Graham, Jan - Finding Angel [Wylde Shore] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (17 page)

“Look at me please,” he instructed in a firm tone. He waited for their eyes to meet before speaking. “There are used condoms in the rubbish. Do you have the rest of the packet, or did he?”

“He did.” Angel’s answer was barely audible.

“Where?” Christian looked around the room.

“In his bag, I think. I’m not sure,” Angel responded quietly.

Her gaze followed him as he walked over to Gavin’s bag and retrieved the condoms. He picked up Gavin’s wallet, removed some receipts from the restaurant where she and Gavin eaten dinner. He picked up the mobile phone on the dresser. She saw the wry smile appear on his face and heard him clear his throat slightly before making eye contact with her.

“I’m assuming you must be Sexy.” He held the phone toward her so she could see the display.

Angel shrugged at him in embarrassment and looked away as Christian pushed delete. Angel waited near the door until Christian had finished with the mobile. She sat in silence as Christian drove them both away from the motel. She didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or grateful…She decided to be a bit of both. Staring out the car window, Angel pondered what both men must think of her. From the little she knew about them, she had observed that the brothers were both reliable and upstanding members of society with conservative views on family and fidelity. Whatever they thought about her, Angel assumed it was no longer good. She was sure that any hope of Christian and Daniel still being interested in knowing her had been totally blown away.

The car finally stopped in the tree-lined driveway of a beautiful classic colonial-style home. Christian opened her door, holding out his hand to assist her out of the car. Angel was feeling weak, totally drained from the morning’s events. She stepped out of the car and allowed Christian to lead her into the house. With his hand in the small of her back, he guided her to a plush leather sofa in the living area of the house. Angel sat silently as he left to collect her bag from the car, returning shortly after. Angel watched as he began busying himself in the kitchen. He began talking to her as she stared at him over the breakfast bar.

“I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened. I understand you didn’t know the man you were with was married. You said that at the motel. I didn’t say anything before because the morning’s events have shocked me a little. I guess this is what Max meant when he said you can be prone to reckless behaviour. I realise people lie and can be very deceptive, but you need to develop the skill of knowing who to trust and who not to trust. I understand that you have only just met Daniel and me, but Angel, we are some of the trustworthy people in the world. Whatever is happening in your life, you can talk to us about it. We will help you, just like we’ve done today.”

Still too emotionally drained to speak, Angel watched and listened with interest. Christian finished what he had been doing in the kitchen and returned to the sofa carrying a tray.

“Do you understand what I’m trying to say, Angel…You can trust us. We will help with whatever you need help with. And if it’s sexual relief you need, then we can help you with that, too.”

“I really need to go to the train station, Christian. I don’t want to be getting home in the dark,” she said. “I’ve been way too much trouble already today, and I don’t want to bother you any further.” Angel had heard what Christian had said, but she didn’t know what to say in return.

“Sorry, but I’m on strict doctor’s orders.” Christian smiled at her as he sat down. “You’re to stay here. I’m to give you something to eat and drink, try and get you to have a sleep, and to keep you safe until the doc comes home. So, no train station for you!”

Angel looked at the tray and saw two chicken-salad sandwiches and two mugs of hot drink, possibly tea by the colour of them. “I really don’t think I could eat anything. I feel a bit sick actually.”

Ignoring her words, Christian held out one of the sandwich plates. “Be a good girl and try.” He smiled. “I don’t want to have to spank you.”

“Yes, Master,” she replied as she took the plate from him.

As she stared at his cheeky grin, all she could really remember from their earlier conversation was
sexual relief.
He was just too sexy.

“That’s my good little sub.” He laughed, picking up his own plate and beginning to eat.

“I’m not actually anyone’s sub at the moment. In fact, I’m not really anyone’s anything. Especially after today,” she stated as she took a bite of sandwich.

Christian sat, observing her as she ate, wondering how the hell did she not figure out the guy was married. And if she wanted sex, why didn’t she just fuck them? God knows they had both given her plenty of opportunity. She’d said she wasn’t ready for a relationship. Maybe that was the key, as they had both made it clear they wanted something more than just sex. Christian laughed to himself. How ironic, the men wanting more than just sex and the woman not being ready for a commitment.

“I really can’t eat anymore.” Angel’s words broke into his ponderings. “It’s nice, but I can’t fit it in.” Christian stared at the half sandwich still sitting on her plate.

“Well, lucky for you I still have room for some more.” He winked as he picked up her leftovers, finishing them off in no time flat.

Angel kept her eyes fixed on him.

“So do I get a spanking?” Angel asked, giving him the most wickedly sexy smile he had seen in years.

Christian stared at her in surprise. Flirting, she was actually flirting with him. Christian decided he had been right with the assumption he’d made after their phone conversation. Flirting was her fallback position if she thought she was in trouble. She’d probably learnt the skill when she was younger and had refined the skill over the years. Her emerald eyes sparkled as he stood to carry the plates back to the kitchen. God, she was beautiful. He’d been semihard since he’d picked her up from the motel, and God knew he’d love to do more than spank her. Unfortunately, though, not today and not without Daniel. Christian and his brother had both agreed after meeting Angel their first time with her would be as a threesome.

“No, you don’t get a spanking. You ate. I didn’t say you needed to eat it all,” he replied firmly. “Besides, I think Daniel would enjoy being present for your first spanking, don’t you?”

“I assume so. He’s told me often enough he’s going to spank my so-called beautiful arse…But maybe today has changed his mind. He was angry at the hospital. He didn’t yell or anything, but I knew he was angry with me. Not that I blame him.”

“I doubt he’s changed his mind.” Christian held her gaze, determined to gauge her reaction. “But you have given him plenty of reason to whip your arse.”

“What do you mean? I’ve been a good girl ever since I met you two.” Angel batted her eyelids at Christian as she spoke.

“A good girl?” He raised one eyebrow rose in amusement as Angel sat on the sofa attempting to look innocent. He watched her nod sweetly instead of answering him.

Christian walked over and stood, glaring down into those gorgeous eyes. He leant over her and placed his hands on the back of the sofa, forcing Angel to lean back and focus directly on his face.

“I just helped you clear out a motel room where you had obviously spent the night before and, I assume, part of this morning having sex multiple times with a married man. So…” He paused. “Why would a
girl be involved in something like that?”

“Ouch.” Her voice was soft as she attempted to avert her eyes and break free from Christian’s intensive gaze. “That’s an emotional spank if ever I’ve had one.”

“You’re welcome,” Christian stated soberly. “I must say I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.” He sat down next to her, hoping he hadn’t ended their little tête-à-tête with his sharp words. As he looked at her, he realised flirting as definitely over. She couldn’t even meet his gaze, and she now had a frown on her face.

“How do you know we had sex multiple times?” Her eyes now fixated on a point near her feet on the floor. “And where did you learn how to do all that ‘check under the bed, take the garbage, remove my contact from the mobile phone’ shit, anyway?” she asked, almost as an afterthought.

Christian wondered what kind of mess she would have ended up in if Daniel had not been at the hospital and if he’d been on duty and out of town.

“Well, firstly, I counted three condoms in the trash, plus the one I collected from the corner of the shower recess, so you had sex with him four times.”

Christian watch as the frown deepened, creasing her brow as concern filled her eyes, but he continued talking.

“Secondly, I’m a cop. I’m used to crime scenes and looking for evidence of foul play.” Christian smiled, hoping she would say something cheeky back in response, but Angel continued to frown.

“Five,” she said, lifting her gaze to stare straight at him.

“Five what?” he asked.

“Five times, we had sex five times,” she stated, biting her bottom lip. “Oh God, I’ve left a condom behind.” Tears started to roll from her eyes. “Oh God, his wife will find it and know what he was doing. She doesn’t deserve that. It’s not her fault.” Christian pulled her close to his chest and tried to comfort her as the tears flowed.

“It’s okay. The cleaning staff will find it when they clean the room, so it’s all going to be okay. There’s no trace of you in the room. Besides, maybe it will be good for her to know. She can kick the cheating prick’s arse when he recovers.”

None of Christian’s words seemed to make any difference as she continued to sob. By the time Angel stopped crying, she was nearly asleep, her face buried into Christian’s chest, fingers gripping his shirt tightly, like if she let go she’d fall off a cliff. He gently rubbed her back until Angel finally relaxed, falling into a deep sleep. Laying her down on the sofa, he rested her head on a cushion and grabbed a light woollen throw to cover her shapely body. He was pleased she had fallen asleep. She needed the rest to recover from her morning’s ordeal. Apart from that, it stopped her from seeing the effect being so close to her had on him. He walked to the bathroom with an erection firmly enclosed in his jeans.

“At least I know how to deal with this problem,” Christian muttered to himself as he closed the bathroom door.

Chapter Eight

Daniel arrived home not long after : p.m. He was happy to see that Christian had been able to persuade Angel to sleep and that he was still watching over her. Christian rose from the chair where he was sitting, reading a book. As he approached Daniel, he pointed toward the bar, asking the silent question,
Do you want a drink?
Daniel nodded, and Christian grabbed two beers from the bar fridge before making his way over to the dining cove where Daniel was already seated.

“Fill me in,” Daniel asked quietly, opening his beer.

“She had something to eat and drink. She’s been pretty quiet. I did get some conversation out of her, nothing much about what happened today, though. She did tell me she didn’t know he was married, and I believe her. According to Angel, the first time he mentioned having a wife was right before his heart stopped. Anyway, I thought she was going okay when she started having a bit of a flirt with me, but then she got upset again when she realised that we may have left a condom in the motel room. Needless to say, her emotions have been up and down. She ended up crying herself to sleep. That was about three hours ago now.”

Daniel nodded as he listened to Christian continue the briefing.

“We got everything from the room. I deleted her name from the guy’s cell phone, deleted any messages sent and received between the two of them, asked the staff to clean the room before the wife arrived, et cetera. I can’t believe I didn’t spot a stray condom. I was thorough. I figure she must have miscounted the amount of times they’d fucked.”

Daniel reached into his pocket a pulled out a blue hospital glove. He tossed it toward Christian.

“She counted correctly,” Daniel said as Christian looked inside the glove to find a used condom. “She left it on him.” Daniel’s voice was flat. The thought of another man screwing the woman that he and Christian had set their hearts and minds on made his blood boil.

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