Graham, Jan - Finding Angel [Wylde Shore] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (63 page)

“Sweetheart…why are you holding a wrench?” Christian asked, giving her a cheeky smile.

“I’m helping. Steve asked me to hold it for him,” Angel replied matter-of-factly.

Daniel stared at Steve in amusement, trying not to laugh at Angel’s convincing reply.

“What? She said she wanted to help, so I gave her that to hold.” Steve shrugged innocently. “It’s not my fault that she has no idea the thing is too big to have anything to do with the car.”

Steve opened the driver door and, leaning inside, turned the key in the ignition. The car’s engine roared to life. Angel covered her ears as Christian wailed in delight at the intensity of the sound, jumping to his feet and moving to inspect the now operational engine. Daniel had to agree, he shared his brother’s enthusiasm as he, too, moved to the side of the car. Steve looked more than pleased with the reaction of his friends.

“Oh man, she sounds like a F fighter jet taking off,” Daniel stated as Steve worked the accelerator.

“No, better than that.” Christian laughed. “He’s got her to roar like a pack of lions in heat.”

Steve killed the engine and hopped out of the car. He gave Daniel a grinning nudge before looking over at Angel, who was rubbing her head after knocking it with the wrench as she uncovered her ears.

“You described it well this afternoon, Angel. Tell the guys what you think she sounds like.” Steve smiled knowingly.

”—Angel emphasised the word sarcastically—“sounds like a very loud car engine.”

“What a perfect description,” Christian replied as he held out his hand to help Angel out of her seat.

“Why is the car a she?” Angel asked as they began to walk back to the house.

“Cars are referred to as she because cars are cantankerous creatures,” Daniel stated.

“And you usually need to spend money on them to get them to look good.” Christian smiled

“It takes a little tweaking to make them purr like a kitten. Oh and they’re good for a ride,” Steve added. “And sometimes they make you love them and then the next thing it turns to hate.”

Daniel realised Angel had stopped walking and when he turned to look at her she was staring at the three of them in horror.

“What?” Christian had a bemused look on his face.

Angel placed her hands on her hips and frowned at them all. Daniel assumed she was about to give them all a serve.

“I have no trouble expecting such Neanderthal and sexist statements from Steve, but the fact that you two were actually joining in is appalling. The petrol fumes must have affected you adversely. It’s the only reason I can think of for the rubbish that just spilled from your mouths.”

The conversation that accompanied cooking the barbeque dinner and eating it was consumed by talk of the car. Daniel watched as Angel smiled and nodded politely as they tried to include her in the conversation. She seemed expert in feigning interest in motor vehicles, and she had freely admitted during the conversation that every male she dated was a petrol head of one sort or other. She didn’t appear impressed when Steve suggested that if Angel had actually listened to the thousands of conversations she had heard over the years she would probably have been an expert by now.

“I can’t wait for Kathy to arrive,” Angel stated as she started to clean up the dinner dishes. “There’s way too much testosterone in this house.”

Angel woke early. She knew she would. She had gone to bed early. Even midnight sex with Christian and Daniel when they finally made it into bed hadn’t made the difference between waking at the crack of dawn and sleeping in. Angel boiled the kettle and made herself a peppermint tea. She poured a cup of hot, strong, black coffee, piled it with sugar, and went and joined the lonely figure sitting on the back steps.

“You’re awake early.” It was more a statement than a question.

“I’m waiting for Kathy to arrive,” Steve replied.

“Steve, it’s four in the morning.”

Angel handed him the coffee and sat down next to him. He was having a cigarette, and the cool morning air seemed to make the smoke more visible as he exhaled. Angel watched it swirl and dance before him and immediately thought of a dragon that had its fire extinguished. Angel decided he could be a dragon. He had a wild, dangerous look to him, but at the same time, despite the hard, armoured exterior, he was gentle and caring. All the movies Angel had seen that featured dragons portrayed them as misunderstood creatures who found it hard to make friends because of the fear they evoked at first sight. Steve was a bit like all of that. He had the armour of tattoos and denim and leather-clad biker clothes, and looked like nothing could penetrate the outer shell. He breathed fire when he spoke. Steve’s words contained a forceful edge, and if he felt adamant about an issue, then his words erupted from his mouth with the fire of that conviction.

The last few days had helped Angel see Steve much more clearly. Whereas before she had been confused by him, now she thought she understood him and had decided she liked him, even if he did tease her mercilessly. Spending time with him had made her realise she had misunderstood him, that her doubts about trusting him were unfounded. As they sat quietly staring out into the back yard, Angel knew she was sitting next to a strong honourable creature that, despite everything he portrayed on the outside, would do the best he could to make sure she was safe.

“You know I like you, don’t you?” Angel said, staring into her peppermint tea.

“Yep,” Steve replied, breathing out a large trail of smoke.

Steve tilted his head sideways and smiled. His blond hair fell forward, and he peered down at her with those piercing blue eyes. Angel was glad the colour had returned to them over the last few days. His face had regained its definition, and she once again admired the angular features she had come to distinctly recognise as Steve.

“I need to make a confession.” Angel noticed Steve’s cheeks flushed with colour as he continued. “I dream about you.”

“What do you dream?” Angel frowned slightly, worried at the contents he might be about to disclose.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing dirty.” Steve brushed a long curl of hair from her cheek as he continued. “I dream that people are hurting you and I can’t find you to save you. I’ve been dreaming like that since the first time I saw you, before I even spoke to you. When you disappeared, I went nuts. Until I arrived here, I hadn’t slept properly in weeks. Every time I closed my eyes you’d be there.”

Angel looked up at Steve compassionately. She returned the favour of brushing hair away from his face.

“That’s because you’re my protective dragon. For some reason we have a connection that’s beyond the everyday.”

“Isn’t that a title Christian and Daniel should hold?” Steve laughed.

“No, they are my knights, but you are my dragon. We aren’t the same species, so there’s nothing physical about it. It’s more emotion. We just know each other on some metaphysical plane…You sense me.”

“I agree we are connected. And I like you as well even though you do drive me nuts sometimes.” Steve placed an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side. “I love the dragon analogy, by the way.”

“Yeah, I thought you would.” Angel smiled as she gave Steve an affectionate nudge.

“And I am glad that you’re safe.” Steve gave her shoulder a squeeze before adding loudly, “And I’m ecstatic you are living with and loving my two best friends. That alone makes me sleep better at night.”

“So when Kathy arrives, are you going to introduce me as the woman of your dreams?” Angel joked.

“Not in a million years.” Steve laughed.

Christian walked out into the dining room to see Daniel standing quietly, drinking coffee, and staring out the door. He didn’t need to ask what had captured Daniel’s attention. He could see for himself. Steve and Angel were sitting on the back step near the edge of the deck talking, joking, laughing, and smoking.

“Oh goodie, our children have finally bonded. Are we sure they are cigarettes they’re smoking? After all, Steve is in the drug squad,” Christian joked as he went to pour himself a coffee. Seeing he had nearly drained the pot, he refilled it and started the machine once again.

“You know, for a man who prides himself on being able to read people, watching those two interact just does my head in,” Daniel stated. “They have just thrown the dregs of their coffees over each other and now Steve is chasing Angel around the backyard with some kind of dead insect I think.”

They both walked out onto the deck to get a better view of the action. Steve caught up to Angel and shoved whatever he had down the back of her T-shirt. Angel screamed and began jumping around like a lunatic as she tried to dislodge the bug from her shirt. Angel feigned an injury to get Steve to come back over to her. Once he was in striking distance she slapped his arm and told him that was the most disgusting thing anyone had ever done to her. Christian and Daniel laughed. Considering Angel’s history, Christian believed that was definitely the biggest understatement either of them had heard. They were still laughing when he heard a voice call out from the direction of the side gate.

“Steve Jax, I hope you have a good explanation for chasing a half-naked woman around the backyard.”

“She’s not half-naked, my love. She’s fully covered,” Steve protested. “I’m the one who’s half-naked.”

Steve rubbed his hands over his bare chest as he strode over to Kathy and scooped her up into his arms. After greetings and introductions were completed for Kathy and Angel, the five friends entered the house for fresh coffee. Steve and Angel’s morning antics set the mood for the rest for the weekend. It was relaxed and fun. Angel and Kathy got along well. Like Daniel and him, Kathy was also amazed at the interactions between Angel and Steve, stating she was seeing a side of him that was “new and somewhat disturbing.”

Steve and Kathy spent considerable time in the bedroom and had a couple of sessions in the dungeon as well. Apart from the quiet times alone, the five friends talked, laughed, joked, and ate their way through the entire weekend. The three men fitted the back seat to the car. Angel and Kathy insisted on christening it by smashing a bottle of champagne on its bonnet. After Daniel recovered from the possibility of damage to his pristine paint work and washed down the bonnet to remove sticky residue, they all crammed into the car and went for a short drive.

Christian watched Angel as she lay in bed on Sunday night, telling Daniel and him what she thought about the weekend. She smiled happily as she chatted and Christian was pleased that for the first time in many days she was happy and relaxed. He wondered whether she had forgotten that tomorrow she would once again be plunged back into the stress of tackling her past. Even though Daniel had to work, Steve and he would be at home with her waiting for the call from Adrian and supporting her through it. Christian assumed the more relaxed state tonight came down to the fact that Angel no longer had to try and face her problems alone.

Hopefully, by Tuesday evening, the drama she had thrust them all into would be over. Steve would go back home to Kathy, who he missed desperately. Daniel and he would be able to get back to their own work routines, and Angel would be free to stay right where Christian knew she belonged, living with Daniel and himself and officially moving into the role of their loved and cherished submissive.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Adrian stepped out of the shower early on Monday morning. The weekend had been hell. His spy in the drug squad had been suspended on Friday afternoon, right when Adrian needed him there the most. If Samuel did leave as much evidence at this mystery house as Adrian had been led to believe, then he may very well be screwed. Samuel had been loyal to the Hastings organisation for most of his life. It was only in his latter years that Adrian and he had fallen out.

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