Graham, Jan - Finding Angel [Wylde Shore] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (46 page)

“What is that all about?” Angel said to herself as she flicked to the next message.

“Where the fucking hell have you gone? I’m hearing rumours about you and the police. Don’t think about crossing me. Ring me before I’m forced to act.”

Next day:

“You have one day to contact me. I can’t believe you would be this stupid. Have you forgotten who I am?”

Twenty-four hours later:

“Enough is enough, Angel. I don’t want to hurt you, but you are leaving me no option here.”

Angel didn’t understand what was going on. All these messages were within the two-week period he had given her to find the ledger. Surely this wasn’t over the fact she hadn’t contacted him when he asked, or the fact that she hadn’t run to him and dived into his bed. Angel thought back to the reference Adrian had made about her and the police. Maybe someone had seen Steve visit her and leave with the bag of weapons. Angel had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Time’s up, you have forced me to do something I didn’t want to do. You should have trusted me instead of that stinking pig Steve.”

“Okay, so I get that you’re pissed, Adrian, but what does Steve have to do with it?” Angel spoke to the handset as if it would miraculously answer her, like it was a Magic -Ball or something.

Did Adrian think she was having sex with Steve? Was this all about Adrian being jealous? Did he know she had given Steve information? Maybe the police had gone and spoken to him about some evidence the bag of weapons had produced or information they found in the Samuel’s lockup. Angel stared at the last unopened message. She was both concerned and confused as she pressed the key to open the final message.

“It’s done. You’re dead.”

Angel didn’t know how long she had sat trembling on the lounge wondering what Adrian had done and how or who he had organised to kill her. She wondered if this changed the fact that she needed to tell Christian and Daniel. Before now it was just a matter of having some information and deciding whether that information needed to be given to the police or the drug lord. And if it was given to the police, could they ensure her protection? And what if Christian got involved? She knew he would. He could end up facing off against Adrian and making himself a target of Adrian’s hatred as well. She couldn’t put the men she loved in danger, and Adrian was definitely dangerous. As much as Angel knew Christian would try to protect her, her doubts remained. Adrian was just too powerful.

The messages changed everything. How could she tell Christian and Daniel that it was only a matter of time before she was killed?

Shit, this is such a mess.

Angel wondered if she should ring Adrian. After all, if she explained that she had the ledger but was just away on holiday, then maybe she could talk him out of killing her. It was a long shot but maybe worth a try. Then again, Angel had no guarantee that talking to Adrian wouldn’t make things worse. There was always the possibility that if Steve was looking for her he may have a trace on her mobile. The last thing she would need would be for Steve to show up and cause trouble. God, Adrian obviously thought there was something happening between them already.

Angel stood up and began to pace back and forth in front of the sofa. Maybe she should ring Steve. He was obviously worried about her. Did he know Adrian had decided to kill her? Angel looked at Steve’s last message again.
“I can help if you call me.”

Maybe he could help. But could Angel trust him to look after her best interests and not use her to his own ends? At first Angel had been unsure if Steve was legit. Adrian had so many people on his payroll, including police. Why else had Samuel gotten away with so much? He had never been convicted of the crimes he committed, and he was definitely as guilty as hell. Even Adrian appeared untouchable. Despite her initial doubts, Angel had decided Steve was exactly what he seemed, a cop trying to bring Adrian and his drug empire down. If bringing Adrian down was his main agenda, did that make her expendable? Once he got the ledger, would he actually care if Adrian killed her or not? After all, Angel couldn’t testify to anything except that both Adrian and the police wanted the ledger. She knew nothing else that she could testify about.

Angel wasn’t the kind of witness that could bring Adrian down. Yes, Adrian had made threats against her, but even those were cryptic and vague at best. Angel only knew that he meant to kill her because she knew what Adrian was like and had known what Samuel got paid for. No, she definitely couldn’t harm Adrian. Unfortunately, Adrian obviously believed that she could.

He wouldn’t think that if he got the ledger and the cops didn’t. Take away the threat, make everyone safe, and stay alive.
Angel stood motionless, staring at the wall. “Could it be that easy?” Angel asked out loud.

“Well, it depends on what you’re talking about.” Daniel’s deep voice startled Angel so much that she screamed, involuntarily jumped, and dropped her phone.

Angel hadn’t even heard Daniel arrive home. She had been so deep in thought that even the car pulling into the driveway and the sound of the key in the front door hadn’t penetrated her senses.

“Well, that wasn’t the welcome home I was expecting. I didn’t mean to scare you, baby.” Angel gave him a fleeting smile, collected her mobile off the floor, and returned to the couch to pack up her laptop and place them both on the coffee table.

“Are you all right?” he asked as he walked over and kissed her gently on the forehead.

“I am now you’re home.” Angel pressed her body into his chest, allowing him to enfold her in his arms. Angel wanted to stand there forever. She needed to feel safe and loved, which was exactly how being in both Daniel and Christian’s arms was made her feel.

Daniel stood holding Angel. He didn’t know what was bothering her, but he knew there was something wrong. The fact that he had startled her didn’t concern him. That could happen to anyone. The fear he saw in her eyes as she turned around to see him standing in the foyer had sent a chill to his very core. She was terribly pale, and even though she was comfortably resting her head on his chest receiving the hug that he offered her, Angel was trembling. Something had her spooked, and he needed to know what it was. But first Daniel decided to hold her close until she felt safe again.

“I need to start dinner,” Angel mumbled into his chest.

“I thought I could take you out for dinner. Christian isn’t home till late, so it’s just us tonight.” Daniel didn’t let go of her as he spoke.

“I want to stay here. I can’t go out.” Angel wrapped her arms around Daniel’s waist and pressed in for a closer hug.

“We’ll order pizza,” he stated, wondering why she thought she couldn’t go out.

“I don’t want you to go back out and get it.” Angel spoke into his chest once again.

“They deliver.” Daniel chuckled as he spoke.

“Good,” Angel replied and pushed away from Daniel, forcing herself out of his embrace.

Daniel watched as Angel picked her laptop up off the coffee table and carried it into the office. He went to the phone to order dinner. As he ordered, Angel emerged from the office, walked to the front door, and turned on the porch light. He was surprised to then see her check that the front door was locked before heading to the back door and doing the same. Once she had ensured both doors were secure, she stood watching him at the end of the kitchen island.
Something has definitely scared her.
Daniel completed ordering the pizza and hung up.

“Are you going to shower before or after we eat?” Angel asked him with a smile.

“Well, pizza will be forty minutes, and if you’re offering to come and have a shower with me, then yes, I’ll do it before we eat.” Daniel took Angel by the hand and walked her to his bathroom.

“I thought I asked if
were showering. It wasn’t a package offer.” Angel laughed as Daniel started to strip.

“I have a package offer I think you might like,” Daniel stated, looking down at the erection that had been released from his pants. “So strip or be stripped.”

Angel watched as he stepped into the shower recess and turned on the water. She slipped out of her dress and underwear before joining him.

“Your offer is just too persuasive to decline,” she stated before reaching up to kiss him.

Daniel ran his hands over her supple body, lingering at her breasts before allowing his hands to continue down over her hips and arse. He released her mouth from his kiss and smiled as she picked up the soap and started to lather his body. He breathed in deeply as her hands caressed his chest and as she pressed her breasts against him before stretching her arms around to spread the soft soap over his back and arse cheeks.

“You have the gentlest touch, my love.” He groaned as she stepped away slightly and ran her hands down his thighs before sliding them back up to cup his balls with one hand, gently massaging them.

Daniel hissed in a breath as her free hand slipped around the girth of his cock and stroked it tenderly. She watched him as the bubbles of soap rinsed from his body

Angel knelt in front of Daniel and licked the engorged head that presented itself to her. She ran her hand along his shaft again, letting the water clear it of any remaining soap before sliding it into her hot mouth. Angel moaned in unison with Daniel as she tasted him, her tongue rimming his head before running firmly down his shaft.

Daniel slid his fingers into her wet curls and began to thrust slowly into her mouth. He felt Angel slide her tongue along the base of his erection and swallow at the head of his cock as it hit the back of her throat. Daniel moaned loudly as Angel allowed the motion to be repeated, sucking against each withdrawal and swallowing at each deep thrust.

“Fuck, Angel, that is so good, but I don’t want to come in your mouth tonight, baby.” He withdrew his cock from her mouth and raised her up to a standing position, pressing her back against the cool tiles.

“I want to come inside your cunt, feeling your body pressed against me, your breasts sliding against my chest, and seeing the pleasure float through your eyes as you come with me.” Daniel kissed her mouth passionately as he cupped the base of her bottom and slid her upward, his hardness sliding against her until it reached the mound of her pussy.

“Mmm…You say just the right things to turn a girl on.” Angel locked her legs around Daniel’s waist, his hardness pressed against her wet opening.

“Do you want me to fuck you hard and fast or slow and easy?” Daniel asked before leaning down to suck one of Angel’s hard nipples into his mouth. He heard her moan and felt a shudder run through her body as his tongue caressed the hard nub squeezed gently between his teeth.

“I want you to do more than fuck me, Daniel. I want you to make love to me.” The request was surprising to Daniel but something he was more than willing to oblige her with. His cock slipped along the entrance to her cunt, nudging at her hole temptingly.

Daniel raised his head and kissed her tenderly. As his tongue began to ease its way into her mouth, he pressed against her body and allowed his cock to enter her. His mouth muffled Angel’s moans of pleasure as her pussy stretched around him, taking his full length and girth with one easy, slow slide. He moved slowly at first, gliding in and out of her wet opening, listening to her soft moans, her breath against his mouth. As he released her mouth Angel bit gently at his bottom lip. He growled in pleasure as he increased the pace of his stokes.

Daniel loved the way Angel’s pussy clenched around him. She ran her fingers through his hair and gazed into his eyes. Angel’s breasts raked against his hard chest, her nipples budded tightly and her cunt was so wet the slide in and out was effortless. As he stared into her emerald eyes he felt like he was standing on the edge of a precipice ready to fall into it. His hand gently cupped the side of her face, and she nestled into it with a soft sigh of delight.

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