Grave Insight (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 2) (17 page)


Nick smiled. “Really. You and Christy can sit far enough on the outskirts not to draw attention, and I promise to be right by your side during the fireworks display. We can have the best of both worlds tonight.”

“I don’t want to get in the way of your job.”

“You’re never in my way,” Nick said, kissing her quickly. “You might see Tara, and Christy will be the perfect alibi if you do.”

“I see you’ve thought this all out.”

“I have,” Nick said. “I’ve also built in fifteen minutes so I can kiss your lips bloody before we have to get ready and go.”

Maddie arched an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

Nick made a show about checking his watch. “Yup. It starts now.” He rolled over on top of her. “Prepare to beg for mercy.”

“I don’t want your mercy,” Maddie teased.

“What do you want?”

“Kiss me.”

“Finally, something I want to do.”

Nick pulled Maddie close, lost in her eyes and the feel of her body as she melted into him. If he’d been more aware of his surroundings, he would have noticed a shadow in the hallway.

Maude had heard everything he said to Maddie, and she was formulating a plan of her own. Maddie’s happiness was the most important thing in the world to Maude, and if she could help Nick with a task … well … that might just be fun.


“Are you guys okay with this spot?” Nick asked.

“It’s good,” Christy said. “We’re close enough to be around people, but far enough away where we won’t have to risk Marla coming by. She’ll want to be in the center of the action. She likes to torture Maddie, but she needs everyone looking at her even more.”

Nick spread out a blanket on the ground and nudged the picnic basket to the edge of the blanket. “There’s beer in there, and I’ll bring you junk food back if you want it. It will be easier if I have tasks when I’m going back and forth. That way I won’t look suspicious.”

“You’re very alpha tonight,” Christy teased, settling on the blanket. “You’re like a bundle of energy.”

Nick fixed her with a look. “I’m trusting you to keep my Maddie in your sights at all times this evening.”

Christy mimed a shocked face. “I think that’s beyond my wheelhouse. However will I manage the impossible task you’ve set in front of me?”

“I’m not joking,” Nick said.

“I’ve got it, Nick,” Christy said. “We’re going to sit on a blanket. You’re going to bring us junk food. We’re going to watch the fireworks. I’ll be with her the whole night. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I’m sorry,” Nick said. “I just … I need her to be safe.”

“I get it, Mr. Macho,” Christy said. “I won’t let the love of your life out of my sight. I promise. Chill out. You’re going to be making fifteen-minute loops. We’re going to be sitting right here and gossiping.”

Nick wasn’t convinced. “What happens if one of you has to go to the bathroom?”

“I’m not answering that question,” Christy said. “If I do, I’ll say something inappropriate. Then Maddie will get embarrassed, and you’re going to get turned on.”

Maddie blushed furiously, while Nick smirked. “Just watch my girl, and while you’re at it, watch yourself.”

Nick tugged on a strand of Maddie’s hair as he pulled her closer. “Be good, okay?”

“Be safe,” Maddie said.

Nick pulled an item out of his pocket so Maddie could see it. The Petoskey stone turtle she’d bought him a few days before stared back at her from his palm. “I have luck on my side.”

Maddie smiled. “You kept it?”

“I’ve kept them all, Maddie. You gave them to me. I’d never give them up.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Have fun. I’ll bring you food the next time I come around.”

Once he was gone, Christy fixed Maddie with a sly smile. “Oh, Ken and Barbie have finally found their way together.” She pressed her hand to her heart, mocking. “It’s so sweet.”

Maddie frowned. “We don’t look like Ken and Barbie.”

“You look exactly like Barbie,” Christy said. “Nick looks more like the modified Ken, the one they introduced in the eighties with the brown hair. Unfortunately, neither version was anatomically correct.”

“You’re not funny.”

“I’m very funny,” Christy said. “And you’re happy.”

Maddie’s pressed her lips together. “I … is it that obvious?”

“You’re practically glowing, Maddie,” Christy said. “Nick is walking around with his chest all puffed out. The sex must be really, really good.”

“We haven’t had sex yet.”

Christy was horrified. “Why not? You two have been waiting for more than a decade to do it. You need to do it, and then you need to tell me about it because I’m dying for details.”

“Nick wants to wait for a little bit.”


“He says he thinks I’m feeling too much pressure about it, and he wants us to be able to spend some time together before that’s an issue,” Maddie explained. “He wants to wait for two weeks.”

“He actually set a timetable? That’s … cute … I guess. What do you want?”

“I don’t know,” Maddie said. “I’m a little relieved, to tell you the truth. I don’t have a lot of experience – not like he does – and it feels good just to be able to touch him whenever I want.”

Christy’s face softened. “He really does know you. He knew you weren’t ready. He wants you to be comfortable with him on every level.”

“I am comfortable with him on every level,” Maddie protested.

“Yes, but you’re discovering new levels every day,” Christy said. “You have no idea what he’s doing for you.”

“What’s he doing for me?”

“If I know Nick, he wants to make sure that all of this … danger … is settled and you’re both relaxed before you take the biggest step of your lives,” Christy said. “I’ll bet he makes it special. Candles. Wine. Sensual music. He’s kind of a romantic.”

“He is,” Maddie conceded.

“So, if you’re not having sex, what are you doing?”

“Last night we cuddled up in bed and watched
The Goonies
,” Maddie said.

“Oh, it’s like you really are dating in high school now.”

“And then we kissed for a few hours.”

“Better,” Christy said. “Is he a good kisser?”

“He’s magic.”

“I think the two of you together are magic,” Christy said. “Enjoy it, Maddie. You two have been waiting a lifetime for this. You don’t have to rush anything. Just let it happen when it’s supposed to happen.”


you go,” Nick said, lowering the box of goodies onto the blanket and sitting down between Maddie and Christy. “What have you two been doing?”

“Well, Maddie told me you kiss like a rock star and you’ve put an embargo on sex,” Christy said, smiling widely.

Nick grinned. “Really?” He arched an eyebrow in Maddie’s direction. “A rock star, huh?”

Maddie made a face. “Don’t get too excited. When I look at you, I see Nickelback.”

Nick feigned a chest wound. “Oh, you know just how to hurt me.” He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll rock your mouth later.”

“Have you managed to get Charles’ fingerprints yet?” Christy asked, leaning back on her elbows.

“Kreskin is over there watching him now.”

“Don’t you think that Charles will find that suspicious?” Christy asked.

“Kreskin is with his wife, and they’re watching the band,” Nick said. “As far as anyone can tell, he’s just enjoying a nice night at the fair.”

Maddie perked up. “I want to meet his wife.”

“She wants to meet you, too,” Nick said. “We’re all going out to dinner in the near future. I promised.”

“She wants to meet me? Why?”

“Because Kreskin told her I was acting like a lovesick puppy who finally found his bone,” Nick said, his tone dry. “She’s dying to meet the bone.”

“So is Maddie,” Christy said, snickering.

“You have a filthy mind,” Nick said. “You leave my Maddie alone. Don’t push her into anything.”

“Hey, I’m the one who told her how lucky she is because you know her so well,” Christy countered. “I’m on your side. You just need to learn how to take a joke.”

Nick flicked the end of her nose. “I think you’re actually good for her. You don’t let her spend too much time in her own head. She’s never had a female friend she wasn’t related to before.”

“I know. It’s sad. Her whole childhood was you. The horror.”

Nick smirked. “I still like you around her.”

“You know I’m right here, don’t you?” Maddie was exasperated.

“I could never forget your presence, love,” Nick said. “Here. I got you a hot dog, fries, and an elephant ear. I got Christy chicken strips and fries.”

“Hey, I like a good hot dog,” Christy deadpanned.

“That’s the word on the street,” Nick teased right back. He handed Maddie her hot dog. “I left the onions off.”

“I guess I’ll survive,” Maddie said, taking a huge bite out of the hot dog. Nick leaned forward and took a bite of it from the other end. “Hey! I’m hungry,” Maddie said.

“That’s why I got two.”

“I may overdose on the sweetness,” Christy grumbled.

Nick shot her a look. “I have to go back over there. Kreskin is going to signal me when Charles finishes a drink. We’re going to try and get Kreskin’s wife to pick up the glass so it’s not too suspicious. Then we just have to bag it, and we’re good to go.”

“It’s like a television show,” Maddie said.

“Yes, it’s like
Hawaii Five-0
,” Christy said. “Only instead of defusing a bomb you’re stealing a red solo cup.”

“Okay,” Nick said, pushing himself to his feet and glaring at Christy. “You need to start drinking. Otherwise I’m going to have to gag you.” He kissed the top of Maddie’s head. “I’ll be back in time for the fireworks.”


what are you doing?”

Maude was so enthusiastic when she approached the blanket she bowled Maddie over. “Sorry,” she said, huffing out a raspy breath. “I just got over stimulated.”

That was a frightening thought. “What are you doing?” Maddie asked, looking her grandmother up and down. The woman was dressed completely in black, and she had leather gloves on – which seemed to signify she’d been up to no good. “Edna’s not locked in a car trunk somewhere, is she?”

Maude made a face. “No. That’s a great idea, though. How long do you think she could last in a trunk in this heat?”

Maddie extended a finger in Maude’s direction. “Don’t you dare!”

Maude rolled her eyes dramatically. “You need to learn how to take a joke, Maddie girl.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Christy said.

“That’s because you’re a good friend,” Maude said. “Oh, here, I brought you a present.” Maude pulled a plastic baggie with a cup enclosed inside out of her purse and handed it to Maddie.

“What’s this?”

“It’s Charles Hawthorne’s cup.”

Maddie’s mouth dropped open. “What? How? What?”

“I heard you and Nick in the bedroom earlier,” Maude said. “You need to start shutting your door, by the way. Once you two get beyond the groping and kissing phase, I’m going to be scarred for life if I see the big event.”

“So am I,” Maddie griped. “Where did you get this?”

“From Charles,” Maude said, shrugging.


“Well, Irma distracted him by rubbing her boobs against the back of his head, and then I pretended I needed a drink and I took the cup,” Maude said. “It wasn’t hard.”

“Granny, Nick and Kreskin are over there trying to get this cup right now,” Maddie said. “You’ve totally ruined their operation.”

“You mean I did their job for them,” Maude corrected. “Tell them I’ll accept payment in the form of scratch-off lottery tickets or public accolades.”

Christy chortled, while Maddie furrowed her brow. “Granny, Nick is going to be mad.”

“Why? I put it in a baggie. I followed the procedure from

“I don’t think Nick is going to see it that way.”

“Well, then kiss him until he does,” Maude said, unruffled. “He seems addicted to your lips right now. You’ve got power over him.”

“Granny,” Maddie groaned.

“He’s heading this way,” Christy said, pointing.

Maude straightened. “I need to run. I’m too pretty for prison.” She wagged her finger in Maddie’s face. “You make him see I did him a favor, and don’t you bother coming home until you do.”

Maude hopped off of the blanket and bolted into the night.

Nick was scowling when he reached Maddie and Christy.

“How did it go?” Christy asked brightly.

“I have no idea what happened,” Nick said. “The cup was there, and then suddenly it wasn’t. Now we have to start all over again.”

Maddie worried her bottom lip with her teeth. “Um … no you don’t.”

“What do you mean?”

Maddie handed him the plastic bag. Nick furrowed his brow as he studied it.

“What is this?”

“Charles’ cup.”

“How did you get it?” Nick asked suspiciously.

“I … .”

“Maude stole it,” Christy supplied. “What? I’m not going to sit here and watch you get in trouble because you don’t want to rat out your grandmother, Maddie.”

“How did she even know to get it?”

“Apparently she was eavesdropping on you two while you were rolling around on Maddie’s bed,” Christy replied. “You’re going to want to shut the door from now on, by the way. Maude is terrified she’s going to bear witness to the actual deed at some point.”

“We’re all terrified of that,” Nick grumbled. “I can’t believe she did this. Do you have any idea what this means?”

“You got outsmarted by a senior citizen?” Christy suggested.

Nick scowled. “It means we can’t use the fingerprints for a conviction if Charles happens to be guilty. We can’t prove the chain of custody for the fingerprints.”

Maddie’s face fell. “Oh.”

“It’s not like you did it, Mad,” Nick said, shoving the plastic bag and cup into the picnic basket to hide it from prying eyes. “I am going to kill her. You know that, right?”

“She says we can’t come home until you forgive her.”

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