Read Gathering Storm Online

Authors: Jess Parry

Gathering Storm (23 page)

“Well, as we were leaving, the old woman slid this ring on my finger saying it was to protect me” she whispered. “Then when we got back to the main street I looked back and the store was gone, it was an empty building” rushing through to finish that part as Jason’s eyes widened

“Why the hell didn’t you say something Siobhan?” Jason said voice slightly rising

“I don’t know it was like this feeling just popped up to keep quiet” Siobhan said still keeping her gaze down

“Can I see the ring?” Shawn asked

Siobhan lifted her hand
in Shawn’s as he leaned in for a closer look

“There’s writing on it, but I don’t know what it says” Siobhan said

“It’s Gaelic” taking a breath before continuing “Le mo ghrása mise agus liomsa mo ghrá” His voice
on a musical tone as he said it

“And what the hell does that mean?” Sarah asked

“I am my beloveds and my beloved’s is mine” Shawn said looking up at Sarah

Sarah blushed
looking quickly
away from Shawn; Siobhan had caught the look they had shared between them before Sarah had quickly looked away. A smile spread across her face, who knew coming to Ireland, her best friend would find love.

Coughing louder than needed Jason reached over to take the ring off Siobhan’s finger. His fingers touch
the ring,
it starting
, hissing Jason pulled his hand back.

“Jesus that thing just shocked me” he said putting his finger up to his lips

“Wait, what?” Siobhan asked looking over at Jason “How can that be, Shawn just had his hands all over it”

“Well my hands aren’t in the mood to pull your clothes off” Shawn said as he winked at Sarah “That’s probably why it didn’t shock me”

Turning to Jason “You on the other hand…” he didn’t bother to finish.

“Oh come on, that is just fucked up!” Jason yelled as he jumped up off the couch “Take the ring off Siobhan”

Siobhan reached down to pull the ring off, but it wouldn’t budge. Twisting the ring every way it wouldn’t slide off her finger. Jumping up she ran to the bathroom pressing the hotel dispensers of soap onto her finger. Twisting it under the water, she let the soap wash off
her hands
walked out into the sitting room holding her finger up with the ring still there a tear sliding down her cheek.

“That’s answers that” Shawn said as he rose

“What do you mean that answers that?” Sarah asked

“We’re taking a trip to the country” Shawn said
glancing at
Siobhan “We need to speak to my grandmother”

Walking over to Sarah
bent down
her softly on her lips then turned back to Jason and Siobhan “I have to run home and get some clothes, I’ll be back in an hour, then we’ll catch the train”

“No” Siobhan said as everyone turned to her, taking a breath “My dad gave me this credit card, I think it’s time I start using it. I’ll call the concierge and see if they can arrange a car for us”

“Oh can you see if they can get one of those cars that go really fast?” Sarah asked with a wicked grin

“Silly, those only seat two and it looks like we are four” Jason said shaking his head and chuckling

Shawn ran his hand through Sarah’s hair then headed to the door as he stepped through he called out “See you in an hour”

Sarah went back to her room
grab some clothes, while Jason did the same. Sitting on the couch alone, Siobhan finished her coffee, picked up the phone
the concierge. Twenty minutes later, Jason and Sarah came back into the room using the extra room card that Sarah still had.

“I was able to arrange for a car
to be
brought over to the hotel, since we don’t know exactly where we are going, they set it up as a rental” Siobhan looked up at Sarah before continuing “I hope Shawn can drive”

A short time later, there was a light knock at the door
signaling Shawn’s return,
Sarah jump
up to answer it. Shawn walked in,
dropping his small bag, he pulled Sarah to him kissing her smartly
on the lips.

“Hey um…do you by chance have a license?” Sarah asked Shawn

“Aye, I do why?” Shawn asked

After relaying what Siobhan had told Sarah and Jason, Shawn looked at Siobhan, his eyes widening. Smiling, Siobhan reached into her purse and pulled out the shiny black card. Whistling low Shawn shook his head
looking back
at Sarah.

“Aye and is yours that color?” he asked quietly

“Pleeease…mine is gold” Sarah said
squeezing his
hand “Can we go now please?” Sarah asked looking a little worried

Shawn held the door open
the girls walked out followed by him and Jason. Sarah grabbed Siobhan’s hand walking a little faster to give them a slight distance from the boys.
Tossing her arm around Siobhan, she lowered her mouth to Siobhan’s ear.

“Oh hell Becky, what am I going to do if the fact I’m rich ruins things with Shawn?” She whispered softly for only Siobhan to hear

“Then he isn’t worth it” was Siobhan’s retort “But honestly, given everything that has happened with us in under
hours he’s still here…” taking a breath “I think that says something”

“You’re right, but god Siobhan, the boy touches me and it’s like a bolt of lightning runs through me” Sarah hissed “I’ve never felt that with anyone, not even Pete” 


Hearing her friend describe the sensation of Shawn’s touch, brought shivers through Siobhan, she closed her eyes to the on sought of emotions that crept up. She thought of Jason and how even though she loved him, she never felt that connection that her best friend was feeling for a boy she barely knew.

Doubt started weaving into her thoughts, was Jason the one she was meant to be with? Was it because they have known each other since they were babies
for their
spark to be dim? Shaking the dark thoughts out of her head, she squeezed Sarah’s hand as they entered the elevator
hitting the button for the lobby

The concierge informed them the car was outside at the valet lot and to simply let the valet know they were ready
hey would bring it around
to them
. Thanking the concierge they headed outside to the valet station.

“There is supposed to be a car for me, Siobhan Gallagher” Siobhan said to one of the guys standing at the station.

Nodding, he reached down and opened a door that had a seat of keys, grabbed one,
promptly saying
he would be back
before he
took off around the corner.
They stood silently at the bell station, lost in their own thoughts, waiting for the bellman to return with the car.
A shiny black BMW pulled up
, the car sat idling purring
the same valet jumped out.

“Damn that looks just like your dad’s Siobhan” Sarah said

“It’s the newest 5 series” Jason said absentminded
over to the driver side
in to pop the trunk. They boys lifted the few suitcases they had, shu
Shawn got into the driver seat.  He let out a little sigh as he sunk into the comfortable leather as Sarah slid into the passenger side
Jason climbed into the back with Siobhan.

“Everyone ready?” Shawn asked as he pulled his seatbelt over his shoulder
it in.

“Let’s get this party started” Sarah said



The engine purred to life a
Shawn eased the car out into oncoming traffic.
out of the city
, they fell into a hushed quiet as the car moved around the congested streets.
Siobhan had wanted to see the
, so was happy they had to go there
to talk to Shawn’s grandmother. In the back, Siobhan scooted over to Jason laying her head onto his shoulder. Reaching over he ran his hand down her face
her chin up to kiss her lightly

“We’ll figure this out” he whispered

Sooner than Siobhan thought they were driving through the country side, she looked out the window to see rolling hills of green passing them by. Shawn wasn’t out for a Sunday drive, but he also wasn’t racing to get to his grandmother’s. He was driving with one hand on the wheel
the other was holding Sarah’s hand as she rambled on about living in Chicago.

He would nod his head every now and again to let Sarah know he was listening, but didn’t offer much conversation back. Siobhan watched them for a few minutes
that she was intruding on a private moment, she looked over at Jason. He had taken the bandage off and she could see the black string of the stitches ma
king four little X’s just above his eyebrow. It had a faint purple bruise
to it,
her heart hurt thinking if that piece of glass had gone just a little further down. Shuddering at the thought, Jason pulled her tighter into his embrace. Settling into the warmth of his body, she closed her eyes
to sleep.

The moon was shining before her; Siobhan was walking barefoot along the path. She had snuck out of her parents’ house
every few minutes to look back to see if a light came on. Soon, she was far enough away, that she knew she was
alright; she started
walking faster on the path following the moons light.
to the entrance to the woods, it was so dark in there she couldn’t see the fireflies glow when they went in.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the darkness. The air was cooler the deeper in she went
she shivered wishing she had grabbed her wrap before leaving home. Suddenly, everything went quiet, the evening noises were silent, and a chill crawled up Siobhan’s back. Looking around, she didn’t see anyone
continued on
at a slower pace
. As she passed some of the fe
rns near her feet
shook slightly, she stopped and looked around again.

Calling out she waited for someone to answer…silence, even her voice just moments ago seemed to disappear into a void. She took another step and heard the rustling again, she stopped
down to her knees shaking. She looked around wildly trying to locate where the sound was coming from. Exhaling a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, she greedily gulped in the cool evening air.

She stood up and started running as fast as she could
, she heard the pounding of feet following behind her
. The canopy of trees overhead had blocked the moon, so she tripped over the roots rising from the ground. Her side growing tight, she pushed on
over a root she had missed. She fell hard
enough she
felt her teeth rattle. Pushing herself back up, she pressed herself to go just a little further.
She didn’t dare look back, but she thought she could almost feel the breath of her attackers on her neck. A deep chuckle rumbled from the bushes a few feet away from her. Stumbling, she caught herself before she fell again; pushing herself to the left she closed her eyes and ran blindly.

She raced out of the woods into a clearing; leaning down she greedily took deep breaths. Her breath came out in light wisps as she stood up
to look
around. It was a large clearing, a field of wild flowers swayed in the evening breeze. She didn’t remember ever seeing this place before on her travels.

The noise of the night had start
around her
. Now that she was out of the woods
the moon once again bathed her in its glow. H
er eyes widen
saw hundreds of tiny lights blinking everywhere in the field. She heard laughter and music playing softly, she looked around trying to locate where it was coming from. Stepping further into the clearing, she stopped as she watched a beautiful black horse racing out from the opposite woods. It ran towards her at an alarming speed. Frozen in place, she couldn’t move her feet to get out of the way of the baying beast. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips.

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