Golden Crown Series 02: The Twin Dragons (12 page)

” I said half out of breath and he reached down and placed his thumb on my clit and started to move it slowly as he continued to fuck me.

“I am going to come,
” I said to him as he grinned and fingered at my clit quicker.

“Fuck….” I started to scream as the orgasm drove through me, tightening my pussy around his cock and then making my stomach rock hard. I stopped breathing as I arched my back and squeezed at my nipples as hard as I could, bringing just a tiny bit of pain with the unbelievable pleasure he was giving to me.

He moved in and out of me as the orgasm prolonged itself making me light headed in the process, then it started to fade, but he was still moving in and out of me. I rolled him over and smiled as he was not allowing himself to come and I knew it now. I turned on top of him and allowed my pussy to rest right above his lips as I placed my lips on his cock and shoved it into my mouth, I sucked slowly at first as he leaned up and shoved his tongue into my quivering pussy. I moaned as he started to work me into another orgasm, but I was so intent on making him come, I really wanted to give him the gift he had given to me. He started to grab at my ass, as his moaning became louder and I rose up and spit on his cock, rubbing my palm over the tip of it and then started to stroke it with a bit of pressure. His stomach tightened and his cock twitched at my lips. I smiled and continued to suck on it, alternating with my mouth and my hand, making him tremble as I brought him closer and closer to climax.

He suddenly flipped me onto my back and brought his cock to my lips, I opened my mouth willingly as he took his fingers and spread my pussy open so he cou
ld slip three fingers into it. He leaned down and licked at my clit, he sucked on it, making me moan with his cock buried deep in my throat. He fucked my mouth faster and faster as I reached up and let my hand run along his shaft. He started to cry out at my clit, the vibration of his voice bringing me to my second climax as he came into my throat and I swallowed every bit of what he had to give.








Chapter Sixteen


Cas stood on the street and waited patiently as August arrived in the stretch limo. He took a breath, placing a fake smile on his face as August stepped out and Zoey followed him closely.

“Hi Cas,
” Zoey said as he glanced at her quickly.

“Hi,” h
e said as he looked back to August.

“I thought we were going to do this alone
, August?” he asked him and August narrowed his eyes.

“Zoey is awesome at picking shit out, better than me. Trust me, she will rock.”

Zoey stared at him and then pointed towards the car.

“I can go.”

August shook his head.

“No, I want you here,” h
e said as he looked back at Cas. Cas decided to be agreeable, because it would do no good anyway. Once August had decided on something it was going to happen regardless of what anyone else wanted.

“It is fine,
” Cas said and Zoey smiled.

“Oh good,” s
he said as she walked past them and into the store. Cas hesitated while he stared at August. August raised an eyebrow.

“What?” he said and Cas shook his head.

“Nothing, I have a headache.”

“You are
being rude,” August said as he walked past him and Cas watched him enter the store. He turned back to the Limo as it rolled away and decided to go in.

They stepped in and August smiled as he looked up and saw the different levels. Each one was
sectioned out specific to an era as this was the premier store for the theater. No one was able to shop this place but the elite, and of course they were just that. The store’s owner approached them all with open arms as he grinned.

“Look at the Bittermend boys, growing so fast!
” he said as he hugged both of them and Zoey smiled.

Cas and August pushed back
and the man smiled. He touched their faces and then waved his arms around the store.

“It is at your command.”

“I need black cloaks,” Cas said and the man stopped and looked at him.

“Like Satanic robes?”

“Yes, with hoods.”

“How many?” he asked and Cas looked around the store.


“Oh!” he said and Cas smiled.

“Wrong place?” Cas asked him and the man stopped smiling as Cas looked a bit aggressive and cold.

“I have cloaks
, just not that many.”

” Cas said as he turned and the man called out.

“I can have them made.”

Cas stopped and turned back as August and Zoey played in the boas and he watched them for a moment.

“When do you need them?” the man asked and Cas ignored him. He stepped up and touched Cas
on the shoulder and he grabbed his wrist and held it tightly in his hand. The man looked frightened but Cas lightened his grip and then a small smile broke the seriousness of the situation.

” Cas said and the man laughed, but quickly stopped, as Cas did not.

“This Saturday?
” he asked, and Cas nodded to him.

“Can you do it or not?” Cas asked him and the man nodded.

“I also need masks,” he added.


Cas nodded and the man watched him as Cas let his wrist go free. He then looked down and was silent for a moment.

“Cas?” t
he man said and Cas remained still. “Cas?”

Cas looked up and his demeanor had changed from harsh to softer again.

“Hello,” Cas said, and August returned with a pink boa around his neck and Zoey had a purple one.

“I will have your order made and delivered before Saturday.”

“What?” Cas asked him.

August hit him with the feathers in his face and Cas started to laugh loudly.

“Stop,” Cas said and August hit him one more time for fun.

“I was just telling your brother that I will have his order delivered by Friday afternoon.”

“Perfect,” August said as he leaned in.

“I am Cas, that is August,” h
e said and the guy stared at him in confusion.

August laughed and hit him with the boa and the guy then started to laugh too. The three of them walked out and the man stood there shaking his head.

“Fucking rich kids,” he muttered as he turned and held his phone up to his ear.

“Listen, get your ass down here, I have an order that is about to kill me, no…no. I don’t give a fuck is it is your kid
’s birthday, get down here now.” He hung up and sighed.



I woke up in my bed completely naked and on top of my sheets. I turned slowly and then saw the light and knew it was morning. I rubbed my hair and then almost peed myself as I heard Ryan’s voice. I
scrambled to cover myself up with the sheets as he leaned in my doorway and grinned.

, Beth? I have known your pussy for a very long time.”

I sighed and looked around the room, so happy to be in my o
wn, and not with Mani. How I returned to my bed was a mystery, but I also knew that the fucking continued on into the wee hours of the morning and drinks had too. I rolled over and smiled as I held onto my sheets at just the thought of Mani inside of me. I don’t remember ever being this way, even when Ryan and I first started to torture each other. I guess it was just that, I was not out to hurt Mani in anyway. This was completely new territory for me and just as quickly as the schoolgirl giddiness came so did the small amount of dread. I slid from the bed and let my feet touch the cold floor as I wrapped the sheet around myself.

“So you sleep naked
, huh?” Ryan asked me and I sighed and walked towards my private bathroom. I stopped at my door as he spoke to me again.

“I kno
w what you did,” he said, and I turned to look at him.


“You should just let me fuck you, Beth. You don’t have to do it yourself.”

“Who says you do it better?” I said as I opened the door and closed it behind me, sighing once he could not see me. I then ran to the large mirror and opened the sheet up to see a few light bruises from the romp I had been on with Mani the nigh
t before. I closed it, hoping Ryan was not observant in any way. Suddenly, I felt like I had something special to protect again, almost the same as when the boys were small and needed guidance. Perhaps this was my only gift in life, the ability to truly care for someone on a level I had never been shown how to. I had been shocked when I stepped into the role of mother so easily with the boys, and now, even as I know they will leave me, I may be trying to fill the void with something new. I cannot be sure yet, but what I do know is that the way Mani made me feel was unlike anything I had ever had before, and it might be my new drug.

I turned and looked at my prescription and
then decided to ignore it today. I think for once I would like to just be wide-awake in this house and allow it all to happen to me, as it should. I know I am treading on new ground here, but something switched on in me, a burning desire to be alive again and I could never thank Mani enough for that.

“Oh shit,
” I muttered as I dropped the sheet and ran to my closet. I scrambled to grab anything to put on and ended up wearing one of my many button downs with a pair of high-waisted pants that had 6 buttons on the front in rows. As the years had gone by I found myself attracted to vintage things, my Mother always wore outfits that could have easily placed her in the 40’s and I find I am so like her in that way.  I tucked my shirt into the pants, not even bothering to grab a bra. I rarely wear one anyway. I stepped out, placing my hands on my hair and pulling it up quickly, twisting it and clipping it in place. I walked to the door of my bathroom and hesitated for a moment and then decided to keep going. I stepped out and Ryan was still standing there, grinning at me.

“That was fast,” h
e said, and I sighed and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

“I am hungry.”

I started to walk past him and he spoke in an even tone.

“He is not here.”

I stopped and glanced at him.


“Yes, he told me to tell you that he would be happy to attend the party this weekend.”

” I said as I tried to not show my disappointment.

“He interests you,
” Ryan said as I turned and placed a hand on my hip. He looked down at my feet and smiled.

“You forgot your shoes
, Beth.”

I looked down as he walked by me and I felt a bit of aggravation rising up in me. How dare he mention anything to me and so what if Mani did interest me? Ryan had been fucking the staff for well over a decade and never once did I say anything to him about it. Something made me feel as if speaking up was exactly what I needed to do so I turned as he was walking away from me.

“And what if he does?” I called out and he stopped and turned to me. His expression was not one of anger; in fact I was not quite sure what he was thinking. He turned his body and watched me closely.

“I guess I should remind you that we are married
, Beth.”

I laughed and he didn’t.

“Since when, Ryan?” I asked him and he stepped closer to me. “You know, part of being married includes fucking. I don’t recall a lot of that going on the past 16 years or so. Maybe I want more, Ryan,” I said to him and he stepped even closer and leaned up to my ear.

“I am always ready to acco
mmodate you,” he whispered, and I stepped back and looked towards my room. I looked back at him and shook my head.

“You bore me,
” I said as I walked into my room and slammed the door. Ryan stepped up to the rich wood and placed his hand on the door as he stared at it. He reached for the handle as I stood on the other side, feeling the wood too, but he quickly clenched his fist and walked away. I could hear his shoes against the wood. I cracked the door and he disappeared around the corner as I sighed and closed it again.


The man sat in the study and held a shiny disc in his hand as Ryan smoked, staring out the window. He let the smoke leave his lips slowly and then turned to stare at him as the light played off of the silver case in his hand.

“Did you watch?” Ryan asked and the man grinned and leaned forward, placing the disc in both hands and rubbing on it slowly.

“Not for pleasure, just to monitor the situation.”


“Would you like for me to pop it in?” the man asked. Ryan sighed as the man was obviously trying to bother him.

Ryan stepped up to him and held his hand out as the man lifted the case to him, but kept it right out of reach. Ryan reached for it and the man jerked it back. He cleared his throat and Ryan walked to the phone on the desk and picked it up, he spoke slow and deliberate.

“Transfer the money,” he said and then he hung up as he looked up at the man again.

The man smiled and pulled his own phone, pressing a button to bring up his account and when the alert popped up he grinned and placed it back into his pocket. He tossed the disc onto the desk and it slid a few inches and then stopped as Ryan placed his fingers onto it. He stared at it for a moment and then raised his eyes to meet those of the man.

“So, when am I to take care of this situation for you?” he asked and Ryan sat down and held the disc as he stared at it.

“I have not decided yet.”

The man laughed and Ryan let the disc fall. He leaned back in his chair.

“I mean, a million to watch that sweet ass get o
ff is fine with me,” the man said, as Ryan suddenly stood and slammed his fist against the desk. The man grinned and remained still.

“So she fucked him,
” Ryan muttered and the man leaned forward.

“I mean, what did you expect? You left them here alone, it was storming and let me tell you…that man rode her like a…”

“Shut the fuck up!” Ryan yelled at him as the man closed his mouth.

Ryan steadied himself and then stared at the man for a moment longer.

“I would like you to be here on Saturday,” Ryan said and the man nodded to him.

“I am assuming you knew this would happen.”

Ryan relaxed a bit and sat back down in his chair.

“I know wha
t I did, I just believed she would…”

“What? Not fuck him?” The man asked as he stood up and started to walk towards the door.

“Just be here on Saturday, 11pm sharp,” Ryan said. The man placed his hand on the handle to the door and then paused, he looked back at Ryan and shook his head.

“Women are whores, every god dam
n one of them, the sooner you understand that shit, the better your life will be.”

Ryan waved him out as he lit another cigarette and stood up, turned
to the window and looked out at the garden. He watched as I walked through it slowly. He took a long drag from his cigarette, holding in his rage. He glanced at the disc and then back to me as he grinned.

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