Read Haven Online

Authors: Celia Breslin

Haven (20 page)

BOOK: Haven
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Roland moved forward, but Thomas raised a hand. “Let her go.”

I grasped the handle despite its best efforts to evade my hand. It sunk under my hand and the door opened inward. Vertigo felled me, but Stella broke my fall.

When my feet decided they could support me again, I jerked away from her. “Who died and made you my caretaker?”

She gave me her signature devil-may-care shrug. “Eh, my Mistress deems it so.”

“What, you’re my bodyguard now?”

.” She gazed over my shoulder.

I knew who stood behind me. I could
Alexander’s energy curling around me like comforting hands. I pivoted and took a wobbly step in his direction. His smile distorted into a frown.

“What have you done to her?” The hot anger in his quiet statement flooded the room, making Faith gasp. None of the vampires flinched. Alexander closed the gap between us and took me in his arms. Power flared when we touched, clearing my head a bit. The world even stopped its mad tilt.

“The child is strangely sensitive to spirits,” Stella observed.

“Lightweight. It’s called being a lightweight.” I nuzzled Alexander’s chest, breathing in his fresh-out-of-the-shower scent. I wanted to pull up his shirt, lick his bare skin, take in more of his musky scent. Nibble on his nipples and work my way down. Need shivered down my spine. Alexander tightened his hold.

Time for a change of scenery. “Let’s get out of here.”

~ * ~

Outside, the misty air cooled my lungs, the marble bench froze my ass, and the concrete under my bare feet chilled them bone deep. All cleared my head and eased the vertigo. “What time is it?”

Alexander draped his black leather coat over my shoulders. “Around four.”

He helped me snake my arms into the coat’s too-long-for-me sleeves, his hands pale like moonlight against the inky darkness of his coat. Such large, competent hands, the fingers long and strong. Piano player fingers. A silver band graced his left index, an onyx triquetra adorning the middle. He fished my hand from the sleeve. When our palms touched, power pulsed, warm and comforting.

My eyes strayed to the bracelets on his wrist. One thin strap of black leather and a chunky, metal bracelet of I-shaped links. I traced the metal with my free hand. “Silver?”

“Never.” He pointed at the rings. “White gold.” And the bracelet. “Titanium.”

“Oh.” My fingers continued their dance over his accessories.

Wind gusted around the clinic, whipping locks of hair across my face. He brushed them away, tucking some behind my ear. I pressed my cheek against his palm and closed my eyes to savor the moment.

“Feeling better?”

I blinked and gave him a wry grin. “A lot better since you interrupted my undead uncles getting me drunk on brandy.”

His lips quirked, fangs flashing.

My insides quivered. “Yeah, much better.” My fingertips stroked his handsome face.

His skin showed no signs of the wounds he’d received during the earlier fight. Impressive. He leaned into my touch. My eyes zeroed in on his oh-so kissable lips. He moved closer, closer still, pausing a hair’s breadth away. My pulse skyrocketed. My stomach performed endless somersaults while bits lower clenched in anticipation.
Do it. Do it now.

Alexander let out a breath and kissed me.

A feral sound erupted from my chest. Alexander growled against my lips and pulled me onto his lap so I straddled him. How perfectly I fit there.

Made for me.

Our kiss deepened, his tongue dancing with mine, exploring my mouth. I pushed my way into his.

My core dripped and twitched for him.

Alexander groaned. He gripped my hips, grinding me against his hard length giving me the friction I demanded. He was ready. Big. I wanted him inside me.

Energy radiated from us both, swirling like a gentle cyclone. Amazing. Just as our bodies fit together, so did our power.

Faith’s words echoed through my mind.
He’s the key. The catalyst.

Hell, yes, he’s mine
, my inner voice added to the chorus.

A burst of pain speared my tongue and I stilled on his lap. I’d nicked myself on one of his fangs. Blood pooled in my mouth and I swallowed it, enjoying the iron flavor.

He pulled back. “Sorry.” A shadow passed through his blue eyes. I knew what he thought.
Will she wake up and run now?

I lavished him with a reassuring smile. “It’s okay.”

His eyes brightened and he retracted his fangs, displaying smooth, even teeth.
Wow, that is so hot
. I squirmed on his lap, earning my hips a nice squeeze.

The cut on my tongue continued to tease my taste buds with its wet pennies tang. I probed the wound and came away with blood. Alexander expelled a hefty breath, nostrils flaring, eyes fixated on my red finger. I pressed it to his lips. In a flash his teeth locked on, tongue circling, teasing, licking it clean. His touch sent electric desire sizzling from my fingertip straight to my core.

My thighs trembled. “Alexander,” I breathed.

His teeth relinquished my finger, his breath a hot caress over the wet skin. A needy mewl escaped my throat. His hand shot to the back of my head, pulling me into a bruising kiss.

“Home,” I rasped against his mouth. Any home, his, mine. We could do it in his car for all I cared. I was going to explode. We needed privacy. Now.

Alexander stood. Steel hands gripped my head and ass. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on.

Eager. Hungry. Ready.

A car pulled up the half circle drive, its headlights illuminating us. We broke our kiss. A door opened and closed, but I couldn’t look away from my man, my brain incapable of thinking beyond
sex good, sex now
, unable to give my body any useful commands.

Alexander recovered first. Our joint power pulsated around us, but he pulled his back. Once unmoored, mine sank back into my core like a sulky snake. My body quivered at the unsettling sensation.

“Breathe.” He unlocked my limbs from his neck and waist and eased me to the ground, holding my arms to steady me.

“Hey babe, sorry for the interruption,” a familiar, jovial voice called. Adrian leaned against his car dressed in one of his usual perfect suits, gray with a light blue shirt matching his eyes. He winked.

I didn’t know whether to punch him or hug him for breaking up my public display of hormones.

His eyes strayed to the vampire. “Alex.”


The two men shook hands, and Adrian looked me up and down. “Nice coat, babe. Too big though. It’s a bit cold out here for bare feet.”

He reached into the open passenger window, pulled out a black duffel bag and tossed it to me. “Brought you a prezzie.”

Inside, shiny red sneakers and a black, hooded sweater-coat, one of my favorite pieces designed by Naoki, college pal and local designer. A silk and cashmere blend, ultra soft and cozy with extra-long sleeves, perfect for chilly San Francisco nights.

Adrian’s thoughtfulness touched me, almost making up for the untimely interruption. “Thanks.” I used Alexander’s arm for balance and slipped on the sneakers. Farewell frozen feet.

“My pleasure, babe. When you told me what Stella brought over from your place, thought I’d get you something more practical. Good thing I have your house key, right?”

Adrian was showing off our intimate history. How did Alexander feel about it? If it bothered him, he hid it well. He helped me out of his coat without comment. I pulled up the hood, cinched the sash and buried my hands in the sleeves.

“So…” Sudden tension tangled my tongue.

My ex-sex-friend now platonic-friend had interrupted a hot and heavy make-out session with my new undead vampire boyfriend, and now we stood around in the wee hours of the morning making small talk in front of a private hospital whose primary clientele were supernatural spooks.

There were no normal moments in my life anymore, only weird and weirder.

Adrian pointed at the duffel. “You missed something.”


“In the bag.”

I searched along the bottom and located a cell phone.

“Brought your spare. Got the sense your other one had a little accident.”

I snorted. “If by accident you mean Jonas grabbed it and accidentally crushed it into a thousand pieces, then, yes. Accident.”

Adrian’s eyes glittered. “Yeah, he gets a little moody sometimes.”

“A little?” I threw him the bag. “Are we talking about the same vampire?”

He gave me his best naughty-boy grin and tossed the bag in the car.

“Why does he do it for you? He’s a pretty-boy, I’ll give you that, ’cause I know your taste in men. But Haven is full of pretty boys. Why him? Is it the teeth? The power? It’s certainly
not his sparkling personality.”

“Do you really
want an answer?” He glanced at Alexander, who strode over to the clinic’s sliding doors.

“Yes. Wait. No,” I shook my head. “It’s none of my business and I don’t want any sexual visuals. He’s like my uncle. You’re doing my uncle.” I wrinkled my nose.

Adrian’s brows collided. “When we spoke earlier, you seemed okay with this. Besides, he’s not really your uncle.”

“True, but he
family. I know that now.” My fist thumped my chest. “I feel it. And he’s
of years old, too. Doesn’t that bug you?”

“Does it bother
?” He cocked his head at Alexander, who pretended to check his cell phone and ignore every word we said, even though he heard every word with his vampire super hearing.

, but Alexander isn’t ancient. They keep calling him Youngling.”

“You have no idea what
even means to them,” Adrian scoffed.

“Fair enough.” This conversation was pointless. And I’d much rather be kissing said Youngling. My gaze strayed over to my guy.

Adrian gave me a wicked, knowing grin. I smacked his arm.

Alexander cleared his throat and sped to my side. “They’re coming.”

“Hey, babe? You have a little something right there.” Adrian tapped the corner of his mouth.

I touched mine and came away with blood.

“Let me.” Alexander held my chin and swiped his thumb over my lips. Shivers erupted at his touch and not from excitement. His fingers were ice cube cold.

“You’re freezing.”

He released my face. “Sun rises soon.”

“What, you turn into a popsicle when the sun comes up?”

His lips twitched. “Something like that. Low energy.”

Thomas and crew glided through the clinic doors. I kept my focus on Alexander.

“Low energy,” I repeated. “Do you mean to say you die at dawn?”

“Well, technically, I’m already dead.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ha, ha, funny. No, seriously, is something bad going to happen when the sun arrives? Will you burst into flames?”

“We are not kindling,” Jonas growled.

The sun is problematic, but you, my dear, have watched too many movies,
Thomas added in my head.

I massaged my temple. Great, back in my head. It was nice in there with only my lusty thoughts for company.


I blushed, struggled not to think about what Alexander and I were doing out here, but only thought about it more. My blush deepened.

Thomas chuckled. Tessa beamed. Stella smirked. Jonas scowled. Roland folded his arms across his huge chest and glared at Alexander. Oh geez, Roland could get in my head, too?

No. Your expression reveals all,
Jonas replied and whooshed over to Adrian. The two men shared a brief hug and climbed into Adrian’s car.

“I should go, too,” Alexander said as Adrian’s car pulled away.

No. Stay.

He hugged me. “I won’t spontaneously
combust, but I do need to be in a safe, secure space come dawn.”

Don’t go.

“I’ll explain later.” He gave me a reassuring squeeze.

“I’ve been hearing that a lot from you undead dudes.” Bone-aching fatigue and my wicked headache overwhelmed me. “Crash course in vampire basics, next time we meet. Promise?”

“Promise.” He drew an
on his chest and leaned down to bestow a soft, slow kiss on my lips.

My heart raced and my knees wobbled, but he pulled back before accomplishing any major damage.

“See you in about twelve hours.”

“Really?” My head spun from his kiss.

“Try and stop me.” His husky voice and hungry look had my knees wobbling all over again.



“Tell me why I shouldn’t smack you both upside the head right now.” Displeasure dripped from my words while my fingers drummed a cranky, staccato beat on the mattress.

Faith lay next to me on my enormous, comfy bed, eyes on my frenetic fingers.

Kai peeked at me from his hiding place behind Faith. “C’mon, Rina, don’t be mad. Vampire marks are no big deal.” He draped an arm over her waist, giving me a great view of his bandaged wrist.

My fingers stilled. “No big deal?”

. While I was enjoying sexy outside time with Alexander back at the clinic, my two manipulative uncles marked my boys. Now they were tied to my fate. And no one knew how the marks would affect them, if they would provide any protection at all. Color me downright disgruntled by this problematic turn of events.

My sullen stare sliced at his bandaged wrist.

“It doesn’t hurt all that much,” he offered.

“That’s the Vicodin talking,” I huffed.

“Where you go, we go.” Faith’s velvet voice attempted to tame my tension. “Please don’t be mad.” Watery eyes blinked at me.

BOOK: Haven
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