Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters) (3 page)

“Where to?”


“Deena, it’s not safe over there.”

“Of course it is
, Cam. I’m reporting on the withdrawal of troops. How it’s going to affect not only us but the Afghans as well.”

“I don’t like it. Tell them to send someone else.”

“I will not. This could be the story of a lifetime,” Deena said stubbornly.

The waiter appeared with their order, and Cameryn held back her retort as she attacked her food. When her hunger subsided, she started on Deena again, desperate to get her point across.

“Would you rather have a life to live or be the story? You know there are still terror cells over there that have it in for us. I know your job means a lot to you, but I can’t help worrying.”

“Cam, I’ll be fine. Other journalists have been there
, and nothing happened. Have a little faith.”

“I’ll try.”

The two women grew quiet as they finished their meals. Cameryn could feel herself relaxing after sipping the last of her Jack and Coke.

“I’ve got some news to tell you.”

“What is it?” Cameryn asked sitting up straighter.

“I’m engaged! Matt asked me to marry him, and I said yes!” Deena said excitedly, holding out her hand so Cameryn could see her ring.

The ring was a pink diamond cut into the shape of a heart, surrounded by white princess-cut diamonds. The heart-shaped pink diamond had to be at least ten carats.
Damn. Matt must have a sugar mama Deena doesn’t know about to afford something like this. Last time I checked college professors weren’t millionaires.
Cameryn leaned across the table and kissed Deena’s cheek.

, sis! When did he pop the question?”

“This morning and you are the first person I’ve told.”

“Why didn’t you tell Mom first?”

“Because I knew you’d need advance warning so you could prepare yourself to be my Maid of Honor.”


, you. Who else would it be?”

“One of your bubble
-headed friends like Meagan or Tori.”

, stop arguing. You’re it, and I am not taking no for an answer.”

, Deena. I’ll be more than happy to be your Maid of Honor,” Cameryn said, smiling widely.

“Perfect. Now we have to get started with the wedding planning. You’re not off the hook with that either.”

“Deena, give me a break. Let Mom help with that. I’ll just show up on the big day.”

“Not happening. Now I hate to rush off, but I have so much to do. I’ll call you soon,” Deena said rising and putting money on the table.

“Wait, Deena,” Cameryn said rising, too.

“What is it
, sis?”

Cameryn grabbed Deena and hugged her hard.

“I know I may fuss and grumble about all this girly stuff, but I really am happy for you. You’re a wonderful woman, and Matt has no idea how lucky he is to have you. He’d better treat you right, or Daddy and I are going to break his kneecaps,” Cameryn said wiping away a stray tear as she looked at her sister.

“Don’t cry
, Cam! Now you’re making me get all teary,” Deena said as she wiped the tears from her sister’s face.

“I don’t cry often. Allow me this small moment,” Cameryn said returning her sister’s gesture and wiping Deena’s tears.

“Okay. Now I’ve gotta go. I love you,” Deena said kissing her sister’s cheek, before rushing off.

“I love you
, too, sis,” Cameryn called after her.

Cameryn smiled as she threw a few extra dollars for tip and motioned their water over to collect the money. Deena was getting married. It was just another chapter in her sister’s fairytale life.
Cameryn wasn’t bitter. A little jealous? Absolutely. No one could deny that Deena was a wonderful, considerate human being who deserved love and happiness, but Cameryn couldn’t help but wonder when someone would finally feel that way about her. Cameryn’s love life was nonexistent, and it didn’t look like it was going to change anytime soon, leaving her once again in her sister’s shadow.


Chapter Three


Cameryn woke at ten the next morning. It felt so nice to sleep in once in a while. She was usually in her office by no later than eight-thirty, but after the emotional rollercoaster she’d experienced yesterday a day off was in order. Besides, it wasn’t like she felt like doing much anyway. She reached for the remote on the bedside table and turned on the TV. It had been a while since she’d been home on a weekday. She had no idea what was usually on. There had once been a time when soap operas dominated daytime television. Those days were long gone. Reality TV had taken over. She channel surfed for a minute until she came to the Hallmark Channel. They were having a
Golden Girls
marathon. She’d always loved that show.

Setting the remote down, she fluffed her pillows and relaxed. In all honesty, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d taken a day off. With Deena’s upcoming nuptials she was fairly certain that she wouldn’t be getting much rest anytime soon. She was happy for Deena
. She really was. Even though biologically they were not related, Deena had always treated her as if they were blood sisters. With all the adoption horror stories in the news, Cameryn realized how blessed she was to have been adopted into a family with two loving and giving parents, but also a sister who readily accepted her. Yes, her life had been great, but she could freely admit that she was jealous of Deena. Her older sister had lived life in a protective bubble. Everything had always gone right for her. She was never without friends or a date. She’d never even gone through an awkward teenage stage.

Cam on the other hand, hadn’t been so lucky. She’d had a terrible case of acne. Guys had run in the opposite direction
, and she’d never been very popular. Most people thought she was some Emo chick because she wore a lot of black. That wasn’t the case. It was just what she looked best in. Cameryn realized that she was just being petty, but she couldn’t help it. She was entitled to a moment of self pity, and she was choosing to take it now. She had to get herself together to help with the wedding planning. No doubt her parents were over the moon. Their perfect princess was about to become a bride.

Cameryn scoffed at the bitterness she could feel welling back up in her throat. Her parents and her sister loved her unconditionally. She needed to put these foolish thoughts out of her mind. Her train of thought was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

“Cameryn Kane.”

, Cam. It’s Jake.”

, Jake. What’s going on?”

“Nothing much. Just calling to check up on you and let you know Dylan Phillips gave a full confession.”

“I appreciate it, and that is great news about Dylan. I hope it sticks.”

“It should. We went by the book even though we all wanted to beat the shit out of him.”

“A few
well-placed hits would’ve been the least that sick fuck deserved.”

“I won’t argue with you there, but I don’t need any allegations of police brutality. I’m just going to have faith that justice is going to prevail.”

“That’s what we all hope for on a daily basis.”

“You working today?” Jake asked.

“No. Believe it or not, I am taking a rare day off.”

“Sounds nice. Lord knows I wish I could take some time
, but the precinct is already short on cops as it is. We’re all pulling double shifts.”

“The city needs to get off its ass and hire some more officers. You guys are going to run yourselves ragged.”

“Sure you don’t want to join the precinct and give us a hand? We definitely could use you.”

“No thanks. I like my private investigator work just fine. And besides, I like being my own boss.”

“I can’t argue with you there. Listen, Cam, I was wondering if sometime you’d like to get together and grab a bite to eat or catch a movie.”

“Like a date?” Cameryn asked already knowing the answer.

“Well yeah.”

“Jake, that’s really sweet and I’m beyond flattered, but I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“Why not? Is there someone else?”

“No. It’s just that we work together from time to time, and I don’t want to mix business and my personal life. I hope you can understand.”

“I get it. No hard feelings
, Cam.”

“Good because I’d really hate for things to be awkward between us.”

“No worries. We’re good. Well I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Of course. Take care
, Jake.”

, too, and Cam, you’re going to make some guy really happy one day.”

, Jake. Talk to you later.”

, Cam.”

, Jake.”

Cameryn ended the call bewildered. Where in the world had that come from? She’d had no idea that Jake was remotely interested in her. In a few moments of weakness she had checked him out appreciating his good looks
, but that was as far as it had gone. Jake was a cool guy and a hell of a detective but she was on a hiatus from dating. Cameryn threw off the covers and made her way to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she was going to order brunch from that delightful French restaurant down the street. Today was her day, and she meant to enjoy it, carbs and all.



“Well this is a surprise. What brings you to my domain? It’s a long way from your palace in the clouds,” he said with a note of bitterness.

“You and I both know why I’m here. There’s no need for this idle chitter

“Well contrary to what you think
, little brother, I have no idea why you’re here.”

“If that’s how you want to play it, then let me spell it out for you. I’m warning you not to interfere.”

He smirked at his younger brother and got up from his black throne. From beneath hooded eyes, he regarded his brother. Even though he was the eldest, everyone deferred to his younger brother. That had been the case for eons, and nothing was going to change that. Unfortunately for his baby brother, he was not one of the hanging sycophants he was used to. He had his own domain, and here he was Lord. His golden-haired, blue-eyed brother would not intimidate him here or anywhere else.

“Hmm. I still have no id
ea to what you’re referring,” Hades said, antagonizing his brother, Zeus.

“Leave the girl alone.”

“I haven’t done anything.”

“But I know you’re planning to do something.”

“And what would that be?”

“You want her for yourself.”

“If I did it’s not a crime.”

“If you acted on that desire it would be.”

“Well since I don’t plan on doing anything, I must be innocent.”

“Don’t lie to me
, brother. I know you. I know that you’re lonely, but the girl is not the answer. There are others who would be glad to ease your loneliness.”

“So you say.”

“I implore you. Leave her be. She has a life that she’s happy with.”

“You have no idea how she feels. You don’t know a thing about her. She’s as lonely as I am, and she’s searching for something. Something she’s not even aware of.”

“And you think she’s searching for you?” his golden brother

, and I mean to give myself the chance to find out.”

“Even if it means upsetting the balance of nature and toying with fate? Is your desire for her that great?”

“I swear on the River Styx that I will do nothing intentionally to disrupt the natural order of things in my pursuit of her, but if a situation presents itself to me, I will take full advantage.”

“You have sworn an unbreakable oath.”

“I’m well aware of that. You have to admit that she is divine. Nothing like her mother at all.”

“Indeed she is not. Is that part of the allure? Getting back at her mother?”

“That unfaithful bitch has nothing to do with this.” Hades could feel his irritation rising. His youngest sibling knew just how to push his buttons.

“If you say so. I just want you to remember what happened the last time a woman was involved with you.”

“I don’t need reminding
, and if I were you I wouldn’t take such an accusatory tone. Part of the fault lies with you as well.”

“I am well aware of the part I played.”

“Good. Then you will admit that after all this time, I deserve a proper mate.”

“I would not begrudge you that
, brother. You among all of us have suffered the most. I would caution you. Sometimes your methods of wooing a woman are not the best.”

“And yours are? Seducing maidens as a swan or a ray of light. Yes, manipulation and deceit are much better methods of wooing a woman,” he said with sarcasm.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I’ve never had any complaints.”

“I guess our sister’s complaints about your infidelity don’t count.”

“Not when she’s on the receiving end. We can’t all be unfailingly faithful like you, Hades.”

“You could be if you wan
ted to, Zeus, but you’d rather be a cad than to practice a little self control.”

“Why deny myself when it is so readily available?”

“I will never understand you, brother. You have everything and are never satisfied.”

“That is the way of a king, especially the King of the Gods.”

“If you say so, Almighty Zeus,” Hades said cracking a rare smile.

, brother. Until we meet again.”


Zeus disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving Hades alone. Alone, like always. He ruled over the largest domain of all his brothers. He had riches at his fingertips, but it meant nothing. Riches didn’t matter when there was no one to share them with. He’d sworn an oath to get Zeus off his back, and he meant to abide by it. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. Cameryn Kane was going to be his, one way or another.


The breakfast from Bella’s had been magnificent.
Cameryn could eat their strawberry stuffed crepes all day. It felt so good to indulge. She’d worry about working it off later. Today was her lazy day, and heading to the gym was not in her plans. At this particular moment she was curled up in bed reading the newest Jackie Collins novel. Nobody could write them like Jackie. After Jake’s surprise call, she needed a distraction. Part of her was starting to feel guilty about turning him down. He was handsome, and they had a great rapport. There was a great possibility that they would have hit it off as lovers, but she wasn’t prepared to take that chance. If things went sour it would greatly damage their working relationship. Besides, after her string of bad relationships the last thing she needed to be doing was dating anybody.

Chase Roberts
had been the first in a line of mistakes. She’d met him just after graduating from high school. Six feet three inches of pure muscle. Star quarterback and fine enough to make her weak in the knees. It had been beyond her wildest dreams to have someone like him be interested in her. Chase’s attention had been everything she’d ever wanted. It hadn’t taken much for him to convince her to surrender to him completely. That had been a mistake. She’d realized that when she’d caught him in bed with one of the cheerleaders. So much for first love. She’d been devastated. Her father had wanted to load Chase full of buckshot for cheating on her. Reluctantly, she’d talked him out of it. Dean was a protective father, and no one was going to hurt his girls if he could help him. She loved him for that.

After that she’d taken some time to concentrate on getting her investigator license and opening her business. Two years in she’d decided to give dating another chance. That was when she’d met Mark Johns, a Sports Law professor at the local university. At first she’d been hesitant about getting involved with him, but something about his self assured manner convinced her. Cameryn had been so sure that Mark would be completely different from the young playboy Chase. The sex had been amazing
, and it had been nice

to have the attention of such an accomplished man. Unfortunately for her, Mark had been another mistake. She’d caught him having sex with one of his students in his office. Instead of being embarrassed or apologizing, he’d invited her to join in. She’d cracked him in the head with a paperweight and walked out.

Another lesson learned. Another mistake made. Cameryn had learned enough. She’d sworn off men and concentrated instead on using her gift to solve as many cases as she could. Deena had tried on numerous occasions to set her up on a blind date, and she’d always resisted. It had been a long time since she’d been with someone. There were some times when she got lonely. Who was she kidding? Most of the time she felt lonely. Having a weird gift like hers tended to keep you at least a little bit aloof from even your own family. She wasn’t naïve enough to believe that Prince Charming existed, but she couldn’t help hoping that someday there would be someone who would love her, strange powers and all.

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