my way out.”

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