Grif (Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan) (11 page)

“Believe me, I’ll do my best to steer clear of them.”

“Now that you’re werecat, you’re going to learn that you have to roam. It’s not something you can deny. And when you roam, you will undoubtedly come across some of the wolf Pack. Which is why I don’t want you roaming alone, Lindsey.” He took her hand in his, claiming possession with his tight grip. “We’re going to shift and go over to your house today. Then we’re driving your car back here. I want you to stay with us for the time being.”

“But I have to work tomorrow.”

“Which is why we’re getting your car today. You could take my truck, but you need your clothes and personal stuff and we can’t drag all that back here in our teeth.”

Belinda giggled and Lindsey had to smile. Things were moving a little too fast for her, but she knew he was protecting her. Still protecting her, as he had from the first. She was confused by all the changes and the startling revelation he’d been watching over her in cougar form for the past days.

“Why are you doing all this for me?”

He cupped her cheek in his palm, looking deep into her eyes. “I have to believe the Lady had a plan when She made you cat and not wolf. You belong with us now, Lindsey, and you’ll never roam alone again.”


How he wanted to kiss her, take her down to the floor and sink into her body. But there was much to do and his little sister was watching them. Belinda was taking Lindsey’s change better than he’d expected, but she was still very dependent on him and he didn’t want to do or say anything that might make Belinda feel threatened. He knew that Lindsey would be part of their lives now on a long term basis, so he had time to acclimate his females to each other without tugging anyone’s tail—figuratively or literally.

He stood and began removing his shirt in preparation for shifting and Belinda followed suit, kicking off her clothes without embarrassment and shifting into the juvenile body of a young mountain lion. He saw Lindsey’s cheeks flush and her eyes widen and noted that she hadn’t moved a muscle from her seat on the couch. His hand went to the button on his jeans and he saw her start, looking from him to his little sister and back again.

“Munchkin, I think Lindsey is probably still a little shy about shifting. We’ll be out in a minute, okay? Wait for us by the barn. And not one step farther kitten, you hear me?”

A little growl was his answer as he opened the door for Belinda who was still too small to reach the handle in her cat form. She padded out, wiggling her tail and he closed the door after her.

“Nakedness among werefolk is not the big deal it is among humans,” he began, scratching his head as he approached her wearing nothing but his unbuttoned jeans. “It’s one of the many things you’re going to have to get used to, Lindsey. But you don’t have to shift in front of others if you don’t want to.”

“Good, then you go ahead and I’ll meet you outside.” A spark of defiance lit her pretty eyes as he watched her.

He shook his head, smiling. “Do you honestly think you can shift yet without a little coaching? Remember, the first time you woke in your fur the change was done to you. You haven’t done it yourself yet. It takes practice to learn how to do it efficiently and quickly. We don’t let our young learn to shift alone. They are supervised closely, sometimes for years, before the adults will let them shift on their own.”

“Dammit.” She stood angrily, turned her back to him and began removing her clothes.

When she was naked, he came up behind her, grasping her shoulders and rubbing soft circles on her skin. She crossed her arms over her breasts and he had to smile at her stubbornness.

“Now focus on the center of your being, right below your belly button. That’s where the change will start. Feel the pulse of your blood as it pushes through your veins. Follow the beat and listen to the rhythm. Think of the change, call on the beast that lives within you now.” He stroked his hands down her arms, gratified when he felt a little bit of silk fur starting to ripple out from her soft skin. He started his own change, keeping pace with hers as his hands began to form into paws, the palms becoming pads that rubbed over her fur.

He had to let her go as she let the change overtake her and her spine changed. He held his own change back so he could talk her through, let her know what adjustments to make, but she was doing much better than he’d expected for a first-timer.

“Think of your hands and feet, sweetheart. Think of the soft paws that will eat up the distance from here to your grandfather’s house and the way they felt last night as we bounded across the meadow.” He was gratified when his words helped her refocus and her hands and feet were better able to support her slowly changing form.

She groaned and it came out half moan, half screech. “I know this probably hurts, but you’ll get faster as you master this skill and it won’t hurt nearly as much.” He stroked the fur over her spine, noting that it hadn’t completely reformed as it should just yet. He instructed her gently, coaxing her to pay attention to each small detail of the shift, stroking her though the painful parts, privately loving the soft feel of her fur against his partially turned body.

Finally, she was completely changed and he breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes were clear and she was in control of the new, beast side of her nature. He let the cougar overtake him completely and let her watch how he changed, quickly and efficiently. She would learn by watching and by doing and he would be there, he vowed, at every step to guide her.


Chapter Seven


They bounded through the trees and meadow, eventually arriving at her grandfather’s house. Grif and Belinda both carried small packs in their teeth that held a change of clothes.

Grif and Lindsey both went upstairs, leaving Belinda downstairs. She stayed in her fur, puttering around the lower floor and investigating. She’d be content down there for a while, Grif knew. The girl was curious about Lindsey and how she lived. She’d be fascinated by her belongings and the scents that still lingered and said so much about her and her grandfather.

Knowing Belinda would be kept busy for a while, Grif followed Lindsey into her bedroom. He shifted shape quickly, showing her how it was done once more and coaching her through her own transformation. It was a little quicker this time, though he could tell it still pained her, as it would until she mastered the skill.

He rubbed her shoulders, hoping to relieve the ache of the change, focusing his energy on her. But the feel of her skin under his fingers was slowly driving him crazy. She had pulled a sheet from the bed over herself as her hands reformed, but her arms and legs were smooth and bare, peeking out from the edges of the fabric. She was sleek and soft, and so feminine. She made his mouth water.

He knew he couldn’t wait any longer to have her. He had to claim his mate. She had been raised human and he was pretty sure that would make this a little more complicated. She had no idea what
mating really meant and he had to teach her. But first he had to make her his. Now.

“Lindsey.” His voice was a rough purr next to her ear as his hands tightened on her shoulders. He turned her to face him and it was all he could do to keep from pouncing on her then and there. “Lindsey, I need you so bad.”

Her expression was temptation itself as she looked up at him and he thanked the Lady that had sent him such a woman. Her eyes flared golden for a split second, a sure sign of her excitement and the magic that still coursed through her. She wanted him too. Lindsey was his match in every way, it seemed, even if she was afraid of her new needs and abilities.

“Oh, Grif,” she whispered, drawing him closer.

He crushed her mouth against his, kissing her deeply, keeping a tight leash on his inner beast. This first time, they had to do this as humans. Not only did she not know any other way, but it was important for his kind to establish the bonds that would carry them through life in human form before tempting their darker natures by mating in their fur.

He tugged the sheet out of her hands and let it drop to the floor as he pushed her up against the wall near the door. There wasn’t a lot of time to do this, but he didn’t think either of them needed much to push them over the edge. And he couldn’t wait. Judging by her ardent response, neither could Lindsey.

There were no barriers between them. No clothes. No fabric. Just them and the love he thought they shared. For certain there was an amazing attraction. A deep sense of belonging to each other that he’d never had with any other female. He knew in his heart this female was the one meant for him and he hoped she realized it too. If not now, he’d spend the rest of his life making her believe it.

But right now, he couldn’t wait. Not one minute longer. His hands roamed over her body, loving the way she raised one leg to rub along the outside of his hip. She squirmed and moaned softly as he dipped his fingers between her legs to see if she was as ready as he was.

She was slick and hot. Everything a man could want. And she quivered against his hand as he slid two fingers into her tight opening. Her curved fingernails bit into his shoulders and he knew it was with pleasure as she kissed him even more fervently. She was in a frenzy of need and he marveled at how easily and quickly she responded to his touch. Truly, they were meant for each other. All she had to do was look at him and he was ready to take her.

As he was now. He wouldn’t make either of them wait any longer.

Grif slid his fingers out of her, using that hand to guide his cock into the hidden place it wanted to go. The place it belonged. Now and for the rest of their many years together.

He slid into her in one, long, smooth move, watching her response carefully. She was tight, but slick. Ready but fragile. He didn’t want to hurt her and he judged by her positive responses, that he hadn’t. She was with him and hell, yeah! It felt really good. The best. Better than he’d ever dreamed.

And that was the last truly coherent thought he had before his body took over, slamming her up against the wall, taking her hard as she scratched his shoulders and back, trying to draw him even closer.

She moaned and nearly screamed, but Grif smothered her loudest cries with his mouth, wanting her sounds for himself. In the back of his mind, somewhere, he was aware they weren’t completely alone in the house. Normally, he wouldn’t have cared, but he didn’t want to frighten Belinda with sounds she wouldn’t understand and might possibly think were scary.

She wouldn’t hear them up here unless they got too loud and even in his nearly mindless state, he somehow knew enough to keep control on the volume. There would come a time, he promised himself, when they wouldn’t have to hold back, and he looked forward to making Lindsey scream with delight.

And then the crisis drew near and he pushed hard into her, loving the way she gloved him and writhed in his arms. She was a wildcat and he loved her. His mate!

She came a split second before he let go and came with a muffled roar. They were together in pleasure. They were one.

Grif held her against the wall for long moments while they soared to the heavens together, then began the slow plummet back to earth. He felt tears on his skin and he drew back to look at her, concern furrowing his brow. Had he hurt her?

But no. She was smiling. They were happy tears. Or perhaps tears caused by the overwhelming nature of their pleasure. He understood. He felt the same.

Never in his life had he ever experienced anything like making love to his mate. This moment would be frozen for all time in his memory. A milestone. One of the most joyous, solemn and sacred moments of his life.

“Thank you, Lindsey,” he whispered, taking her lips in a tender kiss.

When he pulled back moments later, she smiled softly. “I think I should be the one thanking you,” she joked in a mellow tone as she hugged him, resting her cheek against his chest. She fit so well in his arms. They stood there for long moments, basking in the joy of being together.

And then he heard a noise downstairs. And it all came back to him. Belinda was down there and they had things to do.

Grif groaned. “Much as I’d love to curl up in your bed and do that again, we have to get moving.”

Lindsey echoed his groan, though in a more feminine version. Still, he could tell, the reminder of their responsibilities wasn’t popular. He had to smile. She was a good match for him. Hell, she was his perfect match. And he’d spend the rest of his life letting her know how special she was to him.


They drove back to his cabin in her car, staying in human form. Lindsey had packed up and brought enough of her things with her to tide her over for a while.

Grif installed her in his bedroom and made room for her clothes and toiletries with very little fuss. All in all, she was left with this vague impression that he was taking over her life, but she couldn’t complain. He’d been so good to her since the change. And his lovemaking…well, that was in a class by itself.

She couldn’t bring herself to regret what they’d done in her bedroom. She was more drawn to Grif Redstone than she’d ever been to any man. He was like a dream lover—considerate and rugged. Powerful and yet careful not to hurt her. In short, he was amazing.

They made love repeatedly through the night and every time was a new and exciting adventure. He took her in the bed, on the floor, perched on the dresser, bent over it, and then he let her ride him. She’d never really done that before, though she’d dreamed about it.

He’d stopped her at one point, gazing deep into her eyes. She thought he was just about the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. His hands were on her breasts, squeezing in just the right way to send pleasurable sparks throughout her body.

“Your eyes are glowing, sweetheart,” he’d said in that soft, sexy, growly voice he seemed to reserve for when they were making love.

“They are?” Her eye color was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment.

“It’s magic.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

He smiled at her, in a playful mood. “It’s okay. It happens sometimes.  Right now, I think we have more pressing matters to attend to.” He pulled her down and nipped her skin, just lightly, driving her temperature upward again.

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